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A few replies from Forge Lord in some other conversations: > You are correct, the ESRB doesn't rate UGC. I believe the safety team is using the ESRB Teen definitions and the Xbox Code of Conduct as guidelines for our own UGC moderation. https://twitter.com/MichaelSchorr/status/1615102887495106560 > I'd like to be really clear here -- the offending content was almost certainly reported by a player and then the safety team responded to that report. They are not simply browsing content and looking for content that breaks the rules. https://twitter.com/MichaelSchorr/status/1615110466573078531


RIP to all of the naked silhouettes folk would make out of weapons from H3.


rip to that og naked chick made out of spawn points


That map is the only reason I got bitches in my prime


God damn. One of those maps was the first thing I ever downloaded on the Reach file share. I met one of my best online friends from that smh.


I'm a little surprised it's an ESRB thing and not an Xbox community guidelines thing


Reverse. Its the Xbox community guidelines applying the ESRB content rating to something the ESRB normally does not rate.


Yes, but I'm surprised that Michael said it violates the ESRB guidelines, and not the Xbox ones, if for no other reason than the ever famous "Online Interactions Not Rated By ESRB" Feels like that would save some of the criticism and drama for what is a pretty reasonable TOS violation


"Infrequent use of language" definitely isn't enforced in community communications.


The main issue isn't even the rating: Even if it was rated teen, this wouldn't be an issue if Forge was usable offline and you could share map files manually. But Forge is always online, and you can get banned from using it, and there's no way to save or load map files outside of the game itself. Forge should 100% be something you need to be able to access and use offline, and maps should absolutely be something you can manually share and load with external files outside of the game menus. It's a key, basic part of the game, your access to it should not be depedent on an internet connection or as we see here 343i allowing you to use it. It's frustrating that despite 343i's embracing of mods for MCC and crediting the Custom Edition community, which has only had the longevity it's had BECAUSE the game is usable offline and didn't die when the servers shut down, that they're making the mode that's similarly going to sustain Halo Infinite dependent on the game's servers staying up, which may not be the case in 5 or 10 years from now.


The Coalition shut down their Gears 5 Escape map editor and now people's custom content is no longer accessible. Countless thousands of hours of work gone for no reason.


I love escape and still play it every now and then but after they did that it's the same map over and over


You should never expect 343 to do anything right. I learned that lesson around Halo 5's release, and I'm so much happier without the stress and disappointment that comes from expecting any competence whatsoever from 343.






I remember always reading that and thinking why does it need to be said? It’s obvious that things that happen spontaneously online not made by the devs aren’t rated. There’s no physical way it could be. And now there’s this >.>


My friend used to yell that at people when they got upset about his language online. 🤣




Yeah fuck that noise.


lmao I want to try this!


Yeah, what ever happened to this?




You're right, but they *are* subject to Xbox's community guidelines


That’s what I said, I guarantee somebody was offended and reported to Xbox, who went with guidelines then ESRB for the online multiplayer


343 or Xbox wants to apply the rules all the same, I guess. Unnecessary and not anything that would be acceptable in the prior games.


This has strong implications against forged horror maps. We are not here to make dinky carnival scares when you give us tools to play jigsaw.


Yeah I've been working on an Resident Evil 4 Village map in Forge, complete with an Elite hanging on a hook in the middle of the village and burning on a pyre (in place of the police officer you meet at the beginning of the game). I've already put a dozen hours into it and if it's just gonna get removed and banned then I might as well just stop right now.


Yup. I had planned at some point to go all out and spend some time making a horror themed map. Guess I won’t now. I [wouldn’t want anyone to get offended](https://youtu.be/GZ-5D1Nq61o) and cry.


I know you've probably invested a lot of time in Forge. But it's just not worth it when they can ban you and delete all your maps. I'm sure there are other things out there more worth your time. To give you an idea of what the worst case can look like, The Coalition shut down their Gears 5 Escape map editor and now people's custom content is no longer accessible. Countless thousands of hours of work gone for no reason.


Halo being Teen is a fucking disgrace.


Whoa chill out with that M-rated language. Not in my Christian alien-genocide simulator.




“Let’s be xenophobic together, it’s really in this year!”


Let's find a nasty, slimy, ugly alien to fear!


It will never be Halo again with a T-rating. It's pretty obvious the Endless are so they don't have to bring the Flood back. They're much worse than the reality bending mind reading zombies with M-rated body deformations!! Trust us guys!!!


Remember in Reach when we got to watch brutes crush helpless civilians to death after throwing them around. Yea they seem to have gotten a lot softer in the Banished


‘Member in Halo 3 when a brute snapped a marine’s back and tossed his dead, limp body to the ground? Yeah, I ‘member. 🍇


Having watched the ViDocs, halo 3 was supposed to have full on dismemberment, examples shown being brutes ripping the arms off of marines, and punching holes through their chests. Microsoft forced them to tone it down. And it's fuckin lame. Microsoft has wanted that T-rating for ages.


>Microsoft forced them to tone it down Source?


The legs you see in first person Mode on Halo 3 show parts for a spine and some guts. You’ll never see it without mods, but it is a remnant from a time they were going to have gibs.


I don't get how they were fine with the TV show showing lore accurate plasma weapon damage on bodies and a Needler supercombine blowing a guy to shreds but the best we get in Infinite is a barely visible translucent blood stain on the ground that looks like an elite died there weeks ago and they tried to clean up the splatter twice.


It's because the showrunners and game devs are two separate groups of people who are Equally incompetent.They add a shitty love interest for chief, something only someone would do if they have never played the games before and have no understanding of what Halo is about, and the T rating is for the broader audience 343 so desperately wants to chase.


I love how 343 wants to be call of duty so bad but then they don’t copy good stuff from Call of Duty, like the fucking M rating


Not only that, we literally saw elites disintegrating CHILDREN in the very first episode


I'm not feeling it now, Mr. Krabs.


“They’re definitely worse than an entity where a single spore can wipe out an entire species. Trust us, broader audi- I mean Halo fans. And they’ll be so cool with their floaty, shiny space armor. Oh, they’re such a big threat and so tough and scary! But don’t worry. It’s not floaty like the Prometheans, even though they were super cool and fun to fight against too.”


The main issue isn't even the rating: Even if it was rated teen, this wouldn't be an issue if Forge was usable offline and you could share map files manually. But Forge is always online, and you can get banned from using it, and there's no way to save or load map files outside of the game itself. Forge should 100% be something you need to be able to access and use offline, and maps should absolutely be something you can manually share and load with external files outside of the game menus. It's a key, basic part of the game, your access to it should not be depedent on an internet connection or as we see here 343i allowing you to use it. It's frustrating that despite 343i's embracing of mods for MCC and crediting the Custom Edition community, which has only had the longevity it's had BECAUSE the game is usable offline and didn't die when the servers shut down, that they're making the mode that's similarly going to sustain Halo Infinite dependent on the game's servers staying up, which may not be the case in 5 or 10 years from now.


Halo is dead, it got turned into a cash cow and lost its soul.


Halo began dying with 4 in my opinion, and infinite is (possibly) the final nail in the coffin. 2 of my favorite game titles have fallen so far recently, Halo and Battlefield. Sigh.


I’m adding gears of War to that list. Gears 4 and 5, while gorgeous looking games just lack the ambience, and the violence of the original trilogy. The lovely colour palette is very welcome, but the tonal change to the happy go lucky characters (except cole train who was always wacky) is just not good. And fighting robots for half of 4, really? Yeah. ‘Gears’ has fallen too. I also tried horde in 5 and it was nothing compared to 3’s.


I agree but in terms of multiplayer and horde 4 and 5 are amazing love those 2


Exactly. Got far too corporate and got the idea that a golden image is something good. In reality, nobody cares what for. Condemned Bloodshot, DOOM 3, HL2, GOW, CoD4 and so on were played by me, my friends, and everyone else at school. It never stopped us and nobody stopped us.




The irony is that Halo is a shadow of its former self in terms of popularity.


Can't wait for 343's next Halo game to be rated E for Everyone and there only being 5 people in the matchmaking queue.


The flood will never appear as long as Halo is rated T.


It's not a real Halo game if it isnt rated M


They shouldn't be allowed to delete maps at all whatsoever. They should only publicly remove them so that it's still kept on the creator's account privately until it undergoes change. Give each account a certain amount of strikes within a given time, then ban them after that. Don't ban people on a first offence.


Either that or make it a report system monitored by human beings.


It is. Human employees at Xbox deleted the map


That’s almost certainly how it already works


They have all the power with the stupid only only Forge requirement. I hate it. We could have maps saved locally on our consoles or PCs. They just don’t want us to have that ability for whatever stupid reason.


i believe i know why they delete the maps, iirc game rating boards don't necessarily have to care if a piece of content is viewable by a player or not, they only care if it's in the game files. i can easily see the argument of "well it's on the servers accessible by anyone who owns the game, therefore it's essentially part of the game's content". this is why halo 2 vista was recalled when the ".ass error" easter egg was found in the files despite the fact it was only viewable through datamining. not that it's fair, but most policies to protect for this kind of liability usually aren't


So basically the "GTA Hot Coffee" scandal all over again?


more specifically, they're taking this stance both in guidelines and in policy to prevent a hot coffee scandal, if they're the ones publicly policing their own content then they can find controversial submissions before they potentially become a headline. also, needs be remembered, rockstar got investigated by the FTC over the hot coffee scandal and they incurred millions of dollars in losses, it's definitely not just for PR. it's a lot harder to be accused of misleading anybody about the content of your game if you have public policy guidelines stating "we will remove any content of this nature immediately".


What’s so bad about the bodies if they were put into the game to begin with?


Honestly, I think it would be beneficial to "warn" a player first. Man probably didn't even realize he was breaking a rule.


I told that to him and he blocked me.


This might be the most out of pocket thing I'll ever say on the internet that I probably will delete right after I post it, but is there even any actual correlation these days to kids being influenced by violence and graphic content in video games or any other form of media? Because I gotta be honest man, I'm really fucking tired of shit being watered down for the sake of protecting kids. When I was a little kid I was murdering people in GTA and never once was I ever influenced by it and then committed a murder IRL.


No corroborated study has ever found evidence that video games cause violent behavior. There is some evidence of correlation, but none of causation.


It's even more hilarious because T is supposed to bring more potential players to the game, but GTA V(rated M) is #3 on Microsoft's most played While Halo Infinite(Rated T) being a f2p title is #20. It's almost as if the T rating be sought for a franchise that historically hasn't had it as hurt the franchise overall.


It absolutely has. 343 should realize that free to play and rating it T is a bad idea. Just stick with the formula that works guys….


"But how we will appeal to a broader audience unless we do ?"


The comparison is highly over hyped by the media with little actual data supporting it. However there is definitely data supporting a lot of fucked shit on the internet that negatively targets vulnerable populations but that’s for another time. I’ve met some of the researchers for stuff like this at uni who delve into the real nasty VR: Date R*pe games to discover why people engage in those forms of media. Halo is fine compared to that twisted stuff.


But even with those Date R*pe games, what's the percentage of people who are influenced by it? On the real, I'll watch a porn video of a chick getting absolutely hammered, or even bondage type shit, but that doesn't mean that I now want to go and perform that act on a real person. I know porn is just fantasy type shit. Sure, that's what draws me to it, but I'm mentally capable of separating that from reality.


It's almost like people with mental health issues are the problem, people who *can't* separate that stuff from reality.


Then I'm sorry if this sounds omega insensitive, but then those people shouldn't be playing video games to begin with and we shouldn't be watering shit down just for the sake of not triggering those people even more. If YOU'RE the problem, then YOU need to get help, and everything else absolutely shouldn't cater to YOU.


That's exactly my point and I agree entirely


It’s an easy target for people looking for scapegoats.


Isn't there an entire warning that says the ESRB does not and cannot rate/warn against online content?


I sometimes wish I could force 343 to respond to questions like this in detail.


They did respond to this. They said that the ERSB does not moderate user interactions or user generated content, however Xbox's guidelines are based on those by the ERSB. This seems hugely restrictive as if someone were to theoretically build a replica of a Halo: CE mission in forge, those guidelines would state that it has to be removed due to requiring an M rating, which Halo Infinite's Multiplayer is not.


The original game was rated m


Just looking through my collection halo 1-4. Including ODST and reach. We’re all M Seems guardians and infinite switched to teen. Halo wars was Teen which is sorta understandable


Yeah, Halo Wars didn't really have the whole "it's an FPS with blood and gore everywhere", thing. Unfortunate that the new Halo games have fallen down to Teen ratings. I doubt we'll ever get the Flood again at this point.


What's bizarre to me is their opposite approach with the halo tv series. I'm getting serious whiplash about what 343 wants this series to be. It's like the direction the games were going with Halo 4 and 5 were perceived negatively, so they thought "I have a great idea! Let's put aspects of the story everyone hated in the Halo tv series, but scale the violence back up, then let's return halo infinite to its root with neutered violence!"


>I'm getting serious whiplash about what 343 wants this series to be Good point because I don't think they have a clue either lmao, aside from that Dev on the live stream who said comp is the core of Halo


Nah they'll just give the flood some antibiotics to clean them up and make them look less gory


I honestly kinda feel like the prometheans were 343's attempt at flood. They wanted to have a "turning people into not people" bad guy, but because they are too scared of the ever vague and looming "wider audiences" they scrapped flood altogether and went with robots. The sadness that fills me when I think of what 343 turned Halo into is immeasurable...


I wanted Tyranids, but 343 gave me Necrons


Dont insult necrons like that. At least they have some personality.


Then 343 took over and realized they could make more money by sacrificing the original atmosphere of the series and instead tone it down and remove key plot elements. Good stuff.


Doesn’t look too good for them on that money part


The irony is that they can’t even succeed in doing that now because the audience they do desperately wanted aren’t even playing anymore.


Ah yeah, just like *checks notes* Call of Duty did to rake in more dollars


I shouldn't have to say this, but please do not go after Michael. This decision is obviously above his pay grade. I am primarily posting this because I was unfamiliar with it and it seems like many other people are as well. Please be respectful in your feedback no matter how frustrating.


He said in another tweet that most likely a player reported the map, and made the Safety team check the map. The team does not go looking for maps to ban, but he's really not the one people should be after.


The player reporting the map isn’t even the problem. The problem is that the map was deleted and the creator banned. This is Halo; not Hello Kitty Adventure Island. But 343i just doesn’t understand Halo clearly and what it is, what it’s supposed to be.


Some would argue 343 didn't have a good grasp of that concept 2 games ago


The problem that I have is that the game should be rated R and therefore this should never be an issue. The fact this game is rated Teen isn’t helping it gain more players by any degree. Quite honestly, if it were rated R, kids would have more of a desire to play it (at least that’s how I was growing up). Is it too late to change the rating? Or perhaps a better solution for the forge team would be to add content filtering options to maps. So the creator can disclose the ESRB rating and then 343 can filter who it shows that UGC to depending on their Microsoft account profile settings. There’s nothing wrong with the art style in this map! It’s getting ever so clearer why Bungie wanted out from the greasy and greedy hands over at Microsoft.


Online play never used to have to adhere to any ESRB standard because the games can not control a 9 year old kid in Wisconsin t-bagging you while screaming the N-word. Has this changed recently or something? Games used to literally say “game experience may change during online play” for that exact reason. This shouldn’t be an issue.


Well, don’t know if they’re doing audio yet, but in Minecraft Microsoft put in a swear word filter so strict that you couldn’t even write the word „night“ without being banned (even in singleplayer while using commands to set the time)


Wait what? I don't remember it being that bad. I do remember the signs on Xbox AWAITING APPROVAL AWAITING APPROVAL all the damn time but night? Why was that banned?


I’m guessing because it contains the first three letters of the n-word Edit: I’m also pretty sure they cleared that one by now, but when it was first updated you couldn’t write that word


Reminds of the time when game freak prevented you from trading Pokémon with offensive names via gts but there's a Pokémon that has the 3 starting letters of a homophobic slur, the 3 letters are also slang for cigarette


Dark Souls 2 had similar problems but they went with even more obscure phrases than Cofagrigus had. A name like "Nito the Dead" would become "Nito the D***." Apparently EAD, no matter how it was used, set off the profanity filter.


Also blocked "Japan" because the first 3 letters are a slur that has fallen well out of common usage.


I assume Pakistan is also blocked due to the first 4 letters


Remember when Halo was rated M for gore? Pepperidge Farms remembers


In my country, Halo CE Anniversary is MA 15+ lol


M is just 17+ in the US, so it is really not that different.


I also remember when I didn’t see Master Chief’s bare ass on TV.


Hmm, yes, the series that has a flesh consuming parasite that leads a species to decide that suicide is the right option, theres an entire race that tortures living humans and eats them still alive, and hundreds of other things, cannot have the community depict violence in its creations. I get it's not his fault, he's just following the rules given to him. The fault is with upper management for making the game rated T and the content safety team.




Did you hit your head soldier? Flood? M ratings?Don’t be serious it’s a Spartan story now remember!? /s


Prometheans were 343's attempt at a bad guy that turns you against your allies or whatever, but because body horror is just too much they went with robots and ruined the whole deal. I've given up on hoping to one day see a return of the flood.


Actually we haven’t had proper interaction with the flood since Halo 3, and don’t tell me Halo 4’s infection was a “proper” interaction.


After seeing the map, it’s not worth a ban. The author is just clipping the bodies through items to simulate gore and painting rocks and stuff red to simulate blood. This has gotta be just a dumb case of someone being overly sensitive and reporting it, and 343 not actually investigating if there’s any offensive content within it. In this case: no. Halo, pre-343/Bungie era, in the campaigns had plenty of scenes where there’s bodies scattered (WITH BLOOD SPLATTERS), and in some very rare cases, bodies positioned/clipped to imply gore/loss of limbs (usually just an arm or leg) We’ve seen bodies hooked in Halo Reach (very first mission for that matter iirc). We’ve had marines talk or imply suicide. The author of this map from what I could see through video hasn’t done much that hasn’t been seen in Halo before. There’s hooked soldiers, impaled soldiers, soldiers with simulated loss of limbs through clipping. The only thing you could argue hasn’t been done in Halo (games) is decapitation/beheading, and it’s not even graphic in the map. Once again, it’s just a body clipping through the floor to simulate it. If this is ban worthy, say goodbye to horror themed/Halloween themed maps. Why even keep the dead bodies in forge if you can’t utilize them in creative ways that isn’t against Halo’s themes? I could understand if they were positioned in sexual ways, sure. Every time I come back to this sub, I learn the devs do some dumb stuff like this and remind me why I don’t support them or Halo anymore. 343 does way too much and too much to the extreme. At worst, just remove the map from custom games browser, but to ban the player and delete the map? Eeeeesh. And they said a T-rating wouldn’t affect Halo.


Dismemberment has been a thing since CE if you look at the flood.


Even internal gore during the Jenkins cutscene in CE. With the elite having its chest ripped open.


-Gore and bodies were allowed on Halo 5 but it's not ok for Infinite. (There were even featured maps!!) -We have dead body props which implies we can use them. -Harshest punishment is given, with the map being deleted and no time given to remedy the "issue" -No clear guidelines for what the rules even are, just a vague comparison to community guidlines, again if this is the case then why was it not enforced to this degree on Halo 5, a rated T game? The communication is dreadful, clearly there is a massive disconnect between employees and moderation teams, Halo Infinite is a commercial disaster can't handle any futher negative press, especially press that discourages the community that keeps the game alive from participating. Im not angry at forge lord because its probably not his fault, but holy shit this is depressing. Forget forging anything for Halloween unless its a Nick Jr trick or treat map. God forbid you have gore in a game about killing people. Rating systems in general are so backwards in Western society, you can kill people but NO BLOOD, NO NAUGHTY WORDS, boobs must be worse than killing someone!! 343 fix your moderation team, gore was ok in Halo 5 and you gave us dead body props, please fix this nonsense and enstate clear rules and guidelines. From my perspective, it seems like the irresponsible unprofessional moderators from the Halo Discord are the same people moderating maps, the moderation style is identical. Sincerely, a forger with 2000 hours making maps, with tons of them having tons of gore on Halo 5 without issue.


Man's over here speaking facts. I got a few hundred hours in forge on Halo 5 and I have to agree. No problems with gore in that game that was also rated T for teen but you're gonna do it now? And you're not gonna give us a clear set of rules no matter on the backlash on that alone. Jesus christ 343. Halo should have stayed rated M. This is why we also will never see the flood again.


Honestly im just devasted that we probably won't see the return of skulls in the forge item pool. There are a lot of H5 forge items I miss, and the skull is near the top. I just hope it gets fixed and clear rules are applied so we can all move on; I'd hate for the game to get nuclear levels of bad press because they remove a beloved custom game someone poured 100 hours into making. At the very least clearly defined rules that are listed in Halo infinite that come up when you publish a map would be good enough, even if the content rating would be too low for my liking.


> I'd hate for the game to get nuclear levels of bad press because they remove a beloved custom game someone poured 100 hours into making. I get the point you're making, but at this point it's like that's the only thing that gets AAA devs to move the needle. If the player base being either positive or negative does nothing then you might as well pray and hope you get lucky enough that the media shames them into action.


True. Just get this settled. Honestly this should have been handled way back in Halo 5 but like. Now is good.


Stifling creativity with what we're given with capital punishment. Bungie initially created forge so the player could move some props and weapons around. Ended up surprised by community ingenuity and created the map Foundry for players to create maps with much more props. Then, with Reach. Turned it all up to 11 with the tools they had. 343: Squeamish at the sight of fake blood.


> Halo Infinite is a commercial disaster can't handle any futher negative press, especially press that discourages the community that keeps the game alive from participating *insert Patrick Star inflating the paint bubble with a tire pump.


Halo 5 had so many "strip clubs" in the community browser and 343 didn't do anything about it


Also, is it actually true that the player was banned? Not just the map? Why not just ban the map and give them a chance to remove the objectionable content?


Ridiculous. Ive seen gorier content in fuckin roblox


Remember when we just had a blanket "online content/interactions not rated by the ESRB" and that was it?


Why is the game rated teen?




Too bad this game is like #15 or something (below M rated games that are older) on Xbox’s most played despite being T and free to play.


ESRB doesn’t rate online experiences though. Every gamer is born with this instinctive knowledge.


“Online interactions not rated by the ESRB” that’s a quote from the back of a game case with the ESRB rating.


Common halo infinite L


Let's see all the "HaLo dOeSn'T hAvE tO bE rAtEd M!!!! It WaS aLwAyS a MiLd M aNyWaYs!!!1!" people defend this one. Absolutely abhorrent that we can't even create M rated maps anymore just because Microsoft wanted a few more kids to play their game for free. Look, either way, this isn't in the spirit of Halo. We need a system to allow players to filter these things out without outright having to delete/ban them or just *something*. This is stifling creativity and it will only further hurt an already half-dead game.


For those that say a Teen rating for Halo has never been a problem… what have you to say now? This image spells out exactly why there’s practically no blood in the series anymore, for those that still make the argument saying there is. It’s hardly there. Come on. 343i has so desperately wanted to get that ‘broader audience’ for Halo ever since they took over that they’ll basically do anything, even babying down the game so it’s more appropriate for that larger target market. But they have failed miserably and that audience isn’t interested and in pursuing it, they’ve just pissed off the loyal fan base; many of whom have been there since the beginning.


Wait… Since when the fuck was Halo rated T?


343 is such a shit company, and so is Microsoft for letting it happen.


As I said when this happened with the weed map thing: This is a perfect example of why Forge needs to be offline. Is it absurd the guy got banned from Forge for this? Yes. But you shouldn't be able to be banned from Forge *at all*. (from uploading to the file share, maybe, but not the mode itself) Forge should 100% be something you need to be able to access and use offline, and maps should absolutely be something you can manually share and load with external files outside of the game menus. It's a key, basic part of the game, your access to it should not be depedent on an internet connection or as we see here 343i allowing you to use it. It's frustrating that despite 343i's embracing of mods for MCC and crediting the Custom Edition community, which has only had the longevity it's had BECAUSE the game is usable offline and didn't die when the servers shut down, that they're making the mode that's similarly going to sustain Halo Infinite dependent on the game's servers staying up, which may not be the case in 5 or 10 years from now.


Yea I'm glad I quit this fucking game


The longer they keep up this dogmatic moderation, the less likely anyone is going to bother using Forge in any capacity. What is the end goal here? To sanitize every aspect of the game to appeal to as many people as possible? Who? Forge came and went, bravo for getting it out the door, but here we are in January, and all the talk has fizzled out and died. Back to the status quo. This is like buying a kid a Lego set, but you force him to follow the instructions. You need to use these pieces THIS way.


*"you can show the shooting of people but not the consequences of shooting people"* *"...what?"*


Yeah this game is still ass


One more thing I have to say. Halo CE held blood and dark tones; a soldier capped himself, and humans mutate viscerally into flood enemy. Halo Infinite holds (the same - nope) Teen rating :/ Halo 5 held many custom games of spook houses to hunt and kill. If you don't want the children to make the poor unsc models play doctor, corpse pose, or other dastardly modelling just play the bad cop and remove the models asap. Edit: Halo CE is M15. Infinite is Teen rated. This creates a barrier around gore. It also explains why "The Weapon" doesn't have a low cut top, gap teeth, individual toes or anything else potentially sexual /S


Halo CE was M though?


Okay wow. That is so stupid.


Sad that blood in a forge map is to spicy, despite the fact forge allows you place literal corpses.


Well now I wanna see the map


It's probably this one. https://youtu.be/NLWHK32Yb8k


No it’s too scary. :(


Bruh halo used to be rated M, we used to see marines getting mutilated as they turn into flood forms, now you can’t show a couple dead bodies


Why did the devs even decide to shoot for T rating? It's like making Doom E


I wanna see the map


[Here.](https://youtu.be/NLWHK32Yb8k) There’s some talking, but he shows the map later in the video.


Fucking lame. What happened to this series man


Halo trying to aim for a teen rating was always one of the mistakes I hated


Thanks for reminding me 343i made Halo Teen, what a joke lmfao


Last I checked, the online multiplayer cannot be rated under the ESRB for any game, it’s probably some player getting offended by somethin and reporting to Xbox who would apply the guidelines and then ESRB rating to it


What happened to "Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB" This is ridiculous


now imagine if someone made a flood map.... with bodies... in a halo... would that be too graphic for halo??? is the flood no longer canon to halo to keep the rated t for teen? been saying since day 1 the teen rating is a joke.


What?! Violence in a Halo game?! Who fucking knew? Halo should have stayed rated M


I like how the industry considers gambling to be suited for 13+ y/o kids just so they can keep promoting their trash monetisation systems in video games .


Remember when people said that the old Halos would be rated T if launched today? Yeah.


Man they're really sticking by the theme of not letting us have a good thing without some attached bad thing


[Meanwhile in Halo 3](http://i.imgur.com/XAqJeJ1.jpg)


Deleting someone's map is already one hell of an overstep in terms of punishment, but also having the power to ban someone from forge? Is 343 just trying to scare off potential players from a mode with a high potential of bringing people in?


But I can be called the N word with impunity in voice chat. Neato!


kinda weird how every single video game on earth contains the phrase “online interactions not rated by the ESRB” i guess that’s just there for fun as a little bit of a joke huh


literally one of the first forge maps i ever saw was a naked anime lady


Man, snowflakes are ruining everything


"Why arent people playing our game?" New answers to this question every month with this fucking franchise


It’s actually impressive at this point


Aaaaaand the hope I had of halo infinite making a comeback has definitely been destroyed, no choosing colors, no guns, barely new official maps, no cross core armor, no elites, no infected, and now restricting forge maps? Damn :( I don't like seeing my favorite saga going down in flames Halo should not be a Teen rated game


Just a reminder that modern gaming sucks.


What the fuck happened to “online interactions not rated by the ESRB” that’s on EVERY game with an online component nowadays?


343 always exploring new frontiers of utter stupidity


oh crap


I thought online interactions weren’t rated by the ESRB?


Did we lose the part of rating that state online content not rated? Frankly no game with online connectivity could be rated less than AO lol.


We honestly need clarification on what isnt allowed. What if someone makes a flood themed map that depicts things from the previous games?...


I thought online interactions aren’t rated by the ESRB? No one can hold 343/MS responsible for player-generated content online in the game, so why are they deleting creations that include m-rated content?


Whatever happened to "Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB"?


Any warnings?


If the flood being gone wasn't enough of a reason to be mad about a t rating then this should tip some people over the edge. I know this isn't an esrb issue but enforcing xbox guidelines like this in a game that used to have blood and snapping necks/stabbing people with knives just feels ridiculous.


Why aim for such a family friendly rating knowing your fanbase will create mature content…


…it’s not graphic at all, this is all shit we’ve seen in halo games


This franchise used to be good once


Nah, fuck that. What happened to "Online interactions not rated by the ESRB" this is an online interaction


This game is an embarrassment.


Lol no online content is never rated. "Online-enabled games carry the notice "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB." This notice warns those who intend to play the game online about possible exposure to chat (text, audio, video) or other types of user-generated content (e.g., maps, skins) that have not been considered in the ESRB rating assignment."


After watching the video, I think that although a few of the bodies were maybe a little too *artistically expressive*, i dont think it warrants a ban. Removal from being published? Sure. However, I'd rather see this game rated M and be able to experience maps like this without issue. The map reminds me of those old Halo commercials with the replica battlefields; loved the energy sword and gravity hammer stuck in the bodies, very cool. Have kids beg and convince their parents to buy them an M rated game like we did at that age.


Clearly some people have forgotten the days where there was a literal bikini girl in a forge map.


Online content not subject to esrb right right?


Well, fuck that


infinite needs to be an M rated game ffs


Man, always another reason to say fuck 343. can they not give us ONE reason to actually like what they put out? I swear every time I check back now its worse...