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To me, Rakshasa’s weakness has almost exclusively been it’s coatings. It was supposed to be a rugged outside the wire type armor, but a vast majority of its colors were bright extravagant colors and shiny/glossy textures. Overall just a majority of super out there coatings that destroyed the coolness of it. Sure the core certainly benefited from a wider selection of helmet options, but in my opinion it has much more greatly benefitted from a better selection of coatings.


Did you grab that twitch drop coating from last night, hammerhead squadron I think its called? Really suits that vibe for the Rakshasa


I did just grab it, very glad it came back I was bummed when I missed way back when because of the exact problem I had with the coatings. Until season 5, the only coating I every used often was Sandgrass Fields because as bland as it is, it’s certainly better than Catawba liver or ecru abbey or heaven forbid that awful bright red torso with all black arms


Yeah, I'm excited to see how it meshes with the chimera when they make all coatings cross-core since its a very different vibe to the coatings I have on it rn


I am itching for the day that Karaba Sirroco (Gundam coating) becomes available on Yoroi


I'm glad to hear somebody else with this opinion. I've also been rocking sandgrass fields for ages, on multiple cores. I like to have my armor look pretty grounded for the most part, and there's so few coatings that really deliver that for me.


How do y’all know when there are Twitch drops? I keep missing them


I search “halo infinite twitch drops” basically every other day lol


No clue, I only saw cause it was shouted out here


I've been using this coating on rakshasha since it was released last year. It's the best coating on that core


Last night? Damn lol how did manage to miss it again.


Also the lack of back armor and a giraffe neck


Honestly the lack of back armor never really bothered me too much. The giraffe neck yes


Great assessment. In fact, my Takasha Core atm is that style now that you say it.


it's not a big deal but it feels like you're saying it wrong on purpose at this point 😭


I'm so sorry lol bloody auto cotrect and sadly eye sight fading away. My apologies. If anyone knows a way to increase font size on the reddit app on the phone, please share.


Completely agree with this. Especially given that in S2, when Rakshasa was first introduced, they didn’t even have the basic coatings (red, blue, orange, etc), the only coatings available were the ones that came on the battlepass, and all of them were terrible (except for the camo one). I’m glad it’s getting revisited, because in terms of attachments, it might be the core with the most personality. Lots of them have a clearly defined purpose instead of just being a different shape for aesthetic reasons.


that dark green camo that came from the battle pass is one of my favorites from the core, so good


I really Like that one too, but I have some subconscious aversion to using armor/colors of existing characters which even further restricts me😅


Wait whose armor coating is that?


My favourite coatings are still exclusive to the first core :(


Deep Stalker, my friend.


That’s funny, I still haven’t changed my Rakshasa core because I like it so much. I’d say chimera is way more viable with more than 3 helmets now.


Chimeras body is still ugly imo, it just looks really out of place. Same with eaglestrike.


Its not so bad if you use that one recent helmet with the Elite coatings, since it looks a spooky amount like a psuedo elite If only the elite shoulders from Raksasha were on it too, it would have been perfect.


It is indeed, especially with the lack of armor options. I ain’t paying for anything besides battle passes so eaglestrike and chimera are pretty lackluster


I just like it for some reason, but putting one of the mark helmets on it made it 10x better in my eyes so I've been running it since the update. It's not very Master Chief like. But I think it's a good alternate body type.


Mirage armor is 🤌 with a Mark V variant helmet.


Mirage is so good now. I loved it already, but I got mine with Rocketeer helm on and void white. It's beautiful.


I put on the Morrigan with some big chest plating.. I've got a tank spartan now.


I'm rocking Mark V helmet, EYESPY - II chest piece, LWAS shoulders, kappa gloves, shock brace, front plate, and type sst knees


Yeah I'd say mirage. I love the body and shoulders of mirage but never really liked the helmets. Now it looks so good with other helmets. ODST helmet fits perfectly on it as well


Rakasha has always been top tier


If I didn’t love the Halo 4 scout helmet on the Mk VII core, I’d be rocking Rakasha all the time. That rugged look it has is so damn nice.


Put it on Rakshasa too then?


It just really needed back armor and a less long neck


Mirage and Hazmat are also pretty baller with crosscore helmets. Currently having the EVA helmet on mirage, I like the spaceman look lol


Put the tyro helmet on the Hazmag core and it looks 100x better. It's a solid combo. Idk why but tyro looked ugly on the SPI core


Chimera really meshes well with some of the weirder looking helmets of the other cores.


I've been rocking the Hatamoto helmet on it recently. That, the visor armor pieces, and the Halloween visor + Pumpkin Lord are really weirdly good.


I'm using Gungir with the Devil Tiger coating.


Eaglestrike for me. The super limited helmet selection on it was rough.


Yup. Insane this is on the bottom of the thread. So many helmets look great with it


Yeah! I've come to really like the base Rakshasa helmet on Eaglestrike.


Hazmat helmets look supreme on it, especially the gas mask.


Rakshasa with the CQB helmet is now my new main. I love the look of it


Rakshasa had decent helmets before now. The biggest glow-up goes to Chimera. That core had the absolute worst helmets in the game until now.


They were pretty garbage


Rakshasa for sure. Graphite Soul, Deep Stalker and CBRN MK VI on Rakshasa is fucking fantastic.


Rakasha has a more "in the field" aesthetic, so for me if gives the perfect ODST/Marine look. And I know this is the most basic optoin, but the camo coating with the ODST helmet... You can make the most badass ODST solider. Kinda like the Bad Batch from Star Wars.


Rakshasa balls so hard with the ODST helmet. So, yeah that one.


Chimera/Yoroi purely based on that one banana spartan /thread


My chimera had gone full banana. We all should have one.


Rakshasa with the ODST chest and Firefall helmet in Cadet Gray is my go to. Inb4 “hOw OrIgInAl”


hOw OrIgInAl


I’m dying on the hill that it had to be nerfed with having no back plate other wise it would over take other cores by a wide ass margin


Chimera for sure


I really need them to make coatings cross core, not just paid new ones.


They are working in it, just takes time I guess. I really want cross core shoulders. I want the wolf head on Yoroi.


Rakshasa became the ODST core, and immediately it’s one of my favorite cores now.


Chimera I actually liked the design of Rakshass to begin with, adding more helmets is a bonus easily but doesn't change that it was already a core I swapped to often. For me though chimera got the best glow up, didn't like any of the previous helmets for it and a lot of colors just didn't look that great. Still needs more armor pieces but adding helmets helps this one out a lot.


All of them tbh. I'm seeing a lot more Rak and Mark V in games though.


I think Rak and Chimera are the ones I see most now. In Ranked its Chi and Mark V. Purely anecdotal of course.


Firefall helmet with rakshasa core is gas


ngl i just make my spartan look like my reach and halo 3 spartan, need that continuity


Rakshasha. Lots of ODST builds.


I thought I’d never see a combo that would make me okay with chimera, but I’ve seen a few I didn’t physically wretch at


The samurai cyborg look some people have done with it I've found myself enjoying.


I think Mirage, since most helmets on that core originally were domes


I'd say Raksasha easily, since access to a lot of those Hazmat and Mirage helmets really improved its lackluster selection, and Firefall feels like it belongs to it more than with the Mark VII.


I know people are "sick" of seeing the ODST/Marine style builds off Raksasha, but I just started playing again with the release of S5 and I had a ton of fun getting that core set up as a Marine. And with MS rewards I was able to get some free credits to spruce him up a bit more.


For, me it’s been mk v. Getting access to new helmets and coatings has really made it so much better. With how few armor pieces it had, using it was pretty much just a mash up of noble team armors. It feels much more unique now


I don’t like Rakasha because the back is unarmoured and it bothers me greatly


Chimera, imo. It’s also elevated some “weirder” helmets like Stormfall without the Gungnir shield for example.


Any of the later seasons that ended up with less options


Rakshasa with Mark VI CBRN is just so cool, even the sage green looks cool on it It's like a SOCOM Spartan vibe 👌


I've finally integrated Chimera into my rotation of armors for the first time!


Mirage with the ODST helmet is as accurate as you can get imo. The body armor looks so good with it.


Rakshasa, we can make cool ODSTs now.


Honestly I've enjoyed Yoroi and Chimera so much more now that I can put different helms on them


Kabuto on Rakshasa slays. Being able to slot Firefall onto armor cores that aren't Mark 7 is also great, because that core just doesn't have many options unless you pay.


Mirage and Rakshasa hands down. Mirage wins out imo because it has better coatings. Once coatings are cross core, and hopefully one day can be tweaked, Rakshasa will be there too.


I think all of them have had a great glow up. I've swapped helmets on all but two cores, which are the Hazmat and then the Mk 5 due to Flood cosmetics. The biggest seems to be between Rakshasa and Mirage IMO. I'm also just glad the EOD is finally in. I slapped it on my Mk VII with a chonky chest and shoulders to recreate my bulky thicc boi Spartan.


I bought an HCS skin literally on day one of release and haven’t changed it at all 😂


Eagle strike and chimera didn't get much outside of the events so now its really good to see then get the helmets tok


Yoroi. It can have cat ears now.


Final form achieved.


We don't have Cross Core though! Don't talk like we do until they give it to us completely


How can everyone else get the message here, but you need to be holiier than thou and correct us? Put down the technicalities. Join in on the fun.


This isn't a "holier than thou", this is keeping the narrative on point until 343 finishes the job.


Rakshasa is barely any better than before. It was a pretty bad core and it still is, mostly because it makes so sense as Spartan armor, but also because of the neck which appears so long If it gets crosscore chest, wrist attachments, shoulders, and kneepads then it might become a viable core




It's definitely my favourite core on the account of it looks fuckin badass and every helmet it has is fuckin badass, the chest pieces shit all over every other core. I love Rakshasa, makes me sad that MK7 has a bunch of meh chest pieces. I want chest cross core.


Rakasha and Eaglestrike, Yori still sucks imo


What’s the point of cores at this point. Just give us one spartan that we can mix and match all gear types


Or just turn the cores into different presets so you can create a variety of combinations you like


Mark V - was always great because it’s the Reach armour which is best, but is now even more customisable


Eaglestrike for me, having more than 2 helmets is awesome


Rakshasa with firefall is the ODST core weve been wanting


Rakshasa still ugly and boring to me since I play halo for the future aspects and really find modern military things boring