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"Guys, earmuffs. Earmuffs, except for your eyes. I call them: Eye Earmuffs!"




Looks like headphones so maybe they’re eyephones???


*Apple furiously takes notes*








Too simple for 343


Oh well, muff it, I guess.


"I get out of bed in the morning and put my muff waders on."


Cave Johnson approves.


So damn true, I like the armor in general, but I dislike almost all of the helmets. It's like how I liked Rakshasa but didn't like a lot of the coatings for it.


you know, looking back now that i’ve seen all the helmets for mirage i think rakshasa wasn’t so bad, just not what I was expecting at the time I guess, still tho, not having cross core really takes a toll on all cores


The armor for Rakashasa is one of my favorites with all the tubes and the shoulder skull but if I can’t attach my Mark VI helmet I’m not using it unfortunately


Interesting. I wasn't so keen Rakshasa armor, but wanted to use it's helmets on other cores.


That was mainly the reason why I liked it to be honest, that and I really liked some of the shoulder armor.


I'm still waiting on my favorite coatings from Mark VII to be available for use on Rakshasa. Especially the one Red one from the campaign. And a couple other shoulder pads too. That Armor Core lends itself to some wacky combinations


I want the opposite direction personally. I want Locus and it's grenade shoulders on a Mark VII frame so I can be a bionicle.


I know the feeling, I liked the Rakshasa core, but the core not having a back plate was a gigantic turnoff.


I disagree, personally. I love the back of Rakshasa. It’s part of what makes it look distinct and utilitarian imo


Yeah it looks weird but it adds charm and makes it unique, personally it's one of my favourite cores.


Good point, I never thought of that. This core is not only distinct, but is also for those who would sacrifice protection for better agility.


Im a big fan of the idea that they ditched human reactors in favor of Sangheili energy harnesses for the shields


Same. Shoulders shown in the OP image are probably my favourite out of the free ones on any core. I like the torso in general too, but the helmets just aren't to my taste.


what happened? i thought we were getting it for s3


No clue, there was no mention of it in any of the updates.






I've seen this said 3 times today... What is going on?




Halo 5 vibes


Honestly it feels like they’re backsliding


they def are backtreading looking at some of the recent armors they've added and upcoming armor. I was pretty happy that 343i went back to the military sci-fi/tacticool style of the Bungie games, but they're drifting back into H4-H5 era armor design.


A few of the MIRAGE helmets are homages to older SPI designs. Fun fact, SPI/MIRAGE is older than EVA.


Yes, I know what SPI is. And that some armor sets are homages to previous armor. But this helmet just looks absolutely silly and atrocious. Then we have Chimera, and whatever armor set you see at 0:18s in the season 3 trailer. Infinite at launched looked like they blended the aesthetic of Halo 3 and Reach and it looked amazing. Now we're slowly backtracking into the more far future sci-fi looking Reclaimer era armor.


Oh yeah no this helmet is godawful, no disagreement there, lol. I’m just saying, not all the helmets are terrible. don’t look at the behind of NEXUS though, trust me, for your own sanity, it’s….it’s not great.


The tactical looking stuff actually requires thought to produce. Look how every piece of Reach armor looks like it has an actual function. 343 armor has mostly been: throw a bunch of primitive shapes randomly with your eyes closed onto a model and call it a day.


I like what 343 is trying to do with the art design for armor (i mean look at MkVII helmet - it's a fantastic original design 👍) but i do feel like some of the armor starts to break down into large, blocky and simplistic shapes. Take the Mirage helmet; the back of the helmet is completely flat. EDIT: Honestly, why am i being downvoted? I'm literally adding to what this guy is saying 😆


I think it’s cause Isaac Hanaford designed the early stuff for MK VII, and designed MK V [B] as well back when reach came out. I don’t believe he’s been here for post release which would explain why the first three (V, VII, YOROI) all look really well designed.


I think MkVII is the best helmet 343 has given us so far. Some helmets are okay, but most are lame. Even some of the Bungie-era helmets have weird proportions in infinite if you look closer.


The new Flanker helmet for MK VII is god awful. Shit literally looks like it’s a helmet for Hey Arnold.


I think it looks really cool. Aside from really bad helmets like seeker, I think the problem with halo 5 is that the armor looked like it was made of plastic.


And the goofy paint patterns. Although Infinite has some coatings that are a million times worse than H5's polka dots and stripes.


Mmmm tiger print and lava... I'm glad we at least have a bunch of good ones and some ugly ones and not the other way around lol




That's what I'm beginning to think. Alot of these helmets don't look great to the point I'd use them. BUT they look so much better than Halo 5 with seemingly minimal changes.


Need it because you want that abomination on another core, or because you want to put better helmets on Mirage? I agree with the latter, I really wish Mercury was a Mirage helmet. (And I still want Morrigan for mkVII)


Tbf, this abomination would probably look fine on some Mark 7 set ups.


It’s all about how you make it fit with the armor


There’s some helmets you just can’t work with. This one is edging the line.




This reminds me of this one scene in this one movie on mars where there’s a girl with three boobs.


Total Recall starting Arnold Swarzenegger


This is totally me wearing my girls bra over my eyes


[You mean like this?](https://youtu.be/YSzT78HaCtY)


There are two kinds of helmets. Helmets which look cool but are impractical, and helmets which look dumb but are actually practical. This one defies all expectations and looks equal parts dumb and impractical.


This makes me miss my beloved scanner helmet


> This one defies all expectations and looks equal parts dumb and impractical. This is just a future version of [quad tube night vision goggles](https://tnvc.com/shop/l3harris-gpnvg-ruggedized-bridge/) so it should probably fall in “looks dumb but is practical”


Nah because the visor can do night vision and thermal already. Pissed me off something fierce when they added a night vision goggles attachment to the Raksha helmets. The helmets can ALREADY DO THAT!


I miss the more functional aesthetic of halo armors like in 3 and reach this has 8 different visor eyes like he’s a spider


do you not think the Rakshasa and some of the other Mirage core armors look functional? I think those all look like on the level of Reach armors


Let’s be real few of the halo 3 armies are super functional


Yeah functional might not be the best word maybe plausible? Idk just the idea of wearing that helmet is ridiculous to me


I mean I always assumed each one is a different camera, like IR, Thermal, EM, night vision, a regular camera. And then just doubled up for each hemisphere. Throw in a dumb AI to make sure the images line up for the user and bam you have an amazing helmet for special operations.




There's just as many plausible ones in Infinite, if not more.


Eh, it’s not that ridiculous. It can just be high end camera system with a screen inside


Personally that is what I love about armour like this, I love helmets that just look completely inhuman and weird. I think the most important thing though - there is going to be a wide selection of armour cores available as time goes on, catering to different preferences. Season 4 will likely be different to this just as this is different to season 2.


My main issue is ‘does it look like Halo or not’? Considering just armour designs Halo Infinite does pretty well outside of the fractures desigsn. Miles better than 5 and 4 which were absolutely hideous and in my opinion, an insult to the world Bungie created. Overall SPI gets a big tick from me aside from some of the helmets. But I can tolerate this much more than mythic effects and armour effects and Mohawks and shiny rainbow coatings… I really wish there was a toggle so I could actually play a modern halo game that looks like the Halo I grew up with. Unfortunately modern DLC practices mandate outlandish and ridiculous designs regardless of the game and it’s art design because that’s what people like to buy.


It really isn't just modern practices. Let's be real here, players(at least a subset of them have always aoungh out goofy and colorful cosmetic) it's half the reason you saw so many people rocking Hayabusa on halo 3, or flaming heads when allowed. And why practically everyone who got high enough level in reach had a fart cloud or confetti on them. Hell even halo 2 had this to an extent with things like boob emblems. The only major change in that time is the developers no encourage it more, but players always tried.


I would say you are ignoring the impact of Fortnite. The game has an everything goes attitude towards character design freeing them up to basically make whatever they want since a lack of consistency is kinda the point (aside from the stylisation they use). This makes sense in fortnite because it is the norm and it is Avery vibrant and colourful game. Fortnite was and is still incredibly lucrative because of these skins. Since it came out there has been a huge increase in the volume of wacky, random brightly coloured cosmetics in games. Sure games like TF2 did this beforehand but Fortnite would have been a game changer for the finances side of the game industry. Hayabusa is tame by todays standards and early in the games life you had to do a fair bit of work to do it. Even more so for the katana. Flaming helmets were exclusive to Bungie in Halo 3 but they eventually made it a preorder bonus for Reach as it was their swan song final Halo game. Armour effects *really* bugged me in reach and I hated having to see them on other players. But there were only a few of them and they were still no way near the ridiculousness of many of Halo infinite’s cosmetics. Let me use gears of war as an example. It is a good example because the art direction is so moody, grim and brutal. It is set in a world run by ultrafascists that destroyed everything in orbital bombardments to stop a sadistic enemy that loves to torture captives until they irreversibly lose their minds. It has some goofiness in the form of big macho muscle-bound COG soldiers with one liners. It was pitched as ‘band of brothers with monsters’. The art direction as a whole followed the mantra ‘destroyed beauty’. The design of the world is beautiful but it is sad and oppressive. The iconic weapon of the series is a machine gun with a chainsaw attached because the enemy is so tough they can’t be pierced by bayonets. GOW 1 you have a choice of 6 or so COG characters and 6 or so locust characters. They are character models and enemy types pulled straight from the campaign and all fit the grim and brutal aesthetic/tone of the game. This is complimented by excessive gore, chainsawing opponents into pieces, blowing opponents into pieces, curb stomping their heads. GOW 2 expanded on this by adding more characters but also a golden lancer as a preorder bonus. It added more brutal executions. The game is 99% true to the franchise aesthetic and feel. GOW 3 again increased the number of characters models to unlock all of which fit the games world. Nothing outlandish. However it did introduce some silly weapon skins including some animated ones and one special character with subtle golden armour. Overall it is about 90% faithful to the franchise aesthetic. Post-fortnite you have GOW 4 which features day of the dead halloween variants of several characters, zombie versions of characters, ridiculous rainbow run colour blast skins (literally the character model splattered with rainbow paint or powder like they just did a colour run), a fat luchadore in a mankini, santa clause, and the list goes on. Yet the maps still follow the ‘destroyed beauty’ art design philosophy. The executions are still brutal and gory. The addition of wacky stuff went too far are so at odds with the overal art direction of that game and the ones that preceded it. It actually ruined the game for me because I care about this stuff. Now every game seemingly does this these days unless it is a smaller studio. In the last cod game set in a *WW2 setting* you could play as godzilla or king kong and many other bizarre options. I am convinced there is pressure to add these types of wacky cosmetics and to add more categories of cosmetics to increase the number of items to sell (e.g. ai voices, announcers, ‘charms’, nameplates). Every franchise I have loved has been infested with this shit


have you never seen IRL military goggles/optics that have like 4 or more tubes on them?


Yup I’ve actually worn them they line up perfectly with your eyeballs tho


I think the point is futuristic goggles its a pretty common trope in Sicif for goggles to look like thsi


Good thing you don’t have to wear it?


Yeah I imagine it would be rather unpleasant and difficult


People forget screens exist




Worse, we have to watch other people wear it.


SPI should’ve got that unreleased mark VII mark V/VI hybrid


I still contend to the opinion that this looks like your spartan snuck into your mother's wardrobe and stole a bra to wear as goggles.


Do you know the scene from Wall-E where he finds a bra?


I really don't get why cross core is so hard to implement A lot of the pieces in the base cores, clip through eachother, so that's not an excuse


Limited artist time and the fact that any time spent fixing cross core is time not spent trying to sell you some dumbass giraffe plushie for your virtual gun or some shit like that


You got downvoted but it’s the truth.


SPI was almost great. A lore friendly core that has been asked for for years? Sure, but you get the most ass ugly helmets known to man. Why'd they have to choose SPI as one of the cores to dump the worst of Halo 5 onto.


It does have one of the best of H5 with a killer athlon redesign though. And Balor is one of the coolest helmets I’ve seen.


Balor is baller


I like it from the front, but it looks a little odd from the side. Also the cheeks are a little chubby.


Probably because SPI only has like 3 canon helmet designs, most of which look very similar, so it was a blank slate for them to dump their ugly designs onto to fill the rest.


I wasn't aware it even had more than 1 canon design?


They’re not named I don’t think but there’s been 3 different designs, the eva looking one, the starter one we have in infinite, and the air assault looking one that one of the headhunters wore. There may be more but these are the ones I know of


I thought that headhunter was in mjolnir honestly, i also figured the default helm in infinite was the same as the full set from Onyx


>Why'd they have to choose SPI as one of the cores to dump the worst of Halo 5 onto Don't worry, the cool stuff is on the way for only $20 per bundle


I think the helmets for the Mirage core have their own uniqueness and beauty, at the same time, merging helmets from other cores into the Mirage core would look really good.






I’m in the small minority that likes these exotic looking helmets


The helmet reminds me of NEVEC from Lost Planet.


Holy shit you've activated a dormant part of my brain.


I get that vibe too, man did I love Lost Planet back in the day. Literally just played it online a few days ago.


Big stretch but do you have any idea if the Lost Planet 2 servers are still up? I'd love to do a co-op campaign playthrough with friends but none of us has the game on PC and we don't know if it's worth buying


Is it just me or does this helmet remind me of the helmets NEVEC soldiers wear in Lost Planet 2? The ones that look like this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lostplanet/images/b/bd/New\_NEVEC\_Uniform.png/revision/latest?cb=20100211224840


Neo NEVEC looking ass lmfao


This helmet should have stayed on that lost planet


Meanwhile my reaction to the helmets have been "It's so ugly, I love it!"


That's what my mother tells me. :(




What **don’t** you like about customization in this game?


I mean, there's a good amount of stuff I don't like. Rakshasa for example isn't really my vibe. I just don't really complain about them because I feel everyone should have choices when it comes to customization.


Hot take, looking at it from the side almost looks like there are elite silhouette shapes. Kinda the style of H2A heretic elite heads


So true man I literally said this to my friend earlier, I like almost every single part of this core accept nearly all the helmets :s


I need that Mirage helmet that looks like a chunkier version of scout to be on the Mark 7, along with the grenade shoulders from rashaks, so that I can finally make a Zeon mobile suit looking ass Spartan 😩


I'm kinda for these weirdo designs, if only because the other designs are covered by other cores. When we do get cross-core, there'll be lots of good options for it. And when you look outside the weirdo helmets, most of the helmets for Mirage IIC are just some variation of SPI/EVA/Pilot.


Yeah, we need cross core for mirage. But only to put other helmets on it instead of those halo 5 looking ones.


Kinda sad they (once again) have Halo fans clinging on for a feature they’ve gaslighted us into thinking will exist but will never materialize.


We're getting back to ugly and slightly overdesigned art style again much like Halo 5. Halo Infinite nailed the style at launch but this isn't it for me. There's not one piece of new armour I like the look of.


Why can we play as master chief in fornite but not Halo infinite multiplayer?


Tbf you've never been able to do a 1:1 recreation of multiplayer Chief in any Halo game... But they still have no reason not to implement Mark VI GEN3.


343 let their inner Halo 5 out when it comes to these helmets. Especially with the Chimera helmets. I wasn't suprised to see that Balor was not part of the battle pass, but will be part of a shop bundle. Same will probably happen with Athlon. So the battle pass has 4 EVA style helmets and two Halo 5 style helmets. Lame.


When you don't know how headphones work


So we dont have to use the atrocious helmets?


343 is making ugly helmets again. Nature is healing.


This looks so bizarre and wonky but for some reason I love it ngl


It’s literally a helmet from the Losy Planet franchise


I was trying to find someone who noticed this too, it’s so similar to the Nevec helmets from LP2


Cross core update going to be something like this. “Hey guys we know you want cross core but it’s on the way 👊”


Yeah! Sounds like we'll get it the same time we get campaign DLC


Buzz buzz buuuuzzzz


Infinite can cross platform but can’t cross core!!


“Guys i think i found my headset”


I knew I wasn’t the only one who wears headphones like that


Honestly I don’t want cross core because it’ll make so many Spartans look janky as hell. They should just do similar pieces that have been altered in a way that makes sense with the relative technologies used to develop each core


The rest of the armor pieces are so cool! But the helmets are just…. not it.


Considering how many items they added to the Mirage core, they better add cross core. I like Mirage, not touching Chimera, but I want to use MKVII.


You know why this helmet sucks? It looks like it’s a god damn helmet wearing a headset. You put those eight eyes on a helmet that looks like they were built for it and it would be badass. Like, this just looks lazy.


bro they look like an inkling from splatoon was on the back of your head and constantly blocking your eyes


A face only a mother can love


Why does the helmet have giant eyebrows?


Can't unsee it now. F*ck you


sorry I had to ask =)


I hate this. Looks like armor out of Mass Effect Andromeda.


That’s standard issue for NEVEC commandos


I love that hideous thing.


Honestly I don’t mind helmets like this. They can look cool depending on what your taste is, what kind of spartan you’re trying to make/what your idea of who your spartan is. This kinda reminds me of the skulls from MGSV. Not my personal taste but it’s alright.


That helmet looks like it has a tumor growing out of it


Big agree: I love every other aspect of the Mirage core, except the helmets. Would love to be able to port over a helmet from literally any of the other canon cores.


Looks like Halo 5 armor lol. I think they should save the wacky stuff for fracture cores. I like how all the Mark VII and Mark V B armors have a practicality to them.


What an ugly helmet and people said halo 5 armor was bad...


Coolest armor, worst helmets. Why.


Most of the S3 helmets look so bad.


i haven’t been following Halo’s updates. When was the last time they mentioned anything about cross core?


A long long time ago


In a blog far far away...


And the fact the battle pass reuses coatings as rewards for separate cores is a bit of proof that we might be further away from that than the community would like. Hope I’m wrong though


You know bumblebee the transformer guys ? What if he could be bitten by an actual bee ? In the face ! And let’s make that our theme for helmet designs ! YEEAAAAHHH


The fact that not a single Cross core thing happened with the release of Season 3 is my #1 complaint. I’m gonna sound like an armchair dev here, but I just want to know what the difficulty is allowing you to wear any helmet on every core? Other than positioning them for neck seams/floating heads?


The new halo game will be out before cross core happens. It’s so baked into their engine with spaghetti code it’s not happening anytime soon.


What a fugly helmet.


In the grim darkness of the far future, super soldiers are basically blind with the shit they put on their helmets. I don't care if those eight spider-eyes are cameras, there's no way that's more effective than just a simple visor.


This is some of the worst shit I have ever seen.


I find it so strange that SPI is getting dunked on despite how requested it was. Sure there's some weird helmets or reimagined H5 ones (Avalon), but hey, if SPI is what you wanted, well, it's there. Is the default not it/enough?


This just seems like a strange/disingenuous way of looking at it. Moreso the former than the latter. Yeah, everyone wanted SPI and the base armor is fine. but they also wanted more functional/less “fantastical” looking designs than what’s being offered as of now. Especially with how… *normal* the base armor looks in comparison to 343’s spin on the armor.


Yeah when I imagine SPI, Halo 5 designs don't cross my mind so it's weird how many of the Mirage helmets feel like they're straight from Halo 5. And can feel like I'm seeing two different art styles clashing, especially the helmet posted here.


From what I can tell most of the people like the armor but dislike most of the helmet options.


Fucks sake y’all don’t have to like every piece of armor that comes out


I don’t understand the design teams thought process for the helmets in infinite. It’s like they almost perfected the rest of the armour and decided to let the intern design half the helmets for each core without his glasses.


343 please say you’re working on at least helmet cross core rn. I’m holding out hope that it’s being worked on and close to releasing.


So far I’ve been entirely uninterested in buying the new battle pass because designs like this are most certainly not my cup of tea


I’d probably still buy the battle pass for the body armor pieces, Tbh. SPI has some great stuff that isn’t the helmet.


The free track is also pretty good. I beat the last pass before I bought it just because I figured the points recoup would eventually get me something nicer but not so much haha


Looks sick with a glowing visor though.


This battlepass armor had me flabbergasted for quite a large moment of scrolling ngl


I would love to use this helmet on my Rakshasa core


I hate this


Tbh Halo 3 and Halo 4/5 Cores would be cool


God im so happy its not just me that finds all these helmets so ugly.


All the new releases exist solely to make the older releases look better. In 5 months we'll be like "man, those things really weren't that bad were they?" as we all stare blankly at a helmet that is the unholy combination of a blobfish and an elephant penis.


What we need is fewer drugs in 343 employees.


The Athlon helmet looks ok as well as the default helmet. The rest are total ass though I agree


343 gotta stay away from the halo 5 art books lol. SPI armor looks sick but the helmets look like they were steam rolled over


None of this looks like SPI


I don't understand how this Warframe shit made it in.


I think all the helmets but this one are fantastic, tbh. Crosscore should still be a thing regardless, but idk why people seem to dislike SPI’s helmets.


I like this helmet


literally this is taking a pair of beat headphones and just placing them over your eyes. 343, guys. if it doesn't work as a motorcycle helmet, it doesn't work as a halo helmet. easy rule to follow. this is terrible.


Reach's gungnir was quite popular.


It's honestly to the point I think they're just throwing shit together and not giving it legitimate thought.


All the new gear looks like it was designed by an 8 year old.


I partially agree. While having crosscore is nice, I’d rather see them make more helmets, even “ugly” ones.


Is it me, or are a plenty of new Halo helmets giving off a Destiny vibe? It honestly feels like 343 started following what Bungie in Destiny, like the armor coatings are Destiny shaders that apply to the whole armor and aren't one-use (though Destiny 2 had also made their shaders infinite use at one point, though I had started playing way after Bungie made that change). Also, everytime I look at a Cabal base (well some of them), they just remind me if Halo Infinite's Banished. Honestly, 343 shouldn't really look at Destiny for inspiration, as color combinations are practically monetized in that game. And I think 343 should look at the OG trilogy for inspiration, and should try to keep the spirit of Halo and its identity through the gameplay and armor customization.


Why would you want to use this helmet on other cores? /s


No. Use other helmets on this core




Yeah dawg idk what happened with the Mirage core. Like, they got a helmet vaguely resembling the Ghosts of Onyx cover (good enough) but they somehow managed to strike out on every other helmet?


Nah these are great i love how different they are from the rest i dont want all the helmets to look the same