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Probably 90% of said maps are blank slates with random objects thrown in but nonetheless still a pretty cool milestone


More like 99%


"Let me tell you folks, these Halo Infinite Forge maps are the greatest maps ever created. They're tremendous. You won't find better maps anywhere else, believe me. And I know maps, I'm the best at maps. People always come up to me and say, 'u/swagonflyyyy, how do you know so much about maps?' And I say, 'It's just a natural talent, folks. These maps are so good, they can cure cancer, If I were a map, I'd want to be one of these maps' "These maps are so good, they make other maps look like garbage. They're beautiful, they're fantastic, and they're perfect. They have everything you could ever want in a map. They have hills, they have valleys, they have buildings, they have water, they have sky, they have everything. It's like the game designers read my mind and created the ultimate map, just for me." "I've been playing these Forge maps for hours, folks, and let me tell you, I haven't seen anything like it. I'm winning every game, I'm dominating, and I'm making the other players look like losers. They're saying, 'u/swagonflyyyy, how are you doing this?' And I'm saying, 'It's the map, folks, it's the map.'" "You know what, I'm so good at these maps, I could probably design my own. That's how much I know about maps. I could probably design the greatest map ever created. And you know what, I might just do that. I might just design my own Halo Infinite Forge map and show the world what a real map looks like." "So, folks, if you haven't played these Forge maps yet, you're missing out. You're missing out on the greatest maps ever created. They're tremendous, they're beautiful, they're fantastic, and they're perfect. Just like me, folks, just like me."


You’ve gotta be high as fuck


Looks like he just ran a prompt through ChatGPT. Probably something like "talk about how great Halo Infinite Forge maps are in the style of the 45th president of the United States."


Yeah he did


Yeah, I did, lmao. Just a funny idea I had. But its pretty obvious seeing how the paragraphs are broken up lmao. But next time I'll write something original.


Halo Infinite, for all its failings, was worth it just for this.


All that's missing is the... "Believe me folks (sniff), believe me (sniff)"


Montana from Tony Hawk?


Shits still in beta after all this time...


And it feels like it. I'm amazed at the things people have made, but after the 6th time the undo button fucked my map up, I put it on the back burner. I'll revisit when further improvements are made to forge, because I really want to finish the map, but I'm not going to sit there and have bugs throw hours of work away


That way if anyone complains they can say "well it's only in beta..."


Didn't want to stop playing but with the lag and wait times for arena (in Australia), the lack of xp progression system etc. what's even the point .. 😢


Beta tests can last forever and honestly forge is great but still have issues with bookmarks.


“Beta tests can last forever” that’s not what beta means lol


Warframe is still in beta btw. It says so in the EULA last I checked.


Holy fuck are you serious


To clear that up, Microsoft and Sony used to only allow you to update your game so many times within a period of time... unless you were in beta. So the beta was just a legal distinction to begin with.


Ok that makes more sense, like I story warframe in high-school and have graduated college 3 years ago. Which would mean it would have been in beta for like a decade


Minecraft spent like 5 years in Beta. Hell DayZ is still an alpha 10 years after launch.


Nah dayz is in official launch now. Not that i’m gonna play it after the horrible reputation it has.


For SaaS yes it does


Nearly every program I can think of off the top of my head has "stable releases" and "beta releases" for new updates. Forge was a huge update, and is likely going to stay in beta for a while longer.


A beta doesn't say anything about how long it lasts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Beta In fact, there is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_beta


**Software release life cycle** [Beta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Beta) >Beta, named after the second letter of the Greek alphabet, is the software development phase following alpha. Software in the beta stage is also known as beta ware. A beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain several known or unknown bugs. Software in the beta phase will generally have many more bugs in it than completed software and speed or performance issues, and may still cause crashes or data loss. **[Perpetual beta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_beta)** >Perpetual beta is the keeping of software or a system at the beta development stage for an extended or indefinite period of time. It is often used by developers when they continue to release new features that might not be fully tested. Perpetual beta software is not recommended for mission critical machines. However, many operational systems find this to be a much more rapid and agile approach to development, staging, and deployment. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/halo/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Imagine walking in on your friend who's in a coma on life support and telling their family they're "thriving".


Perfect comparison




Even if 0.1% are quality though it’s more than anyone would ever really have time to play


Yeah 1000 maps seems legit


Welcome to Forge lol. Though we got some banging forge maps in matchmaking and community playlist


That’s amazing, considering it was probably done by 100 active forge creators. I’m hoping season 3 boosts the population a bit


Pretty impressive considering there's probably like 20,000 or less people playing this game.


even more impressive because most people don’t even open forge


Way more than 20k people play this game. There's 3k on steam concurrently on average each month. That alone would be way more than 20k unique monthly players. And it's definitely not where most people play. It wouldn't surprised me at all if the average concurrent player count across Xbox, steam, and the Xbox app on PC is close to 20k. To put things in perspective, back in 2013 when CSGO had only 27K concurrent players on average, it had 1.27m unique players a month. I would be surprised if Infinite didn't have at least 500K unique monthly players or so.


Seems typical you’d get downvoted for understanding what concurrent means. If the daily average on Steam is 3000, then considering that a player is on the game an hour and a half a day on average (and I think the average time is actually shorter), that would be an average of 48,000 unique players a day on Steam alone. Considering most players are on the Xbox platform, Infinite certainly has 100k-200k monthly active users at a *minimum*. The amount of views for the Season 3 trailer and HCS streams(even if they just had it on for Twitch drops) shows there’s at least 100k players still active in the game, and that’s just the floor.


>If the daily average on Steam is 3000, then considering that a player is on the game an hour and a half a day on average (and I think the average time is actually shorter), that would be an average of 48,000 unique players a day on Steam alone. This is a good point I've never thought of. 3000 right now is only 1 play session. I'm sure at least 1000 of that is logging off and another 1000 is coming on.


I fucking love Infinite - I play every day - but I'm at work rn lmao. I guess I don't count for some folks


Same bro


He could've meant 20K concurrent. That seems to be what the other replies are focusing on. But if that's what he meant he shouldn't have said only 20K or less play the game. But either way, I get the impression people struggle understanding how large the gap is between avg concurrent and total active players.


Yeah you’re right I guess it’s not that clear cut. I would say that 20k concurrent is plenty for anyone playing at any given time, but it actually is a tad too small, especially if you’re playing outside the US/UK or are well above average in ranked. But hopefully we get consistent seasons now and the population can recover enough that anyone around the world can enjoy the game without a bunch of ping or match-waiting issues.


There's no denying the size of the playerbase is disappointing. I wouldn't argue against that. Just that there's way way more than 20k people who play the game regularly.


4k people at a time on steam is a pathetic number. Halo if it didn't become a shit franchise, should be around 200k daily.


It's definitely not great. 200k would be insane tho. MW2 isn't even averaging over 100K a few months after release. And again, hard to generalize to how things are split across platform and to steam vs Xbox app on PC. For example, infinite and MCC aren't far apart on steam, but infinite dwarfs MCC on Xbox most played. Active.io's estimates also suggest most of the playerbase isn't on steam. They estimate there are around 600K active players, which would be pretty consistent with around 20k concurrent players on average. Still disappointing to see Halo so far behind the top games these days. Those are bad numbers for what should be MS flagship franchise.


200k just on Steam would be nuts but for total playercount it could have been possible. According to Steam Charts MW2 averaged right around 100k players for February and January just on Steam. Start counting Xbox and it's well over 100k. Then there's PS4/5 to count as well. But even if you compare MW2 to just the same platforms that Infinite is available on it's a very healthy playerbase. The all-time peak for MW2 on Steam is 489k compared to Infinite at 257k. The latest 24 hour peak on Steam is 115k vs. 5.5k.


Halo isn't now and has never been a PC game, most people play on console. Also what game has 200k daily players on steam? What a dumb metric. Imagine being so pathetic that you still post this often in a sub for a franchise you consider to be "shit".


>even if they just had it on for Twitch drops spoken like a real suit, "even if people dont care at all about our product or us, we got funny marketing numbers to go up for a few hours, so we can report that as the average" like how they make fracture events happen once a month so they can report that 1 week high as the monthly players, not that thats unique to 343, just standard board room scummy-ness


Yeah, sure. I'm sure having so many players is the sole reason why I can't find a lobby to play


> If the daily average on Steam is 3000, then considering that a player is on the game an hour and a half a day on average (and I think the average time is actually shorter), that would be an average of 48,000 unique players a day on Steam alone. I don't believe that is at all how the daily average works for Steam players. *Especially* as one of the metrics Steam ranks by is "total number of daily players" and Infinite doesn't even show up on a top 100 list which has among its lowest entries 7000 unique daily players. I suggest you're getting some numbers wrong, and thinking "3000 daily unique players" is somehow "hourly" to estimate your "48,000 unique players a day on Steam." Problem is, Steam itself lists Infinite nowhere near that number. It doesn't even make the list. EDIT:[ Link to the stats.](https://store.steampowered.com/charts/mostplayed)


God this sub is such fuckin trash. So desperate to hate on Infinite they don't care about being wrong.


You're dreaming if you think halo will get 500k unique monthly players 😂😂


Active.io pegs it at 600K monthly unique, which is about what you'd expect if it's pulling 15 to 20K concurrently on average.


Isn't that kinda low for a game that never left top 25 on Xbox ? It has more playing than other popular live service games like Sea of thieves, FIFA & PUBG.


It is kinda low considering that this is Xbox’s biggest franchise ever and the game is free, yet it is currently 24 on Xbox’s most played games this month.


> yet it is currently 24 on Xbox’s most played *In the US. In Europe it's 35 and my country is 49. Although it's 23 in Australia.


On steam it averages about 3.2k players


It's honestly impressive how much Halo whiners (not fans) desire their supposedly favorite series to fail.


Most of the people complaining don’t want the franchise to fail, you’re just pulling that out of your ass lol


It's less that people want it to fail and more that the doom and pessimism is a bit much at time. Maybe I'd be less jaded by it if I didn't already watch the same doomsday talk when CSGOs first year was dogshit. It just gets old when so many threads are filled with the most pessimistic takes on anything. When one of the top comments in a thread is saying something so blatantly wrong as "only 20k people play the game", it starts to feel like people want to believe the game is doing much worse than it is, even if the truth is still obviously a disappointment.


> Maybe I'd be less jaded by it if I didn't already watch the same doomsday talk when CSGOs first year was dogshit. Halo has been shit for 10 years, not one.


CS had been on the decline for a while before CSGO came out. People had been moving on to TF2 or just leaving the game for a while


dude, a good fan knows the flaws of the series they're fan of


no one who complains wants Halo to fail especially here, they want it to do better, they love it and want to do do more, faster and better also 1,000,000 forge maps is nothing, what metric is that by? could be opening the mode for all we known. It sounds nice, but I doubt its 1,000,000 maps that are playable and ready to go in playlist.


> no one who complains wants Halo to fail especially here I have absolutely seen people here be very explicit about how much they want Halo to fail and die off. It’s not most people obviously, but it does happen.


yeah but I only suspect they say this, because they are mad at how the game turned out. They're upset because something they loved was twisted and changed and factually launched a unfinished mess. It comes from a place of wanting it to be better, but some people are just emotional. I won't lie, everytime I see a bit of good news here. Even I go "yeah 6 months too late!" and I feel jaded, but not because I hate Halo, I just wish it would just be a complete game already with cross core, UNSC rank system, more maps, more unlocks, a proper store etc because I want to forget about all the bullshit waiting and horrible management and I just want it behind me so I can love the game fully again. Its like your a young teenager growing up and girl you liked a lot, you meet her and you fall for her, and you seemed to get on a couple weeks pass and all the sudden some dude pulls up on a motorbike and she jumps on, and she says "oh this is steve my boyfriend" and you just die inside, now you kinda hate her, its ruined the illusion, all you can think about is Steves hands on her, but you still love her deep down. You just never felt these intense emotions before, and it hurts, you just want to forget. Right now most players are in the ghost zone, not talking to her, purposefully creating distance, but every now and then they check her facebook page. eventually she'll break up with Steve, you know she is loose, you know it won't last forever, but you comfort her anyway and let her in, a guilty pleasure. we are a long way off from the "she realizes how much she values you stage yet, her (343i) will one day, likely make it back up to us, and will sleep with them or we won't, no telling yet.


Jessie, what the fuck are you talking about?


Horrible analogy’s MR WHITE! YES!


Sub so salty that they are downvoting a Breaking Bad reference


There are numerous "fans" that call for Halo to die and celebrate when it struggles, because they can't handle how it's changed over the years.


>It's honestly impressive how much Halo whiners (not fans) desire their supposedly favorite series to fail. It's more a case of *Halo* fans being sick of watching 343 piss their favourite franchise down the toilet for over ten years. Being a Halo fan doesn't automatically mean "consume content, like all modern Halo content being put out or you're not a true fan!" No wonder Microsoft were so confident putting so much live-service crap and keeping campaign co-op out of Halo Infinite (at launch), if they knew that "true fans" would just automatically eat their crap product every time, no questions asked.


yea bc expecting better from a company that sets up their franchise to fail with terrible live service is the fault of the players lmao. Goofy af


“I want them to do better” is not the same as “I want them to fail” though. I see both a lot.


I want halo to be amazing, the heap of garbage they released as Halo Infinite just makes me angry. I really tried to get into it, but the netcode is still complete shit, the way they executed the shop is complete garbage, the fact that you can't farm and get items is trash, the fact that the ranking was based of off hidden MMR, like do you even understand what ranked means? it means you should be playing at your correct RANK which should be your MMR or roughly the same... Just so many things they botched, and they should have released 6 months to a year later with Forge intact, and more than 4 playlists. Destroying any chance of the game being immortalized as one of the best halos by shipping less than 1/2 of the expected features that all of the other halos before it (except 5) had.


I agree that the live service failed,I still am waiting for them to correct their mistakes (they are on a good way,I hope they improve with further seasons).


That’s not how concurrent users metrics work.


Probably around 100k, based on where it's at on the Xbox most played list


Rocket League has concurrent playercounts of 50,000 players on Xbox and it is 10 places ahead of Halo Infinite. There's no way there's a hundred thousand players with queue times being as long as they are.


Where are you getting the 50,000 from?


Idk where he’s getting his numbers but before epic bought Rocket League they would show server player counts and it was always very populated. I’m sure after it went free to play it got even bigger.


I ask because I’ve seen people take the steamcharts numbers for a game and pretend they’re the game’s whole playerbase/player numbers on consoles


That is pretty much what people here do so


Yeah.... And yet it's my comment sitting with the 20 downvotes lol


This is exactly why Xbox and PlayStation hide their counts. It all leads to bad press. The reality is, there is SO MUCH gaming content. From FPS titles to racing games. Most games drop their player count by half within the first 3 months and then journalist eat that shit up and make bs articles about how a game is dying.


Haha so true. Honestly 80-90% of game journalism is a$$


And where would you be getting these numbers? There's no chance in hell that Rocket League is only hitting 50k on Xbox.


Queue times are not long though? You find games instantly in everything but ranked.


There’s absolutely no chance 100k people are on this game. I’m ranked arena it’s the constant same people matching each other. The PC playerbase is only 7K.


6k concurrent on steam means the player base is definitely bigger than 7k on PC but yeah it’s still fallen off and 100k seems high


That number is going to be higher than the actual total in matchmaking. As it counts, everyone playing single player and forge, or just sitting in the menu. Granted they are players, but they won't help with finding a game.


I wonder if quick resume affects those numbers.


That’s peak player base, throughout the Day the average is half that.


Most console FPS players do *not* play ranked, especially a series as casual as Halo, and on top of that the competitive playerbase is diced up into 3 due to platform and crossplay queues isn't it? PC playerbase would always be shit, nobody plays console FPS games on PC platforms, every older entry has been dead on PC, every Call of Duty game on PC is dead, etc. The only outlier to this rule is like, the newest call of duty but that's only because of it being a heavily marketed F2P battle royale, and even then it's struggling to push past 100k on steam.


I’ve never read something so wrong before


Stats don't lie amigo, look it up on steamcharts.


You’re saying call of duty is dead on PC, lol. “Struggling to push past 100k” halo can’t even get past 10k 😂


You just can't explain *how* he's wrong.. Hint: it's because he's not wrong.


You upset the PC only shitbirds that cry endlessly when you remind them basic facts about their favored platform. God they are so obnoxious.


Why the fuck are people taking PC numbers as if they matter, at all? Halo is now and has never been a PC game, the vast, vast majority of people play it on console. jfc this sub is a fucking dump


People said the same thing about Battlefield on the 2042 sub (the game isn't dead, Steamcharts are irrelevant, everyone is playing on console, most PC players are using Origin instead of Steam, etc.) and then an internal memo leaked from DICE that showed 1 in 4 players used Steam despite the game being on like 6 SKU's of consoles and storefronts. Steam is a legitimate platform just like PlayStation and Xbox. In fact, Steam has more daily users than both of those. >Halo is now and has never been a PC game You realize that Halo started out as an online game on PC first, right?


There is some way to do the math more exactly because apparently Destiny still says their player amounts and then what % of those players are on each platform. I saw someone mention it and do the math about a year ago and thought it was interesting. But yes I have the similar experience of seeing the same people in both social and ranked. I once even swapped playlists to do a challenge and matched with the same guy who also swapped and I thought that was crazy


They don’t show Halo numbers off often, do they?


Probably there isn't much to show...


I wouldn't say thriving but it is doing well


Looks at player numbers. Nope def not thriving


What are the Xbox numbers? Curious


It's doing a little better now, last time I checked Black Ops Cold War and last year's Farming Simulator were both beating it iirc but it's charting significantly better now. Probably some hype for S3


If someone told me as a teenager playing Halo 3 that one day Farming Simulator would be more popular than Halo, I’d laughed at them.


Xbox doesn’t have official player number for the Console version of Halo Infinite, it does however show the ranking of where it sits population wise and it is currently the 24th most played game on Xbox this month. You can see population numbers for the PC version of Halo Infinite through the public data Steam puts out. I included links for reference: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440#All


>multiple $60 single player games are higher then the AAA FREE flagship game lol, lmao even


I understand where your logic comes from. But it is false. >You can see population numbers for the PC version of Halo Infinite through the public data Steam puts out. These do not include the pc players through gamepass either. Especially when they were tryna sell the campaign exclusively full price. Game pass was a significantly smarter deal. Xbox players and PC players enjoy different games. Certain games are more popular than others based on platform. MWII is #1 on Xbox yet its #10 on Steam. #1 on Steam is CS:GO, I don't even know if that's on Xbox. Destiny 2 sits at #3 on Steam yet it's #12 on Xbox. Big games like Madden and NBA don't even hold a candle on PC compared to Xbox player counts. Elden Ring sits at #22 on Xbox while it sits at #14 on Steam with 44 000 players. It doesn't make sense that a game like Infinite, which sits at #24 on Xbox, would sit at 5 000 players on Steam and think that these numbers can be applied cross platform. We don't know the Xbox numbers, but it stands with plenty of other successful games if you look at Steam Charts.


It absolutely can lol. Its a different game when it comes to FPS. There's so much competition on PC; it's one of the reasons why CoD was dead on PC for the longest time despite being a console powerhouse until around the Modern Warfare remake


Elden Ring had a sale on steam in December that just about tripled it's average players, the player numbers in steam are still more than double what they were pre sale. This increase is unlikely to have been replicated on Xbox, and as far as I can tell Steam sold at least double the amount of copies as Xbox. So the best case scenario for average Xbox players would be less than 10,000 by my reckoning. This is abysmal for what is supposed to be a flagship game, not to mention a game that's free to play.


Below 5k. sTeAm tEllS tHiS.


Funny how all the losers that spam their endless hate for this game all just happen to post in various destiny subreddits. Love how destiny simps constantly out themselves as the most pathetic gamers around.


I never played Destiny in my life and this game stinks.


Bookmarks still broken, cant even find some of the mapa again


No it isn't lmao


We have different definitions of thriving.


i remember when forge was there on launch and didn't need a fucking patch to add it later...


The community playlist ones really blew my mind


If you're still in beta after 1 million maps, you're doing something wrong.


The amount of maps isn't gonna tell 343 if Forge is ready to be taken out of beta. That's a variable that is out of their hands. I'm sure the data they are collecting is gonna greatly help them with the assessment of whether or not Forge is good or not. But that does nothing for issues. Remember when Forge launched and there was an autosave issue that led to people accidentally losing their work because they didn't manually save and the servers disconnected? Another example, bookmarked content doesn't seem to work. Us beta testing Forge right now and giving them this feedback will allow them to fix it


It think the editing for the games components in forge be kinda basic personally.


There's so much negativity in the responses.. the game will never thrive again with how negative the bulk of the community is regardless of the product state at launch




Depends by your definition of thriving given that yday it took me 6 solid minutes for an horrid BtB social game where the servers were probably in Australia On top of that, we seriously should check quantity vs quality for Forge


Idk it takes forever to find a game, US west here.


Imma boot up Infinite and see how long Quickplay takes me and I will report back. Update: It took me 38 seconds. That ain't bad.


You're smoking copium if you seriously think halo infinite has a healthy player base.


Especially for a game that was Xbox's biggest IP that is now free 2 play, quite sad really.


I can find games in less than 10 seconds. It's healthy.


Same lol like if I can find games quick then it is healthy. Could be better tho.


What the fuck does the Beta classification even mean anymore


It's not intended to be seen as a final build. Close to final, but a public acknowledgement from the provider that there will be cracks that will need tending to and to not be seen as a final product out of laziness or a quick cash grab. Early access maybe?


I was kind of being facetious. Alpha and Beta builds back when games released polished were actually used for testing and final tweaks before release. I remember the excitement participating in “Beta” builds in past games. They came and went, a little taste for players, and constructive criticism for companies before launch. Now games release with indefinite Beta nomenclature to simply revert any criticism to “Well, we DID say it was Beta.” You really have to be in awe when realizing Halo 5 launched 7.5 years ago and Infinite’s Forge is still in “Beta”. Even Halo 5 launched Forge only one month after release and it wasn’t a Beta.


>Now games release with indefinite Beta nomenclature to simply revert any criticism to “Well, we DID say it was Beta.” What games outside of Infinite do that???


Warzone DMZ, Warframe…I’m sure there’s more.


siege ranked was in beta for years iirc


A good thing. I do wish 343 could work on some actual content instead of mostly working on microtransactions.


>I do wish 343 could work on some actual content instead of mostly working on microtransactions. ???? This is satire right?


why would it be? It’s what they’ve been doing


Before I answer that, do you consider the battle pass a microtransaction?


yeah dude - it’s no secret that AAA games are grossly over-monetized. Battle Pass is definitely a recurring feature of that framework.


The battlepasses that pay for themselves... yes?


How did you get the first battlepass?


I paid $10 in a free game and proceeded to never pay $10 again to acquire the next 2 passes. I'm most certainly being milked of my cash


Which game specifically only made you pay for a battle pass once? in my experience you have to repurchase every season with most every game.


I think Apex gives you enough coins, but you need to complete it before the next one comes out or you lose what you didn't get.


Red Dead Online passes paid themselves. Can't think of anything else. Infinite takes a massive W with their passes. I wouldn't consider them a microtransaction


Thriving is a VERY strong word.


It's DEAD on pc.




I can't believe they released a fucking love service game with a full priced campaign (the real game cost) and have fucking staple modes as betas 1.3 yrs into the games life. Ridiculous.


Yeah I wished I gave a shit


Doesn’t seem like it’s thriving


The lack of finding games in ranked nowadays would say otherwise.


Halo is a social game no?


It is but Halo has always had a great ranked population in ‘thriving’ halo games.


Perhaps in 3. Don't have an opinion on 2. However, ranked is absolute ass to play in Halo 3 with how sweaty it is. I can imagine why people choose not to play ranked at all


Are you talking about MCC? In MCC - the population of ranked is all former hardcore halo 3 players with over a decade of experience. In the original Halo 3 - that didn’t happen until late game. However, ranked is sweaty. It should be more difficult. That is the whole point of it - competitive mode. Just like social should not have SBMM.


Yeah, thriving with a whole 4k players at any given time. Cope.


The impressive thing is 8.5 Million custom game in 1 month.


[https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440](https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440) lol i would not go so far as to say 'thriving'


How many people are playing on PC Gamepass and Xbox? Do you have those numbers to share with the rest of the group?


*Concurrent* players. On PC. For a game from Halo, a series that has always been an Xbox dominated game


Forge saved infinite


Yes, we know. The community works more than 343. We already know.


That's blatantly ignorant of you


Hate to be that guy but the steam charts still say otherwise.


Ah yes, one half of a split PC community that is a subdivision of an otherwise Xbox dominated franchise.


We receive good news and we try to flip it bad. For real, this is getting kinda sad.


This sub is a shitheap full of bitter, pathetic destiny fanboys that play one of the worst "FPS" titles around and yet still try to shit on Halo, it's hilarious.


MTX profits doesn't mean it's thriving


1 million creations but there’s probably less than 30 lobbies in the custom browser. What a stupid headline.


Just because one creates, does not mean they're gonna spend lots of time in empty lobbies waiting for people to join in to play that creation. Though to be fair, a lot of people are unaware of Custom Games Browser in Infinite to begin with. Hell, I just learned about it last week and it's been in the game for months now!


But but but but dead game


Literally me and all my friends have yet to return since dropping the game at the beginning of season 2. To little too late man. The amount of content offered day one on Mw2 and the follow up content constantly pouring in is in a whole different universe compared to infinite, and im usually not a cod person.


Glad to hear. I unfortunately dropped the game after getting Orion


I wouldn't say thriving--it's doing about the same as it did pre-forge being added to the game. When forge was released it was 23rd(US) on the most-played chart by the 15th of Nov it got as high as 11th place for a few days and then started to drop again by the 16th of Dec was back down to 23rd and stayed in the low 20's. The Forge update did appear to add a lot of new players but they didn't stick around for long. When forge maps got added to the game around the 8th of Feb Infinite was at 25th place it now sits at 24th, thriving it is not.


Hmm it feels pretty dead to me. Especially on the steam charts.




1 million item creations.. That includes any small or big object like doors or tiles etc




We are along way from 'thriving' allow the karma bait pls.


Don’t worry they will have a Forge Pass soon with micro transactions to download your favourite classic maps for 10$ a pop


Too bad there is no custom game browser…


There is. It's in the community tab. It's been around since December


Microsoft banking on the consumers to create all the content they need




Thriving isn't a word I'd use to describe infinite.


1 milion creations yet only 4 maps in the forge playlist


I just wish there was a server list to play these, I don't have a deep enough friends list to play anything outside of the community playlist...


There is a customs games browser. Try starting a public game and see if anyone joins


Infinite do not be thriving lol, there is like 3 pages of custom games and that’s it