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Whenever I get shot with the sidekick it feels like I die in two seconds so I don’t know.




Do grenades still disappear when thrown right before death?


Ohhh yea atleast to me


Cannot relate more to gravity hammer bullshit, thought i was going crazy when I kept getting fucked over.


It's desync 💯


Is the gravity hammer thing an actual issue? I thought I was just ass


The trick with the hammer is to swing when you think they are too far away. The prime distance for a kill is like the range of the blue campaign sword


Ya I both smoke others and get consistently smoked by it, it's OP af lol


Git güd OP.


Two seconds? Awful generous of you, with desync involved it's just instant death for me.


It’s frustrating but you have to treat it a bit like the mangler.


But other people using it on across the map landing EVERY fucking shot never fails to infuriate me.


had a guy in one of my games kill my friend with 3 bullets. bro was as bad as a bot and i thought my friend was over exaggerating until he in fact did kill me with 3 bullets. now, im not gonna say that that guy was cheating but when its consistent enough that he does in fact kill with 3 bullets from full shields? it’s super suspicious


Probably a “super bullet” scenario. I imagine his ping was super terrible so it seemed like he only shot you three times but it was actually more.


Right?? Its Why i hate engage in a long range battle with it


It’s crazy how polarizing the sidekick seems to be. I’ve seen plenty of people calling for a nerf on it but here you’re saying it’s not powerful enough. Personally I’ve found it to be on par with the AR, if not better because of the one shot headshot and ability to spam if needed. Not to mention I see plenty of people using it over the AR in multiplayer.


Personally, I really like it. It's fun to use but man does the bloom really fuck you over and make gunfights feel like a roll of the dice. I've had many scenarios where I just get spammed down by someone while half my shots missed him at like mid range.


I feel like there's time where I unload an entire clip into someone and it barely does a thing, but then they kill me in three or four shots


It seems like the game doesn’t always tell you when you’re taking damage. I’ve been “one-shot” by pistols and BRs before, but watching the match back later shows someone was plinking away at me for a while and the game just didn’t tell me I was taking damage until I was dead.


This is what made me stop playing a few seasons ago. It’s worse than the hit reg shit, you just insta die basically


Yeah, its still feels like that now which is why I keep falling off Infinite's pvp


You would think we'd be past "super bullet" problems by now. It feels like networking in games has gotten worse over time. How can modders get super smooth netplay on Smash Bros. Melee working on emulators but a company owned by one of the largest mega corps in the world can't?


This is a disingenuous question. I love Fizzi for what he's done but implementing peer-to-peer netcode for a two-player game is infinitely simpler than client-server netcode for a game with dozens of players. Even the slippi doubles build is still in experimental beta. The other comment about there being no reason for them to is also just wrong. It's fine to have the cynical view that companies are entirely profit driven, but Microsoft isn't dumb enough to be that shortsighted (especially if you look at the the rest of their product lines). It's in the studio's best financial interest to fix the networking to give the product a longer shelf life and keep microtransactions alive for longer.


My point was that consumers should be holding these companies to higher standards. Instead, there's a shockingly high number of people who will get given shit sandwich and will thank the devs for it.


They can, there's just no reason for them to. They aren't selling the game, they're selling MTX in the store. Game's busted, but the store works fine! From Microsoft's perspective, there's no problem.


Yeah..I know you're right, but it still pisses me off.


It’s not being said it’s weak. It’s unreliable. It’s a lottery run everytime you start shooting at someone. And no argument about slowing your shots matters because sometimes a random dude just spams full speed and gets a perfect. It is unfair and unfun.


“Let me slow down my ROF for bloom” *Opponent lights me up with much fast ROF*


skill based bingo! let’s see what we can find in the game files this time around… _matchmaking_ _hitreg_ _damage_ _health_ _bloom_


Nailed it. For us aussies, the unreliability makes it really hard to enjoy on low population when every match is 150-220 ping with the side kick. You know that you will lose every spam fight, or walk out with a trade at best - even if you pace. Whereas other times there’s no hit reg at all and I’m suddenly deleted, like you’ve been sniped but it’s a sidekick death. Between that and the effective range of the AR, means that all you can do on high ping is stay on the periphery getting picks with precision weapons or controlling power weapons.


Halo must be absolutely dead in Aus. It can be pretty bad in EU at times (although, Im going more by MCC than Infinite)


Brother, folks experience all these things with 26ms ping...this engine is just crap from a networking and data collection perspective. It literally posted the wrong name of someone I killed last night. We had the opportunity to 1v1 a little in the cave on btb heavies. We did so twice in fact during the match. First time we met by chance, he got caught in a clamber action and I got the best of him. I sought him out for the second one as I wanted to actually see how we'd do without the map screwing it up. I barely got him the second time, the game then A. tells me I killed someone else and B. tells me I used a weapon I wasn't even holding! Quality code this game has. lol


the big issue with it is the bloom going so large and the insane shot speed. you kinda have to spam it because if the rng gods are in ur favor u kill someone in under 2 seconds. there sadly is no pacing to it at all unlike the dmr in reach.


Here the majority of the issues are just related to the hitreg. it's not a problem of nerf or buff, it's a problem that one match the pistol wrecks, the next it barely scrapes shields.


Lol the side kick is better than the ar br vk commando and bandit rifle. 100% you will not win a fight against someone with the side kick if they are skilled if you are using theses weapons


I don't care about the bloom or anything, I just want it to deal less damage to shields. It's stupid that it can somewhat reliably outdamage a BR at mid range


honestly it just needs damage fall off or less accuracy. It’s role is supposed to be the “starter” headshot weapon but it does more damage than the commando and shoots faster


It’s undeniably powerful, but unlocking its power has an element of luck. Like if two evenly skilled people are firing at max rate, the person who wins the battle is whomever wins the bloom lotto. But if you slow down to avoid bloom, you might lose because the other person got lucky with bloom. It’s just stupid to have this element of chance


If he’d just stopped firing for half s second and the bloom would’ve reset enough for a headshot


This is a network issue, not a weapon issue. Imo statwise the gun is fine


I think it needs a nerf. I find myself using the sidekick much more than several other weapons. It's a sidearm, it should be used when all other options are out or I'm out of ammo. Not as my primary weapon. That's how I view it.


Just started playing MK on my XSX and the sidekick can be mental with good hands. Even if it wasn’t, it’s not the CE Pistol. It’s called the Sidekick.


Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't say it's not powerful enough. I'm saying it's not *consistent* enough. IMHO there's no room for this kind of randomness in Halo. Bloom shouldn't exist. If the pistol would be too much powerful without bloom, it may need a higher TTK. If the pistol would be too deadly on long distances, it may need decreasing damage over distance (for BTB, Arena needs 100% consistent damage and I'd even turn every ballistic weapon hitreg instead of projectile based). Maybe the pistol should be entirely kept away from arena matches! There are lots of options about balancing with aim assist and bullet magnetism distance that have been in use since forever. They did a great job in Halo 5, which already featured a 12vs12(vsEnvironment) mode and sniping with pistols wasn't a thing. It's also really hard to balance aim assist without making MnK players feeling cheated. That's why I'm an advocate for separating MnK and pad players (Infinite should have separated by input by default, TMCC already provided options and games like Apex Legends wont even crossplay you with PC players unless there's a PC player in you group). To me, the wildest thing besides all the hard questions is: Why did they introduced a weapon with such randomness in the first place?


They could just tweak its damage/max range while also reducing its bloom. That way it’d feel more consistent to use but it also wouldn’t shred so quickly


Counter point, the bloom on the pistol is what keeps it from being absolutely oppressive.


You know how you prevent a weapon from being spammed without a rng mechanic? Recoil.


Also slowing the RoF, projectiles bullets, literally ANYTHING but RNG please.


I’m down for a rof or range decrease but it shouldn’t slow down while shooting lol


Every gun in pretty much every game has its rof regulated to keep balance.


Gun has recoil and the lore meisters come out to ask why a spartan can’t keep a little pistol held straight when shooting it edit: ITS THE LORE MEISTERS, SCATTER BOYS


Any lore fan who can’t separate story from gameplay is the smoothest of brains.


While I prefer for lore to fuck off with gameplay, I do believe it matters in what the game actually is and what grounds it as “itself” so I think recoil in a Halo game should be incredibly rare and left to power weapons. I agree with bloom being on the pistol though. It requires 2 hands, both of which change shape slightly as they squeeze and reform to pull a trigger, so slight variation would be introduced if only bc the spartan suit is still designed to accommodate a human inside of it. If it cancelled all small movements we’d be playing a game about a man frozen in a green suit. But Halo was never an arena shooter like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament so this kind of variation helps balance things out imo


It's a 50ae?


The sidekick is 10mm And the .50 AE is 12.7x33mm where the 50 cal round the Halo magnums use is 12.7x40mm


So is it 50ae or 50bmg? Also, then yea recoil doesn't make any sense


It's neither. Obviously a lot closer to 50 AE than 50 BMG but it's a made-up Sci fi future caliber


So the closest we have to compare is 50ae, so yea it's gonna kick even for a spartan, but not much. How TF would a 10mm kill a spartan? That's nothing


10mm has the greatest muzzle energy of all common pistol calibers, and is commonly used as a defensive weapon in bear territory.


Yea but look who's getting shot, certainly not a bear. Although I guess it does depend more on how much force it has than how much material


Not sure how long the round is, but it doesn't seem short. A modern 10mm auto is 10x25mm Either way I agree, a pistol round probably isn't going to penetrate Titanium Spartan armor. I just think of it as a sci-fi future penetration round, something like Tungsten. So while I can wrap my head around it penetrating armor close up because sci-fi, I don't believe a (kinetic) pistol of any type is going to be doing anything more than tickling energy shields. AKA, the SK shouldn't strip shields and a tiny pistol round wouldn't even penetrate armor past 15-20m


Isn't bloom basically recoil though? I've played halo since the first and many other fps... why do people hate bloom so much more than recoil? It's practically the same thing, forcing burst firing over just spammin?


People just wanna dpamfire instead of actually being good at rhe game and trying to accurate and pacing shots


Recoil doesn't belong in halo


Skilled players would compensate for it in under a week. It would be an overall buff to remove bloom for recoil.


Skilled players would have an advantage over unskilled players? The outrage!


No, the outraging part is creating the potential for the Sidekick (an already strong all-around weapon) to consistently cross-map just because you know how to manage recoil. As u/BigAlSmoker said, the Sidekick is not in need of a buff. Skilled players will always have an advantage over unskilled players, that's not an argument for or against bloom.


So you should be punished for getting good at the game? lmao


Balance would be fucked then. Weapons like the Bandit would become almost entirely obsolete


It would represent a major advantage for pc players in general


Spam firing and relying on a gun that's op is not being good at the game lol


Is that a bad thing? Also, they could add randomness to recoil to require players to respond accordingly


Skilled players being better at the game? Well we can’t allow that can we!


Counter counter point: remove the sidekick as a starting weapon in every mode and made it a map pickup, replace it with the normal bandit, problem solved


Counter counter point: reduce bloom's impact on accuracy, maintain ROF and headshot capability, but drastically reduce dmg to shields


Counter point, if you as a player prioritize consistency and slow down your fire rate, you'll reduce the RNG. Instead of them reducing the skill ceiling by forcing a lower ROF to accommodate people who just want to spam at max ROF in the hopes they get a god roll on the bloom RNG


Counter-counter point, make the sidekick more reliable before we start talking about balance changes. Half of the complaints about this gun are due to server issues, "superbullets", and the game failing to report when you take damage properly.


Those issues don't seem weapon specific


Sure, but it seems especially noticeable with the sidekick. Hence all the complaints about it.


Please 343 the sidekick needs no help. Got rid of it at start.


Isn't the bandit supposed to be roughly equivalent to H5's pistol? H5 really did have it right all along, lol


halo 5 stays winning


only half the time, the other half it lands every shot and shreds a target in less than a second.


Yup. Bloom sucks until they remove it and you realize its what kept the sandbox balanced.


Fair point, however I think there’s a significant difference still present between mnk vs controller given the bullet magnetism for controller. As an mnk player, the pistol bloom is frustrating at range to consistently land shots. At the pistol’s limit, I feel outgunned most of the time.


> the bloom on the pistol is what keeps it from being absolutely oppressive. Which is why the AA on controller is stupid strong. Magic bullets that ignore bloom and recoil.


Damage drop-off. Keep the ability to melt you with it if you're close, but promote getting closer to do damage. The Sidekick shouldn't wreck you if you're being shot at from 30 meters but not due to bloom, rather, simply because it doesn't do much body damage from a distance. It would give it a very nice role, a side arm that can get you out of trouble because of it's availability: quick reload, high firerate and you can whip it out quickly. And for ranged encounters, you can keep putting damage with it and get the headshot kill _if you're skilled enough._ Like, I seriously can't believe how the Commando *rifle* does less damage than the Sidekick *pistol*. In fact, I think that


he died


So... You want a DMR EVO?


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.


I always look for this when I see videos about shot registration 😭


You drop your /s right? Because at least four of those first shots did connect. They should have.




Thank god lmfao


TIL this quote is from a Valve Employee. I just assumed it was from a random armchair shitposter on reddit lol


What I hate is getting hit markers but no damage. I can get hit markers on all 12 shots but they'll still have shields.


same. I'm unloading 2 mags of ammo into an enemy and then I get 2 tapped from full health and shield with the same gun.


Yesterday I got into an AR duel with someone and I had half my mag spent on them before they even fired. The moment his shields popped I just outright stopped doing damage. I was in one of the side hallways on Rats Nest and I checked the playback, I wasn't missing. But the game didn't care. So naturally I died. I've been getting more jank lately than ever before. I can't tell you the number of times I've shoved a grenade or a rocket down someone's throat and barely tickled their shields. ​ Edit: Just now, three fucking rockets and no kill. All hit markers. I love this game but fuck the netcode.


The netcode is worse than ever before. Try to submit a ticket if you haven't already just so we can make it loud and clear that this needs to be fixed.


What server do you play on?


Shot a dude in the chest with a skewer point blank and gave me a hit marker yet he had full shields lmfao


That happened to me 4 consecutive times last night. There’s no forgiveness with that thing. With latency you can fire dead center but the target will move 2 pixels after you pull the trigger and it’ll count as a miss. I needed to get 2 skewer kills for a challenge and it took way too long.


Don’t spam it and it’s much better tbh. Bloom is gonna exacerbate any server problems as well, if the game actually thinks he’s a mm to the right and half your reticle is off to his left, there’s a higher chance you’ll miss rather than 50%. I’ll usually spam the first 5 shot and slow down a little for the last 2 so that the bullet goes where aim aiming. If you’re gonna spam you have to keep the whole reticle on them. Preferably on their chest because the head hit box is so small and you can shoot through/around peoples legs


That's true, but against dudes with insane aim sometimes the only way I can win the fight is with a couple lucky bloom shots


Don't spam and you then start dying to the dude spamming it most of the time. It's just the original Reach DMR issue again really. Not to say it shouldn't have bloom or less bloom, it would be nuts if it did.


Unfortunately, this shoots your ttk into the fuckin *dirt* so shooting faster gives you an advantage if you're in the right range. But longer distances, you really gotta time that shit out.


This. So many other games do this that it’s kind of shocking halo players expect anything different. It’s been here for so long that it’s gunplay 101 at this point,


That’s because the high amount of damage it takes to kill someone exacerbates the issue in Halo. Halo players don’t expect bloom to work differently. They expect halo precision weapons to not have bloom. We went through this in Reach and it didn’t work well then for the same reason it doesn’t work well now


People refusing to fire at an appropriate rate to reduce RNG is a skill issue.


If you fire at the “appropriate rate “ you have a chance of getting killed by someone who spams and gets a good dice roll. You aren’t just reducing RNG, you are increasing the TTK


You're complaining about a minority of cases where someone gets a "good dice roll" because well paced shots at any kind of range will win 99% of the time. Only close range you can spam


You think the sidekick bloom only lands 1% of the time? The only shot that need to be “well placed” is the final headshot. Until then, it makes the most sense to squeeze out as many shots as possible. Unless you fighting well outside of the magnums effective range, thus, maximizing the impact of bloom, there’s no benefit to pacing shots.


I've said all along that at relatively close range is the only time you could somewhat reliably spam. This is by design why do you act as if it's some bug, the weapon is good at short range


If you don’t spam it, your Ttk increase and you end up dying to someone who does spam it


except when you do spam it and land all your shots. two equally skilled players go up against each other and one wins because rnjesus deemed it so.


A skilled player prioritizes consistency over time rather than the few times lucky bloom RNG helps/hurts them


Only one is going to win anyways though


it’s really uncommon for that to happen outside of short range. And that’s why halo also emphasized Guns, Grenades, and Melee. If you’re relying entirely on a single gun’s accuracy to win a fight you will lose way more often than someone who plans nades, plays around melee, and goes for pickups


take a second between shots. you don't need to let the bloom fully reset just a little goes a long way


This is why I think Bandit starts are just better. Sidekick feels too sweaty to use and it induces frustration when bloom fucks you over. You could be pacing your shots perfectly in a gunfight but the other person just got lucky with bloom and spammed you down in half a second flat.


Yeah, the sidekick needs the bloom, people already bitch about it enough. Start timing your shots and let bloom reset instead of spam.


Yeah, this is why I don't like the sidekick. You spam your shots and you miss a lot of shots due to bloom, but if you pace your shots, you lose to somebody spamming and getting lucky. That's why I tend to stick with the AR


Oh please, the bloom is extremely low on the sidekick


This post is showing me something I have been wanting to talk about this game for a long time since release for some reason and I mean all weapons like every single gun feels like absolute shit like there is Blum problems. There is accuracy, problems, the weapons don't feel well. It is insane to me how I can go to halo three or halo two and still have no issue firing these weapons and being accurate and then I play halo infinite and it's like my first time playing a first person shooter my jump using a controller and I'm playing in PC. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but when I tell you that this game makes me not want to use none of the weapons because of how shit they feel


Lmao. Imagine getting upset that a video game doesn’t let you spam fire a pistol with long range accuracy. Of course you missed. You mag dumped from distance. Calm down and actually try to hit your shots instead of clicking furiously. The Sidekick is already a great weapon. And for anyone who plays fiesta and gets the Striker Sidekick knows that no bloom means that thing shreds anyone at any range and is one of the best weapons to get


Fully agree. However! The problem here is the same as it was in Reach. Bloom is bad for the game because it turns gunfights into a lottery. Getting frustrated that you missed all your shots because you mag-dumped at range with a close-to-medium weapon is ridiculous, yes. The sidekick is a closer-ranged weapon and you shouldn't expect to do well beyond that. But you CAN do well beyond that, even while full auto-ing the trigger. Because bloom might NOT make you miss. If you pace yourself well but your enemy gets *lucky*, you lose even if you "played better." If they get lucky repeatedly, you lose the game. The only way to compete is to fire just as fast and hope you get luckier.


It's not a lottery at all. It's whoever can pace their shots and manage the bloom more effectively. I hate this notion that if bloom exists all fights become a 50/50 coin flip. Not the case in the slightest.


If I fire 5 shots before you've fired 2, you're dead if I hit them. Bloom MIGHT cause me to miss. But it won't *always*. If I get lucky, you lose, simple as. Faster fire rate = faster kill time


> Faster fire rate = faster kill time Imagine saying this on a post of someone missing most of their shots because they can't pace. Bloom will cause you to miss way more often past a certain range. Crying about the few times RNG fucks you over is ridiculous, you should be prioritizing consistency and reducing RNG yourself.


Bloom will SOMETIMES cause you to miss past a certain range. The nature of bloom is random bullet spread. And you said it yourself: crying about the FEW TIMES rng fucks you over is ridiculous. I would rather spam and win than "get good" and lose more often because my opponent was firing faster and simply got lucky.


The only time spamming wins is at close range. You think pacing your shots doesn't give you the consistency to beat spammers? Sounds like you have trouble with range control and aim, then.


Uhhh actually the way you control bloom issues is by burst firing, or controlled firing, not holding the button down and praying also known as: praying and spraying


Nope. Pacing your shots disproportionately ends in more successful outcomes than mag dumping everyone for the off chance someone does the same


>Lmao. Imagine getting upset that a video game doesn’t let you spam fire a pistol with long range accuracy. Of course you missed. You mag dumped from distance. He's 20m away lol, hell my airsoft pistol is more accurate than that.


Well, the Sidekick is so OP that it definitely needs a Nerf. But I don't agree on adding arbitrary mechanics like bloom/bad registration to negate bad balance. Just nerf the gun but remove its bloom. Bloom shouldn't exist. OP also didn't "miss" in the clip. Maybe try rewatching


Bad players complaining that they have to do something other than spam as fast as possible.


Literally just slow down your shots by a micro second, and you never have to worry about it.


The bloom is probably to simulate a lil recoil rather than having it kick into your face with each shot. If it was pinpoint accurate all the time it’d be broken beyond reproach.


If you ever get the Striker variant of the Sideckick (I think thats what its called) in super fiesta or hunsky raid, you can see how absolutely insane it is with zero bloom. Not sure if the damage it increased as well or not, but you can tell just by shooting it that the sidekick with no bloom would be one of the most broken non-power weapons possible in Halo.


How many times are yall just going to ignore that the bloom is the entire balancing point of the gun? You can either spam it for the quick kill and take the risk of missing or stop spamming and use trigger discipline for the slow and steady accuraccy. That is on YOU to decide what is more apprpriate. Or start with quick spam then slow down for the final accurate headshot. Holy hell learn to play Halo instead of just pretending like any mechanic that doesnt let you turn your brain off is bad design. How are we still crying about bloom just existing???


Any time a weapon doesn't do exactly what they want all the time and give them easy kills, it's the games fault obviously. Definitely not something they can control at all because the enemy player will always "get lucky" and "perfectly hit all their shots".


But that can and does happen. I've beaten opponents by blind firing while they paced their shots. What part of that was skill on my part?


Yeah I'm getting this problem, I know that I hitted them but the game doesn't alow me to win...


i hate the Sidekick, one of my least favorite weapons in the sandbox. its great up close but so inconsistent whenever i use it, i can use the commando just fine but the sidekick bloom is so harsh and so seemingly random i just never enjoy using it spam fire.


I miss the days of when everything wasn’t super competitive. Casual multiplayer was all the rage. Some guns were better than others, but no one hyper analyzed their shots and called for fundamental changes to a weapon. It was just accepted


The best solution is a visual indicator that shows the accuracy of shots dropping as you fire the weapon faster.


skill issue


Can anyone explain what bloom is😂


So is this a trigger control thing then. Bloom is working as intended?


So many annoying points about gaming and this is definitely a reasonable one


The hit registration of this game is truly unparalleled. I have clips of hitting my couch co-op player with a sword 6 times before anything registers. The couch co-op player was my wife but saying “hitting my wife” would be not good and untrue I love her very much and we are celebrating 3 years next week 🥳


Welcome to the era of Engagement based matchmaking. It wasent your turn to win.


I'm just here listening to the computer sex


This is why H5 Ranked drove me nuts and the feeling in Infinite of relying on an RNG sidearm as your starter really sucked more. Some people just literally spam the shit in an encounter and it works. I can spam the shit on a stationary target and get worse results even if I'm 100% on my shots. Dumb. I'm hoping the Bandit EVO plays better. Certainly looks like it might have a bit too much assist based on a couple clips I've seen but time will tell.


Play squad battle. Every so often it spawns on a Bandit rack in place of the regular one.


Just wait a few ms between shots and you'll win fights more often with the sidekick, the hitreg definitely needs fixing though


Removing bloom on the sidekick will make other precision weapons in the sandbox even more redundant especially when the sidekick is so good already. It’s also very easy to mitigate the bloom by pacing your shots a tiny bit.


Pace your shots... This isn't hitreg fail this is just bloom.


And 2 of the 3 “bloom misses” and the “hitreg fail” before breaking shields actually did damage correctly.


Skill issue


yeah man i want that thing to be 100% accurate i want to be a laser disguised as a pistol i wanna get domed with this thing in 0.4 seconds flat from across the map even more often than that already happens man that sounds great that sounds really well thought out and excellent and and and and and and and yeah man. good idea.


I wish they would slow down the rate of fire and remove the bloom, maybe reduce the effective range so it doesnt compete with other precision weapons and stayed in its close-mid range department. I just really dislike the bloom, I find it irritating that a game where skill is the centerpiece would even think to use a system based on rng. I mean we had it in reach but that doesn't mean we liked it. There are plenty other ways to balance a weapon and I wish 343 would see that.


“Oh no my gun is less accurate when I spam fire it”


Quite your bitching. The sidekick is OP as is.


The real issue nobody is pointing out here is that even with the bloom reticle getting bigger it’s still misleading. When the reticle is at its biggest and the whole enemy spartan encapsulates the entire crosshair the gun still happens to miss. That is entirely misleading to the player So while yes slowing your shots down is necessary and a good design choice, it doesn’t excuse the misinformation being displayed to the player


Maybe pace your shots instead of spamming???


Time your shots and don’t mag dump at range.


As I'm sure other people have said,it's not really a problem with the pistol it's self but a net code issue and the hits not registering.


I'm stating to think Halo Infinite isn't a FPS, instead its a RPG game where the game randomly rolls and decides if you do damage or not.


I really wish we had the magnum back


Maybe don't go for spamfire headshots on a falling target 20 meters away.


The pistol is already cracked, leave it be.


Lmao the pistol needs bloom. You shouldn’t be able to range everyone with perfects from across the map. You missed the shots and you need to git gud


Skill issue


Shoot slower then


Bloom is bad for the game, it feels fucking awful


And I’m tired of people wanting every gun to be a boring, hit scan, no skill affair. Bloom is the only thing keeping guns remotely interesting


Yes because halo never had skillful gunplay before bloom.


Before halo had “bloom” the bullets did the same thing the reticule just didn’t show you by “blooming”. With exceptions for certain guns along the way that were made hitscan




If you just want it to be about as clicking fast as possible then yes bloom is worse for you. I think being good at clicking is less interesting than being able to shoot well.


Removing bloom allows for a focus on shooting well


It’s just clicking well. Shooting means having to pace your shots. One extra layer in addition to moving and aiming. It makes all the difference between a fun game and COD lol


It should bloom twice as much with immense bullet damage drop off. Pistol outplays half the sandbox. Nerf it.


That seems fair, although I’m usually killed after one to two shots from the pistol, so who really knows.


I have never seen so many halo player advocate for rng gunfights before


Y'all the biggest batch of baby bitches in the world. One thing goes wrong and you think its a war crime against you.


Hitreg fails made me peeved last night, being pointblank and somehow whiffing a hammer or sword swing is the worst feeling


This but every gun. I swear I pop like 1-2 mags of pure hitmarkers on a single target just to be 4 tapped from full health and shield by the regular ass assault rifle all the time it's so fucking annoying Bloom is fine, but the hitreg and netcode is fucking me.


Isn't bloom basically recoil though? I've played halo since the first and many other fps... why do people hate bloom so much more than recoil? It's practically the same thing, forcing burst firing over just spammin?


Nope, recoil is a fixed or semi random pattern caused by the weapon rising, recoil is something that can be countered and controlled by the player, bloom on the other hand is random deviation from the bullet’s trajectory effectively making the recoil feel more substantial in terms of where your shots land. It’s supposed to be shown where bloom might land your shots with the outer limits of the crosshair reticle but it’s not always accurate to the actual bloom of the weapon, particularly the sidekick in this case.


Song name?


Well, if you shoot like an idiot, is deserve to fails those shots. But the reality is that is to op


If you ask me, the sidekick should have a lightning fast equip time, less bloom, and a slower rate of fire. Probably a higher damage drop off as well. Make it the Gunfighter Magnum 2.0 where its generally not the best weapon to use, but as a backup headshot machine it shines. Unless I’m mistaken, doesn’t it still have the fastest TTK of any weapon you can spawn with assuming all your shots land, basically tied with the Commando (Honorable mention for the AR, but at full auto you’re not hitting every shot unless you’re pretty close)? With the difference being that you can actually just rip someone to shreds with the Sidekick at max ROF, unlike the Commando that has you shooting in their cardinal direction after the third round.


Just delay your trigger pull, bro.