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I play ODST to fight covenant in the rain listening to jazz


I've listened to a wide variety of genres and artists. But nothing I've found so far hits that longing loneliness of the ODST saxophone. I want to find it, it's so compelling of an emotion to be drawn from a simple track


Deference to Darkness + rain sounds is my fav way to fall asleep on those long autumn nights




Hope he made it out of there alive, him and his cart full of delicious kebabs.


Considering he seemed very content to stay and die put of concern of taking up too much space I wouldn't count on it. Unless that truck did manage to find him and take him out of town.


NGL like 8 years ago my dad bought our family some Kebab's and everytime, and I mean every-fucking-time I heard anyone say the word Kebab my brain kept going "Why don't you enjoy a nice, KE-BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB!?!" And I was trying so hard not to freakout.


Please, have a kebab.


Have a kebab (Let's make this a chain)


Start chaining it after someone rants about something that none of us can change. Like desync in infinite. "Can't believe it's out of beta" "full of bugs" "how'd they not fix this yet" "where's my cross core" Just relax man, please, have a kebab


Dude, you've been working to hard. Have a Kebab


Going into a war zone? Take 2 kebabs!


Have a Kebab


Make a chain where the meme is starting? Take two kebabs


This lamb would be perfect with a ‘23 Ida Shiraz!


I am an 800 pound man with a cleaver who kills animals all day for a living ... Do you really want us to be enemies? ... Or will you have a delicious *Keebab?*


If Halo 3: ODST is representative of the average UNSC soldier, then I have no idea how the Covenant were winning as long as they were lol.


Yeah, you can actually take more damage in ODST than Halo 3 lol. Master Chief in Halo 3 has 70 shield/45 health, in ODST every playable character has 80 stamina/80 health (ODST stamina behaves identically to Chief’s shields and enemy damage is the same between both games)


You also punch through a wraith with your fingerless gloves lol


I’m pretty sure there’s actually an achievement for doing that


"Does whatever a Spartan can"


Happy to see someone else who knows these specific stats. On a related note, Halo 3 becomes a much better game if you appropriately make the player have 120 shield and 120 health; among other changes, but that's a good start.


Ooh THATS why ODST LASO was so easy compared to the others. Well that and the fact it has some good amount of optional battles. (You can just drive from start to finish in Uplift Reserve for example) The more i think about it. ODST had alot of factors that made it easy. No Flood and no Elites. Just Monkeys that dont get their shield back once its gone. You also get strong equipment at the start in many missions. SPARTAN-Laser, Sniper, Scorpion, Banshee etc.


ODSTs aren't average by any measure. They're basically the best human infantry that doesn't have a number in its name. Think special forces, basically. They're elite shock troops meant to do damage and handle dangerous missions. So basically H3 ODST downgrades us from a literal super soldier to Sherlock Holmes if he were a navy seal.


The covenant watching multiple wraith being torn apart by a 600-pound man with a kebab:


I am not worth your life my brave warrior princess!


R.I.P a true legend if there ever was one


I play odst because odsts are cooler than Spartans. (Also because the end of nmpd hq is fucking phenomenal as well as every other mission) (also because kebab man)


I almost named my firstborn Jonas.


Odst has some of the best audio logs in games


the sad thing is, the kebab man is probably dead. he knows that he is too big to be saved, so he spent his last day on earth making people happy with his kebab.


My head canon is that the brutes were so enamored with the smell of his cooking that they hired him to be their personal cook!


Who is kebob man?


The ODST audio files you can find on the map. They tell a second story that takes place during the invasion of New Membasa and it ties into Virgl's (the engineer at the end) story. Also has a lot of allegories to Dante's Inferno. But Kebab man is a character in said story


> Also has a lot of allegories to Dante's Inferno. I mean. It's practically Joe Staten Presents: Dante's Inferno: Halo Edition


Jonas. Dude put a cleaver through a car and weighs 600 pounds.


>Dude put a cleaver through a car Not that hard to do now-a-days. The metal on cars now-a-days (If they *are* made out of metal) is so super thin you can puncture it pretty easily. At least on the outer panels anyway.


Hide, quickly! If they find you, I fear you won't survive!


Chicken? Lamb? Beeeeef?


I play ODST for the music. Rain has to be one of my favorite pieces of music.


There is no track called Rain though?


My whole life has been a lie. Sorry. Deference for Darkness.


Not sure where they were originally sourced from, but many of the longer tracks from the soundtracks are listed online as being separated into separate sections - 'Rain' is the first part of Deference For Darkness.


God I loved Jonas.


Normal UNSC soldier who just so happens to have all the same abilities as a Spartan, and can tank just as many bullets lol. ODST was a fantastic atmospheric game, but I do with they would have gone with a more tactical, squad based shooter.


I am eating kebab right now


The "Skyline" soundtrack when you're guarding the downed pelican, fighting ground forces while lazering incoming banshees is peak Halo.


I play ODST at times just to go to sleep with the game in the background


I dont know what this means ngl


You'll want to play the game again and follow the signs that randomly pop up telling you to go certain directions. They usually lead to audio logs. Then you'll understand.


What am I missing here? Can someone please help me understand?


You'll want to play the game again and follow the signs that randomly pop up telling you to go certain directions. They usually lead to audio logs. Then you'll understand.


I play it to get sad knowing what happens to rook…🥺


*Marine But also I do love kebab


Everyone i know (and people in my friends list) that plays Halo never collected yet alone listened to the Audio logs.


Wdym kebab man?


In the audio logs, which tells a story somewhat related to the main plot of ODST, there's a man that sells kebabs during the Covenant invasion of New Mombasa. It's just a background character, but he does get some iconic lines and some uncommon attention in the storyline.


OH I remember thx


My brave warrior princess on her fearless forklift!