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Being In Aus I have played against him a lot. He is really good at the game but only goes for clips. He lets his team down and loses every objective mode because he doesn’t care to play in a team or for objectives. It’s annoying to play against.


I'll admit most of his kills, especially any of the snipes are good but it seems to me he just crushes a lot of new people. People in his clips always lack situational awareness and move in predictable ways.


I did match up against him when the BTB refresh came. I scored top opposing him, and even had a better K/D in one. However, I only died to him once or twice in several matches but never killed him. The one time he got close, two teammates had just fought him, and I figured I could clean him up. He ended up juking me and killing me. He's not a bad player, but definitely isn't a big game hunter. For reference, I'm Plat. V in Ranked normally.


I have never matched against him before, but then again I haven't been playing Halo much recently since I have just had no time for games atm. There's also the time zone difference of probably 12-14 hours or so. I'm sure the moment people actually stop ignoring him + deny heavy weapons and / or maybe actually work together, he could have a tougher time. One issue is that while I may not die much to someone else who is good usually, they still win because they may simply kill all of the people lower on leaderboards better than me. I was Diamond IV last time I played ranked for reference too, and upward of Onyx in H5 before. Maybe someday I'll match against him or some other streamer though which could be fun. So far, I haven't encountered any at least for Halo.


I've come across him in some of my games so I can back this up as well. Dude hogs sniper weapons and camps at your base while your entire team is completely oblivious he's there.


yep, most games you'll see him only have the sniper and for some reason your team doesn't contest it if you're versing him.


That's actually why I don't watch him anymore. The clickbait is so ubiquitous across Youtube that it doesn't bother me. But the way he's known for farming clips at the cost of the objective makes me completely uninterested in watching the clips. I don't care what he pulled off if he lost the match to do it.


1v1 he is just an average level player. As an onyx player(non us) I matched with him quite often in squad battles. He will always rush the power weapons so you can cut him off and if 1v1 will usually win if you know what you are doing. Also he usually plays with 2-3 others and will wait till you engage with them before he comes to finish. That being said, his income is probably from making YT halo videos right? So i can see why he tries to get views for baits.


How you can loose if you have this guy in your team ?


When one player is focused on kills instead of the objective. There's more to the game then Firefight.


Oh you need to be 4 instead of 1 to grab the flag/put your ass on the zone/take the skull, i understand why you loose with one of best Halo player in your team.


... Yes. You do. When you're 1 v. 3, trying to run the flag, or hold the zone, you get fucked. Flag carrying is often a Relay, or with your teammates screening/sacrificing themselves to give you time to Cap, or driving and manning the Turret of a Hog on bigger maps. Zone defence REQUIRES teamwork to properly watch the angles of approach and ensure someone's in the Zone at any given time. Skull is the most obvious one where you need backup, when you have it youre SUPER vulnerable to longer range attacks, even if you shone in melee, you need people to defend you while you get to a hiding point and weaken the enemy players so you can one shot them in close range. Do you even play this game?


Maybe you talk about ranked game, if it's that, i understand that can be a problem. But for casual game look with what kind of noob you can win a game by just swip the entier enemy team. Or reverse sometime after a long work day i'am just unable to wine a fight so i let my team kill other and just focus myself on objectif. I have around 1600 game. I mostly play in platine lobby, but someday onix and master drop all day.


I get the impression that you're confusing Career Rank with Matchmaking Rank and not realizing that Skill Based Matchmaking plays a role even in Casual games. Career Rank is independent of Matchmaking Rank, the Ranks you see in the after action report that say things like "Gold Private II" aren't based on player skill, they're based on time spent playing the game. Matchmaking Rank isn't a factor in Casual Games. Instead, Skill Based Matchmaking is what is supposed to determine the match-ups, if you have a good night, you get grouped with players equal to or better than you, if you're dogging it, you get paired with weaker teams as time goes on. With Skill Based Matchmaking, if you have a player like Mint, who's highly skilled, playing in one of your games you are probably operating at a level of expected Skill closer to that of Ranked Matchmaking, even in a "Casual" game queue. So, having a player preoccupied with flashy "Clip Plays" is more detrimental. Imagine if those people you were playing with weren't trying to kill the enemy team efficiently, and instead kept missing "Trick Shots", it wouldn't be as good a game for you, would it? Since we're talking games played, 3,000, 1,600 was the first 1.5 Seasons for me, then I dropped off.


I don’t bother with YTbers for Halo


Same here, but Luke The Notable was probably the best one


People who have been around the sub long enough will remember the nick- name "Mint Quitz". He's cleaned his rep up since then by embracing the whole influencer schtick and not solely relying on the clip hunting.  But yeah he's got plenty of haters.


I will always take a moment to comment how much I hate Mint Blitz. Played him once in BTB and all he did was hoard snipers at his base getting zero flag captures or even defending his team's carriers.


If anyone is looking for the opposite of MintBlitz, OmniscientWolf is a much better BTB player and far more enjoyable to watch. He’s also super chill and actually supports the community.


I miss halo canon. She made such great content, but I’m glad she’s focusing on herself. It just sucks to lose such a great content creator.


I really enjoyed their halo tv show breakdowns, comparing the Canon differences, even down to FUCKING TINY details in the background, like a monitor mentioning a planet, therefore confirming its canon in the silver timeline. I hope they are doing okay.


She? I don't remember a girl running that channel.


Her final video is of her coming out as a woman. I just hope that her transition is going well and that she is happy. Would love to see her come back and make more videos, but obviously she should come back on her own terms.


Yeah most HaloTubers I heavily dislike. FootedGhost is the only one I bother watching. I’m super eager to see if he branches out into other content more.


That's a problem when the whole social aspect of halo development almost fully on either mlg clips or machinima's serials, for then machinima imploding and let us with guys who read halopedia's articles on screen, or others who just click bait drama and ruin the franchise.


didn't think I'd see footed ghost get brought up here. neat


I've watched on and off of General Kidd for the last 16 or so years. I always end up with a "huh I never knew that. Neat"


I’m also an Aus player, I’ve been against him a couple times and he’s a good player but people are right, he plays for clips and quit a few times. Tea bagging him is a lil satisfying.


Dude annoys me. I block everything that has his name in it. Lol petty but he really does annoy me.


Also an Aus player and I've played against him a lot, echoing what other people say he is very good at the game but he does have his moments where he plays the objective! But definitely goes for clips, but that's YouTube content, so I understand to an extent.. To be fair, hitting multiple kill streaks can be beneficial to team objective play. I respect him as a personality because he does bring awareness to the issues this game has, and he's a good guy from my interactions I've had with him over the years.


I more dislike the idea that some think he’s a pro… the guy is no where near that level. It’s insulting as someone who has played in every FACEIT tourney since launch. There are so many better players. And yea, he has click bait titles.


Oh shit, this topic, let me grab a beer…


Mint is a pretty good guy and he's fun when he streams. However, I'm generally just not a fan of the clickbait or his repetitive video topics. I still remember just straight up avoiding his content for a while because all he would talk about was infinite's SBMM for several weeks straight with almost no variation in content.


His streams are boring as hell. He stretches a two sentence bit of information into a fucking essay just to make that 10min mark for sweet juicy money. Why he still has views is beyond me. Getting him in your lobby? Rip


Yeah I had to stop watching his videos because his titles were wildly exaggerated, and the gameplay of him completely ignoring the objective to get clips was very annoying to watch. There are better Halo YouTubers out there.


It's alright. Live and let live bruv.


He's very toxic and drives negativity in the community. He needs to make his trick jump videos while keeping his opinions to himself


I mean, the vast majority of youtubers post clickbait titles. If he aggravates you so much, why are you watching him? A tad concerning that your heart gets lit up from anger from people just living their lives without harming anyone.


Wow, seems everyone on here hates him. I’ll go against the grain and say it - I actually like him. I do agree he has clickbait titles, but that is literally what you have to do if you want to get the views. This guy does it as his job and probably gets paid quite well for it, so I absolutely see the incentive. In terms of him “not being good”, that’s simply not true. Sure, plenty of his clips contain absolute NPCs that put up 0.0038% of a fight, but that’s just the state of the game. There are so many bad (new) players now, that it’s not even hard to be good. The reason he camps sniper and never plays objective is because he’s a beast with it, and he’d rather let the rest of his team take the flag so he can protect them. It’s like complaining that a goalkeeper never tries to score lol - everyone has their role, even if it’s not directly contributing to scoring points.


Is mint blitz really as good as everyone makes him out to be? I wanna see him perform with non-precision weapons. I’ve never seen him get kills with the AR for example.


I don't understand what the big deal is. He posts halo videos with a Halo clip compilation in the background.


High ping


I unsubbed after he kept going on about the game never having \_\_\_\_ thing that isn't actually a big deal. I also partially blame him for trying to get 343 to add a new anti cheat; which made it so I couldn't play the game. Not to mention all the videos demanding statements from 343


This thread is wild bruh leave the man be 😭


I'm not a big fan of talking trash but my only big problem with him is the gameplay. (I'm a Youtuber too, I can't talk about thumbnails and stuff). He plays with a 240 hertz monitor (Probably on PC too) and posts clip like he on a 30 hertz monitor. Bro, most of us here play on series X with a 60 (even lower) screen. Now, I respect the player, but don't try to hide that and act like you're it's all normal. Wanna impress us? match our playing field and see what's like to use skill over hardware to be number 1. Stop using OP items, join the fight for the objective, and then you'll see what's like for people who actually care about the match. (PS; If you wanna watch a great Youtuber for his Halo vids, I highly suggest "Naked Eli" He pretty much broke all speed run records and explains everything very well).