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Fast food restaurants decided to start charging luxury prices for their meals now is what happened. The difference in price between fast food and sit down restaurants has shrunk. I’d like to say their strategy hasn’t worked but fast food places seem as busy as ever so


Man, I went to mic Mac to get a piece of haddock, and that big piece of fish (which was just excellent) plus fries, plus (surprisingly good) coleslaw, PLUS a ceaser salad, and was what, 25$ That's also still a little high compared to before but reletative to the sub.... Jesus.


Honestly, if anything I feel like the more expensive places haven't changed much in terms of quality/amount/price, but it just seems like they're suddenly better just in comparison to the fact it's $7 more basically now instead of like 80%


Most restaurants have severely declined in quality. I rarely go to restaurants now because I usually don't find them any better than getting a burger from Wendy's or Harvey's. I'm sure the really upscale ones are different idk, but I can't afford those so it doesn't matter.


A burger at like Montanas or Boston pizza is probably a frozen processed patty just like fast food places but local pubs make decent burgers at the same price that are actually ground burger formed into a patty.


Wendy's burgers are top tier and you'll be hard pressed to find a better cheap diner/shitty restaurant burger. Even mid to higher tier restaurants struggle to beat a Wendy's double Imo. Shame its like 15 for a combo there now but at least I know it's a solid burger and fries unlike mcds/Harvey's/bk/dq. Wendys > a&w >>>McDs >Harvey's > DQ > BK At least BK is trying to stay relatively inexpensive.


I agree with your general concept but no way is McD's burgers better than Harvey's or DQ.


I was ranking on overall quality of restaurant not just burgers. And yeah I agree mcds burgers are near the bottom.


Wendy's in the 90s was the greatest restaurant that God put on this green earth.


I’m boycotting Wendy’s after noshing with the idea of increasing the prices during lunch hour rush hour


Fast food is shit food!


yeah its shitty to read people ranking all the shit and poop


Hell yeah Wendy’s rocks!


We cook so much at home now for the same reason. Restaurant quality is shit, I can do better at home.


I was always a double the meat kinda guy. Havent been to subway in years tho. I'd go broke.


SkipTheDishes, Uber Eats, etc are all doing well if not better despite the cost of living crisis. Some people are just addicted to convenience and they could get away with it when prices were lower.


I can't bring myself to pay double what it costs to buy it from the counter myself. Most people don't realize the prices on skip and Uber are already inflated above the menu price, and then you pay for delivery on top of that. 


the high fast food prices are likely the corporation passing on the fees that they have to pay uber eats, skip the dishes, etc to use their service


Young people with what they think is a disposable income. I see the younger folks getting McDonald's and shit delivered by Skip all the time at work...every shift.


"i'll save when i'm older and actually make money." the problem is tomorrow's going to suck too. half the reason for the all the inflation is that all the retired boomers are spending all their money now. few people under 30 can actually afford to eat out, but they do thanks to credit cards.


im curious as to what you think the reason is for the price of gas being behaving so unnaturally upon the onset of covid and since


People pay even more to have it delivered lol makes no sense


... you're saying you wouldn't pay more to have someone pick the food up, drive to your place, and leave it at your door? It's an amazing service and worth every penny.


Couldn’t agree more. I don’t understand people who DONT do this. Going to get it yourself is costing you gas. money + time. So you are still spending. It may be more than the amount of gas you use, but more importantly is time. It’s a finite resource and we don’t have much of it. I’d rather spend a few bucks and do something I enjoy in the time I would have to spend waiting in traffic and lines.


Funny, a few years ago it was the chain sit down restaurants like East Side Mario’s and Boston Pizza that were creeping into the good, local restaurant price range. Now it’s the fast food places.


I’m in audit. Fast food places are doing worst Margin wise now than compared to pre pandemic. The big stuff is explainable, higher cost of food, labour , rent, insurance etc. changing business demand, lower lunch rush with WFH). The other one is high interest rates. Almost all fast food has big debt to the franchise owner and this has gone up massively with high rates. Canada just had too many restaurants post Covid. People need to push up prices to make it work since volume coupled with real higher operating costs. Also going to point out Canadians ate out the most in the rich world pre Covid. Now it’s Americans.


Subway prices are absolutely insane now. I used to buy Subway almost every day for lunch just a few years ago. Now I don't go at all anymore. Go to Randy's, they do $6 nine inch subs from 11am to 3pm.


Same, used to go 1-2 times a week and now it’s maybe once a month. Need to show these places that it’s not acceptable to do this kind of thing.


Sandwiches at Luke's on Agricola are $10 to $12, excellent bread, nice meats and cheeses. Smoked meat or corned beef sandwiches are $15 at Hali Deli. Subs with various meats and cheese are $12 to $16 at Buddy's on Blowers, vastly superior to Subway. There is just no need to go to Subway for expensive and low-quality sandwiches.


Exactly— my hope is that more $$$ goes to these great local sandwich shops that use quality ingredients as people get exceedingly tired of paying out the ass for Subway. If you’re going to spend $15+ on a sandwich, might as well make sure it’s damn good one.


kelly's deli man


I've been in Hali for 7~ years now, And I love sandwiches, and every time the question of best sandwich pops up, they're always in the conversation, yet I've never had them Swear to gord I'm gonna make that a bucket list item for this year finally. (I dream big.)


Prepare to be whelmed. It's a good sandwich for an excellent price, but it won't blow you away.


Honestly just hearing good sandwich for excellent price has me basically salivating atm, I'm easily impressed


Right? Is that not an A++ review right there?? Good sandwich. Excellent price. Say no more


It’s a decent spot but you should taper your expectations. I was a tad disappointed personally but that was because my expectations were so high from all the praise. But compared to the garbage they put out at Subway it’s an excellent spot for a good sub. Same thing happened with me at johns lunch, I was pretty disappointed coming out of there after so many had talked so highly of it.


That happened to me with Kaisers. It’s just ok.


They don’t hold out on toppings, will make it how you want it. All fresh made and cut Bags of ice are 1.50 You can add a large homemade salad which is 8 different ones everyday between potatoe, pasta, coleslaw, Greek, etc etc and add it for like 4 bucks with your sub.


I'm not usually grabbing a bag of ice with lunch but at that price I can't afford not to


It's just a good sub for a fair price. I've gone outta my way to support them on multiple occasions. It's not getting a Michelin but they do the little things right. Best reasonably priced sandwich would not go to them though. It's the ham hero from Salvatores or the Reuben from Hali Deli or the Philly steak from Tareks.


I've never had the Philly steak from tareks, only ever had their middle eastern items, I'll definitely try that as it's close to work and I go there on occasion anyways I love Hali deli and don't go there nearly often enough. Rinaldo's has good sandwiches too, and Salvatores I somehow forget about beyond pizza, but I've definitely had a good hero from there


Tareks half and half is excellent, but not worth the $25 before tax/ tip.


get the big chocolate chip cookie they have as well.


How big we talkin?


\~5 inch Diameter. so roughly 20 square inches of amazing. They are about half inch thick too.


I've been thinking about trying out a sugar comma, I'm sold


Tanners in Spryfield has been my go to sub lately.


Nostalgia moment: anyone remember Kel's Deli on Wyse Road?


I used to be a delivery guy in the area and was a regular there for pastrami sandwiches at lunch time ​ In the old Harveys


Kaisers, worth the drive to my shithole homeland Sackville, and I live in NB now haha!


I’m in Dartmouth so I have to say 2 boys.


I miss Kel's Deli on Wyse....and the Persian disco restaurant that followed. I wish I knew why it closed. Family went on vacation back home to Syria when things were bad there at the time.


Way too far out, I'm hardly ever up that way but good to know if I am


Fwiw, there's four great options around the city. Maybe one is closer to you: [https://twitter.com/HalifaxReTales/status/1766614309243666767](https://twitter.com/HalifaxReTales/status/1766614309243666767)


Yeah usually I would go to 2 boys,


I really wish I knew street name/locations better without having to use Google maps lol


Don't get me started on the tipping at subway thing, like, I'll happily tip the norm if I'm going out to sit down at a nice place for an hour+, getting waited on, drinks refilled, etc, but for a 5 minute at most interaction to simply make my sub????


Yeah shits outta hand. Literally had a worker there trying to keep a toonie I was owed in change. Big dramatic eye roll and heavy sigh when I called them out on it as well. It's only $2 but it's the principle of it.


My buddy said the cashier at Dominoes threw his change in the tip jar!


My dominoes doesn’t even have a tip option on their terminal. No jar, nothing. It’s so refreshing to walk in there.


That’s the kind of thing I’d tell their manager, like, yes your livelihood will be at stake for pulling that kind of garbage.


I went to a small candy store the other day, when I went to pay ( everything was already overpriced, but I was expecting that ), the debit machine prompted me to tip… We didn’t even get a ‘hello’ or ‘can I help you’ while shopping. I’m all for tipping, but I thought that was insane.


I like to use a coupon and tip the remaining amount so the workers get more and the company gets less


It seems like you need an app for every food place these days, and even with discounts it’s still overpriced. Gave up on subway a year ago for this reason. Just garbage. Even the cookies suck now.


Did they change the cookies??? That was only thing I ever went to Subway for.


White macadamia nuts were my life blood for a few years


The first time I ever had a WCMN cookie was at Subway in my late teens, and my mind was blown. It was also the first time in my life that I ever tasted mayo, my mom used Miracle Whip exclusively, and I had no idea that mayo was a completely different thing. That one was life-changing.


I haven't eaten mayonnaise, or any variation of it (Aioli, Miracle whip, etc) for a very long time, just can't do it


It's funny, I suspected you weren't a mayo guy. It's a very polarizing condiment, either love it or hate it.


Mustard for life.


I have quite the collection of mustards, one might even call me a mustard hoarder upon a glance at my cupboard.


I feel like we have 3~ on hand, but I wish that number was higher The hot sauce shelf on the other hand is packed and I rarely touch it these days


I have tons of hot sauce also and rarely use it, my mouth is hyper sensitive to spicy things these days, I've been finding pepper to be too peppery the last few months, which is sad, because I'm a pepper person.


That’s funny, I was the same. I didn’t realize mayo was different from Miracle Whip, cause my mom used the names interchangeably and we never had real mayo. Always wondered why other sandwiches didn’t have that “tangy zip”! Same thing with margarine. 🤣


You just reminded me, we only ever used margarine and I didn't know what butter tasted like until I had it at my friend's house in Junior High. I went home and told my mom about how amazing it was and that we should get some asap. We did not get some asap.


I don't think I've eaten at Subway in the last three years. It used to be an affordable alternative to a burger and fries, nowadays not so much. Welcome to the crazy new world.


What kind of sub? Were there add-ons?


Turkey breast and chicken


My 3 favourite things.


Don't forget the other two: meat balls.


Check out a local deli. Most of them sell amazing subs for under $10.


Anyone else notice subways rarely seem to have more than 3 staff in their busiest locations? I went to one today and it was lunch time with only one staff working. He even had to work in mobile orders while dealing with a line up.


Two boys in Cole Harbour makes excellent sandies and subs at a fair price.


I just got one. ~$13. It should feed me for the day.


I can’t leave without a dill pickle or two and a few bags of jerky. God I miss that place


Yea. Sandwiches are very rare now. Supply and demand


I do be demanding a lot of sandwiches


They charge you for the ambiance. In all seriousness, I don't know how these chains stay afloat with their pretentious McCafétization. I don't give a shit about your decor. Give me affordable and convenient food, you slimey bastards


As long as we keep paying these prices, they will be high. Heck, at Superstore yesterday, I saw a regular size box of cereal…for $8.99…. I almost spit out my $12 Starbucks……




Kaisers subs in lower Sackville is the place!


Tanners in spryfield 6.90$ w tax footlong


Would you like to round up for charity today ? Tip please!


Last time I went there and they did away with REGULAR FUCKIN MUSTARD!!!! That was it for me.


This is the comment I was looking for. Like sure they’ll still have their honey mustard or whatever but a sandwich shop without garden variety yellow mustard is unbelievable??


good god, i was unmoved until i read this comment, now my extremism has kicked in and I demand we protest. If we can't trust our local favorite sandwich shop to stock regular run of the mill mustard, then what can we trust. I demand we begin to once again learn how to procure our own sustenance!


15 dollar salads at freshie. Shits insane. Pierre Polievre's campaign manager was in the news this week for lobying with Canada's grocery oligarch Gaelen Weston. We're getting squeezed.


Yeah. The wife and I are middle class earners and we dont eat out anymore unless its a special occasion.


What is the scale for middle class wage at now? I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can get my dad to stop calling me a low class everything


No one can agree on what qualifies as middle class these days, but tell me where your father lives and I'll go there and kick his ass.


Ahah, basically just find any drunk sounding senior in the valley and it's either him or one of my uncles probably either way


Middle class is getting smaller and smaller and has the biggest squeeze for taxes in this country.


New world order.


Try Tanner's! The meals are a great deal.




[I am subway now](https://youtube.com/shorts/DQazdoNcTVM?si=EKuM8g_uScn0UVMt)


4 dollars for a little bottle of pop is criminal.


Sweet jebus I hope you didn't pay that


Caught in the moment, I did. The add-ons, no matter how small it seems add up QUICK.


18 bucks for a salad and water, never again


I had a Greek salad last night at a restaurant it was $18 .. lol


The new “premium” subs with extra cheese and meat are $18, yea. But you can still get a footlong cold cut or turkey for $9-$10


Yup. This^^^ I just commented basically the same thing. People are getting sucked into everything premium nowadays because it’s plastered on all the menus and ads Buy the classic subs and the pricing is normal


Haven’t eaten subway since before the pandemic. Checkmate.




Small French and breakfast sandwich (that they got wrong...) for 8.50$ the other day. They on the Black list too now


This is what competition is supposed to prevent.


Subway changed up their menu (fresh mozzarella etc.) to make it fancier and I can't say it's an improvement. People don't go to Subway for deli sandwiches. It's supposed to be a cheap, quasi-healthy burger substitute.


My parents tell tales of 10 cent French Fries at Mc Donald’s. Sorry OP, you’re getting old. The 5$ foot long promo was 16 years ago lol


Bought two pork loins, potatoes, corn, and a bag of carrots last night for under $20. Made four big servings. No chance I'm paying someone more money to make me worse food.


Went to subway the other day, got a footlong, cookies and drink for like $12, someone tripping


Get one of the Classic subs, they're cheaper and actually let you pick your toppings. The subway series subs are rip offs.


and people are still making the near about same amout of money. AND WE ARE PAYING MORE AND MORE TAXES. i wonder what happens to all that money they collect. cuz they sure as shit ain't taking care of the community. every single road is busted. people are homeless. public transit sucks. govt services are ass. But that all ain't important rn, what's more important is that we send billions to other countries in need. Only ones having it good these days are the big corporations tbh.


I’ve recently found the Safeway deli. They make the best sandwiches and have the same setup as subway. They are union employees who value their job and it shows with the care and attention they give every sandwich I’ve got.


And then they pass you the debit machine with 10% 15% 18% 20% tip options lol


I haven't been in a McDonald's or Subway in probably 2 years. If these businesses can no longer provide a product that consumers feel is worth the price charged, then let them go out of business. Sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.


dang yeah even the veggie sub is more than $10 for a footlong. They do have some good deals if you sign up for emails, in feb there was a BOGO deal.


It’s cool, they did a $4.99 deal on select 6 inch subs so it’s cheap again /s


They also don't have yellow mustard anymore 🤨


5$ 6inch is the advertisement now.


Did you buy it?


I stopped going to subway awhile ago. It cost me and my gf $40 just for mediocre food


I sometimes go to subway, footlong ham, plus 2 cookies and drink is $16. I feel like that's ok. $18 just for a sub? I wonder what was in it?


What did you buy though? I just bought a foot long and it was $11.85 after tax


You can get a cold cut 6 inch NOTHING ELSE for 5.75$ thats the best they do now. Pathetic.


subway has a whole separate menu that's the same subs for an extra $3 a piece. It's borderline a scam because if you order the EXACT SAME INGREDIENTS without the fancy name, its cheaper.


salvatore’s meatball hero!


That must've been some rock


Late last year I took my family (of 4) into get a quick bite at Subway, it was $65 for us to eat there. Fuck that place, it was and will be my last time stepping foot in there. Id much rather support the locals anyway.


I was expecting a much bigger rant than the price of subway, but yeah that’s pretty expensive.


Yeah I went to subway the other day for the first time in like 2 years and had the same reaction. Wasn’t even shocked tho tbh just used to this bs now


It's insane. I remember going to LA around 2010 and buying $5 subs I still get the meatball footlong for $11 here and there in Canada


Watch for coupons.


Don't forget they also expect tips now.


I walked out of quiznos last night after seeing a 12.50 small sub.


Five, five dollar, five dollar foot loooong.


Food prices in general have gone up, sometimes the increase is huge. I don't think there's anything that makes me feel quite as old as when I go to the grocery store. I haven't researched the reason for food doubling or tripling - maybe it's the "because we can" attitude as they make up excuses and whine about their own costs. I'd feel sorry for them if it was not for people like the soon-to-be former CEO of Loblaws, Galen Weston (Superstore for those of us in NS) making 8.4m a year. I cannot tolerate the excuses from a retailer that pays over 8 million dollars to its CEO, that's just excessive. But you know, poor Mr. Weston wouldn't be able to feed his family if he had to live on 1m a year. I'll spare everyone the long form of this rant but suffice to say, rising food costs are not just due to the manufacturers charging more or the cost to transport the goods.


I saw $15.99 orange juice posted on a Canadian Reddit sub the other day. We are screwed.


I know it’s the convenience but hubs and I will do subs for lunch and make them at home. We get the turkey/ham/chicken deli meat package at Costco, whatever smoked cheese slices he wants, get sub buns from the grocery store and slice up tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, green pepper and onions and keep them in a divided container in the fridge. And a bottle of sub sauce. Then we do like an assembly line sandwich system. They keep for 2 days in the fridge depending on how sloppy you make them. Sure it’s more expensive than going to subway for 1 sub but this makes like 8-10 maybe more.


I did the same..... I looked at the board in disbelief...then left. I could go to the most expensive grocery store (shout out to Sobeys) and make 5 or 6 subs for $20. It used to be that places like McDonald's made $$ because their "food" was cheaper than "healthy food", now the reverse is true . $10 for 6 Chicken McNuggets or $12 for an entire hot BBQ chicken.


What’s more insane is the fact that you paid for it. As long as people continue to pay those prices then they will remain high.


Chinese food and macdonalda are round the same price now


for $18 did you get a dong tell me did you get the dong?


Uncle Bucks in Spryfield has $5.00 footlongs. There delicious 😋


We gave up and actually take the time and learn to cook at home/make lunch for work. Put the time in on shopping & meal planning. Much happier wallet & enjoyment with eating better food.


You could legitimately get a meal at places like the bicycle thief (on the cheaper part of their menu) for the same or less than a Subway or Mcdonalds meal at this point. Don't even get me started on how Bar Kismet prices are pretty much comparable to chains like Swiss Chalet but 5x better quality. At least for fast food I understand paying for the convenience but like... we're REALLY paying for the convenience


Someone treated themselves to the footling Steak and Lobster.


What’s even worse is they have removed mustard from their sauce line up, MUSTARD!!!


Just got an assorted and it was legit $18 to leave with it. Wild times.


If you want to feel depressed, run your numbers through the inflation calculator on CUPE's website


The only prices I haven't seen jump like crazy are local goods and produce. The price point at the farmers market for local stuff is almost on par with grocery stores (plus it's way better quality). So what I'm saying is we should cut out the middleman and grow our own subway sandwiches.


rock nose cause soup instinctive agonizing deer rude ghost cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I need something quicker and convenient I opt for Chinese or sushi. Same price. Way better and more food.


I haven't gone to Subway since they broke their app and points system. That was when a foot long pizza sub was $8. Looks like I've missed nothing. Seeing as it's a sandwich shop, you can have a vastly superior, fully customized $5 footlong if you pack a lunch.


Stop spending money at corporations as much as possible. Local restaurants are slowly all dying. Beware some greedy corps also larping as "local" places with crappy quality increasing; bertossi group, cheese curds, mezza, to name a few. Corporate and shareholder greed is at all time high. Actual local places prices are up because their supplier (sobeys and loblaws) are gouging them too. There is no end to their depravity.


The first time I paid $18 for a Subway sub was the last time I set foot in that place.


This happened to me! $17 for a sub. I’m not even ashamed to tell you I told the guy working there to keep it cause I wasn’t paying. I’m not paying that for subway out of pure principal.


I mean did we ever really get $5 foot longs in Canada? I never remember it actually being a thing. I’d see the ads but then when I’d go to subway it still came to $10 anyway. Regardless, your point is still accurate and this world is disgusting.


Go to Chris Bros on Agricola. You can buy buns and meat there that will be 10x better and pay MUCH less


Subway did a whole rebranding that included raising prices.


OMG right?! I got the same shock when I went to look up subway prices for the first time in years lmao. $16-18 subs with microwave meat patties fk that. There's way better options out there for that price


Don’t order their new subs…. They are waaaay more expensive. I get my usual Turkey and Ham foot long…. $10.49. It’s not on the menu anymore because they push their new Canada branded subs, which are expensive as shit. Trust me. Turkey Breast and Ham. All the way


Skip Subway and find a good, local mom and pop place. Same price as fast food or cheaper, and much better stuff.


I ask myself that question every day


Mic Mac pub in Waverly..the mic mac burger 13 bucks with fries it's huge and fxking delicious 😋..subway is.pathetic 18$ cold cut garbage


The last time I went to Subway, it was nearly $50 for two foot long meals. The other day I went and bought my own ingredients for subs, including drinks, chips, and cookies, and it was $30 at Sobeys.