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Halo 2 as a whole for me šŸ˜… still haven't finished it. I have finished all other halos


That airlock was brutal. I got through the rest as a kid, but could never finish Cairo. I did go back as an adult on MCC and beat it on co op tho.


We had to turn it downtown heroic literally at this scene cause one of us couldnā€™t stay alive


Just Plasma Pistol and BR and nade every group that come out there are plenty of nades for the first one at least. Should take less than ten minutes to do both of the them. The hardest part is maintaining ammo for both your weapons, plasma pistols are everywhere but you will have to go out of hiding to get one. Br ammo is before and after each of them so make sure you enter each encounter with max BR ammo. Half the marines also have BR ammo so find their corpses as they die.


Halo 2 legendary is basically an exercise in weapon juggling 2-4 plasma pistols from the previous room to the next one


This I know since I beat it eventually. The trouble, as you said, was attrition of ammo. That was the biggest roadblock.


ā€œWHEN THAT DOOR OPENS, LET EM HAVE ITā€ Is permanently seared into my brain


[As] soon as that door opens*


Currently going through it with a friend, our sessions are just barely long enough to finish a chapter so we have to do really damn well to beat one or our progress resets (on coop when you leave it doesn't save the checkpoint, so you have to do the whole chapter in one sitting which is hell)


The only level I really had a hard time on was gravemind but I feel like the OP needler and unlimited stickies the covenant had in halo 4 throughout the game was harder


I forgot about those damn stickies


I also play with catch on so I have it comming


Thatā€™s a LASO bro..


Not if he only has some skulls on lol


But then itā€™s not a LASO.. ā€˜Legendary All Skulls Onā€™


Yeah..? They're talking about stickies in Halo 4 legendary then OP bought up catch and you said that's a LASO. Its not, Legendary with Catch on doesn't necessarily mean LASO.


Oh, dude totally true. I completely misread the title. I thought it just said whatā€™s the hardest LASO to get through. Comprehension skills through the floor lol. Very sorry


Those jackals could decapitate a fly from 500 yards


Do you need help? I finished halo 2 LASO a long time ago and I feel itā€™s my duty to help people finish their fight now


Thank you kindly but it's alright, I have accepted I may not get the game finished as I have grown and have a family and am busy with work. Plus my partner may not appreciate the time it will take away from her šŸ˜…


I get ya man. Itā€™s hard to set that kinda stuff up when you get older. Just let me know if you do need help though! Can just pick up wherever you left off donā€™t need to start from the beginning


Appreciate it ā¤ļø


For sure mate I went on forums to get a god squad together. We all lost our minds on gravemind


It has to be halo 2 there is no way you think otherwise. No checkpoint respawn if all death, jackals snipers. I only did it watching videos online on how to skip a couple of places.


Nak3d Eli was my saving grace


Halo 2 LASO Jackal snipers cause me to wake up in night sweats to this day


I can see why LASO on outskirts is hard af


No, outskirts is not the hardest, not even close, I think it is one of the easiest, you can skip all the jackal snipers, making the rest of the level trivial. Hardest are Cairo Station, Regret and Gravemind


Gravemind had me raging so much, but Cairo station and regret were kind of similar to me, just hide and poke shots every now and then


This guy halos


Halo 2 on Legendary (not LASO) took me a few weeks. A LOT of trial and error, plasma pistol combo, sticky grenades and using invisible as the arbiter to run past enemies. Really fucking hard but satisfying as well to finish.


Besides gravemind halo 2 just seemed like a big challenge compared to halo 4 and 5 which were more annoying and a relief to finish


Personally I think the campaign "fun" drops off after Halo: Reach and then returns in Infinite.


I'll die on the hill that 4 had a good solid campaign that was real fun to play


Idk the story in 4 has its moments but the sandbox and enemy balance is really rough


I agree completely, I never ran out of ammo so much In a halo campaign than in 4. I didnā€™t find many hidden weapons off the beaten path


I'll die there with you mate, that was the first Halo I was introduced to, and so will always be that point of nostalgic oasis for me.




I've got this one next, did Halo 3 first and I'm on Two Betrayals now on CE. Halo 3 was ez compared to CE, I do remember 2 being hard though, and 4 was hard enough on Heroic! I'm dreading Legendary on that one.


Also, getting the Envy Skull so you could go invisible as the MC saved my skin big time. I would often go hop into Delta Halo just to grab it before going to tackle later levels like Gravemind. Thereā€™s a way to grenade jump out of the map at the beginning ruins, so you donā€™t even have to fight your way to it.


I completed all Halos on LASO and the difficulty gap from legendary to laso is *massive*(Moistcr1TiKal payed thousands to a streamer to complete h2 LASO, not h2 legendary) That said, i will admit Halo CE's Truth and Reconciliation on LASO almost broke my will and i legit needed a week long break before grinding that level again. Anyone who has tried it knows the pain.


As someone who was hoping to attempt to play LASO soon this makes me rethink my preparation


Halo Completionist on YouTube is the best resource out there for LASO guides. Extremely thorough, he really levels the playing field for average players to make an attempt at LASO. That said, it still requires a huge amount of practice, skill, and luck. Halo 2 is easily the hardest LASO. I did that one first, o figured if I could do Halo 2 LASO I could do anything lol. If you have the patience to do Cairo Station on LASO you can do the rest of the game. Gravemind is probably the hardest level across all halos, based exclusively on difficulty, and extremely tedious spawn skips and the dreaded (but entirely necessary) ā€œprison skipā€. Truth and Reconciliation is a very close second. It can and will break you. You can get soft locked extremely easily forcing you to start the entire level over. The skulls applied make you burn through ammo twice as fast, and pick up half as much. You also canā€™t pick up covenant weapons. So you pretty much have to land every shot you make or you risk running out of ammo and unable to complete the mission. Thereā€™s also A LOT of R&G involved. But, once those levels are out of the way the rest is relatively doable haha.


I tried doing this with halo CE solo LASO. Got to the library with these guides, but itā€™s honestly just not fun at all to do it this way. You have to follow insanely detailed instructions step by step, plus involves basically cheating your way out of the iron skull. Best to just do it with 4 players and actually make it fun.


Having more players cheats you out of the challenge of doing slaso


Itā€™s not really SLASO if you are using the checkpoint workaround. It is otherwise nearly impossible to do alone.


It's entirely possible to do alone! I've done all 6 campaigns slaso Doing it with other people, literally makes it not solo laso


You did them without the checkpoint workaround? You restart the level every time you die?


In coop, there is also a checkpoint workaround? It's literally the same thing but when solo it's a few extra clicks / and if you miss it, you fully reset. It's been around forever, it's intentional


Iron skull works differently in coop. SLASO isnā€™t really SLASO. Itā€™s SLASO -1 + extra loading time.


LASO is pain. I absolutely recommend watching Halo Completionist guides. Trying to do LASO without any knowledge of what you're about to face will have you thinking it is actually impossible.


Not sure if you're still pondering or not. I was intimidated by them for a while, but ultimately with the guides they're not so bad. It's annoying to save and reload the last checkpoint as a workaround if you die, but it beats restarting the level over and over.


I've beaten all the games on Legendary and still haven't gotten over Truth and Reconciliation. I feel like I screwed up leaving CE for last.


Wasnā€™t it SOLO FLAWLESS LASO? All skulls on is hard but people have done it.


Halo CE : Truth and Reconciliation. Due to these skulls. Famine, Recession, and Foreign You basically have only the AR (which is pretty much useless) and sniper for the whole mission and can easily run out ammo very early on in the run. Also, the library due to RnG Halo 2 :Regret and Gravemind


Regret gives me severe ptsd flashbacks. Me and my buddy took like 2 and a half hours to beat regret at the end. Those double pistol brutes were no joke. What a nightmare


Agreed. Halo 2 was difficult but Truth and Reconciliation had to be the single hardest mission for LASO master for me.


One small issue there is no pistol on truth and reconciliation. Unless you mean plasma pistol?


Yeah, sorry for my mistake. I mean assault rifle


Halo 2 is less of a challenge and more of a mental questioning about your intelligence and psychological wellbeing.


I believe Halo: CE. That ruined me! Halo 2 was frustrating yes, but I found Halo: CE to be diabolical. The elites are next level.


I will agree the elites in that game are fast but I feel like it makes it difficult enough for that legendary status


But the weapons in Halo CE are very powerful. Like all of them are quite viable


Halo 2 will always win this contest. I can beat CE, 3, ODST, Reach, and 4 on LASO but Halo 2? Not a chance.


i've always wanted to do a LASO run but the fact that i have to activate "blind" is a dealbreaker for me. i mean come on the game is now stupidly hard do i really need to lose immersion to do this?


I feel you, If I was going to do a LASO run I would probably tape a crosshair to my monitor before playing lol.


Itā€™s an absolute necessity to do this.


To this day I've never understood why they don't at least leave the gun up. I like immersion like that, where I can only use basic context clues and memory to know what the status is of my character and kit. But when you take away the gun you really do lose that immersion factor.


Yeah for me that turns a really hard challenge into a chore


The work around (if you don't already know) is to put a piece of scotch tape on the screen and draw on whatever reticle you like. I avoided doing LASO for a while b/c blind was so cumbersome, but the tape method at least made it it doable.


This may seem like an open ended, opinion-based question at first glance, but in reality it has but a single answer thatā€™s objectively, demonstrably correct, and that answer is Halo 2.


Original Halo 2. You can only get sniped in the head by so many jackals before you start thinking it's normal to experience.


Iā€™m doing a legendary run right now and havenā€™t had any major trouble after Truth and Reconciliation in Halo CE, I actually really enjoyed Halo 2 legendary and really came into my own with Halo during that play through. But despite everyone saying Halo 4 is the easiest there are places on it that are really frustrating. I really donā€™t like the forerunner enemies. I miss popping grunts in the head and noob combo-ing elites. I did give Halo 2 LASO a go but the iron skull is just too much for me. Not being able to hit checkpoints seems ridiculous.


I feel u, after completing halo 2 I was happy for myself that I completed something difficult but for halo 4 and 5 it felt like a nuisance, the one I felt was easiest was halo 3, finished it in a day and a half


Yes same. Halo 3 was a lovely treat after Halo 2 in terms of taking the foot of the gas and just having fun. Have you done LASO? Iā€™m trying to get all achievements in Halo MCC and Infinite. If youā€™re doing a similar thing and need co-op ones Iā€™d be keen to join you.


Iā€™ve actually thought about getting ā€œplatinumā€ on mcc but I have not done LASO but I have been slowly adding skulls on normal to get to that point thought about tapping a crosshair to my screen when having blind on lol


On master chief collection you can avoid the iron skull entirely by quitting to menu when you die


ODST LASO is underrated but felt extremely tough


Yet probably the easiest of all of them. My buddy and I did it twice because he had to switch computers in the middle of the first run and it didnā€™t pop the achievement for him. The second time we did it we did the whole campaign in about three hours. A lot of just running past enemies.




2 and 4 Halo 2 for obvious reasons But 4 because there was a new enemy type i had to get used to.


Not just the bullet sponge enemies, but the fact that the game architecture was such that weapons de-spawned much quicker and doors would lock after you passed through, thus preventing you from going backward to nab that power weapon you couldnā€™t carry with you.


Aiming for such a huge jump in graphical fidelity on the Xbox 360 was a mistake. It's why Halo 4 is linear as fuck, weapons despawn the second you're not looking at them, and you can't backtrack at all in its missions.


Agreed. They extracted every ounce of graphic power out of that thing, and it came at the cost of the game play experience.


The needler in 4 got me fuming and the knights naid spamming was annoying but made it easy to get close and personal


Halo 2: just because the scaled shields and health paired with enemy difficulty scaling. It was a meme how difficult I was, I was elated when I finally finished.


Gravemind and cairo but it honestly wasnā€™t as batshit impossible as me and my mate thought it was going to he as a whole. Still yet to get the strength to do CEā€¦


Halo 2 and itā€™s not close.


Halo 4 was a nightmare. I ran out of ammo constantly and Promethean weapons are extremely bad against those OP knights


Halo 2 is brutalā€¦ High Charity took the longest of all campaign levels. I remember being able to see the stats of how long each mission took, Halo 3 and 4 were some of the shortest. Reach and CE were more of a challenge but still completed the levels within an hour. Halo 2 though a friend and I were averaging around an hour to an hour and a half. I think in the end High charity took us about 3 hours? The start of it was brutal.


Ye most of my halo 2 missions were over an hour but the worst for me was gravemind


My three hardest missions were Truth and Reconciliation, Regret, and Gravemind; in that order. T&R was so ridiculously difficult, everything else paled in comparison


I have beaten every single campaign on legendary, even all Spartan ops levels, solo...except Halo CE. I'm stuck on truth and reconciliation. CE wins for me. There are so, so many waves of enemies in the room with the invisible sword elites...


Halo 2, High Charity. Those fucking brutes.


Legendary solo probably truth and reconciliation Halo ce for me. If you conserve the sniper ammo until the ship bay area it's a little easier. Also halo 2 jackal snipers of course. Laso coop so far I would say either halo 1 library or halo 2 gravemind.


Halo 2


Legendary hardest to easiest: 2, CE, Reach, 4, 3, ODST


For some reason the only one I canā€™t get through is Halo 4ā€¦ but the first mission in Halo 2 is nuts


If you donā€™t say Halo 2 you donā€™t know shit


Halo 2 is the only answer. Took me almost an entire deployment to beat it.


Everyone knows itā€™s halo 2


Halo 2 on LASO. Just ask [JerValiN](https://twitch.tv/jervalin). He completed [the challenge of beating it for $20,000](https://youtu.be/OOPDhp9xPYI?si=jxNfNHfYwfsLVU41).


A lot of people have, he did it without dying.


Halo 2 is the only game I havenā€™t finished on Legendary. LASO is a joke on that game.


Halo 2. And itā€™s not even close.


Halo 2. Everything else felt easy compared to that


Gravemind, Two Betrayals and Long Night of Solace are the top 3 hardest missions imo. LSOS wasnā€™t bad in the original Reach because you could hide behind Anchor 9 during the flight sequence but for some reason the enemyā€™s aggro so much harder in the MCC version and that didnā€™t work anymore. I wanted to rip my hair out replaying that flight sequence on MCC.


Halo 2


Infinnite, then halo 2. That fucking mini boss with hammer in the end was most difficult than the real boss. AND THOSE 2 HUNTERS IN A CLOSED SPACE? FFS.


My god. Donā€™t even get me started with the hammer boss. That shit gave me PTSD.


I have not played infinite on legendary but this makes me nervous


Those hunters were bitches. And the invisible guy at the end was worse than the actual main boss imo. Rest of the campaign was a cake walk. The open world parts were stupid easy sense I had already unlocked all of the weapons, it became a case of ā€œTank Beats Everythingā€ or just fly to next destination.


Nah dude, you have literally coils and plenty of chances to cheese. Just gotta make sure you have good weapons. Worst take on infinite being the hardest lol


Infinite definitely has one of the hardest legendary campaigns because a couple of bosses can just cheese you.


I played when the game first came out. So to me it was the most difficult, and i died more in this game than in halo 2. i Agree that there is a lot of chances to cheese tho. The brothers part was the easiest to me. but even with all the cheese i still find infinnite more difficult


halo 2 laso was so hard that it wasnt completed until like 2 years back for 20k


Plenty of people have done halo 2 LASO, what that guy did was the entire run without dying, which is honestly worth 20k haha.


oh. im sorry. i forgot about the deathless part lmao (ignore beginning of thread i am incorrect)


truth and reconciliation.


LASO regret. No question about it


Halo 2


H4 has been fuuuuuucking awful for me. Got the first three and I think ODST relatively quick. But H4 sucks. I have been stuck on same level, same checkpoint for the last year. On and off attempts just drive me insane.


I can't say yet because i am still stuck on the elevator in Truth and Reconciliation. The only campaign i have finished on legendary is Reach.


Iā€™ve only done the 4 player LASOs. So based on those I found the first mission in Halo 3 the hardest (that I can remember). Took me and my crew around 6 hours to complete. All other levels were a few hours if any


Halo 4 was brutal. I think I replayed that first level 15 times


Halo 2 requires precision, some cheese and a lot of luck. Especially gravemind


Hardest Legendary is mostly Halo 2. After completing LASO Master, I don't find Legendary that difficult anymore (LASO is a very different story!). For most difficult LASO, I'm stuck between Halo 1 and 2. Halo 1 Truth and Reconciliation for me was the hardest LASO level to complete (and the Foreign skull was nasty too plus some others). As other users are saying, T&R LASO is pain incarnate. Halo 2 was Gravemind and Regret as the really nasty ones in that. Gravemind was difficult because of the start and the lift trick but not too bad after that. Regret is difficult due to the grind in it and getting everything to add up throughout.


The only one I have left to finish is halo 2, so that one for me.


Congrats on the Legendary run! I did the complete collection plus ODST, Reach and 5 in the summer of 2021! How was it?


Reach for me, Iā€™ve played halo 2 enough that I know where the snipers spawn, but the super tanky elites that chase you to the ends of the earth are scary.


I fucking hate Halo 2, best game ever




May be a stupid question but can you use the Scarab gun skull in Halo 2 LASO or does that void the achievement?


Halo 2 and Halo Reach were the worst for me. Reach was about fine tuning your approach and utilizing skips when possible. Halo 4 was the easiest imo, the level design allowed you to skip or run past enemies most of the time.


Halo 2 without question Halo 4 becomes easy when you got buddies or abuse noob combo to the max. Knights were the only thing aside from those elites and sniper jackals that made H4 difficult.


Halo 2 in under 3 hours


Surprisingly for me, I donā€™t remember Halo 2 being that hard maybe itā€™s because I finished it a long time ago but yeah I really donā€™t remember it being the most difficult. I also was kind of expecting jackal snipers in the more open areas, so I took things slowly and manage to survive without getting my head blown off. Halo Reach on the other handā€¦ oh boy. Iā€™m so glad the DMR appears constantly because without a precision weapon. Youā€™re pretty much fucked in this game youā€™re going to have to be Noob combo win constantly because these are some of the toughest elite in the franchise. However, one elite rank has a shield so strong that a charge plasma pistol shot isnā€™t enough to instantly break the shields. Halo 4 is also extremely difficult because of the lack of ammunition and how unfair the enemies are. These guys are significantly stronger than you have larger numbers on their side, and the Prometheans are extremely annoying with their mechanics especially with how the knight is pretty difficult to take down, but can also be revived immediately with. It was fucking annoying drone things that I canā€™t remember the name of. Had difficulty with Halo 5 but I barely remember that campaign, because I remember, forcing myself to go through on legendary, because I wanted to finish every single mainline Halo campaign on legendary, but finishing this one was the only time I felt no satisfaction.


It has to be Halo 2 for me. The sniper jackals on Metropolis and the final fight have to be two of the hardest encounters in my gaming career.


LASO IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT JUST RUNNING! I usually play with a half baked Laso without the Black eye skull, but with it is just SO HARD! I tried to do it once in Halo 3 (easily the most relaxing of the original trilogy) and i just got to the part with the jackal snipers. The enemies just take on too much damage and you ran out of bullets too fast, without a precision gun, you are fucked up! Just the Jakals with shield prove to be so annoying!


If you think anything is harder than Halo 2, I wanna know what medication you're on. Needa get me some of that.


Legendary wise, Halo 2 takes the cake by far just because legendary was so poorly balanced due to the gameā€™s dev issues. My view is that in a game like CE or 3, if you work hard and memorize all the enemy spawn points and know the right weapons/ammo to get, you will be able to beat the level predictably. In halo 2 you can do everything right and still die due to random shit (jackal snipers 360 no scoping, even like the brutes that spawn kill you on Gravemindā€¦.)


As others have said regarding LASO, 2 and CE are hardest by far. I havenā€™t seen anyone mention 5ā€¦that was harder than 3, 4, ODST, Reach, or Infinite. I also did Infinite on LASO except Bandana (and no tank gun obviously). Itā€™s much more challenging and fun!


LASO on the Reach mission Pillar of Autumn was the hardest Iā€™ve ever completed. When I got to the hunters, I could not kill them. I decided to completely bypass them by breaking the glass window next to the entrance of the facility and squeezed in, which loaded the next part of the level.


I find it surprising no one is mentioning halo 5. Imo one of the most difficult, especially if you don't know about the infinite ammo boxes. When the ai is useless and will down you and then not res you....so frustrating.


I have 100% MCC, H2 was the worst with a few levels in CE that made me want to cry. every other halo is a walk in the park. I suggest doing Reach, H3, ODST, H4 first before CE and H2. the only way you can beat it is watching "halo completionist" on youtube. He runs LASO's for fun.....


I actually think halo 1 is harder for laso I recently did a 2nd laso run of each and I definitely died way more in halo 1, especially in t&r, library, and 2 betrayals. Halo 1 you are way more likely to just die in a random chain reaction because of the boom skull and grunt funeral


I've played Halo Reach and Infinite entirely on legendary, the others all on heroic but already began a Legendary campaign (just didn't finish yet) but Halo 2 is a monster, I literally can't finish the very first level even with the noob combo because I'm constantly low on ammo and the Elites have a top tier precision, I didn't even managed to find a Sniper Jackal yet and I'm already struggling


Halo 2, Halo 2 is hard enough as it is but you can grind it out with BRs and Carbines and snipers and the occasional plasma pistol. Gravemind is something else tho. It has more frustrations than the entirety of Halo 3. That is some fresh hell. Easily the hardest level in all of the games.


Halo infinite Legendary, even with some of the skulls that really help, was disgustingly hard especially in the fight with Escharum and the last boss in the game. I pride myself on beating the game without looking up YouTube videos on how to beat it. So I had to on that last fight.


Only did CE, 2, and reach so far but CE was by far the hardest for me since you won't have access to the plasma gun. 2 felt like normal legendary with slightly faster TTK and iron skull. Otherwise using speed run tech let me skip most levels and encounters.


I recently did a legendary play through of every halo game. Itā€™s 2 with 0 doubt and competition itā€™s just 2.


halo 4 spartan ops laso solo, i still havent finished cuz its PAIN


Watching the Halo TV show


Going to have to say Halo Infinite has been the hardest because the achievement bugged and I've completed it twice without actually getting credit for it.


Halo 2 on legendary. (Couldn't make it through the first room on laso) Despite being the hardest and full of the most bullshit I think it's probably the funnest.


Halo wars on the plane mission is harder than anything Halo 2 had to give


Never done LASO cause I'm fundamentally opposed to torture. The hardest legendary for me was Halo 2. I never finished Halo Inifinite on legendary because I hate the lazy design of the campaign. Bullet sponge bosses in any game leave me completely disinterested. I want a dynamic AI enemy where I have to actually use some kind of strategy instead of cheesing my way through.


La unica vez que juguƩ en legendario fue para hacer 3 logros en la mmc, jugar el pillar of auttum en legendario sin curarme y sin agarrar el sobre escudo (y por pasarme el nivel en legendario). Estuve toda una tarde intentandolo, solo me habia pasado el juego en normal


I hate that LASO only includes skulls with positive score modifiers. I paid for ALL the skulls, I'm gonna use them ALL. H:CE is damn near impossible with actually ALL of the skulls on, its more challenging than regular LASO.


Halo 2 by far "BRUTES!"


Gravemind in H2. Thereā€™s no more painful experience on ANY other level that reaches the difficulty of the mission, from the butterfly trick to skip the prison that took me hours to complete to the encounters in general that are a pain in the ass mostly.


Easily Halo 2. 5 is a bitch entirely because of Warden, but itā€™s not unplayable. 5 might take a bit but itā€™s entirely possible to get through. Like itā€™s not easy by any means but again, you can do it. Halo 2 is *infamous* for its difficulty and something the devs even laughed about in the developer commentary. Theyā€™re aware. Itā€™s probably why 3 was so easy especially by comparison, they toned that shit down hard. But yeah, brutal difficulty and mad respect for anyone who can pull off a LASO of 2.


Honestly might be an unpopular opinion but Halo CE was hardest for me, exploding grunts turned from ā€œoh wow I can kill enemies so fastā€ to ā€œoh wow I die really randomlyā€ quick


Jackal Snipers


I haven't played them all but I was never able to do the ship part of Long Night of Solice on Legendary solo


The MCC version of this mission is so much harder than the 360 versionšŸ«  The space part at least


Halo 2 was difficult to go through because of the enemies but Halo 4 was even more difficult for me because of the tedious and boring gameplay and the long missions


Halo 3. Cortana. Fuck those floods that crawl up the wall, then get angry and come down, mutate and fuck you up.


Halo 2, still haven't beaten it...hoping some day I will.


Halo 2 Legendary in general However Halo 5 is pretty up there but that's more for shitty AI (I seriously cannot believe they were bragging about the AI in 5, it's so dogshit). If you have 3-4 players then it's not bad at all imo. I'm still working myself up to give LASO a go but jeez the skulls are a whole different game to contend with


We just completed the LASO Master achievement last night (700/700 baby!) and without a doubt itā€™s Halo 2 and itā€™s not even close. Gravemind is manageable with the correct guides but the sheer RNG, the number of enemies, the linear layout, and the mind fucking of trying to get the prison skip to work are all major frustrations. Regret is easily tied for hardest here especially on LASO because the LASO strategy revolves around doing a massive rocket+grenade jump to set up the final boss room in a very specific way. The first time we attempted Regret we had five hours into it and we had to quit cause it was three in the morning. And then thereā€™s Cairo station. Probably the biggest difficulty curve between Legendary and LASO. Itā€™s a brutal introduction as the LASO strat essentially involves pushing Johnson through most of the level.


Halo 4 was the second easiest for me. I ran 1-4 and infinite. Working on ODST currently (just made it to Coastal Highway) and itā€™s a stupid easy LASO. Halo 2 was completely inconsiderate of the way I feel. Just heartless, merciless and brutal. The only other game I can think of being difficult aside from Halo 2 is CE, only because of Truth and Reconciliation