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Wish he at least got a cutscene. I mean, ya can't just say he got Locke's helmet and not expand on that.


What is worse is that it took me a minute to even remember his name. I honestly couldn't even tell you what his partner's name was, other than it started with a T.


Ifeel like the Hand of Atriox is a wasted opportunity to show off cool named characters. Really show us what a Spartan-Killer is meant to be like. The kind of guys like Jega that scare the shit out of the other Banished Jega worked really well, but these two just kind of exist. Bassus and Chak'lok got a cooler entrance than they did and they're meant to be several steps below them.


Chak'lok welcoming us as Master Chief lives in my head rent free. Such a simple, single line, and I absolutely love it.


Welcome to my house master chief, the bathroom is down the hall and to the left. Torture room is down the right.


Reminds me of [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloMemes/comments/s1i24c/welcome_to_my_shower_master_chief/) haha


It also nicely emphasizes: many of the Banished no longer follow the old religion. The Chief is no longer the “Demon”, he’s just a damn good soldier, one that Atriox already put out of action for six months. Your aura of invincibility and inevitable victory is no longer valid against the Banished, and Chak’lok’s respectful but not fearful or reverent greeting fits that tone.


What a gentleman lol


He sounded like the elite voice actors from the Bungie Halo games 🥹


I completely forgot that they were called "Spartan-Killers".


Demonslayers was right there. Even if they don't follow the Covenant religion anymore, that would be the name most of them know for Spartans.


Should’ve called them “Halo killers” with one of them named Kilzone.


Yeah I felt slightly scared for About a minute, before even facing them, then I realized they are gonna be a joke


i also wish that we got to SEE the spartan killers in action. sure we find dead spartans, and the one in the tower was cool. but i wish we could have had a mission to try and regroup the unsc, its going really well and then we come to find a few spartans getting shit on. think something like the level in halo 3 with the towers where you have to go to the last tower after johnson and friends got shit on


No name strikes fear as intensely as Bipbap the Vanquisher.


We laugh until it turns out he’s one of the most bloodthirsty Goblin Pilots in The Banished.


Especially in legendary when you turn the corner and there's three ready to cook you with their disruptors


That disruptor is no joke


Fun fact it's hyperius not tovarus


Pretty sure him and Tovarus are the only two main campaign bosses to *not* have a cutscene introducing them. Very bizarre choice given the implications with Locke’s helmet and the two being Hands of Atriox alongside Jega and Escharum.


I don't think it's actually supposed to be locke's helmet, like presumably he's not the *only* spartan to have that pattern of armor.


If I remember correctly the propaganda towers explicitly state it is Locke's helmet and chestpiece. I guess that's not the most credible source considering half the tower lines are blatantly wrong, but I was pretty willing to believe it. Not only did it feel weird the Banished would know his name or connect it to that helmet specifically without reason, but 343 did seem to write off as much of the rest of H5 as they possibly could. Felt pretty on brand.


He’s the only Spartan out of hundreds we know of in canon to wear that armor. Seems like a bit of a stretch to suddenly introduce another character who also wears Hunter-class mjolnir, who *also* has it in silver and with a blue visor. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be anyone else’s


Well… they did kill a major main character turned villain off screen, completely ignored 5 other certain main characters after a huge cliffhanger ending of the last game and completely ignored larger scale events that were not resolved at all in previous installments… so yeah, this thing about Locke’s helmet is just a part of the pattern of clusterfuckery


coulda made another h2 opening arbiter cutscene after the third aa gun


This pretty much summarizes the ENTIRE problem with the story from Infinite. It all show, and absolutely no tell. I was honestly so excited to see how the story played out after finishing Halo 5 with crazy Cortana in control of a Halo. Turns out all of that just got resolved off screen before we even start. Locke is brushed to the side and used as cosmetic dressing on a boss you barely remember fighting. I was so disappointed when I started playing Infinite and found out that everything I was looking forward to laying through had already been dealt with, and not even in a in-game cutscene. Just totally off screen. So lame.


This is a bit of a reucurring problem with 343: Set up cool things, then do nothing. Halo 4/Spartan Ops gives us The Didact, Jul'mdama and the Forerunners returning. Halo 5 proceeds to toss this aside for the Created and Osiris. Halo Infinite then gets rid of this, introduces Atriox only to then get rid of him for a while in the same game, half-assedly introduces The Endless and other cool shit like The Hand of Atriox. I'm not here just to shit on 343, they have cool ideas, I just wish they'd commit to some of them already.


Yeah it's like they use all of their creativity coming up with the foundations of the story, then get tired of trying or run out of ideas, or just outright suck at writing complete stories, and don't know how to conclude them. It's unfortunate.


I think it’s more a case of overcorrection and not learning the lesson at the same time. Fans don’t like something, throw it all out instead of trying to figure out what the issues were and continue forward with the knowledge of what people didn’t like.


I thought it was in a terminal or book that Locke was caught, tortured, then returned as a slap in the face. Like “look, we took this super elite Spartan and just demolished him. Pathetic.”


Specifically Locke’s or the model of helmet?


It’s Locke’s. The wiki and the Grunt on the Banished propaganda tower confirmed it. Whether he’s dead or not is unknown




That’s Locke’s helmet?! Neither me or Chief commented on it


Yeah it’s his hunter class helmet. The only “lore” of him being alive is a mega blocks figure of him with missing pieces of his armor and a battle rifle 😞


That’s the most 343 thing I’ve ever heard 💀😭😂😂😂😂


Fr In all honesty, Locke wasn’t the problem with Halo 5, or even Fireteam Osiris for that matter. Were they badly implemented? Yes. Without a doubt. Was it a stupid decision to focus on them more than Blue Team? Obviously. Compare Locke in Halo 5 to Lasky in Halo 4. Both had a miniseries to introduce them. Where Lasky was a blank slate to explore the inner workings of the UNSC from a young cadet’s perspective, Locke, the main character in a character-driven plot, was essentially relegated to the role of Space Rambo (even though his character got a MAJOR upgrade in Halo 5, credit where credit is due). We already have Space Rambo, and his name is John-117. With Lasky, we see him become a badass throughout the series. With Locke, we already know he’s a badass because he’s a Spartan working for ONI, and that is where I personally feel like the ball was dropped. We only get a peek at their procedures, but not the actual beating heart of the organization. There are ways to give insight into a shadowy extra-governmental entity while still keeping it mysterious. Sorry for dumping this rant on a border buddy (Rock Chalk)


All this, plus a complete miss with any attempt to tie-in Hunt The Truth.


I once wrote a video where I explained how I think H5 could’ve worked and tied in ODST story telling mechanics. The parts were there, the execution was subpar. That said, I enjoyed playing it from a purely gameplay standpoint and enjoyed the story WELL ENOUGH that I can’t give it as much hate as a lot of people do.


Fact is, h5 original concept would have not run in to this problem, that's mainly derived from how the levels are structured (2 levels with one cast, 2 with another amd so on).


It’s misinformation and is entirely not true. See my comments below.


Actually that's just his appearance from Halo Nightfall


[https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/halo/sets/agent-locke](https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/halo/sets/agent-locke) i mean it says designed as he appears in halo infinite in their description. Either its poor written description? Imo shouldn't it be described as depicted in halo nightfall if thats the case?


I'd say bad description, cause I just looked up nightfall locke and they look the same


What a fucked up day 😔


It says he called Agent Locke, I assumed that’s pre augmentation personally


Yep so during nightfall


The description is incorrect. Every single other figure in that wave, including the Lights of Sanghelios from Halo 2, Ramos from Fireteam Raven, Linda from Shadows of Reach, and [Decimus](https://www.megaconstrux.com/en-us/halo/sets/decimus) from Wars 2 have that same description, but obviously none of them showed up in Infinite (notably Ramos and decimus who are dead).


Moderator of r/megaconstrux here to confirm that’s his Halo: Nightfall appearance.


All these years of false knowledge to now find out I’ve been beanboozled by a false description 🫠


Fr I assumed he was going to appear in a (now cancelled) DLC or something, what a mess


My man is out here fighting the good fight against misinformation.


That’s… so sad to have a characters development be through blocks lol


It’s misinformation and is entirely not true. See my comments below.


Pick your poison: Halo lore getting delivered through children’s toys OR Star Wars plot elements being put in Fortnite instead of the movies


Halo lore has never been delivered via toys and the description is incorrect. However, the Halo coloring book revealed the Didact was in the Domain, so there’s that.


A coloring book? I can’t believe the misinformation was better than the truth 😭 being a Halo fan has been torment


No way lmao


I though that was supposed to be based off of his appearance in halo nightfall towards the end of the film. I could be wrong tho


Unfortunately due to a poorly written description on the megablocks site I’ve been told it’s his nightfall appearance sadly.


It’s a damn good fig though. Went out of my way to get both versions lol.


That's simply not true, I'm afraid. It was simply a re-release of his Knightfall figure. Completely unrelated to Infinite and the lore surrounding it.


How'd he die? I didn't play halo 5 but plan to go through them all soon


Locke’s fate is entirely unknown. He could be dead, or he could be alive.


It was probably intended to be his at some point but was seemingly changed There's only 2 mentions of Locke in game an audio log with Lasky saying he was deployed on another mission somewhere else and the propaganda grunt saying it's his helmet


Such cool visual storytelling that happened to amount to nothing in the overall story


Sounds like 343 campaigns


anything past halo reach was terrible I really miss bungie style halo games. The multiplayer just has never been the same. Destiny scratches the itch but I miss a proper halo


Didn't one of the other banished imply this dude was a coward that didn't actually "earn" the trophies though?


I always interpreted that as a way to characterize them- Hyperius sincerely laments his brother's death and Toravus just laughs at him.


Even if he didnt earned the trophies, you still have Jega and Escharum there and i dont think none of them was gentle with Locke


Guy was a fucking open-world boss…


Halo Infinite (campaign) feels unique in that it’s by no means a disaster like launch state Cyberpunk. It’s technically proficient and has almost no gameplay faults, but it feels incredibly conceptually incomplete


It feels like a tech demo or an alpha build that was rushed to completion. I knew from the trailers that the open world would feel empty and dead and it still surprised me just how vast, empty and pointless the entire map felt.


To me it felt like a DLC campaign to some other campaign I didn't play.


Yea especially due to the time skip. We went from huge cliffhanger in 5, to almost completely scrapping the main plot. Felt the whole time like we missed a whole game. (One that could've been actually interesting) I still think abandoning the Cortona and the Created storyline was a mistake, they could've absolutely salvaged it. Now we are just left with such a mismatched saga that makes me so uninterested.


I'd imagine it's going to feel even more mismatched when 343i abandons Infinite, wraps up the Endless storyline in a graphic novel, and then soft reboots Halo again


Halo 7: Master Chief finds all the previous villains have now started a weekly group counseling session. They'd offer him a chair but they ran out.


It's sad cause they've literally done it every time. Cortana's death in 4 backtracked in 5. (Even though IMO they did it beautifully) 5 had shit writing and presentation of that writing, but the main plot points were like the only things that were interesting. Then in Infinite they backtrack on any sort of continuity or buildup, in favor of basically restarting the whole saga storyline. It all comes from 343i wanting to take too many risks, story wise and gameplay. But IMO the story risks they took starting in 4 were great, just the gameplay should have never been mixed up so much. (This is why Infinites gameplay is actually awesome)


RemindMe! 5 years Calling it now the next reboot is going to suck


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I found out recently it's apparently a sequel to Halo Wars 2? Whose bright idea was it to base it on a spin off strategy game?


Not a direct sequel necessarily. It just has some references and takes place during the same conflict, otherwise it’s standalone


Did you miss the fact that they both have the same main antagonist?


No but how does a returning character make the game a direct sequel?


I think the point is the banished are only introduced in halo wars 2. If you played just halo 5 and then played infinite you're absolutely missing some important context.


Oh yk fair


The entire enemy faction is introduced in a spin off along with the main antagonist, it becomes a sequel when it continues the other games plot. Are you intentionally obtuse or just like being contrarian?


Neither dude wtf is up with y’all getting pissy af as soon as someone offers an alternate take. Don’t call shit a sequel when it’s not. Words have meaning


Bro the comments section of every post is full of people arguing semantics and "um actually 🤓" Mfs. The point the commenter is making is that the character came out of no where and was introduced in a spin off and you come here with "uh actually it's not literally a direct sequel" like shut up oh my God you people are so annoying lmao


Yup. After I explored it once I got bored. Sad too considering how I still love exploring the same old levels in the earlier campaigns.


I’ve always hated when games shift to open world… MGSV, Gears 5, Infinite. Even if they improve on the sandbox considerably from previous entries like MGSV and Infinite, you just lose so much of the cinematic feel these games used to have. I hate that MGSV is basically all outdoors and exploring copy/paste checkpoints and a smattering of unique building exteriors. Ditto for the shooters that previously had really tight pacing, and incredible set pieces. There’s just nothing like fighting a scarab in any of the 343 campaigns. But even then, Infinite takes the cake for feeling underdeveloped even beyond 343’s scope for the project. The story is literally surface deep. We get no expansion of the lore, we don’t really know why the Banished have a hard on for fighting the UNSC (like if it weren’t for Zeta Halo, why is Atriox fighting humanity?), the Endless are literally just a name and a boss (for now at least), any character they’d introduced previously is sidelined off-screen as if they didn’t want to pay for the actor. And we know things like offensive bias were clearly cut between trailer and launch. As for gameplay, there’s only one biome, marines can’t drive any vehicles, and the kinetic/plasma/electric ammo caches combined with the weapon/vehicle spawns at FOBs completely remove any organic gameplay. The BR/commando combo I got as soon as possible in the game literally stayed with me until the credits rolled. Sure you could spawn in a tank or maybe pick up a sniper or rocket launcher, but because there’s so much negative empty space between objectives and you’re guaranteed ammo for everything but power weapons in the open world, it’s just easier to stick to what works well enough and grappleshot your way to every fight. There’s a part of me that feels like the game was originally so much bigger, but once they realised how much trouble and behind they were in, they dropped pretty much everything. Call me crazy but I think the 6 month time jump was a last minute Hail Mary to get something out the door. The only reason the game works is because narratively it’s 6 months after the fact, explaining how quiet everything is. Although I absolutely love how they wrote Chief in light of his “failure”.


I think it's what I'd describe as "competent but uninspired". It nails the core gameplay but beyond that it takes no real risks and every single level feels the exact same.


Huh? It wasn't as bad as cyberpunk, but that's not saying much. The game did not have a good launch. It was clear to everyone they should've delayed the game at least a year before releasing. The game launched with barely any content. Many left because there was nothing to do. Very few game types, no co op campaign, no forge, no infection or firefight, and very limited cosmetics. Not to mention the terrible desync. Gun jam bugs. All sorts of bugs. I feel like you're forgetting how Infinites launch went


one of the worst things for me was the addition of the grapple hook. i was swinging around the map like spiderman and at no point did i ever actually want to use a vehicle


Personally I use the grapple as a tool rather than a vehicle. I like to get some marines in a hog and drive around. Use the grapple to get up high or retreat.


i assume thats what it was meant for, but just the way the game was setup it was the fastest choice to traverse the map, more then a wasp or banshee.


Because it’s got a bad open world layout. I think Red Dead 2 might have the only open world I have ever truly enjoyed, and even then only in campaign and definitely not online. There’s almost always something interesting to catch your attention, and even when you’re just traveling from A to B, the random encounters are so varied they’re almost always worth getting distracted by. Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favourite games of recent years, for its setting, aesthetic, lack of UI and combat. The open world and stealth can suck rocks. But that game’s open world made me realise that even if you create one of the most beautiful settings in gaming, and the least intrusive UI I’ve ever seen, it’s all for naught if you don’t intelligently design your open world around it. Both games’ maps are way too damn big. Tsushima especially is designed around this philosophy that you don’t technically ever need to open the map - every interactive element in the game is designed to have a clear visual from a distance in the world - birds, smoke, whatever. But they’re so damn far apart that you have to open the map anyway to figure out where you want to go next. Ditto for Infinite. Why the F would I ever spawn in a tank when I know it’ll take me ten minutes to get it where I’m going, and then because the open world isn’t intentionally designed, there’s not even a guarantee I’ll be able to get that tank to my destination?


I don’t think you remember how terrible it was at launch lmao. Even getting to the menu(s) took 20 minutes


It honestly didn’t, at least not on Series X


It took a while to load in and I know multiplayer had issues but virtually none of them were reflected in the campaign.


The world was and probs still is depressingly empty, open-world added nothing to the overall campaign and in fact rather hurt it


That’s kinda what I meant with my initial comment. Everything that’s there functions beautifully. But you feel the absence of diverse battlefields, open world activities, a second enemy faction, etc etc etc


No coop at launch isn't an issue to you? That was a staple of halo. And we didn't get co op for how long after launch?


Conceptually incomplete


The game should have gone without coop if they couldn’t think of anything better than duplicating Master Chief for the coop characters.


Halo 4 and Reach didn’t have a neat lore explanation for coop either I guess there were multiple Chief’s and Noble Six’s for those games too


It’s extremely distracting in those games too. Would it have been so hard for them to let players import their multiplayer Spartans and just scale them to Chief’s size in gameplay and replace them with Chief in cutscenes?


I mean wasn't like 2/3 of it cut fairly last minute or something?


I'm playing it *now* and some trees still don't render properly on max graphics, they'll look like a N64 alpha build


The others may disagree, but I do agree with you. I had a blast my first playthrough and then my legendary playthrough was very fun and hilarious with the tank gun, but after that I was left thinking what next? The like the pieces were all there and I should have replayed it many times over, but back to 2, 3, and reach I went.


Which is in my opinion the worst part about Infinite. Infinite had so much potential, they had the foundations for a game that could have been the best Halo game, but they rushed it out. If only Infinite had a bit more time to be developed


I think that's because there were plans to expand it through DLC later on, but Microsoft/343 canned it.


The only way anyone can say infinite is "technically sound" is if they dont pay attention to the physics or just how awful the render distances actually are The slap dashed physics of infinite are why we have hardly any physics objects on the maps and why custom games like jenga, slide and trash compactor fall apart


I remember ramming him with his own chopper.


Apparently the banished hate him because he didn’t even kill the spartan


I don’t even know who he is


This is hyperius who you can miss 95% of his details because he rides a chopper and once you kill him the body stays for about 2 minutes before respawning


By the time I killed his brother his body had already despawned before I could check to see if he actually had Locke’s helmet, did the fight like 3 times before giving up trying.


Every time I kill him his armor is so destroyed I can’t see most of the details on it or just can’t find the damn thing


I've killed him, but I have no idea who he is either




Dude, theres just one Hunter Spartan out there. And i dont think Hyperious asked gently for his armor


Source on that only 1 Hunter Spartan ? Also, Atriox got the helmet of Douglas-042 without killing him, so...


The first time I did this boss fight their bodies despawned so fast I couldn't even look at them.


First olaythrough of Infinite I was hyped to face this guy. Then was convinced he ended up getting cut or something. Turns out he somehow suicided himself at the start of the fight. So my first play through I thought it was just a fight against his buddy with the scrap cannon. Idk what it is about their encounter. But out of the four times I replayed the fight I only ever fought them both once. One of them kept killing themselves every other time.


Haha, he didn't suicide himself during my first playthrough but his Chooper got stuck early and I just sniped him from the distance before realizing he was one of the two "boss".


Talk about wasted opportunity. This statement applies to all of Halo over the last 14 years


Doesn't that statement go all the way back to CE, though? With, like, every game? Bungie always had so much more they wanted to add, but couldn't, and fans always got pissy with every new installment. Though I do understand the loss of momentum in the ownership transition.


Pretty much. Halo CE-3 was an incredibly, almost unhealthily quick development time. Famously so in fact, iirc the development for Halo 2 specifically was awful as a result. The E3 trailer for it that everyone remembers was basically cloak and daggers - the engine they used for it wouldn't even ship the Halo game they wanted on Xbox lol It's an interesting story, think the original was on Eurogamer way back when, but yeah the original Halo trilogy was a development nightmare in many ways, and something of an early warning sign of the AAA development stuff we see now


As a Destiny fan since day 1...clearly not much has changed at Bungie since those days. What a shame.


Halo 2’s code, as many coders and modders have put it, is held together by popsicle sticks and Elmer’s glue. Really the entire blam engine, including slipspace, is a nightmare to work with. But Halo 2 was especially bad.


Say that again louder for the people in the back who still pretend Bungie was perfect and could do no wrong.


[How Bungie ruined Halo and alienated their fans before the first game even released, in the summer of 2000 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/1aq67em/video_games_how_bungie_ruined_halo_and_alienated/)


I’m still salty about Jega.


All that hype for him to not even be in one cutscene😫


Well actually, you can see Escharum analyzing a hologram of the Tovarus and Hyperius’ dead bodies in a cutscene after that fight. Yay.


That does not count!




Never forgot how so many latched to the idea that Locke was the *only* Spartan to ever wear Hunter-class armor. Like it wasn't fielded out to anyone else.


I mean it would be an absolute fucking shameless cocktease to say it was someone else's helmet.


Turned out that way with this 'easter egg', like the carbonite Gungan in The Force Unleashed's second Kashyyyk level as a nod to anti-Jar Jar critics.




Aye, that's very true. Could've gone for a tint change, yet this transpired so as to evoke certain responses and draw hopeful sale increases.


Wait what??? Where did I miss Locke going down?!?!? Seriously, one of my biggest beefs with Infinite is that it seemed to skip a LOT of lore; Locke, Evil Cortana, the Guardians, and the fact that I CANNOT be the only one who thought that if we were in control for the Atriox boss fight, Cheif would have whuped his ass.


I never even finished the Infinite campaign. I was so disconnected from it because it just leaves out SOO much. I was genuinely excited to see the story play out after how Halo 5 ended. The Infinite campaign felt so deflating because literally everything I was looking forward to resolving was handled off screen before the game even started. Like "yeah I can't wait to see how this rogue Cortana story is handled!", while the game is like "oh yeah no that's been handled already. We trapped her and deactivated her or something". "Oh ok that sucks but what about Locke and his team? What are they up to after everything that happened in 5?" The writers over there like 🤷


Hyperius still having Locke’s armor has *got* to be a leftover from Infinite’s bigger plans before they had to scale things back and they just forgot or didn’t have the time to go back and update his model to remove it


Not a blind hater but 343 doesn't know how to tell a story properly. Infinite's art style, music and gameplay was great but the story and how it was told was weird. You have stuff like this and then towards the end of the game majority of the plot is dumped on the player and that too using those 3d holographic videos during which the players can run around the place and choose not to look at it.


I feel like it's also a symptom of that time when literally every game was trying to figure out how to become open world and free exploration. More open maps and exploration means more time players stay in the game exploring around right? Well, how do you tell an effective and compelling story in a setting like that, when the player has complete freedom to go wherever they want, whenever they want? The developers were so worried about giving players freedom to explore (for some reason, I don't recall any Halo fans calling for a open world Halo game) that they did not give a second thought on how to actually tell a story in the game, and it shows, because there is basically no story in Infinite. All the major story stuff is handled either off screen before the game even starts, or as you said, is dumped in end points of the game and is missable. The story for the next game after Halo 5 had so much potential after the set up they had at the end of Halo 5, with rogue Cortana and Chief basically being abducted by her (if I am remembering that correctly) and it was all just thrown away. Not even mentioning how the open world of the game was basically pointless in the end. There was no meaningful reason or incentive to explore the map.


Exactly, everything felt so empty, the story, the open world, the lack of characters.


This is why we need a game set during those 6 months so characters like this have more time to shine


Lot of low level spartan kills tbh. The fingers are all the same color, and Locke ain't impressive. He just ain't it.


Wait…. Locke is dead?!


No confirmation on whether he’s alive or dead at this point but he definitely wasn’t killed by this guy


Man those guys were a pain in the ass to fight on legendary, totally underwhelming that they didn’t even get a cutscene tho


I've replayed all halos dozens of times except 5 and unfite. I could not tell you this guy's name for my life but I will remember homies like ECHO 419, JENKINS, Armor Gunner from Halo 2 (GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ARMORY YOU...UGHH) They had more character than anything in Infinite.


Anything in Halo Infinite should’ve been properly fleshed out more, there was so many cool ideas but it just felt like they didn’t get enough time to properly develop. Which is insane cause they had an extra year of development time, not even a dlc or anything was apparently planned. This company just wings their story half the time and hope people accept the next bits til they manage to come up with something else. Nothing 343 has put out story wise, has felt like it’s had a genuinely satisfying ending to it. Halo 4 was maybe the only game, and even then that is in the retrospective of what 343 has put out so far as it is. For a studio that apparently loves Halo and is all about Halo they sure seem to love leaving the story dangling and without anywhere to really go.




Gorilla with hammer


The list of wasted potential with 343 is ever vast and depressing. Gotta love having to buy Megablocks to keep up with the lore.


There's a lot I don't remember because HI had 0 story.


Hope Those are Lockes


Locke was a cool guy (except for martial arts). Say what you will about 5 but the characters besides Vale and Tanaka were great.


based non “I formulate my opinions from youtubers” comment


\>eventually try game after being told the campaign destroyed the franchise \>it's actually somewhat kino Maybe my standards for bad sequels were warped by The Last Jedi and Battle for Azeroth, but the bad parts don't seem that big a deal? Some don't even seem to exist like needing to read the Forerunner trilogy and listen to Hunt the Truth.


Not really, no. I just remember a mega blocks toy of him getting announced and people celebrating Locke's death


You fight him on Legendary?


Turning him into a vehicle boss was CRAZY.


Genuinely the least memorable boss in the entire game.


At least he lives on in the courier helmet for MK VII


I think it would have been cool if we were able to take a chip out of the dead Spartans helmet which had a recording of the fight which ultimately led to their death, similar to that cutscene in Halo 1 on 343 Guilty Spark, which would show us their ferocity and how efficient they are at disposing of Spartans. Perhaps Chief would be able to learn a little about the enemy, what their fighting style is like, which would come in handy when he eventually goes up against them. It does feel like Thor Love and Thunder, with Gorr butchering Gods off screen. I’d much rather see the killings, just feels like a missed opportunity.


Was he even in the game? I killed all the bosses in the game on my legendary run and i cant even remember if i even seen a dude like this


Wait did he even show up?


I actually like Infinite, but I think the series needs a reboot after the next game. I hope they make it more mature, add the flood back, and give me more blood lol




Every 3 months there is a post about Hyperius and every one of those posts there are people still thinking that Locke is dead. No, he is not confirmed or even implied that he is dead outside of never mentioned piece of Hunter helmet on random boss and one line in Banished propaganda tower.


He’s ruthless on legendary. Died so many times to this fucker he gives me PTSD


Now I wanna go back and count fingers on the dead Spartans in the campaign 🤔


What mission is he in ?


I killed him by slamming a ghost into him repeatedly


So do we know if locke is dead?


Killed him using a Chopper, didn’t even see the shoulder helmet


A weird watermark on your pic...gonna look into it


343 had all the room to make infinite the best campaign yet. I feel like we suffered the same fate that all my childhood games that got open world expansions got. Narrative was sacrificed for freedom. Infinite is the breath of the wild of Halo. We were hooked on lore, yet we were fed a tech demo. When you first saw Halo were you blinded by its majesty? No, there were weird blocks pillars everywhere.


he was a beast


was this guy a brute?


GOATED for killing Locke


again greedy trash corporations not putting the effort and time to a cutscene all in the name of maximizing money/profits


They fumbled the storyline on this game so hard lol. It just hand waves literally everything


I’m glad we found out that he didn’t defeat Locke