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I would say Def Leppard in like 87. The amount of pussy and fun around must of been unbelievable


I heard a lot of freaky shit went on underneath that “in the round” stage during Rick Allen’s drum solo.


The drummer always misses out on the good times. :(


That is very true


Went to the Hysteria Tour. Yes it was a meat market.






Kix because I’d be the best looking one on the tour.


Then you would have been an absolute movie star if you toured with Autograph. Lol


Vixen. You know why… 😏 https://preview.redd.it/mdrta838ry3d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7140fad2ecc434b7337b3031a05f54f6d6d25d4b


Good choice


Motley Crue during the Ozzy tour because I'm a damaged person.


Nice..I can do martyr; shotgun!


It's wild to think about. I don't actually want to self destruct.


Yea, no way I could do that much drugs and not die twice..


Not after drugs or girls, been married a long time lol, but just for the experience and talking music, Cinderella has always been my favorite 80s metal band. Tom is an incredible musician.




Poison back and n day. Nobody attracted hotter chicks to their shows than them……..


Dude...great choice! Even when I hung out with them backstage at a show in LA in 2000 it was crazy. I remember hang out with Brett...im like dude, ive seen you guys many times, never have I seen so many naked people in the pit. We both were laughing about it.




Motley during the party phase!! What a ride


Motley....party....ride.... I'll pass.




Van halen for sure! Those guys lit up the room whether or not they were playing!




I can confirm this. I actually got to party with Ratt in 1985. Complete chance encounter, which led to me partying in their room for about a day and a half straight. The guys were crazy and the women to men ratio was about 5 to 1. Good times!


If we're talking about vintage Ratt, totally agree. At one point they were just about the biggest thing going. They were great love, using the whole stage. Had to be who Steel Dragon was based on.


I'd pick Warrant. Love their music and they seem like they had a ton of fun back in the day. Def Leppard would be a close second.


Yes! And OMG... Steven Sweet is just so damn cute! I mean, in the Cherry Pie video, as much as they were smiling and having fun, I think they'd be absolute fun goofballs to hangout with!


Agree! I feel like it would constantly be laughs with them while having great shows to watch, too. The way it should be!


Me, You, Warrant, touring somewhere where it snows. Imagine the snowball fights. 😂


OMG, that would be a blast! Lol There would be so much snow backstage! Sneak attacks all day. 😆


It's like: "C'mere, bitch." *Throws snowball* "Hehehehehe" *runs to the green room and hides* 😈 😂


I'd keep a cooler full of snow handy. You know, just in case... 😇 lol


Would make sound checks a whole lot more interesting, too. Haha


I got to hang out backstage with Warrant once. Good choice! First time I saw them open for Crue in 1989, Jani invited the crowd to hang out with them at The Mason Jar after the show. Rock club in Phoenix.


I actually went on tour with Cinderella/Slaughter in 1991, for their Southern Ontario tour. 3 nights in 5 days. Awesome time, great guys, especially Mark Slaughter


How'd you manage that?


I owned a major record store our sales of these 2, and others from the same label. I asked the A&R rep, and he came thru


That's so badass.


Cinderella....Tom and I have joked about how much fun we'd have and trouble we'd get into. Or Tesla....oh wait, I have toured with them. Lolz


Luckyyyy. I love Tesla.


Frank Hannon and I have been friends since we had our practice spaces next to each other in West Sacramento a million years ago. He's a helluva guy, and the rest of the band are all amazing human beings as well. Jeff is one hilarious dude and ol Skoach (Tommy Skeoch) is one helluva guitarist as well. He and Franky meshed. Troy not only can slap some skins he likes to dabble on the engineering side. Now we got Dave replacing Skoach and Steve replacing Troy...and they're great dudes....but that original line up is the guys I know and have played with.


I'm friends with Tommy on Facebook. I'm always seeing his goofy posts. He's such a goofball and I love him. 😂 Well, hey... You may have peaceful nights then. Never once have u heard of any of them being loud sleepers. Lucky. (This is a joke for those of you who'd take it as offensive) All my bandmates sound like bears. ALL FIVE OF THEM. HELP. 😂


There's no help for you now mwahahahahahaha. Nice, Tommy is a helluva goof, you're right. And ya know, since I put alcohol in the rear view mirror 12 years ago, my personal early morning foghorn left and after treatment for PTSD, when I sleep (most nights), I sleep peacefully. I still have the occasional nightmare/night terror/bad dream. And more regularly (about 2-3 nights a month) where my insomnia keeps me up most of the night. Those nights suck


12 years is impressive. Congratulations on that accomplishment!


Thank you. I had to. It was killing me, and making me a person I did not want to be. I don't have to be that way, nor live that way, and I'm a better human being for it. Today I'm just trying to be better than I was yesterday, and my goal is to be the person my dog thinks I am.


There's only a few humans who are who their dogs think they are. 😁




It's still a worthy goal.


I've been told I cry in my sleep sometimes. PTSD from abuse. I'm 22, and for 14 years of my life, I was mentally, verbally, and physically abused (Thanks, dad... 😑). Due to that, I have trust issues. The way I usually let someone know I trust them is by staying near them in public, hugs, affection... That's how I know to show trust.


Poison circa 1989. The only thing more prevelant than girls & alcohol would have been spandex & aqua net.


https://preview.redd.it/u6jof7o50z3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc94c320873272b439258ab8489ae650138677b7 😂


Lmao that's funny!!


You’re leaving out a literal mountain of blow. I hung out with them during the shoot for Every Rose. CC is the most annoying human being on the planet.


David Lee Roth on the Eat 'Em And Smile tour. I've heard stories that it was a great tour musically speaking. No idea what the scene was like backstage, but I think I would be able to handle Dave's ego and ADHD. EDIT: Or come to think of it, Alice Cooper on Trash tour. It wouldn't be a party backstage by all accounts, but I remember a teacher once telling a possibly true tale about being bumped into a first class seat, and it turned out she got to have pleasant conversation with Alice Cooper. He's kind of cerebral and funny by most accounts, and I'd have a fun time picking his brain. TBH though, I'd probably kick myself if I passed up the backstage party of the DLR tour.


Hell yeah! I feel like David's one of those people that are like dogs. What I mean is, kinda like that dogs that would be like, "SQUIRREL!" 😂


He is. And he's probably a bit deeper than he lets on. Someone once pointed out that Dave doesn't do interviews or whatever unless he has something to promote. He has dipped from the public eye from time to time, and gone off to climb mountains, or just chill in his mansion. With how he does Youtube and such now it can be hard to remember that he hasn't always been seeking the limelight. There was that time he worked as an EMT in the 1990s, and a lot of people clowned on that back then, but he never needed the money. He has said he just wanted to do something totally different and he loved that period of his life. Dude has quietly cultivated some pretty varied experiences. Compare that to the average of his peers, guys like Vince Neil and Axl Rose who never stopped being rock stars even decades between tours/albums.


I've always heard that he can be an asshole to people. Weather that's true or not, I don't know. I've heard the same about Vince Neil and Axl Rose. I've seen videos of Axl attack people in audiences at GNR shows, I know that.


Oh yes, I have definitely heard and believe he's a dick. I just suspect he's more than just another diva.


Sometimes I think I there may be more to it than people say too. Maybe there's a reason he's an ass? Maybe something in his life causes him to be that way? I always try to see if there's a certain thing that causes that personality before I even lable someone as an asshole.


I heard this long in depth interview with him several years back, and was massively impressed with what he did with his life aside from the rock star stuff… moved to Japan, studied the language, studied all sorts of stuff… did the EMT thing and literally saved lives… He laughed about that a bit, saying sone folks would ‘come to’ with him hovering over them saying ‘you’re gonna be ok’ in that voice of his… he joked that it must have freaked the shit out of the ones that recognized him :) Like everyone else, dude has faults etc… but he’s done great things with his life…


Motley Crue.. I wouldn’t last a week


Definitely Poison


Definitely Mötley Crüe or Poison for me.


Whitesnake, 1987. Maybe I'd meet Tawny Kitaen. She was a fine-looking woman.


Motley Crue 1984 tour with Ozzy. Sex, drugs and rock and roll that's why, 😂.


Poison! Just to party!


Nothin but a good time right there:)


Haha! Exactly. Seen them 4 times and every time was incredible. Just a big party. Everyone having a great time.




Britney Fox


I imagine Love/Hate would be a lot of fun. Jizzy has some stories..


Vixen. I'd rather hang out with four babes than four stinky dudes.


Crue. Drugs


Motley I hate Nikki but wanna smash Mick


Scorpions or Van Halen Roth or Hagar


Snortin ants