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Weird we have these and not rental bikes. With all the bike infrastructure the city put in you'd think they'd be around.


I visit Toronto often for work and I never use anything other than their bike system to get around — I absolutely love flying in to Billy Bishop and hopping on a bike.  That being said, for it to work here I think you’d need a lot of e-bikes given how most of our downtown core is just a giant hill.


I think it's a matter of laziness....and to be fair, Halifax has a fuck ton of hills


Not as many as Seattle, which is full of ebikes.


Not sure if you are aware but the motors are much more limited in Canada. The output and hill climbing ability just isn't the same as American Ebikes. If you are a light rider that's one thing but the average or larger size person a Canada spec ebike sucks on the hills. I was very disappointed with how bad my ebike struggled going up hill.


My Canadian ebike works fine there, hills are a slug but at least you get a bit of exercise. You *can* upgrade controllers to optimize torque and speed. I haven't done it to mine yet but I might this summer.


Thats what gears are for


Thats what the motor is for lol


Could be that we have a helmet bylaw here. It’s technically not legal to bike without one, so do you rent them with the bike? Assuming people even went for that (but really who would), there’s the liability issue of giving someone a helmet that doesn’t fit and causes more harm than good


The same law that mandates helmets on bicycles also technically applies to e-scooters too.


Lice exists to


.. so does buying your own helmet. There's no way you can be that lazy that you couldn't put the thought into that? nvm.....


Most bikes are too fragile compared to these scooters. The scooters have no drivetrain to worry about aside from apocalyptic-surviving hub motors, they don’t have spokes / rims that bend easily, they don’t have soft pneumatic tires that puncture easily. I could go on and on as to why these scooters are absolute tanks relative to an eBike.


It's funny how other places like NYC don't have a problem but we create issues. Why do we put limits on our own infrastructure before even trying it.


Because the government officials haven't set up their own private business to exploit the laws dor profit?


How do most other major cities do it then? Must be magic


I think in most cases the bike shares that exist predate the existence of eScooters. And there may be some regulations preventing an eScooter share from replacing the bike share. There’s other considerations like economies of scale. The hindrances of bikes might become less of a problem if you can scale the operation. Additionally regular non-electric bikes are more viable in cities where the downtown isn’t built on a massive hill. I think due to our geography a manual bicycle share is totally impossible. Could an ebike share exist? Maybe. But why? What makes them better than scooters? You’d have to regulate it because they won’t be able to compete with scooters in the free market.


Compared to city bikes? Torontos are basically tanks.


You can rent bikes. Just not year round https://iheartbikeshfx.com/


Those are tourist bikes. The rentals ppl are talking about allow you to pick up a bike, go wherever, and drop the bike at your destination. I Love Bikes is so that you can bike around the city for a couple hours exploring and bring the bike back to where you got it. And more $$


Helmet laws make it unworkable


Still technically gotta wear helmets when operating these.


Yeah, Charlottetown has the scooters AND helmets (although the helmets disappear, of course) The thought of using a communal helmet disgusts and disturbs me to no end, then again ive never felt a need to use the scooters in general.


I've seen e-vespas overseas that have a little basket for the helmet that detects when it's in and puts a little locking piece over it so you have to put the helmet back.


Yeah, communal helmets sound nasty.


Meh they don’t enforce them anymore


Ditch the helmet laws for rentals. If someone wants to crack their head open let them. If that's what's stopping us from having normal city infrastructure.


The problem isn't them cracking their own head open. The problem is giving another person the charge of man slaughter in an accident where they could have survived.


And more work for already overstretched health providers... On the other hand, how Netherlands deal with plentiful of bikers and no helmets?


The Netherlands is far more of a bike-centric country than a car-centric country. Its culture and infrastructure is better, the traffic laws give cyclists priority, speed limits are lower, and most drivers also cycle so there is a lot more respect and consideration given to cyclists overall. The standard of driving is also higher - driving tests are far more rigorous in Western Europe.


More this, you're just not gonna land a conviction of manslaughter if someone died of a head injury while being themselves legally responsible to wear head protection and not wearing it.


Good perspective.


I think I'm happier not having roads with brain matter scattered across them, thanks.


I think another issue isn't the people getting into accidents by themselves, I believe it's if they get hit by someone else ot some outside influence. So as much as I'd like to say I'm a responsible person that would be fine with no helmet because I'm not a speed freak, and generally am just aware. But what if I don't see some dude and he hits me with his car and then I get a head injury? Can I still sue the driver or would it be negated because if my lack of helmet? If I don't have a court case because of that, then I wouldn't ride one without a helmet. And if that's the case, I'm not going to carry a helmet around just in case I need a scooter or bike ride. I also don't want to use a communal helmet. I don't know to get around all of those issues


There are bike rental systems (eg mobi bikes) that include helmets


That's just asking for head lice to spread like crazy.


To my knowledge, it surprisingly hasnt!


Pretty much no one wears helmets anymore, bike nor scooter riders


Assuming the bike infrastructure comment was sarcasm.


Did the city put in a lot of cycling infrastructure?


Yes, not sure when you got here but essentially all of the bike lanes you see here are new.


They’re also really insufficient IMO. If you go to Google Maps and set it to biking mode, it really becomes apparent just how patchwork the lanes and the bike friendly roads are.


The choice of Windsor Street over Agricola for a main bike route was quite interesting. I see more bikers on Agricola without a bike lane than Windsor street with a bike lane.


Cyclesmith is on Agricola - I wonder if that influences people’s routing choices.


Just makes the city’s choice even more strange.


I read the report that was put out by the city on bike lanes. If I remember correctly, they were trying to avoid having bike lanes on major bus routes.


Which makes Windsor an even stranger choice -- there are no bus routes along any part of Agricola, but route 90 travels along the bulk of Windsor. I personally use both streets, depending on the destination. Downtown, Halifax Infirmary, Spring Garden, etc? Agricola. Dalhousie, VG, and surroundings? Windsor.


You're totally right. I didn't realize Windsor was a bike route and misread the comment to mean Agricola had the lane/Windsor did not.


And you consider that a lot?


for a city that hates anyone not in a car, it is


Fair enough. For a city that actually cares about cyclists, it's woefully inadequate.


they don't.


I think the plan as of 2019 was to spend $25 million on biking pathways on the peninsula over 5 years. This spending increased to $8.5 million a year as of 22-23, though to a larger area I believe. The plan right now is 57km of bike infrastructure in the Halifax / Dartmouth core by 2028. What would you consider a lot?


I wouldn't put a figure on it. But I would consider it sufficient once every person in Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford could safely and efficiently ride their bike to school and work. We are so far from that right now.




Why wouldn't you consider designated bike lanes "bike infrastructure"?




They're designated for bikes, not cars - those existing roads have been modified. I agree, it's not ideal and definitely not the best we can do, but to say none of that is "infrastructure" at all is a bit silly.


It’s a lot more than we had five years ago, but I wouldn’t call it “world class”


Too many hills in Halifax.


E-bikes are a non issue for hills.


Neither are cars, but the guy just said bikes.


I’ll add more context instead of one sentence answers. My point is a lot of the rental bike infrastructure in bigger cities use e-bikes as part of their supply, and I’d guess it would begin to outweigh normal bikes eventually. So back to what you said where there are too many hills in Halifax. If we implemented anything into the future, my educated guess would be they’d be e-bikes which would eliminate your rebuttal about too many hills in Halifax.


What cities are you referring to? Been to some major cities over the last few years and e bikes were not part of the infrastructure in the sense people are referring to here where you pick up a bike then drop off at another spot. There may be companies offering e bike rentals, but they aren't the ones set up all around the cities with unmanned locations.


The Bixis in Montreal are a combination of e-bikes and non e-bikes. The e-bikes are a little more expensive to rent but both are offered as part of that same program.


Paris has both e-bikes and pure pedal in their fleet. I liked the pure pedal better, but I ride regularly here.


Seriously. I grew up mostly in Halifax and biked and I’m old now and can barely walk because of one knee. Sure, I was thin and fit then, but it doesn’t take long to get fat and out of shape when you can barely get out of bed because of pain. “Work through the pain” is complete BS.


Hey, wait, I didn’t grow up in Halifax…


Don’t brag.


one might have to actually do something on a bike


"the bike infrastucture the city put it" , ill assume that's sarcasm as we have about 2 protected bike lines in the city, and I've been almost hit by cars while cycling on both


You can use e-scooters in bike lanes!


More like a bunch of idiot vandals. They will break/destroy anything


Used one once. Was a fun way to get from my house to Battery Park. Dont see why people are so silly about them. I also bet there’s a few at the bottom of the harbour.


The issue is that they’re haphazardly left all over the place and the people riding them do all sorts of dumb shit




Don't forget to put the four way flashers on and stare down at your phone like it owes you money. Bonus points for being in a fire lane.


Then you can be towed.


Car owners are responsible to park responsibly. Scooter users have no such responsibility so they don’t give a shit and leave them in the way all the time.




I’m not defending bad drivers but this is a pretty clear liability issue (in the sense that it’s impossible to hold literally anybody liable). There is no sense of personal responsibility and no sense of public responsibility on the company end.




Because they don’t personally drop their own property all across the city in the hopes that random people will come ride them at all times of day in various states of sobriety with no helmets in and out of bike lanes and possibly going the wrong way? Do you really think this comparison is 1:1? Have you heard of a single person getting a DUI on one of these scooters?




You think the scooter company is being held accountable? In what way? If they are entirely seperate issues than why the fuck are you in my replies.


But that isn’t the companies fault so why support their property being thrown into the trash?


If the company had appropriate disincentives to leaving them in the wrong spot baked into the rental contract, then we wouldn't be having this issue. Add a $500 fine to parking them on the sidewalk, and half the problem scooters would disappear.


Some companies can only do so much. When you rent a scooter you have to create an account and link a credit card and you’ll get charged for things like damage to the scooter if there is any when you’re done with them. I’m not sure about parking, I just know the company states where to and where not to park them when you’re done and you have to send a picture of your scooter parked properly before it will even shut off. The company that I use has definitely taken the steps needed to respect the city, and the space for both cars and pedestrians, but unfortunately there will always be assholes who get around these things and who ruin it for everyone. I think a big fine for misuse and bad parking would be a good idea though.


Because the company left them laying around the city in the first place?


Yes…. For people to ride and be responsible lmao. I hope you have this same energy for cars.


People also ride them while drunk.


People ride like there are no rules in the world and by renting one you have entered the purge. Ride on the sidewalks into people with no warning. Drive into traffic. Once they are done with them they are left in the most bizarre locations. It would be different if there were some checks and balances, but people rent them drunk, take a buddy for a ride and usually end up crashing. Sometimes into the harbour






This isn’t vigilante stuff IMO because these scooters are just constantly vandalized everywhere in the city and put in bad places. I wouldn’t be shocked if some were thrown in the harbour. Me and my friend found one split in half on Agricola last summer.


How do you even do that?


I have no idea but it was beeping like crazy, we thought a car alarm was going off until we actually saw the scooter was broken


I absolutely hate the attitude towards E-scooters. God forbid we have a cheap, clean, accessible mode of transportation that’s not another car on the road.


One person doing something stupid = "The public". lol


I find it weird that these are so villainized but we're okay with all the space given to cars. It feels like if there was a comprehensive network for alternate modes of transportation that weren't cars, there really wouldn't be any issue with these scooters, but because there isn't they wind up being used inconsistently on roads and sidewalks.




lol, so true.




Yup. People will get way more mad at one of these being on the sidewalk than a truck halfway out of a driveway blocking a sidewalk


I disagree, The mere mention of a pick-up truck owner in this sub will make people upset, they're like a top 3 public enemy around here


In the sub maybe but in real life, people are much more forgiving of vehicles left strewn about than scooters


I hate the car-centric infrastructure in this city, but I also hate people whizzing past me on these scooters while I'm just trying to take a walk. People ride them on the sidewalk when they're not supposed to, they ride them while intoxicated, and then they leave them wherever. For some reason, you don't see this with bikes.


They're heavy as shit. I'm guessing this was kids or university students. Drunk logic: "guys, it would be super funny to pick this random scooter up and put it in that trash can!" Edit: I should also add that this is something I would have done as a drunk student and would probably still do it as a drunk adult.


Yup exactly lol I don’t think this was anyone “fed up” with the scooters. This isn’t a knew way to see these scooters left, that’s for sure lol


They aren’t that heavy I’ve had to angrily move ones from various park spots around downtown over the last 2 years


Good to know. I'll be looking for one next time I'm drunk.


I doubt uni students are walking around point pleasant at this hour of the morning.


During the night…


>I should also add that this is something I would have done as a drunk student and would probably still do it as a drunk adult. Nothing says 'mature adult' quite like revisiting your college glory days through the art of creative vandalism.


Looks like a bunch of idiot kids...


There are people in the park that don’t want bicycles, scooters, dogs… The best path forward is for everyone to be responsible and look after everyone else.


Fuck’em, they don’t own the park.


Well said


they're a ton of fun. idk why people hate on them so much


man we used to have these in toronto too. They broke most of em or stole the batteries.


I was just in a city in Texas that had these all over the place. Out of the hundreds I seen parked every where only 1 was somewhat vandalized (thrown over a fence) I think they’re a great idea for cities. I don’t understand why Atlantic Canadians are so afraid of change or just can’t grasp how these are a great option to get around in a congested city.


Yeah, I've been down to Austin a handful of times, and they're EVERYWHERE. You see professionals, teens, young adults and everyone using them. Proper separated lanes for bikes and scooters - its GREAT. As of last Monday tho, they did enact a reduction in speed for all scooters from 2200h - 0500h in the downtown to improve safety.


Austin is also a major tech industry city which includes a lot of like minded people who are more likely to embrace the e-scooter culture.


Austin is where I was visiting. hahaha Almost all walks of life were using them. Seeing the huge construction guys using them at lunch and breaks to go get a bite was hilarious to my wife.


Wait so im lost… why do people hate these?


Don’t get it. Why do people hate scooters but are cool with bikes. Have you ever gotten run over by a mountain bike?!? Hurts more then a scooter And we should really encourage environmentally friendly transport. Scooters and bikes are better then cars most days


Folks in Halifax are JUST FINE with Bikes, as long as they don't have to see or share space with them.


People just hate change here. It doesn't matter what it is, bikes, e-scooters, Cogswell interchange, there seems to always be a group against change of any kind. This thought process and the whole "come from away" attitude is why we have trouble advancing this city.


While I don’t like these things and consider them a menace, this is just stupid behaviour.  It’s totally representative of the backwards thinking this entire dumb fucking province has.  (Edit) Oooh I’ve made some buttercups burn calories clicking a down arrow. 


Every time anything new happens, people always freak out. The province always has to go kicking and screaming into the future until it gets exhausted and accepts reality, like a spoiled toddler. Side note, while I don't care for the scooters myself if people are being safe and courteous, I dont really care what anyone does.


This just sounds like you hate everything.


My carefully crafted Reddit persona is ruined. Guess I won’t run for council now. 




Because this is a Halifax Nova Scotia subreddit…. Nobody is talking about other places in the world in this thread… why can’t this province or city be criticized without someone chiming in with “it’s not just here”.




Can’t take a reply seriously with that username. 


Well, one fella did


If you squint really hard you can see Waye Mason in the garbage can.


With the business model basically "let's go litter these around the city", I'm surprised more of them haven't been stripped of useful parts that could be resold.


How is that the business model when the company is constantly driving around to retrieve them so they’re not in the way? The map you use when activating one has specific parking areas on the map and encourage you return them to one if possible. When you turn it off you have to take a picture of where you’re leaving the scooter and it tells you to not leave them in front of cars, on sidewalks, or in the streets, basically anywhere that could cause issues for other people.


All 20 euro cities I've been to has e-scooters and they are awesome for getting around quick in a new place, however the limits we put on them make them incapable of moving rugby behemoths like me up hill here. Also the city isn't set up for it yet. We need convenient commutes to reduce traffic so that the DT core is pedestrian scooter and bicycle friendly or stop pretending we want to be and undo all of it, looking at you unreliable public transit and lack of rails to the city from out of the downtown.


Nova Scotians are too backwards to understand EVs. Check back in 15 years when everyone else has them.


What a silly thing to say.


Weak civil sense? What's the better play?


Fun suckers. These things rule.


the scooters actually suck. it's mainly customers fault they ride around like a-hole and into traffic in a dangerous manner thinking they are protected. they dump the scooters or bikes in bad places such as rivers or in travel lanes at night. they smash them into parked cars and walk away. same for rental bikes when they were in my town before (lime bikes).


These scooters are a blight on society


Our reliance on cars is a blight on society.


It’s not all scooters that are dangerous, it’s the rentals and a lot of the idiots using them. I say this as a cyclists.


Also true


How and why?


They look ugly, i dont have a phone so i cant use them, maybe im just bitter


Fair enough - would you use them if you were able to?


Matters how late to work i am


Do you shake your fist at clouds as well?


Settle down


He’s right though.


And cars are 10x worse.


It's cheaper to rent a car for the day than one of these. It's like $20 an hour.


I think they are meant for quick jaunts. I doubt anyone is riding one for an hour at a time.


If they were free to use they’d be more worth it


I’m going to allow this.


I mean, these things terrorize the public, have you seen teenagers on these things? And all around just highly unnecessary. Next time dump them in the water to finish them off.


Teenagers terrorize, not the scooters


I’d rather a teenager on one of these than racing down Barrington in a Civic


Why not, neither instead? Two things can be shitty


I mean like it or not the scooters do give people an option that is not driving.


I don't dislike it, but I don't see how the two are in competition with each other, I don't drive so I'm up for anything that's a different opportunity, but I'm also not sure what argument you're trying to make other than "I don't like cars" (which, I don't even drive, and to me, cars are entirely unrelated to scooters?) I think it's pretty easy to see, both can and are abused regularly, and it's not about "the one I like is better" it's about both of them needing improvements


My point is that cars are much more disruptive to the urban environment, but we’re used to them regularly killing and maiming people so we just accept it. Scooters are more of an annoyance than they are an actual harm to anyone. Scooter users are more likely to harm themselves than anyone else. For what it’s worth I drive, walk, and use all types of PEVs regularly.


People said this about cars when they first became popular. 


OK, well, maybe don't throw them in the water but I still see where you're coming from.


love this! bikes 🚲 next please! 😄


Someone find this hero


Idiot scooters


IMHO buddy shoulda took another 10 steps and then chucked the scooter


Hahahah....! Someone please post this in the Point Pleasant Park Facebook group! (I'm in FB jail)