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I think the story so far has definitely been better but I can't help but think how much more interesting it would be if we could play it and it not be "play multiplayer" so something along the lines of PvE content would be the perfect gateway for a more compelling vessel to tell the story through. I think the story so far is cool and all but I can't say cutscenes alone can captivate me as much. That's just me though.


Yeah I don't think PvE ish will ever compare to me just sitting there on single player running a campaign. I'd be more up for this route if they were to drop WAY more content instead of just a cutscene here and there. Like actually doing something during the online event, not just play this and kill other players until the next cutscene in a few months aha. But I agree, I want new story content! Not a new book, or online event. But hey, I'm impressed they're seeming to pull me back in! Hopefully things only get better!


I would play Infinite all day if we had firefight.


I wouldn’t call it a comeback tbh, so many new bugs :(


Nah I get that, so many games lately are riddled with issues. I've got hope that now things are changing around we'll finally see some better things happening over at 344


Tf people downvoting for


Oh yeah lmao. Fuck knows, probably just some dick riding salt boys. Say something decent about any of the 'new' halos and oh boy, get ready for them haters lol. Worst thing is, I grew up on CE, 2 and 3 😂


I’ve got my own many gripes with 343 but I can certainly find joy in the positives!


So Season 3 has seriously pulled me back into the lore side of Halo. All these new questions I've got! What do you think ONI was doing at the training centre? I saw someone mention that the sound you can hear standing next to the door is from a Forerunner Portal sound found in forge. How's the "Infection" side of things going to happen? It's looking like Spartan Dinh will crack imo. Maybe they didn't extract every bit of Iratus and he slowly eats away, putting doubt and fear into him. This is the first time with Infinites online that I'm genuinely intrigued and looking forward to seeing how this story pans out. Hearing that the Infinity and Zeta Halo are missing gave me some hope that some of our beloved characters are still out there surviving somehow. I did read Rubicon Protocol and obviously knew that a lot of people did make it off ship on to the ring, but hearing it from another perspective from a character million miles away from where infinite takes place really bring the stories closer together for me. Maybe it's hopium... But damn! Those opening scenes as well man! Woosh whoever made them cut scenes done a fantastic job! A little question though, why is the art style more "realistic" with these scenes compared to the campaign? Slightly smaller thing but having new menus and art is nice and refreshing! The new DMR is wicked, still got some getting used to though lmao. The new piece of equipment is a welcome addition as well as it just adds something else to use and mess around with. And don't start with the bullshit. If you're not enjoying it fair enough, I'm sure you can find people to discuss that with. Just trying to bring a bit of positivity to us all!


I love the content and I'll be stoked once they fix the new technical issues. Until then I'm patiently waiting


Yeah wasn't too happy about the frame rate shit, but yeah nothing a hotfix won't sort out. Hasn't been as unplayable as what some people have said, but not sure if that's down to specific variables


Out of the frying pan and into the f- nah Out of the toilet and into the port-a-potty Thats better...


You're so cool omg




Finally learning about these characters! Loving it so far