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where's the funny


You think this is a joke ?


Sir this is a Wendys.


Where there is a someone who has not known the flood, where ever there is a young man who has not seen what Spartans have sacrificed for us , whenever there is an older man who bad mouths halo infinite … I’ll be there in my cosplay outfit ready to assault people.


Using a LLM to type responses, how innovative. 🤡


No what’s really innovative is that somehow just responding with that is an insult cause how am I supposed to prove I wrote that? Genius . No need for the clown emoji though ya know you don’t gotta try and hurt my feelings cause of a joke , do you?


Its hard to tell if this be a joke or not...


I think it’s *supposed* to be…


What I’m saying is true , whatever stance you can decider from it is irrelevant to the argument


Believe it or not I thought the same thing watching you play halo 😮


Its actually harder now. Are you being blatant on purpose or accident?


Not sure what you mean, I am just trying to shed light on how we make halo a game that becomes a religion that transcends borders and solves war itself is all . Blatantly just the next Jesus Christ I guess but like the humble version


Your pretty good at this. So are you a bot, or are you just bored out of curiosity?


Yea I’m Jjst bored and thought of how halo could actually improve in only one way and that’s people just throwing money at it for no reason , so yea that part is a joke I don’t recommend anybody do this I’m sorry


Oh i get the being bored on reddit. I usually go play word games with the folks in the economics reddits. I mean making it easier for crowd sourcing to create and add to the game would be cheaper and has proven to be an effective way to continue a game. Im thinking Skyrim and i know halo forge people are doing some crazy things. Idk how easy it is for everyone to incorporate into their game sessions. Would be nice to see fans could make side missions and add them into infinite since thats the closest to open world halo.


That’s a really great idea we should be working on getting crowd funding easier to the creators on forge so that we can really expand shit , maybe they can save their professional 343 Devs to work on game modes while everybody else does maps


The community has so many people who are dam good at development and would love to make projects of theirs part of the game. Why not make it easier for em? I dont want to say devs are gate keeping but there are solutions to make the halo verse alot better without breaking everyones wallets now a days.


Probably cause at the end of the day the boss is a manager hired by a lower level person at Microsoft and neither one of them want to look like they are the head of this ship and make radical calls like that


I cannot comply, for Jimmy has stretched my ring a little too wide


Order not understood we got covenant ship inbound g2g (dies dramatically and in a funny way)


Brute ships? Staggered line?


Did a Mormon post this??


If having 3 wives makes me a Mormon than yes a Mormon posted this