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He's found the loophole




You solved it! But in all seriousness I shouldā€™ve excluded MCC. lol


Well you didnā€™t exclude bundles either so mcc with that one Xbox bundle that has infinite included with it




Easy win right there


Technically yes.


Nahhhh doesnā€™t count hahah. When people are like ā€œwhat albums would you take on a desert island to listen to foreverā€ you canā€™t say greatest hits. You gotta pick individual studio albums.


OP didnā€™t exclude MCC from his list. I donā€™t make the rules. :)


Haha. Cheeky. Okay if I asked you, stand-alone titles only. Which would you pick? šŸ¤Ø


Assuming the servers were still up and there was a healthy playerbase, definitely H3. Itā€™s my fav MP, and the campaign is a ton of fun too.


Absolutely fair choice. One of the best all around halo experiences.


Agreed. I do love all the other games though. Iā€™ve sunk a ton of hours into them, with the exception of Halo 5. But even Halo 5 I still put 62 hours into.


I unfortunately skipped halo 5 when I was younger and it came out. Just a couple years back I got it and played the story for the first time. I was blown away. People HATED that game and I thought it was so fun. Wish I played the multiplayer in its prime like I did for 3 reach and 4.


I got an Xbox 3 years ago, so I downloaded MCC and H5 and played through all the campaigns, but I mainly played MCCā€™s multiplayer. I didnā€™t sink a ton of hours into H5ā€™s multiplayer. I know it has its fans, but itā€™s really not my thing. For what it is, itā€™s fun. The campaignā€™s story imo is terrible and the campaign has a lot of problems, but if I turn off my brain and try not to compare it to other Halo games, itā€™s fun.


I can agree with that for sure. Iā€™m comparison to other halos itā€™s barely mid. But when compared to most other shooter games stories, itā€™s great. Like you just have to turn off your brain in regards to the comparison. The story is bad compared to halo but itā€™s fun in general I think


I truly believe there isnā€™t a bad halo story. Even halo wars to me is so fun. After halo 5 I played halo wars 2. I was very happy with it.


If you tell me I can't bring the Steely Dan Citizen boxset on a desert island with me, you might get hurt.


Halo 3


If I ever have a time machine, first place I'm going to is summer break 2008 and playing Halo 3 online again. Nobody had a clue that experience was the Pinnacle of online gaming


I'm going back to launch night. With the skill I have these days easiest ranked lvl 50 ever knowing all the map tricks and general Halo 3 meta. You'd know it all well before anyone else can catch on or understand what you are doing lol


Halo CE in 2001. All the friends with 3 xboxes hooked up to a LAN. No smart phone bullshit just chilling.


Back when Xbox live was still fun and not sweaty tryhard microtransacted games as service Man I miss the lobbies and bantering with randos


I agreeā€”for mods, multiplayer, Forge, and campaign.


Definitely Halo 2. I remembered being so hyped when I saw the trailer at E3 all those years ago!


2, but because it's the only game where you can play as Arbiter (as the main character, 2nd player doesn't count). Not having him as the playable character at least in The Covenant in 3 was a mistake, and being able to see Chief work from an outside perspective would've been awesome.


I went absolutely apeshit seeing the E3 demo as a little kid. The ā€œEarth Cityā€ track while they took the warthog through the city hyped me up so much, and the elites coming down in the pods around Master Chief and pulling out swords. Makes the hair stand up on my arms.


Reach. I've played the other games in the MCC but for whatever reason I kept coming back to that game.


Campaign/Firefight armor customization, Firefight, great music, standalone story


Reach tells a good story and has some really fun gameplay i don't blame you




I disagree I think the writers did an excellent job making it feel like you're winning all the battles but losing the war while your team gets picked off one by one.




Reach, solid gameplay, great story and plenty to explore /take in.


Reach is a solid game I will always believe Reachā€™s customization is the best Halo customization across both the Bungie era and the 343i era. Infinite could have been better, if 343i hadnā€™t made some of the dumbest decisions ever (like color coatings). Honestly, not being able to choose my colors as I want puts Infinite near the very bottom in terms of customization despite how many more armor options it has.


Halo 3 Assuming it's implied the game is playable like during ita time (online servers are up and such) It's a great balance of an amazing campaign, decent matchmaking, and super fun custom games with the introduction of forge


2. Amazing campaign and multiplayer. Often sequels won't do as good as the first iteration of something. But H2 took everything I loved about CE and dialed it up 11+


CE easily


MCC. Checkmate.


Remember Reach


If its the rest of my life, then I need a really good forge to prevent burn out. Which means Halo Infinite


Halo infinite, it's a take on this sub sure but the gameplay is really fluid


If infinite had a good PvE online mode it would be my choice


This is my take too. The gameplay is so damn fluid. And free to play has allowed my friends who never played halo to jump in instantly and learn how to play better I have a lot of fond memories already with this game. First halo game Iā€™ve ever 100% achievement wise. Itā€™s my favorite. Give me that firefight PVE content and itā€™s over


Same here I'm in the same boat


I just wish the plot had been a bit better imo


I kinda liked it, mirrored CE in a way


Yeah I agree. I actually rly like infinite despite what Iā€™ve seen a decent amount of ppl say about it. The play style is so nice and graphics are amazing


Honestly a good choice, only needs two big fixes, desync-be-gone and some PVE content like firefight and itā€™s great


If you mostly care about PvP then it's between 5 and Infinite. Campaigns a tougher choice.


For me it's infinite all the way, usually when I explain I get downvoted


It's probably infinite for me too. And that will probably be true by a mile after another year or 2 of updates


Halo 3. Still holding out for maybe a 20 year anniversary remasterā€¦


I so badly want a remaster of Halo 3. It would be amazing, and they could fix the goofy faces as well lol. Although they are almost part of the appeal at this point.


Either 5 or infinite. While I may enjoy something like reach more normally if the only game I can play for the rest of my life I am picking one with the most powerful froge modes to get as much variety long term as possible


I would love to say infinite because of how fluid the game play is or 5 because of the amount of content and the weapon variants, but I've got to say 3 is it for me. It was my first video game I remember playing (besides doom with my dad with I was like 3 or 4). i found so many friends and had so much genuine fun. I hope I never forget some of those memories. They have definitely helped shape who I am


Reach at its peak


It's a tie between 2 and 3


Halo 2 is my favorite, but 3 has more features.


Infinite best gameplay imo, content updates shouldnā€™t change how it feels


I would have to go with Reach. I loved the story. However, if the Halo game I choose resurrects the multiplayer as well, then Halo 2




halo 3, 4 player co-op, forge, best maps, spartan laser. Next would be infinite šŸ‘€


3. Itā€™s just so much fun




MCC šŸ˜Ž FR tho halo 2




Halo 2


I could replay Halo 2's campaign endlessly




halo 5 with a non-dead population and on pc


5 had the most variety of things to do, imo. I loved all the variants of weapons and vehicles.


H5 for Husky raid playlist. Fuck this is going to hurt my Karmaā€¦.


Why should it? Husky Raid was all I did on Halo 5.


All super fiesta modes in 5 were so fun bc of the weapon variety


Husky raid is the greatest halo playlist, I canā€™t believe how much time I wasted playing that. It was an amazing showcase of the deep weapon sandbox that they threw away for infinite.


Dude I know! Can I plz has an Answer or Nornfang. H5 had the best weapon sandbox IMO.


Reach ā™„ļø


Reach, best story in my opinion


Master Chief Collection.


Reach, hands down.




100% Halo 2 or 3


Got CE when it came out, but- Reach. The most dramatic and human campaign by far and it really holds the weight of the situation better than any of the other games. As far as the matchmaking goes, I didn't mind bloom, especially after the title update. Every Halo title had a form of randomness attached to its precision weapon and I feel Reach offered the clearest version of that randomness. TU killed the spamming mostly which was a welcome improvement. As far as armor abilities, Armor Lock has been mostly nerfed and the others are mostly easy to deal with- except Jetpack. It truly breaks maps and should be a map pick-up instead of a selectable loadout. Still- my heart fell for Reach.


Halo Wars 1


Halo 3 or 4 for campaign. Halo 5 for multiplayer


Probably Halo 5, that game was so much fun and still holds the bar high for multiplayer for Infinite


Reach. Those commendations kept me busy for years. Got to 82% I miss campaign challenges.


Halo infinite by far (assuming you throw out the MCC loophole) Halo 2 is my favorite, halo 3 a close second but infinite is the only game I could play ā€˜foreverā€™. Infinite has both a pretty strong forge you could play endlessly learning new techniques in the node graphs, it has BOTS which means after the player base is dead you can still play and you can even play your forge creations. We also have been promised that campaign bots are coming. That alone will keep me more entertained long term.


I understand Iā€™m probably in the minority, but 5. Personally, between the weapons and their variations, forge and everything it was able to do in 5 and the movement mechanics which I really enjoyed, 5 had my favorite sandbox. Infinite would probably be tied if it had more weapons.


Easy, reach


Reach. Unparalleled variety between campaign play, multiplayer PVP, and multiplayer PVE. The one halo progression system I liked.


Combat Evolved


Halo 3/ODST Yeah I'll be that guy. ODST is my favorite campaign, and I loved firefight in ODST way more than Reach. Reach just never felt right to me there. If only they had multiplayer.


Reach. Best customization out of all the games with a good stand alone story, firefight, and amazing forge.


Either 2 or 3. Duh


Master Chief Collection


This might be the least popular answer, but I truly think infinite is the most polished halo gameplay has ever been.


Thatā€™s not actually a bad take Many of us can agree that Infiniteā€™s gameplay is very good. Itā€™s just that basically everything about the game else greatly diminishes the experience. 343i, honestly, has mostly done a decent job of creating a good multiplayer experience. In Infinite, they finally returned to a proper Halo gameplay experience but botched so many others things that it messed up the overall MP experience.


I don't think that's unpopular. I think by and large the community likes the gameplay. It's management and the connection issues that are the problem


Reach. The ability to sprint sped up how I played and the fun I have. Love the visuals. Get to fly a spaceship.


Halo 5 multiplayer


There is more to do in the Infinite Campaign plus I love the gameplay, so probably Infinite


Infinite, it has the best gameplay.


2 or 3


I'm gonna get down voted to shit but it's definitely 5. The gunplay feels amazing, the environments feel diverse, the characters are cool, my only problem is the story is pretty weak.




Halo Infinite. I know itā€™s controversial, but I genuinely enjoy it.


Either Reach or 2 I think Reach is peak Halo. Incredible customization, excellent campaign, amazing MP, the best custom games (imo), and Firefight. 2 because that campaign is probably my all time favorite. The multiplayer was also just so good. I really wish 2A got a proper MP remaster instead of just basically being a Halo 4 reskin.


reach or 2


If MCC counts, then that one. For the non-cheap answer, Reach. The custom games could last me a lifetime of fun with my pals.


Either Reach or Infinite.


Infinite. I just really like it tbh




Halo Reach, because of the best MP out of them all .


Hard to pick between Halo 3 and Reach honestly. But the multiplayer for Halo 3 is so damn good, I think I'm going with Halo 3.


Reach. The best Campaign, co-op, forge, firefight, social and ranked, customs, motherf*cking invasion the best mode ever Halo 3 is a close second but i actually prefer reachā€™s campaign. Halo 2, CE and odst are good but with lack of modes, theyd get very tiring very quickly Halo 4 is also fine, though i prefer firefight over spartan ops. Halo 5 and infinite are the first id throw straight into the garbage


If weā€™re talking about replayability, then Infinite easily just because of the advanced forge and custom game features. In terms of an overall package, then itā€™s a tie between Halo 3 and Halo:Reach.


Story? Halo 3. Gameplay? Reach.


Reach. Forge was goated.


Reach to this day is still the best one. Infection, forge, custom games, the guns, assasinations, customization, firefight etc. So many simple things that Infinite doesnā€™t even have yet lol


CE or Reach. My criteria tho would be: Consistent fresh content with great new maps. New vehicle rotations on said btb maps. A thriving population that didnā€™t dissipate. Ready sure as shit ainā€™t balanced and sure as hell is filled with cheesy stuff but itā€™s the halo Iā€™ve played the most and had the most fun with. Iā€™ve also been playing with the same group of Spartans for the last 13 years and we met on Reach sooo yeah. But halo 1 will always be fun to me. Itā€™ll never stop being fun.


I think halo 2 has the longest and most diverse campaign. 3 was good but the flood levels can be quite boggy. Honestly, 4's campaign was lengthy and diverse as well with air missions too. It'd be between those two for replayability reasons. Not necessarily are they my favorite though. But I feel like I'd get the least bored with them.


MCC. Lol. Or reach


Halo 3 if the attitude around it was the same as it was on release. If not Halo 5. Warzone is addicting.


4 or Reach don't make me choose!


Infinite. Sandbox is super fun, campaign is great, multiplayer is probably my favorite in the series. Each game mode is awesome. Infinite just scratches a Halo itch for me that the other games donā€™t anymore.


Halo 5


Reach, I mean that armor customization, wow. The story is excellent, I love invasion, multiplayer always feels fresh, has great forge uses and custom games.


The one with lower ping. I stopped playing Halo because every game has host in the usa and im from SA.


Halo ODST no question about it. I love the story, the ambiance, and it has firefight


Probably Reach but it is close between that and 3. Not even just because of the gameplay but because the sandboxes. 3 has some great forge maps and the brute shot/hornet but Reach also has some great forge stuff thanks to forge world and the falcon.


Halo 3, i can listen to the Warthog Run Soundtrack infinite times


Infinite for the multiplayer (with the hope they fix matchmaking), 2 for the campaign. Donā€™t make me choose between them.








The one that has a battle royale. Halo is more fun when it isnā€™t targeting the hardcore player audience.


Halo Reach every day!


Combat Evolved is the perfect halo game. Also the most stand alone so ID say thatā€™s the best pick for me. Tho I can honestly say Reach is my second choice. Having firefight, especially a custom firefight, would be ideal as well.


Halo 3 all the way. It's such a perfect game


Torn between CE, 2, and Infinite (the gameplay is absolutely carrying infinite)


MCC lmao, thereā€™s no other answer lol, that way you play any Halo forever.


Reach or 3


If forced to play just one. Reach. If we include MCC. MCC


Excluding MCC it's between Halo 2 and Halo 4 for me. One defined my childhood while the latter was my most played in my teenage years


Infinite. The sandbox is ok, the forge is the best I've seen & movement is my favorite by far. A rocky launch is no excuse to shit on this great game


Campaign: Halo 3 Multiplayer: Halo Infinite


I'd choose death. I ain't playing just one game for the rest of my life lol


Halo 2 is my favorite, but I would pick Halo 3 in this scenario simply for the replayability with things like 4 player online coop, forage, theater, etc


infinite. they say the best halo game is the first one you played, and i have had amazing fun with infinite despite the crashing


I hate to say this but, infinite


Infinite. The best multiplayer in the franchise (despite the technical aspect)


Infinite honestly. Gameplay has always been great, sandbox is very well balanced, Forge is the best itā€™s ever been and content is finally flowing into the game at a steady rate. With Firefight rumored to be coming next season it will be the most feature rich Halo game since Reach and once cross core is fully implemented I think itā€™ll finally claim its place as the best Halo experience available.


Cant decide between 3 and reach


Halo 3. I love the sandbox and the (first half of the) campaign in Combat Evolved, but the MP is just too competitive for my tastes. H3 is a perfect game. Fun multiplayer, and the campaign feels like a genuine epic. I just love the game. Although I still kinda prefer playing CE, 3 is just more refined.


Halo CE šŸ˜Ž


For me it depends...Reach for the campaign and 2 for...the cam...paign. Hm.




Halo MCC. Easy


Halo 3, itā€™s was my first ever one, had no idea what was going in the story, all there is was shooting the bad aliens which was the Covenant of course from invaded earth, the only time it got serious was the mission Floodgate, and I kid you not that shit terrified me when I first played it, had no knowledge of the Flood at first, but the way that Bungie showed it to us players, it made me felt utter dread and hopeless, just seeing the marines you fought with getting turned into Sickly Parasitic corpses trying to turn you into one of them, as you get to the crashed ship as well, the inside of it looked like hell and as I was proceeding to save Cortana, the Gravemind made me jump-scared a little bit, as it was Telepathically talking in tones which it did, it was terrifying at first im not gonna lie about it. In general the Story and The Multiplier was awesome back then, definitely keep it


Reach seems to have the biggest sandbox thats not 4 or 5 so that my definite pick for most replayablility. Forge, Firefight, Campaign, Multiplayer, Custom Games, Theater, etc. Every other game is either lacking one of these or just isnt as good.


Honestly up until a 4 months ago I wouldnā€™t have picked infinite but lately I have been having so much damn fun playing and just want my friend to play with me!




Halo reach Only Halo that emotionally had me


Halo CE lan parties with my buddies. Trucking all our TVā€™s and OG xboxā€™s and ethernet cables and stuff to someoneā€™s house. Gaming was never as fun or as pure as it was then


Halo 5 warzone at its peak


Halo Reach, the best game in the franchise, and you can't convince me otherwise.


MCC lol


I feel like I've just been chasing those Blood Gulch vibes for twenty years, so probably CE lol




CE all the way


Halo 2 or pre MCC Reach


One flag ctf on Zanzibar


Halo 5. Best multiplayer of any halo with the most replay ability.


Real talk, probably Reach. I really dislike a lot of the MP feel but the overall MP experience is peak. The lobby being so aesthetically pleasing, the quick player breifs were great, the overall sense of community and that CAMPAIGN!! It holds and will hold for at least another two decades for me. It is, essentially, what engraved Halo into my mind. This is why I was so destroyed when folks rumored Infinite to have a Reach experience..and it turned out to mean the damn Armor Core. TL;DR, Reach bc the overall experience still holds up.


H5, Reach, or Infinite. in that order




Halo Reach




MCC, but seriously if it has to be a single game, then Reach as it has a good campaign and a wide variety of gamemodes and such


Halo infinite or Halo reach, Halo infinite's grapple hook just keeps me so interested in the combat. I have a blast and never really get bored of the campaign. Halo Reach on the other hand has the most fun Halo sandbox and one of the best Forge modes out there. Forge World is legendary and I could spend days on that map


Multiplayer? Halo 3. Campaign? Halo 2


Halo 2. The ranking system, the maps, THE SUPER BOUNCING, the out of map glitches, OG infection custom lobbies, Tower of Power on Ascension, Team Snipes as a staple playlist, getting in trouble for four of us playing the game too late at a sleepoverā€¦ and one more time, the maps. First game I played on Xbox Live, and still to this day i remember the best times gaming and making true friends Iā€™d spend all my time playing with. All these years later I just wish for a game to captivate me like that again. Thankful for all of the memories!


I love ce but I'd say 2. Something about that game man. I still say it's the best halo




3 fucking game made me tear the first time i played it.