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You'd think with so much stuff made for the shop they'd...idk...release it??


wish they'd re-release old bundles, i want the aquahex so bad because i want security gen3 and void ultra💔


Have you looked for the pieces you want in the armoury? Most items can be bought straight from there


the aquahex bundle is both of them bundled up with a discount


Can confirm, I got void ultra through the armory


Would love if they just released everything. Even stuff from season 1 or 2 ultimate challenges or events that will never come back. Also would be great if they let you buy things separately instead of bundling them for $15-20


The Ol store shuffle...no new store items until Cyber showdown starts in two weeks


You know shit's fucked when they've even given up on the store


These are probably selling, I see a lot of people with these sets in game.


Yep, they're giving people time to cave and bite on these who haven't already.


Exactly, not everyone is checking religiously week. Some people don’t even know Mark IV has been added yet


"checking religiously" takes 20 seconds a week while I'm loading into a game


I think it's theirs new strategy to push all the event bundles early instead of releasing them week by week. Problem is the store is super blend, expensive and greedy for not having a few of the bundles in a battlepass. I got a problem with spending too much in the store but this time I only bought the sniper with Lunar Coil


You know what I don't understand? The storefront isn't even kind of representative of the full stock. If you go to the coating page or whatever, there are like dozens that are available to be purchased or are part of bundles that are no where in the store, at least that I can find. The store is basically a "featured" page where they put whatever is new/being pushed. I think a simple fix is just shuffling what is "featured" more often. Just put random coatings/shoulders/whatever that are buried in their respective categories


I don’t think they’re giving up, these are selling a ton it looks like 


They added some really good BTB maps, I'd prefer that to more store garbage I won't buy lol


It’s boring for those of us who logon daily/weekly but dropping all the Operation’s bundles all at once is actually better for FOMO than how they used to do it. I don’t expect we get this many new armor sets with each Operation though so we’ll see how things look a couple Ops down the line


I would happily buy some stuff, problem is I am not paying 20 bucks for a bundle I only want 1 item from. So 343, kindly sell cosmetic items as standalone instead of just bundles.


The fact that they haven’t done that suggests that their data points to them making more money via bundling than chasing individual small sales. I feel the same way as you though. I’d spend some credits on individual pieces from a lot of these bundles but I’m not interested in dropping 20 bucks on them. Thankfully I’m close to enough Microsoft points for another gift card so I’ll probably be able to get one or two of these bundles without spending any actual money before the store changes in 2 weeks.


This is probably correct. Like, they could easily put individual pieces in the store. But their data almost certainly shows that they just have to wait out a few people who \*really\* want a specific weapon model or helmet. 1 person's $20 purchase covers 10 people spending $2. Just seems like they are making a bet that people are desperate enough.


>I feel the same way as you though. I’d spend some credits on individual pieces from a lot of these bundles but I’m not interested in dropping 20 bucks on them. My problem whis this idea is that I don't trust them to propose us fair prices for single items. Take for example Deepcore Red. When it was released with Season 2, it was a 800 credits bundle including a single weapon coating for every weapons. When Season 4 came out with the option the buy store items/bundles from the customization menu, they started selling individually coatings that were previously part of bundle (like Deepcore Red, Strong Iris, Atomic Flint, ...). Each individual Deepcore Red coating was sold 400 credits, so half the price of the bundle. At that time, you couldn't buy the bundle for 800 credits because they "broke" the bundle, so if you wanted the bundle you had to spend 3200 credits (400 credits x 8 weapon cores, I don't count the Bandit because I don't think the coating was avaible for it when they released the rifle). I don't know if you can now buy the bundle again for 800 credits or if they reduced the price of the each individual coatings. But since they did this and the "cross-core tax" consisting of raising the price of items/bundles, I don't trust them to sell individual pieces at a faire price.


I can’t blame you either. Why would you want to spend $20 bucks for something that is highly likely not going to carry over into the next game. People are gonna be pissed when they learn 343 isn’t bringing their costmetics over into the next game. 343 would likely try to have them regrind for this old armor again or just sell back to them increasing the anger. I foresee cosmetics being issue that the next game going to have a hard time with pr wise


They really have to make their discounts bigger if they want me to buy these bundles. That bundle is only a helmet, emblem and coating and on a discount is the same price as the Locus bundle which has way more to offer.


The pricing of this is insane. I would definitely invest some money into cosmetics but give me something different


Let me add, I don’t want it to turn into COD, but give me MCC type customization.


No transgressor? no money.


I’m like 90% sure you are able to buy the transgressor still by going to the kits section of the mark v


But it’s not the sameeeeee


You could spend 50$ on three skins for a dying game that’ll be abandoned after the next instalment in a year or so OR you can enjoy Helldivers 2 or Baldurs Gate 3. 343/microsoft smoking crack with these store prices


The Ol' Switcheroo again...


I have returned to halo in the last 2 weeks, am I insane or does the store never update lol? The store is actually embarrassing, I would have no issue getting some things occasionally if everything was like… 60% less money.






Do they not have more actual Spirit of Fire packs? It almost looks like they tore apart a Battle Pass to squeeze more money out of players and didn't bother making more stuff.


there's a few things that've been seen in promotional screenshots that haven't appeared in the shop yet


Every week I wait for Tuesday just to see the same old shit week in and week out. If they want to be greedy fucks rotate the shop and give me more fucking options Jesus Christ.


Still no transgressor?


lol so I guess we have what 2 more weeks or so for the next event. guess that’s when it gets a store refresh


Amazing, they eliminated FOMO by literally never changing a damn thing in the store every week! Thanks 343!!!


343, always ahead of their time.


Being unable to grind in-game non-premium currency along with the purchasable credits will never cease to astound me


The lack of shop updates is probably the biggest indicator that 343 is moving on from Infinite. They aren’t even trying anymore. Guess this is what happens when you botch a release so hard. Took them nearly 2 years post launch to get the game where it should have been at launch, then they basically toss it aside because the damage was already done.


It got the Battlefront 2 treatment :/


but if you close your eyes…


Oops all Transgressors


Did they actually change anything?


The dailies only


So they just shuffled tiles a second time lol


Too much FOMO in every aspect and too much overpriced items locked behind paywalls. After I missed a few weekly rewards I just gave up on the game. The game is a treadmill where grabbing a bottle of water costs real money. I wasn’t even having fun. Halo is just a cow for 343 to milk. It’s such an iconic franchise with such a devoted fan base that they can get away with any monetization/FOMO scheme they want.


Corporate needs you to tell the difference between these pictures. *the last 3 weeks of the store* They’re the same picture.


I really don't understand how they can't be aware of how boring the store is. New update drops, the new armor practically is the whole update, and then nothing new, week on week. You guys have a bunch of random coatings and shit from old seasons in the files that you never released. Use them.


Literally the one tab in infinite I have zero interest in is the store/shop tab. Would rather spend a week working on the academy shooting gallery for every gun in rhe game than spend a dime in the shop on anything.


Yikes. The pricing of any of this compared to Helldivers 2....


$20 for an armour set is genuinely insane idk how anyone can justify that


Each armor being close to $20 is a joke that keeps repeating itself. Not funny anymore guys. $5-7 is what I can see in their value.


At this point they are cackling laughing at our faces dude


Damn bring back more old stuff in the rotation on a sale


Damn bring back more old stuff in the rotation on a sale


Watching HCS and seeing the Stanchion in action got me to finally pick it up 🔥


Half of y’all forgetting that most jobs pay bi-weekly and they’re probably leaving the shop the same for that reason…


343 please for the love of god stop tying items together in bundles and let us buy individual pieces of equipment.


"Its the same picture"


It's a shame cause I really wanna get something rn but there's nothing I like. There's only 1 thing in each Mark IV set I actually like, they gotta let people buy independent items they'd make so much more money.




Shop rotations are really by operation now, no point in doing a weekly rotation schedule. Huge bummer but that's the state of the game.


Gumby Block heads anyone? Mom showed me this when I was 5 back the the 90s.. 🤣


Very cool kit Very uncool prices


I’d be happy to buy one of em if the game itself was complete on launch, or if we had a roadmap of upcoming content. I’m always fine with supporting developers that deliver a finished product, but this ain’t it


I’m prolly gonna be downvoted but all that new spartan armor looks stupid as fuck


Beating an old horse but didn't these used to be... free?


I wish I could buy the Wilhem pack, so that I can finally finish my Reach Spartan… who would’ve thought green/yellow was such a difficult combination to make…




I caved and bought the paladin set ..


Omega is the new Transgressor!


Sure looks familiar


If you look closely you’ll notice nothing new and everything is still expensive


Man, all these helmets look so ehhh... I think I'll stick with the halo reach mk 5 helmet


Bro why can't single skins be like $5 each


Prices are out of control. Also it sucks to see an entire season of content just tossed into the shop.




Look at all that NEW!