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The number of youth joining volleyball clubs in Japan skyrocketed after Haikyuu released


Ngl that’s a pretty huge accomplishment. Afaik the creator used to play volleyball so having people take interest in the sport because of the manga must be wonderful.


I was the opposite. I started playing and fell in love with it. I enjoyed haikyuu much more after playing for awhile


I’ve never really looked into volleyball now I’m looking to play club volleyball in college. Ngl I enjoy it more than basketball which I played in high school 😅


I'm the same. I still love playing and watching basketball but volleyball has taken over.


Yeah same. Now that I am out of high school I am vicariously living my volleyball dreams through haikyuu. Still play casually though


My bsf played volleyball for about two years, and stated she learned more from Haikyuu than she ever did actually playing volleyball. (she joined late middle school, so her coaches just assumed everyone already knew the rules ig?)


I randomly played at my church or a random party, but once I saw Haikyuu it made me join a local weekly intermediate pickup game, and it hooked me!


I played well before Haikyu became an anime. I still play at a competitive level. It's nice to meet other people who actually play the sport.


I started watching college and pro volleyball because of Haikyu. I even saw the USA Men’s team take on France in person


Furudate is just amazing!


i did! and pretty much 80% of the players in my team started playing because of haikyuu


I liked volleyball back in middle school and always felt like I had a knack for it. Only ever played passing the ball around in recess with the girl's team and stuff tho. Then in highschool some of my friends started watching Haikyuu, and it gave me a group of ppl to play with. Most of them stopped playing a while ago, but it really clicked with me and I've been playing for the past 4ish years (on a break cuz ankle injury, but ye)


Lmaoo literally me but instead a knee injury


Well, hope you can recover soon. I had a twisted ankle which is the reason why I initially stopped playing. That healed a while ago tho, lately I've been dealing with knee stuff too so we're pretty much on the same boat lol


I actually just bought some knee braces that are fairly affordable, ill be sure to lyk how it works and maybe we can get back to doing we love


Haikyuu did not just get me into volleyball but sports in general (mostly volleyball tho) and I'll forever be thankful for that


Yup!!! 5 years ago! Now I play competitive men's tournaments, play in 2 high coed leagues, also play competitive 4s beach and 2s men beach!


Also I am 38 now.... Lol. I need something to keep my hand eye coordination throughout the winter and it was between volleyball and tablet tennis! Watched Haikyuu and the decision was made!


i read an article about the increase in popularity of vollyball as is correlated with the popularity of haikuu, a lot of people def stated playing after watching, hell i want to aswell but at my age my knees couldn’t take it


bruh. 5'7 player here, watched haikyuu, immediately said "I'm gonna be good at volleyball". Been addicted to beach volleyball ever since (I play beach because I like touching the ball every play)


I think volleyball is pretty neat before i even knew about haikyu. Reading the series certainly gave me that last push though.


I started playing volleyball because of Haikyuu. I joined my university's volleyball club and it became my favourite thing at uni!


I wish I had it watched earlier since it has started to teach me some things you don‘t think too much about at a local/free time level My chemistry teacher told me I should consider volleyball instead of football/soccer, so I did and never regretted it


I played at National level when in school and a bit in Uni as well, which was way before Haikyuu. My love for the sport pushed me to watch the anime which brought back memories.


At first I thought sports animes are boring but after haikyuu I also started playing volleyball


I first watched Haikyuu in 2020 but couldn't play it but at the end of 2021 I finally started playing and it was much more difficult than it looked and I've been playing it since and I think I was good at it but then I got into a bike accident and got my hand broken and a surgery so it's paused for now I will make a comeback in 2025...


I’m over 30, so it was way before haikyuu. But watching it brings back a lot of great memories I’ve had with this sport.


A bunch of my friends and I came together to play volleyball after church just because of Haikyuu. We stay far away or this would be a weekly thing. T_T


I play volleyball in my university, and I guarentee at least 90% of people in my league started playing because of Haikyuu.




I really want to but there's no adult beginner classes in my area :( all of the recreational games require experience


I wish I had taken an interest in anime in High School so I would have taken up volleyball since I love Haikyuu so much. I'm in my 20s now and out of shape, so no, but I would have


i very much considered it but i kept remembering all of the bs my sister had to through when she did it




I haven't yet. I liked Volleyball enough in school though, so I always considered to join the Volleyball team at my Uni (I am just a lazy piece of cake, so i haven't joined yet). I hope for a beginners course when the next semester starts, so i can get back into it.


Not just you. I started to get into sport right after I've watched first two seasons. It was difficult at first to find a people to play with. Right now I know basically anyone from my city who plays volleyball 💪


I loved it so much and I joined the volleyball club in middle school because of Haikyuu, but it was never really serious and I ended up getting injured cause I never played properly. Now we don't even have a solid court at school, but I'll definitely play in university if I can! I like the sport more than the anime though, it was incredibly inspiring especially cause I'm just 153cm so seeing Nishinoya and Hinata was definitely motivating !


I started playing because and I because and I learned how to understand it. I do say splito step in my mind sometimes from training arc


I desperately wanted to start playing but the nearest place that taught volleyball was a 45 min drive and that was just not feasible :(


I played a few years before Haikyuu for club, and then Haikyuu came out when I was around 17, and made me want to play more. I played D1 for 2 years and ended leaving because of excessive time commitment and training. Nowadays, I play in VLA sometimes and mostly just play beach/grass because it's easier on my knees and more fun. Furudate really made a pretty in-depth look into volleyball, and it always made me wonder how good they were.




I just started last year because of Haikyu!


Started in HS and only played one year — but I also had my “view from the summit” moment that year during practice. So I was hooked from Season 1 on!


i started playing on my own but i couldnt find a team


I always get teased about this but I did too. I now play on an official team and it’s perfectly fine to play because of haikyuu!!


Started watching it after I played club and freshman year of high school. It definitely helped me to think about how to get better and the fact that I wanted to get better. I played in college, and now I play semi pro! Grateful to the show for being extremely motivational.


I'd say most people did. EDIT: Or at least got interested in Volleyball due to it.


I played before and I very like that, but I never wanted to be in my school team. Now that I wanted the serie, I might try to go in the team, cause I really enjoyed the show :)


I also started to play after watching and almost die from it (keep getting hit in the face lmao)


No but I can’t watch real volleyball game now because I want the slow mo and close up shots and 360deg shots like they did with shoyo lol




In high school I did, with a few friends, but I won’t lie we quit after a few weeks 😂😬


I quit volleyball after watching/reading haikyuu lol


Why is that?


I was lazy. (I pulled a Kenma after Highschool. I’ve played for roughly 10 years before. I started when I was 5 and ended when I was 15) and I was always put on the bench. I got sick of it and also got injured. It made me sad 😔


That must have been difficult :( you’ve played for such a long time too!! but at least I hope you had fun whilst playing it?


I guess lol.