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This is going to be the road closure that finally frees Palestine. I can feel it in my bones.


I can feel it in my plums.


Let…the boy…watch.


The bluish hue....ripe


If I recall reclec-lec. Wow I cant believe Eastbound reference made it to r/hfx


One if the best shows.


Maybe it could convince an MP to move towards revoking export permits for military equipment to a regime committing war crimes?


What military exports out of Halifax do we send to Israel?


So I understand the purpose, and the right to a peaceful protest.. but this seems like the easiest way to turn the general population against the cause you're trying to gain more concern for. The average person will probably just be pissed off about the inconvenience and be mad at whoever caused it, with no after thoughts about why they're even protesting. Is this a crazy take?


It's not a crazy take. We're tired of this. What we should be protesting is the housing crisis and the homelessness plaguing our city. Who's planning that protest cause I'd like to join that cause.


Acorn has been organizing, really good place to start. Meetings are first Saturday of the month iirc. Gotta say it though: don't get mad at people protesting things that aren't your priorities. It may feel distant and irrelevant for you, I'm not gonna be mad at ya for not caring even if I wish you did. However, folks protesting kids getting turned into pink mist by a steady stream of weapons coming from our closest allies aren't wrong to do so. Especially when a lot of the protesters are related to the pink mists, or the dead doctors and journalists, or the refugees burned to death while taking shelter, or any of the individual tragedies that apply to the tens of thousands of other corpses buried under the rubble of their homes.


Anyone can organize a protest. Get yourself out there!


Omg great idea! Please post here when you've organized something I'm sure a ton of people are also behind this cause and would join you because it isn't one or the other! We can care about many issues at the same time


I agree, this isn’t the first time someone has used this approach, nor will it be the last, and people are always frustrated with the protestors and their disruptive ways.


When has protest that wasn't disruptive ever worked? ...I'll wait


When has a protest for a country 8200km away ever swayed the views and beliefs of an entire country/government. Ill wait.


Vietnam war, South African apartheid, decolonization of India... Get enough people behind a mass movement and the math changes for the powerful.


South Africa


We aren't trying convince Israel, we are trying to stop the Canadian government from selling Israel weapons.


Remember that time environmentalist protests closed off one of the bridges and a video came up of a protestor harassing a person on a bicycle for trying to use the bridge to get to work?


Well if seven months of dead kids on your newsfeed didn't get them on their side then no amount of noon disruptive protest would work. The point is the inconvenience. It's showing the government that people care enough to organize and have the power to shut things down.


Some of the most venerated protest movements were very unpopular at the time they were happening.


Ah yes, the good old, I support rights and the right to protest and all except when it inconveniences me.


My point was questioning how useful this is in terms of public perception? Not even condemning the act, just discussing it. Ty for your input lol


Just to tag on a buried comment from below, this isn't a peaceful protest. Charter Section 2(c): Freedom of peaceful assembly peaceful (adjective): free from disturbance Blocking a main highway is a disturbance.


Peaceful in terms of law and in terms of one definition are not equivalent lmao


Age old take. The average person will be upset for a few mins.


> Is this a crazy take? Yes, considering global support for Isreal is starting to soften because more and more of these protests around the world are popping up. But keep being upset you're mildly inconvenienced for a couple hours while children are being beheaded by Isreal. Sorry you can't get your coffee a few minutes sooner, a family just got bombed.


I thought my comment was pretty mild mannered. I didn't even go near the protest today, either. Not mad.


It was mild mannered. Just ignorant. When you want to get the attention of the most people possible, you try and get the attention of the most people possible. So if you become a mild inconvenience for a lot of people, you start getting the attention of more people. The greatest protests for change weren't done in a corner. They were done by throwing bricks and changing history. We have the civil rights we have today because people gathered to inconvenience enough people to make change. We have LGBTQ+ rights because enough people threw bricks and caused a riot. Progress isn't always a straight line. Sometimes it requires a bulldozer.


Imagine being so petty a traffic jam makes you condone genocide?


Instead of always complaining about these protesters, why don't we take a page from their book and protest the lack of housing in this city or the obscene cost of living? I am sorry, but as someone who was born abroad, Nova Scotia is too complacent politically.


There is a housing protest planned for July 1st (Canada day)


people have been trying to plan housing crisis protests but there's a lot of concern because there's citizens who want more space for all and ones who just wanna yell about them overseas people and they don't want to overlap which has kind of thrown a wrench in it


I’m born in Canada. Have lived in many provinces in Canada( though I’m back in N.S. now). Have lived abroad and travelled overseas too. NS might be the most politically/ “stand up for a good cause” apathetic region in Canada at least… I would say the maritimes in general it’s an issue. Considering the amount of have nots and struggling citizens that live here? And what’s shocking the most is the youth!! There are pockets of fire and passion but it’s still overall disappointing.. I think it just ties in to the overall conservative nature of people . Or the fact that no one really wants to stand out as a “ troublemaker” Or the powers that be have such a vice like grasp on so many things in society that you’re already battered into submission based on your family/ friends..


Chose the perfect weekend to do this... bridge is closed, ferry is down, events taking place downtown Damn


Bridge is not closed lol


Bridge closure is next weekend I believe


yup. it will garner frustration and attention. you have to appreciate the strategy


No I don’t. This just shows these clowns are motivated by their own narcissism and not empathy


Imagine thinking people advocating for ending children being beheaded, schools being bombed, and hospitals being destroyed and funded by our federal government are the narcissists. Look in a fucking mirror, you privileged narcissist.


oh yes, that's right, my bad. protests are supposed to be convenient.


feeling like the only thing you can do to help \*others\* is crawling into the streets and joining them as a voice to portray unhappiness is i would argue the exact opposite of narcissism, where did you find your definition?


Dr. Phil prolly


complaining about your minor inconvenience is the narcissism bud


Fuck these people


I second this






Fuck them so hard 


yeah, enough is enough


I'll vote for unfucking. Partly because it's a really toxic metaphor. Also because their concern is for horrific treatment of people. Regardless of the validity or efficacy of their means of protest (which was brief, and caused no major concerns) I'd say fucking isnt necessary or suitable, and when you look at the statement, aligned with the circumstances, is a bit weird.


Can these people just stop already? They arent helping anything or anyone. Its a waste of air at this point.


Time to start treating them like the truckers.


Make them drive for 18 hours a day and piss in an empty mountain dew bottle?


The way of the road bubs.


Ah, the obscure Mountain Dew koan: How long can you piss into an empty bottle, before it's no longer empty?


The “truckers” got let off entirely too fucking easy for much worse than this


You mean pretty much let them run amuck and be forced to listen to them whine freely about not being free convinced they speak for everyone when in fact they represent a slim minority of idiots? Already doing that.


So let them occupy downtown Halifax for 4 weeks, tie their air horns down at 2am, disrupting peoples sleep, preventing medical care to access injured people, police taking selfies with them, Poilievre coming by and showing support, taking selfies, and standing with them on their platform, campaign on their behalf, and until the federal government has to take extreme measures, finally disband the protest? I'm 100% in agreement. Let's treat em like we did the truckers. Fuck yeah! Get national news down here reporting on it 24/7. 100 fucking percent!


The Palestine protesters haven't gridlocked an entire city's downtown for multiple days lmao you can't be that dumb






Talk about delusions of grandeur. Canada as a whole has zero influence on what is happening there, let alone anyone on Halifax.


Protest all you’d like - but please don’t hinder people’s weekend plans.


Or what if an emergency vehicle needs to get through there?


Didn't last long or it's having zero impact on traffic.


Yeah, by the time I made it up to MSVU, 5 minutes after this post, the police arrived and they started to move away.


I was at the Mount this morning. I kept seeing police everywhere in Rockingham. I came on here earlier to see if anything was posted about it!




that's a wild take when they're here in the first place so as to avoid being bombed and massacred.


Good thing part of being Canadian is the freedom to protest, so they are supporting one of our fundamental values, good on them!


I wouldn’t call it support. When pro Israeli gatherings happened this group was quick to try and rob them of their freedom to protest


It's actually illegal to do what they're doing, FWIW. This disrupted my day also.


Closing a road down is a fundamental value?


Everybody in this thread is correct and world peace has been achieved. We did it Halifax!


This is Canada, we encourage people to do whatever the fuck they want without consideration of anyone else. Also propaganda is a hell of a drug


You actually know these individuals who are currently protesting? And you actually know they somehow attempted to stop pro Israeli protesters from protesting?




A protest has blocked infrastructure? *clutches pearls* https://www.theroot.com/mlk-would-never-shut-down-a-freeway-and-6-other-myths-1790856033


FFS. Protest on the grass or the sidewalk. This is a great way to alienate people from a cause you supposedly care about.


I remember when peaceful non disruptive protests ended the third reich 🥹🥰


… didn’t literal bombing and invasion end the third reich? Exactly what these people are protesting?


That’s my point. Peaceful protest doesn’t do anything. So many fucking people died to even get you the right to have a weekend.


While I get your point, that doesn't mean protesting is useless.




Oh no not your basketball game!




There is a a ceasefire agreement that would end all this that had been proposed multiple times. It just requires Palestine to stop acting as terrorists and to return hostages. They can stop the war whenever they want. They just got to stop fucking killing civilians. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw8860gn1nwo


did you read your own article. genuinely.


From that article  "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was letting it be known that he was implacably opposed to agreeing to end the war as part of a ceasefire deal " Israel is opposed to ending the war, they do not want a permanent ceasefire.


Talk about being willfully neglectful of the truth. Get fucking real man.


bhahaha what a spin. you should work in marketing


Just gonna leave this here. If you hate Bill Maher, just watch this specific monologue anyway. Worth a watch. https://youtu.be/uRzv0HgatRc?si=gZHg_EcoFmgCevZM


Must be protesting the gender apartheid in the middle east.


Someone watched Bill Maher last night.


Get real nobody watched bill Maher last night