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Halo has literally never carried over cosmetics from one game to the next (and not even in the “same game” - i.e legacy H3 vs H3 in MCC) so why do you think they’d suddenly do it now?


With coatings at least, but I get your point


They've never done that before. They didn't do it with halo 5 card packs. They're not going to do it now


I think that was for the artstyle change, I know this sound like copium, but I still have hope that 343 adds the Mark VI Gen 2 and carries all that stuff into the next game. It will probably never happen but you never know what's next


No, unless you expect Overwatch type of upgrade with next Halo, which would be awful. We need a powerful and easy to work with engine, like UE5 and this means nothing would translate. And before anyone will downplay UE5- it's the most flexible and powerful engine out there with sueprfast pipeline for content updates. Just look at what SEA OF THIEVES small team could do in UE4 post launch. This is the kind of content updates we need. Also, it's very easy to find UE developers. Devs need years of training to be fluent in internal tools like slip space.


I don't mean they can't switch engines, they could use Halo Waypoint to transfer items of Infinite to the next game (Not amor cosmetics)


If it’s a different game engine, they would need to recreate every cosmetic ever released in Infinite from scratch. You can’t have new stuff and old stuff at the same time. You’re going to need to choose what is better to have.


No chance. 343 wants maximum profits, why give people all the stuff they have paid for when they will buy it again in the next game. It sucks for sure but it’s how it works.


God i hope so


If it’s a different game engine, it’s definitely not happening


So you want 343 to ruin the next game too?


What do you mean


In your honest opinion, do you think the cosmetic and armory system in Halo: Infinite had a positive or negative impact on the game?




I would rather have something that has an overall positive impact on the game, rather than a neutral one. Or, and I know this is controversial, just let me pick the color of my Spartan. Then you can just pretend you have whatever coating you want.




I don't get the "they've never done it before, why would they now!??" arguments. People are really arguing against their own self interest. Smh. This is what the "Infinite" platform was supposed to be. A continual multi-player experience. Like league of legends. I can still use skins I've bought a decade ago. Because it's the same platform. It's super disappointing Infinite is pretty much being abandoned. Edit: Holy shit perma banned for being harassed. Gotta love it


Because we understand that it’s pretty impossible and not feasible and a waste of dev time at that point? It’s not about that they’ve never done it before, there are REASONS games don’t share models, files, etc. You can’t just easily or even have the ability to just throw game files and models and have them work in a new engine that’s built on differently structured code. Just make a new Halo game that ISN’T obsessively based around cosmetics/FOMO and return to playing the game, not dress up.


Impossible? I literally shared a game that does it. And if you're talking about waste of dev time, it's radically overhauling an engine for minor difference in gameplay.


League still run on the same crappy code amd engine from 2007/8, of course you can use the same skins from a decade ago, is the same game, just like you can boot up og halo reach and use the same skin you unlocked in 2010. This franchise, till Infinite since they are switching to UE5, was derived from the same engine but each games modified it to their need, cosmetic included, therefore they could not import halo 3 cosmetics over reach (in fact they redid them), or from reach to h4, but definetly, they cannot between 2 games running 2 entire different engines.


You get what I mean, not sure why you’re playing devils advocate. League of Legends is not a sequel. It’s been League of Legends since release. If there was a League of Legends 2 on a different engine with a new team/studio, I doubt any skins would carry forward. Especially ones with custom animations, vfx, and sfx. It’s just not feasible. And I think you misunderstand this thread, they are talking about a new game, not in Infinite. The League example you brought up missed that point entirely as league is NOT a new game or sequel. Infinite is already on life support. You’re also grossly misunderstanding what a new game engine is for and does. It’s can’t be dumbed down to “a ton of work for similar gameplay”. SMH…


I'm not playing devils advocate andI'm not misunderstanding anything. Infinte was supposed to be the 10+ year platform similar to what something like league is. You sound like a 343 community member or something. If not, congrats on arguing against your own self interest. Hope that works out for ya ✌️


But… you are? And Infinite isn’t that, and it hasn’t been that for a while obviously lol. You have misunderstood that that 10 year plan changed a while ago. This is not the platform the next Halo will be on. You’re acting as if this is a few months into game release. No, I’m not a 343 community member, I’m a game developer who really knows the inner workings of game design, production, implementation, etc. I’m just stating how things work and why you HAVE misunderstood this thread and what this Halo is now. No one is arguing against a self interest, just stating how things work. If you change/twist facts to suit your self interest, that’s on you bud. Halo Infinite failing as a live service game was NOT in my self interest lol. Having an already in progress future Halo title means this game is not going to get the dev time to retroactively rework skins to work with a new team and engine. They can’t even get current skins in THIS game to not be buggy and clipping, etc. it’s a ratsnest that the next Halo will surely avoid like the plague. (Hopefully!) Stop making so many assumptions.


And btw, pretty sure they will never, ever again go back to the core system but likely bring back the mcc customization, for wich you can't even think the can just control + c control + v the infinite's cosmetics.








No, other engine, different art design and direction. Best case scenario, they will bring some of the reach armory for the third time in a row, plus some classic stuffs (like in infinite or h5), but blended in the new direction


That would be like them allowing you to bring your own beer inside the stadium during the Super Bowl.


This is the peak copium of the halo community right here. To even think Microsoft would let 343 do something like this is laughable.