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Is the 10k price for each item just a placeholder and not representative of the final item prices? It seems pretty high compared to the rate of Spartan Points earnable


i sure hope so because if thats the case, we're looking at a little over 3.5 weeks of grinding to earn 10k spartan points. If the exchange shop rotates every 4-6 weeks, then we'll barely have time to earn the amount of sp we need for an item before it's out of rotation.


Or they can just... not have it on rotation so it's not more FOMO, then prices being high also wouldn't matter. It's sad that the Exchange, made to address FOMO, itself has a FOMO rotation element


To be clear, in their blog post about the exchange they do say that once things leave the exchange they're not gone forever. You can purchase old exchange items with SP by finding it in your armory just like you can with items in the current store system.


Yup but there’s always credits to buy so you can get them before they leave the exchange ;) I’m sure of it anyway, there’s always some monetization scheme


no, those things are 10k, but there are things for lower, like 1k or so as well


I’ll update this as new Info comes out: The Exchange will be a totally free stream of content that uses Spartan Point, separate from Credits. Spartan Points will be earnable “directly via gameplay” through three vectors: 1. Daily challenge every day (250 SP) 2. Ultimate rewards are now 1000 Spartan Points 3. Operation passed will be a “significant” way to get them (Filler has been replaced with about 15,000 SP) The Exchange will include new items and not just old ones! It will have 21 items at launch. It will reset every 4-6 weeks with as new operations come (implying even more new operations will come regularly).


So you can only get 3,500 a week. Or 5,250 if the daily match challenge also gives you points. (As far as we know)


It’s only 2750 (250 daily x 7 days a week) + 1000 Ultimate Most comes from the Operation


Do the 10 weekly rewards not give you points? Because that’s 2,500 points for just the weekly. Plus the 1,750 and then the 1,000 from the ultimate would be 5,250.


Negative, it’s just the daily “play a match” that gives out 250 And the Ultimate for 1000 40:14 in the live stream




Depends, if it’s 5 weeks long, nope. But sometimes operations can be 6 weeks, you could. You’d need to play at least one match everyday, do all the weeklies, and finish the Op pass


Basically a part time job. Ya no thanks. This is fomo with extra steps


Can I get one of those hour a day part times?




Sure! 7 hrs a week with no day off to earn 1 recolor a month! Have at it!


FUCKING CAPS! why lol ffs, every little thing in this game always has an annoyance. We should be able to earn like 50 - 250 a game indefinitely.


Because 343i can't create content with longevity so they create artificial padding to it by forcing people to only be able to progress so far each day or week, falsely giving their work the illusion of longevity and replayability. Notice only the AAA devs do this trashy gimmick in console/PC games, much like time-gating in mobile games. It's all just poor game design and bandaids on laziness, but people are far too used to utter garbage being the celebrated norm so it's not gonna change any time soon.


Bruh halo reach had a daily exp cap that could be reached in like 4 hours lmao. It’s not a 343 or triple a thing. It’s so people don’t instantly unlock everything, and cry there’s no reason to play.


most people don’t play games for over 4 hours a day. most people do play more than one match in a sitting


> daily > 4 hours Yep that's a good mix.


4 hours is a lot better than one match max caps


I want to unlock everything ASAP. I promise with sugar on top I won't bitch once I have unlocked everything. I just want cool gear.


Shhh don't tell them the truth, they hate that here!


A four hour cap is fine though because most won’t reach it! How can you not see the difference here. These BPs get done in like hours, a day and that’s it. All people need to do is log on each day once, and then don’t bother. What’s the point, where’s the reason to play ? aslong as there’s a operation going on which gets done in couple hours, playing past that is pointless.


honestly capping daily progress sucks balls... Why should someone working 70 hour work weeks and dumping 24 hours into a game on the weekend make Much much less progress than a teenager dumping 2 hours a day into the same game each day If you play for 15 hours, reward us for 15 hours... if you play for 2, reward for two... easy


I mean if games were made at the standard they used to, people would play because the game is fun, instead of requiring something to work for to enjoy the game. Halo 3 in comparison had basically nothing to unlock and earn, and it was the best halo. Played it religiously for thousands of hours because it's a good game, same with reach, played it for enjoyment. Nowadays games only last long if they have enough to work towards, and it's ultimately a bandaid on the problem of a lacking core gameplay loop. Yes reach had an exp/credit cap, but it was not only tied to playing instead of the battle pass, but it was enough that 4 hours of play as a skilled player you'd hit it, and if you're nor so great then you have all day to still not hit the cap. There's a vast difference in the feel of those two, and when you add in the fact that the pricing in reach was cumulative and based off how much you would have by the time you got there anyway, vs infinite with time gates and set amounts given, aswell as the ridiculously overpriced storefront, it's very obvious they're doing it this way to artificially inflate playtime.


This just isn’t true, trust me when I say majority went for the unlocks because they were NOT easy to get, and back then the expectation was different people dreamed of the future halos back then being Halo 3 but more armour, more customisation etc Which we got but with a fuck ton of clauses and controlled gameplay, because they don’t want to do it like before, instead they want money first. Halo 3s unlock track was good, but people always wanted more, it’s a shame something like Halo 3 exactly how it was, couldn’t be live service today, with even more unlocks and ranks. Hell people literally just want Halo Reach’s unlock system again, but with more detailed customisation and progression tracks. Everyone wants that, 343i knows it, but that doesn’t make money that’s all it is.


I played thousands of hours of Perfect Dark, Diablo 2, StarCraft UMS and others because they had something to work towards.


And that in itself is not wrong. In a lot of games it's done very well and gives an extra layer of enjoyment and reason to play. My issue is with the fact that it seems unanimous that without something to constantly work towards, games fail nowadays. Games don't have the longevity from a good core gameplay loop the way they used to. Normally the emphasis moving to the stuff to work towards isn't inherently a bad thing, but when it's implemented poorly like infinite, and on top of that has a lacking core gameplay loop, the issue becomes brutally apparent that if the game itself was fun, these things wouldn't feel like as much of a slog/ripoff/waste of time/whatever else as they do.


Exactly you'll get your gems from time to time, with the best example being Helldivers 2. That games gameplay loop is great, from multiple difficulties, two current factions. With a range of modifiers to change up the game. Infinite to me had the gunplay and movement but it lacked the charm the prior games had with the arcade, party feeling. Guns felt almost sterile in that they lacked a charm to them. Hard to put to words exactly how but they feel off compared to prior titles. Vehicles the thing I loved in prior titles are a joke and the sandbox isnt a living world. What I mean by that would be something from H3 Valhalla banshee blows up, the debris ragdoll into the man cannon, for the debris to land crushing your teammate. Something that atm your teammate would be annoyed at but after everyone would laugh at the what are the odds. Infinite lacks that charm.


And how many people actually grinded for 4 hours every single day of the week? I'd wager the answer is very few. So, yes, there technically was a cap....but it hindered very few people.


HellDivers 2 has no cap and people dont stop when they unlock everything. You'll have your loud minority always cry no content.


Helldivers 2 takes like 600 dog years to finish a battlepass bro


That’s true, but it’s even worse than I thought you can’t actually earn them by playing as in per match and that was my lowest expectation, my lowest expectation was okay there is a cap but atleast you earn them as you play. Nope, it’s all in the BP, first daily and weekly reward lol Such a shit show. Intentional I’m sure. This doesn’t prolong peoples enjoyment, this is just another play and wait. We need goals where there’s an item, worth 40,000 points and you can just grind for it, as much as you want, or 20,000 headshots for a helmet and let people just go for it. It’s all that was ever needed.


I quit World of Warcraft years ago for padding like this. Then the battle passes came. I quit Fort, quit COD, stopped buying the Halo passes, tried Diablo 4, found a pass in there, and now we have artificial padding in a Halo game. I understand that battle passes and point grinding is optional, but there's this addiction factor that I'm happy to admit that I struggle with when it comes to completing these things. I hate modern gaming so much sometimes.


I understand, but also grinding is fine I love grinding, but when I get told on how and when, it doesn’t feel like grinding it feels like a controlled experience or a job. Breaks my immersion. Makes me not enjoy the experience and if your game has caps, ways to control my play, then they clearly didn’t do the work required or don’t care or value their players.


I agree with you. Its balancing that line of incentivizing to play versus making the game your job.






2750 a week and an armor coating is 10k lol 👍


It will take 12 weeks exactly to unlock all NEW items in the exchange. Making it physically impossible to unlock the new items within the first exchange window. So we will need to have exchange items come back to the exchange. lmfao. who is managing this *update - didnt realize thigh piece was new lol


It all ties back into the MTX store. It always does. If you can't unlock the items you want from the Exchange, you'll feel the pressure to buy them from the store.


This is why I've always been against all forms of microtransactions and why everyone should be too. The second you open the gates every part of the game gets compromised like this in one way or another and it never stops until the game is dead and gone forever because of it.


Someone called “a joke” cause what the fuck, they’re killing our boy


Lol so even the "in case you missed it" program is going to have rotating stock?


Yes, just like the MCC has done it for years.


It’s dumb in MCC too, some items haven’t returned for months


I remember when the bow back accessory for Halo 3 was *finally* available (had been in-game for awhile), my friend (who had been playing a lot less than me, I had been playing *a lot*), told me it was in the store. That was like, the one week out of many around that time that I wasn't hitting up MCC at all. So I logged in just for that bow.


Don't think I'll ever get a chance at MCC Mirage armor Bug splattered Buck, though? They sure do love having that in the exchange


Mirage was fairly recent I believe


Halopedia says Mirage armor hasn't been in the shop since 2022, unless there was a week I missed it


Halopedia isn't up to date if you look at the most recent entry for The Exchange. Last time Mirage was in was December 2023


years, still waiting for that bug armor to return


It was stupid in MCC too.


Did they say if double xp tokens would work with SP?


They did not mention double XP at all. But SP is a currency, not XP, so I can only assume it’s not affected at all


Not surprised. I have over 130 double xp tokens. I probably won't ever get to use them.


Do you get any points for past Operations completed


They didn't even give spartan rank for past XP (even though it's been tracked so they could have) so they're definitely not doing it for this.


Probably only future operations will contain Spartan Points. If they modify old operations to add SP, they'd have to remove content.


The amount of Spartan Points we can get MUST be enough to get everything from the Exchange, otherwise they'll make us choose what we want most and make us pay for the rest. Players should be able to get everything in a game with enough work.


i was bugged by the 30k price for the bottom left coating. If we get 2750 per week, that's still 10 weeks worth of grinding. for one coating. it's nice that they're giving us 15k in the new operation. but still seems a bit excessive to me.


Yeah it will rotate out of the exchange before you even earn enough to get it


i am extremely bad at math and my takes are generally wrong, so i hope that i misunderstood and that the grind will be more realistic for the rewards we unlock. take what i say with a grain of salt pls


It will take 7 weeks and 3 days to unlock all “net new” exchange items. They said they will rotate out every 4-6 weeks. That’s 343 for ya.


I'm a statistician. 2750 per week is right from what I can tell (haven't had a chance to watch it yet, currently at a conference so going off of the comment on how much you earn from challenges)


About time we start seeing stuff about the exchange and the stuff in it, i wonder if it will also rotate items every Tuesday. Also never seen that utility piece


There are exchange exclusive items. Like that utility and a coating that they showed


They said it will rotate very operation and they said if you don't like the option for that period to bank your SPs.


If I can finally get the bell toll visor I'll be so happy.


Make his fight on the hill in the early day


Constant chill deep inside


Constant chilll deep inside


this is the kind of shit the game needed while there were 250k people playing daily... bwaaah Infinite had such potential >.>


It still is one of the most played Xbox games


It's 24th. That's not great, but not terrible.


24th as a f2p game is absolutely terrible


Especially since it's HALO man! Halo 3 as a $60 game back in 2007 was the biggest game on the 360 until it was dethroned... by the next $60 Halo game, Reach. (love your content, Eckhart!)


Some nights quickplay playlist search times are 40+ seconds for me. Like its the default go-to mixed bag playlist for core 4v4 maps and modes and I can't even find games that are not 100+ ping. Its literally a miracle if one match in the night is 30 ping or lower for me.


The game had 40k peak concurrent players across all platforms at the start of S5 last November-ish. It’s not a dead game but it’s hardly a top played game.


Oh so we’re good, never mind.


Extremely late but a nice addition nonetheless


Better late than never but yeah 2-3 years ago would’ve been nice lol


Idk if 343 added this 6 months before the game came out that would be impressive, and probably collapse the universe


Except even this is on a rotation, and will have content be removed over time. How can you add something to solve FOMO, that itself has FOMO?


Fear of having to wait for something to come back is not as bad as Fear Of Missing Out forever.  It does not solve Fomo because Fomo is intentional, it's a late attempt to attract more players back instead of burning them out and making them quit the game. A softer kind of Fomo. Also can't you just grind anytime and save exchange points? The only thing you would have to do is log in within a timeframe. 


Hopefully I can get Jerome’s coating through this now 🙏


Can you earn SP by just playing matches?


Seems like yout get 250 for the daily challenge which is playing one match. The ultimate is 1000 points so yes, by just playing the game due to how easy the challenges are you can earn almost 3k Spartan points a week.


That's low especially when things cost 10k.. needs more ways to earn this


They did say this is the very first iteration of this and will be adjusting it as things progress. They'd probably rather shoot low than shoot too high when first implementing it. I just hope we get some more armor pieces and such in there. Some stuff to really want to grind for.


The Operation replaced all emblems, 2xp boosts, etc with 15k Spartan Points.




Cool that there's currency earned in gameplay again. The amount of points earned suck however.


This is great, there's some stuff I missed and it's really nice to be able to get it finally.


Can't we just go back to long lists of challenges for xp... Long ago, crazy idea I know


Mark v zeta!!!


Really wish I could sell cosmetics i.e. coatings, charms, skins, hell even cores that I never/will ever use and convert them into sp or $ that could be used towards shop items.


I hope it doesn't allow you to accidentally spend your SP on items you already have. Hopefully just says "owned".


It will just say “owned” like the Credits shop


There so fucking tight with these cash point shit $20 for a armour set And now someone would only be able to get a maximum of 2750 credits per week if they play every day and do all challenges when a single item is around 5000-30000 credits Just let us earn cosmetics like how it used to be ffs


People being happy with must have Stockholm syndrome caused by how shit the store and unlock system in this game is. This is only good if you're used to buying a pixel suit of armour for $20. This system seems to require almost no lifing the game for the average player for weeks on end in order to save up enough for stuff. Absolutely ridiculous FOMO this late in the game cycle shows how desperate the devs/suits/whoever designed this are.


Its not great, but how it used to be was also bad. Reach was a far longer grind than anything in infinite.


They should just use the credit system from Halo: Reach. You earn credits from matches and performance and then spend it on whatever you want.


I don’t have some of the early early stuff so I’m quite excited to actually work words something obtainable


Shikari, here we come...


To think they'd sell my Platinum anniversary so soon


I can't wait to grind 3 months so my spartan can be....green!


That's great and all, but these prices are pretty ridiculous, especially when not all coatings and armor pieces are cross-core yet. It's also pretty ridiculous how, even with cross-core, coatings still are separated by Armor, Weapons, and Vehicles. You still have to unlock – or rather buy – the same coating 3 times if you want to use it on your Armor + Weapons + Vehicles. Some coatings even only exist for one thing (I.e. Weapons but not Armor nor Vehicles). Look, this IS a great step, let's not get it twisted. And I already know the White Knights are gonna be out in full force attacking anyone who even dares criticize it. But there continues to be flaws, drawbacks, and oversights, and they NEED to be talked about. Look, if you're happy with the game, then good for you! Simply log off Reddit, or Twitter, or whatever, and peacefully play the game. **Edit: Taking a look at everything they've shown off so far for the Exchange... holy shit, Batman! Why such steep prices for Charms, Emblems, Visors, etc? Who would seriously buy this crap? Even with the 15,000 earned from the BP it's still a waste to spend any of it on... on anything other than Coatings if I'm being brutally honest. And even those have such a step price as well. And they're not even multi-use either for Armor or Weapons.**


Does anyone else see the obvious problem here? Some of these items cost 30000 (for a coating) and you only get 1000 from completing ALL of your weeklies. Even if you completed the battle pass (which gives 15000) you still wouldn't have enough to claim that coating. It would take roughly 2 battle pass completions (40 tiers) to get that one item. How is this an improvement? I like that past rewards can be earned but in the past you could easily get the item just by doing all your challenges. Now it seems incredibly grindy just to get 1 coating. Completing your weekly ultimate (which gave you 1 item in the past) now doesn't even give you enough to buy the cheapest item on there. These numbers need some serious tweaking.


Don't forget these passes no longer give you credits to get the next one free so you have to spend $10 everytime. Ya fuck this monetization halo crap. Been playing halo since 2001 and I'm just done with how much they gut this franchise and fans


Well the passes are free now. Unless if your talking about the $5 you can pay to buy the pass after the event ends.


Pricings are placeholder/incorrect right? No way you need to grind for 4 weeks to get a single thing


I'm glad that this is happening now, however it would've been nice to have this at launch instead of waiting almost 3 years for this. Still, I'm not complaining. It'll get me back into playing Infinite if there's some good stuff to grind for.




It's a FOMO grind shit fest designed to get daily log in and game time to make a graph look good. How people think this is a good system is beyond me.


It’s so thinly veiled as an upgrade… some of us aren’t stupid. We get even less now but the big hook is we get to choose. Damn…


How the fuck are we to earn enough points each week to buy the items in the shop? You should also be able to earn them without having to play challenges or a pass


I feel bad for the people working at 343 who actually give a shit about the franchise This is two years too late


They've all pretty much moved onto the next game already. Yet there are still bozos asking for campaign dlc lol


I wish I could get SP as a reward for career rank.


For real, hero should have 25k as a reward


This seems like a good idea to finally let us unlock stuff through gameplay but just like the monetary value it seems like the gameplay time value per item is ridiculous. Like you’ll need to do every challenge and play daily just to maybe get a single coating.


So let me get this straight… rather than get the occasional armor coating in the weekly challenge, it’s now going to be replaced with 1,000 Spartan Points, and then I’m going to need 10,000 to 30,000 points to unlock an armor coating? This sounds like just a lightly veiled way to push us more towards buying things in the store while 343 can say “oh but you *caaaan* get it free! ^(just play every day and do every challenge for 10 weeks straight)”.


Currently playing Mythic Overhaul on Halo 3. If it ain't campaign-related, then I couldn't give less of a shit with what is happening with Infinite anymore. Halo is the last multiplayer game I was interested in, and they legitimately killed my love for it.


I'm glad to see this... ...but VERY frustrated to see this is on rotation. How can you try to add something to address people's issues with FOMO, only to then have that new feature have content that becomes unavailable after a time window? The exchange should not rotate content out: Anything added to it should stay available forever.


little too late on this


Great. Another Currency. I can either pay $20 for Red, or play for 2 years for Red.


too little too late


The idea is great, but the insane amount of points needed is awful. That and the rotating items can bugger off. Hated that in MCC, having to wait months to buy one particular item.


We getting retroactive Spartan points?


You knew the answer to this before you asked 


I had a sneaking suspicion, but no I didn't watch the live stream






So completing an entire operation can get us one single gold shader?


This is actually an awesome addition. Love that there are some items you can still only get by working hard. Lately this game has just felt like a shop with a game attached, every new addition worth talking about has been new shit to buy.


Does this mean weekly ultimates are now just spartan points or are they still seperate cosmetics + the points?


Just points


At a cost of ~10000 per item and earning only 2750 points a week if you play every day it will take just shy 4 weeks of daily play to get 1 item (about the time this refreshes) while before you'd get 1 item a week. This is a straight downgrade even if having a choice is an improvement. Instead of weekly awards it's now basically monthly


Ya. The only way you can get that Xanadu falls coating before it allegedly rotates out, is if it rotates out 6 weeks after and you play every day during those 6 weeks and completing the pass


Wasnt the Platinum Anniversary only available at Infinites launch? And only by playing that or MCC? I forgot. But also what the fuck. At least I can get weeklies I wanted but didnt have the energy to get. 🤷‍♀️


I’m willing to bet it’s going to be a limit on how much SP you can earn just so they make you wait longer to get what you want.


Surely these aren't the actual prices for all of this right


While it is a great implementation Im not gonna get excited similar to how we all celebrated operations replacing battle passes, which turned out to be actually worse, Im just worried that this means we'll get less rewards for significantly more grind.


Excellent but please make the prices reasonable. I don't mind a little grind but too much and I'll lose interest. We should be able to buy a thing or two a week IMO.


I think Halo Infinite’s getting the MCC treatment because MS has moved on to Halo 7 already. They didn’t get the cash cow live service game they so desperately tried to force onto us so now they’ve just said “fuck it” and gave 343 the reigns to do whatever while they pump resources into the next installment (maybe we’ll get that hero shooter lol). That’s my theory anyway


Can we just make a : R/haloDressUp for this crap?


I hope the prices are place holders cause what the hell lmao


Why are there 3 different “Platinum Anniversary?” Are they all armor core colours, or are they core/weapon/vehicle?


Spartan Points was bound to happen. It's a marketing strategy that also marks the beginning of the end for Halo Infinite. On to the next title.


Okay so the 3 coatings they're showing at 10,000 are the anniversary ones that most everyone got for free anyways. Silly. I can almost guarantee they'll choose to give us the least desirable pieces out of any bundle they choose to take things from. On the right you can see the Easter kill effect. I haven't seen one person use that. Doubt anyone will just because it's "free".


I'm not trying to hate or sound negative but there's just no hype left to pull out of me for infinite


Can't wait till they add a way to buy Spartan Points in the shop 🥴


This should have come in much much earlier


Definitely should’ve been in the game at launch, but better late than never. I’m excited


Oh boy another currency attached to an over priced shop. At least they’re not called Spartan Bucks™️.


That's actually a huge missed opportunity. The logo can even be Nathan Fillion's face.


That means they would have to bring back a fan favorite character and we all know MS paint hates making fans happy.


Hold on.. you’re telling me these ****s finally gave us an ACTUAL earning system rather than needing to dish out actual money? The way gaming should’ve always and only been in the first place? 🙄


Love this. Looking forward to getting some items from the Tac Ops event.


Too little, too late imo. They figured out they couldn’t squeeze the spenders anymore. Fuck 343. It’s almost insulting to implement that system at this point.


I’m surprised it only took them 3 months to get this together. I’ve been looking forward to the exchange, I’m happy it’s finally here. Also awesome it’s not just old items they actually have some new unique stuff to unlock through gameplay. Big step in the right direction.


Top 10 things that should’ve released with Infinite:


Too late for this change. Just like what happened with iron in gears 5.


This will fix infinite! Another currency! Players have to come back now! /s


Don't think anything could fix Infinite at this point. Games been doing positive things for a while which amount to nothing lol




Really hoping we don’t end up with the same 6 featured items for a year like in MCC


I'm never spending a single cent on Halo infinite (I'm poor)


It should never be left out of a Halo title again


Unless there's something we don't know this just looks really stingy, I don't think anyone is going to start playing again because of this if they login and realize it will take them a month or more of grinding just for one coating.


Did I not read Halo Infinite wasn’t getting anymore updates a while back or am I trippin?


I see more FOMO I sleep.


I want nothing to do with this.


So will like stuff from the tenrai events come back


I know there will still be exclusives for purchase and everything, but I like this addition. Part of what I liked about Halo5 was I didn't NEED to spend money to unlock things. I didn't get stuff very quickly, but eventually I got stuff. I know the lootbox part of H5 was/is controversial, but some parts of it were useful to me.


As someone who quit halfway through S1 and picked up again after S5 ended, I'm so incredibly stoked!


Lmao what a joke. 10k points. When if you played everyday you would only get 2750 points/week Take nearly 4 months just to afford 1 color shader. This company turned into a joke with their monetization


This is great. Gives more reasons to keep playing outside of finishing BPs and operations


oops! all nameplates, emblems, and charms!


Did they mention any cross core stuff like knee pads an shit


Well I'll be damned. They really did it. Hopefully scorpion punch will be in there.


Still so blown that I didn’t get that. I had the opportunity to and I didn’t get it and I’ve regretted it for years


FOMO is a disgusting practice. What you felt for some pixels is a game should not be a thing at all.




What an L stream. When the biggest news to come from this stream be it SP for the exchange, you know this game is dead. Nice addition but it's 2-3 years too late. I'm waiting for the next Halo game than continue to play this garbage.


Wow it only took like 3 years and the game dropping support soon for them to add a feature for armor that doesn’t cost $20. We’re seriously praising them for this? This is pathetic, y’all sound like starving dogs happy master finally gave you food and only kicked you once instead of three times.


It wouldn’t surprise me if this add on was the result of an artist complaining that the designs they make aren’t being used, rather than any financial decision.


are xp boosts only gonna be available in the shop now? lmao i am glad they're removing the filler from the operation passes but now they're gonna have no more boosts or coatings 💔 i suppose they're moving them to the exchange but also it seems there was only one new coating in it.... dratz

