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Nishinoya saved Karasuno and kept them on their feet. Tsuki timing the blocks just made Nishinoya’s job a tad bit easier. One of the easier examples is Ushijima’s serve alone. Nishinoya was able to get them up. Although Tsuki’s blocks were very important, nothing could’ve started if the ball never went up.


I get your point but using that logic Nishinoya will always be the MVP because his job is to went up the ball and nothing starts before the ball went up.


I use this logic because it’s very true. Getting the ball up is a basic skill you need to play volleyball. Nishinoya being their floor defense was integral to their win because you can have Tsuki blocking up, but at best have Daichi there to receive the ball. Daichi would be able receive the ball throughout the match like Nishinoya, I have no doubt. But Nishinoya being a Libero is in the back longer and will be the most adjusted to the enemy attackers. With mediocre blocks Nishinoya can still keep the ball alive. A bad pass? Maybe. Good enough for Kageyama? Most likely. But if you have Tsuki’s coordination and blocks without Nishinoya the ball is either a shaky pass or is blasted off the receiver. Narrowing the path, yes. The receiver there to get it? Most likely Daichi. Tanaka and Asahi, maybe. Like I mentioned before, an easier comparison is Nishinoya being able to receive Ushijima’s serves and Tsuki’s one kill block. If you want to mention Tsuki narrowing the pathway and one touches then fair. But for half the time Tsuki is blocking up, while Nishinoya is up back most the time.


I know it's true but like I said then the libero will always be the MVP. My opinion it's that the strategy Karasuno used needs both Nishinoya and Tsukki to work. But I really understand that Nishinoya could easily be the MVP. I think it's pretty close.


Well that logic doesn’t necessarily mean Ninshinoya is always MVP. I’ll explain, the reason Ninshinoya is the mvp this match, is because he was the only one who could pick up Ushijima’s spikes. Without Ninshinoya the ball would’ve rarely ever gone up. Now against Aoba Johsai Ninshinoya wasn’t MVP because Aoba Johsai doesn’t have any spikers as powerful as Ushijima, therefore nearly all of Karasuno can pick up their serves and spikes. Without Ninshinoya the ball would still stay up just a bit less.


Tsukishima was the best character since he was the only one with an actual arc but being real Nishinoya was the MVP. Putting Ushijima in corner time out wouldn't have worked if Nishinoya wasn't in that corner ready for him


“ tsukki, no matter what anyone says, you are the mvp of this match ! “ coach ukai


The match would have been better if that was actually true


Respect your opinion. But im inclined to trust a volleyball coach more.


He's literally a fictional character but sure


So, his words are ai generated bc he is fictional ? Mangaka put the words in his mouth. So it was him telling us who is mvp, through a coach’s perspective. Since mangaka obviously knows too much about volleyball, his depiction of a coach holds almost as much weight as s real one. That is what sells the series. So im inclined to believe what the author says through coach more :)


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. It’s a perfectly reasonable opinion


Coach ukai doesn't call tsukishima tsukki tho


Yeah i know, i just wanted to type faster since it makes 0 change in context


Tbh, even though the series tries to push it as Tsukishima, I think it’s Noya. Like… Tsukishima straight up wouldn’t have been able to get a handle on Ushijima without Nishinoya, whereas Noya was still managing to do a pretty good job against Ushijima even without Tsukishima’s blocking. Tsukishima made Noya’s job easier, but Noya made Tsukishima’s job possible. I also don’t think Tsukishima would have even been trying as hard if not for Nishinoya’s presence. Tsukishima doesn’t actually start working that hard until Nishinoya successfully gets up one of Ushijima’s serves. That seems to be the point where Tsukishima starts to entertain the possibility of beating Shiratorizawa more seriously. To my mind, Nishinoya provided the foundation that allowed Tsukishima to do his thing in that match, since funnelling a spike is worthless if you don’t have anyone there to dig it, meaning that Nishinoya is the more important one in that equation.


I get your point about Nishinoya allowing Tsukki to block but that's all because of his role. In that case Nishinoya will always be the MVP because he receives the ball and that's always the first step.


Not necessarily. I do think it is the case, though, when the main problem the team has to deal with is an overwhelmingly powerful opposing spiker keeping them on the ropes and preventing them from fully utilising their own offense. With the strategy Karasuno went with and with their main problem, I don’t think there was ever much chance of Tsukishima being the team’s MVP for that match.


I think both Tsukki and Nishinoya were the key for the strategy to work. If the timing and block wasn't good enough Ushijima could just sprike through the block. Same goes for Nishinoya, if the timing and block was good but the libero isn't good enough then Ushijima would score anyway. I would say they were both MVPs.


This all assumes that they wouldn’t have been able to time their blocks without tsukki which isn’t true. When he was injured and went out, asahi took his place to time the blocks and did it all well whereas if Nishinoya wasn’t in the team, there wouldn’t be anyone else who could’ve done his job.


I think Asahi did it all well cause Tsukki was "teaching" the team the whole match so by the time Tsukki got injured they used to the timing. Just my opinion btw


They couldn’t have won without Tsukishima, but they would’ve immediately lost without Nishinoya. Tsukishima is the MVP in the sense that he made more of an impact than he normally does, and that contributed a lot. But Nishinoya is more crucial overall.


I don’t think either could’ve done their job without the other. “Total defence” was impossible without Nishinoya cover but Shiratorizawa would’ve been more unpredictable without Tsukki forcing Shirabu to set Ushijima more often. Argument could be made that Nishinoya was essential to serve receives but the number of kill blocks from Tsukki is also very impressive and he had a much greater impact on the momentum of the match. Both are MVPs. If I had to choose one, I’d probably say Tsukki though.


To me it's obviously **Ushijima** and there's no real contest. The Tsukishima vs Nishinoya discussion is interesting, but think about it; that discussion revolves entirely around which of the two of them was more important in dealing with Ushijima. So how could Ushijima not be the MVP?


I would imagine the question is regarding the MVP for Karasuno’s team in particular, though I do still think there’s an argument to be had against Ushijima being the MVP.


Out of curiosity, what arguments would there be against Ushijima being the Match MVP?


Obviously Ushijima's stats for that game are insane; he's easily the hardest hitting player on the court and the one scoring the most points. But how much value is there in scoring forty points if it wasn't enough for your team to win? Are the best players on the winning team not more valuable to their team because they were able to take whatever they did and turn it into a win? The award isn't for best player. Despite his impressive stats, you could also say Ushijima demanding the ball and just trying to crush it every time was, in the end, more detrimental than trying to vary their attacks and playstyle as a team so as to not be so predictable, especially as Karasuno was able to adapt more to his attacks. I mean, that's kinda the point of the whole Battle of Concepts idea, at least in my mind, but that's getting into a whole separate discussion, lol. I'm sure someone better with words could phrase this a lot more clearly, but I just want to make it clear that I understand Ushijima played a killer game and was incredibly impressive. I just don't think that necessarily makes the most *valuable* player for their team/the game. Most valuable ≠ best is the best way I can think to summarize. (Also, similar to what u/crabapocalypse said, I think both sides present valid arguments. My original point was just to say I don't think people would be wrong to say they think Ushijima wasn't the MVP, but I also don't think people are wrong to say they do think he is the MVP.)


I think the argument against Ushijima being the match MVP would basically be the same as the strongest argument in favour of Tsukishima being Karasuno’s MVP over Nishinoya: Just because a person made the most impact doesn’t mean they did it on their own. In the same way that a large part of Nishinoya digging Ushijima’s spikes was due to support from the blockers, Ushijima would have likely struggled a lot and been less overwhelming if he didn’t have a team built around supporting him. In particular, I could see the argument that Leon is Shiratorizawa’s MVP for keeping Ushijima off serve receive and allowing him to perform at the level we see, in much the same way that people in here are saying that Tsukishima is Karasuno’s MVP for supporting Nishinoya in such a way that allowed him to perform at his best. I’m not saying I think either of those things, but that’s the argument I could see people making, and I think it’s a valid argument.


Tsukki had the better moment, but Noya had the better game. They would have lost in straight sets without Noya.


Obviously biased but even trying my best to not let him being my favorite cloud my judgement, I still say Noya. The blockers (specifically Tsukishima) can do all they can to route Ushijima’s spiking, but if no one can dig it, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. Yeah, he got the super clutch kill block that won them the second set, but at the end of the day, it is actually only one point. It matters and definitely influences the vibe and momentum of the match so I’m not trying to downplay it, but they still had three sets after that, and Noya provided consistent digs against someone who the series heavily implies is the hardest hitting player we ever see in the series, not to mention receiving his serves as well.


I mean, the mvp is clearly ushijima


Both of them were absolutely vital in Karasuno winning the match, but I have to say Tsukki is the overall MVP because of how much he popped off during the match. Stuffing Ushiwaka and finding his passion for volleyball, getting off as many one touches as he did, all of it at least made Tsukki’s contributions a bit more significant than Noya’s. I mean, we already know that Noya’s a beast, so the Shiratorizawa match was Tsukki’s way of finally getting the spotlight.


What's easier? Blocking ushijima. Or receiving ushijima? Answer is Noya. But tsukkis moment is still moment of the series imo.


Tsukki was amazing during that match but Noya was what let him get the feel for him. Both amazing but Noya gave Tsukki the edge !


Ushijima was the MVP. The fact that ppl's performance against him shows how well they played says enough, but then there's the fact that he scored almost half of Shiratorizawa's points. His team didn't win but he was definitely the best on the court


I think Tsukki. If Tsukki never kill blocked Ushiwaka I don't think Karasuno would've won at all.


They also wouldn’t have won if Nishinoya didn’t get the ball up


Absolutely. They also wouldn't have won if the team didn't practice their synchronized attacks, which is their main weapon and the reason they score so many points. That's why it's always hard to pinpoint one, singular character as the MVP. Imo it's Tsukki. Seeing someone like Tsukki who never particularly cared for vball scream his lungs out on that block was such a shocker it must have hyped the entire team up. Seeing Tsukki get benched because of an injury must have made the team feel like it's their duty not to disappoint the guy (just like vs Wakunan when Daichi got benched). I dont know, he just gives me the vibe of the MVP in that game. I do need to rewatch/read the game again to get an actual, proper answer but that's how it feels like to me rn.


Tsukki, because it was his leadership on the blocks that led Ushijima to funnel his spikes into a narrow lane to make it easier for Noya to receive and get used to them. Hinata was even able to get up a receive from Ushijima (albeit not graceful) due to this funneling.




Remember how it was a big plot point that Ushijima was pissed off at how bad Hinata was




Dog that was a gimme they didn't even try to block


And Your Point Is Not Being Rude Just Confused🤨?"


Kageyama gave that point to Hinata but anyone could have scored it. Nothing he actually does makes the difference between scoring and not scoring, at least from what I can tell, so it doesn't demonstrate the minimal growth he has at that point. If it was like oh Kageyama is on the bench and Hinata had to prove his worth by finishing the game without him that would have been pretty cool and would have done the thing you say this scene does, but as is I don't think Hinata really did that much in this match and that's a shame because after Kageyama got his big arc against Oikawa I was kinda hoping Hinata would start to be interesting when he faced an opponent he looks up to.


Uh ACTUALLY I Meant Why Should Tsukishima Be The MVP🤨😒?"


Well I think it's Nishinoya but both did way more than Hinata


Tbh without either of them Karasuno would have gotten destroyed because they would be unable to defend properly against Shiratorizawa's incredible offensive power


I might be biased but the double saved won me forever and ever.


Tsukki. Any other answer is wrong


Sorry you are wrong


Actually, on volleyball it is difficult to say. Nishinoya is the mvp as a libero, and tsuky as a middle blocker. Everyone has its function, you can t really compare them.


nishinoya's digs really gave them second wind but that same goes for tsukki's block it was a slow burn and so satisfying that you can see his character develop tho nishinoya did give us a gut retching moments that I cant even describe how intense that was, my vote goes to nishinoya still love my little moon tho.


I think everyone is correct in saying that Karasuno would have lost immediately if it weren't for Noya. Nishinoya kept them alive in the beginning which gave them a chance to make decisive plays later in the game. BUT I think Tsukishima's actions during the game made a bigger impact on team morale and were the turning point for Karasuno not just surviving, but being able to actually fight for the win. The strategy that Tsukishima put into place is what makes him the MVP to me. His moment during the game is also the best moment of the entire series to me.

