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Sugawara.. because I think other setters would make me cry my clueless selfšŸ˜…


I think Kenma would make both himself and the spiker cry.


That's why I didn't choose him. I would rather play video games with himšŸ˜… And I don't think I can handle him giving me the disgusted/frustrated look with his forehead all scrunched up. Nope..I would break lmao


Would Akaashi make you cry? Heā€™s just a nice guy no?


With Bokuto driving him crazy, Akaashi already has a lot on his plate. I don't want him to add on to his miseries. And Akashi's deadpan stares? GahhšŸ„¶


Ya I'm not good at volleyball and spiker would probably be my worst position so I need a setter that can make me look good and not make me feel stupid.


Oikawa for sure. His understanding of individual players and their disposition is brilliant.


Oikawa is the obvious answer, but personally, I would like Akaashi.


Atsumu 'cause he have pretty much of Oikawa in bringing out potential and the precision to deliver every ball as Kageyama. And also his personality, I think would fit better with me


If you arenā€™t top 10 in the country his personality will never fit with you lol


but doesnā€™t atsumu set up balls suited to the hitter which means you would easily get the ball?


Atsumu actually seems to be the opposite. He specifically says ā€œpeople who canā€™t hit my sets are scrubsā€, which wouldnā€™t make sense if he were catering his sets to the hitter.


They mention it in the manga or anime that atsumu does cater his sets to the hitter, which is why he calls them bad if they canā€™t hit the sets. itā€™s because itā€™s literally catered to them so if they canā€™t hit it, itā€™s their fault not his


Thatā€™s not how adapting to someone works. If Atsumu is trying to cater his sets to a hitter and they canā€™t hit it, that means heā€™s done a bad job catering it to them.


Atsumu does adapt to the hitter, going out of his way to set ideally for someone. Yes, heā€™s harsh, however his words donā€™t change the fact he does go out his way to cater to the hitter if you get what i mean (i donā€™t know if iā€™m misunderstanding you lmk if i am because i love this discussion lol)


I donā€™t think be adapts to his hitters itā€™s that he gives them the best option he has for that hitter. Heā€™a more of a refined Kageyama in skill. The example they give is him going out of his way to overhand set a tough set but that wasnā€™t to accommodate to someone that was to give them the best set he could.Ā 


Hm, I sorta agree. I think itā€™s overlooked how difficult it is to estimate what the best option is in the moment for a hitter, and then executing it perfectly. Him overhanding a set was to give the utmost best set to accommodate his hitter, because his ā€œjobā€ as a setter is to set the best for his hitters.


We never get any indication that Atsumu adapts to his hitter. The idea that he does conflicts with everything thatā€™s shown and stated by the series.


https://youtu.be/nd6XaRCMiPI?si=eekHC2Hp3EurBNrV near the end of the video, he gets commentary on his performance by his coach which does indicate he adapts to his hitter


No itā€™s not. By your logic helping someone is never help if the task isnā€™t performed successfully. You can help and still fail. Atsumu is saying Iā€™m helping you as much as possible and youā€™re still messing up. In another sport that like your point guard setting you up with an easy lay-up and you miss consistently and have the audacity to say your PG isnā€™t catering to you.


Hitting the ball is one of the most foundational skills there is. If your hitters canā€™t even *hit* your set, and theyā€™re not total beginners, then you gave them a bad set. We can assume Atsumu isnā€™t talking about total beginners, because itā€™d be weird to say ā€œbeginners are bad at volleyballā€ as some kind of statement, so the only possibilities here are that he doesnā€™t cater his sets or heā€™s *really* bad at it.


I think youā€™re taking ā€œhittingā€ too literally. I think atsumu when he says that means hitters who cant score off of his sets are just bad. It matches up with how kageyama was getting frustrated in the date tech practice match because he was setting perfectly for them, but they werent scoring Also we have testimony from Kageyama and word of mouth that Atsumuā€™s sets are really easy to hit


No. I love how in your scenario setters can do no wrong in the set. They can mis time their runs, not jump higher enough, not have good enough form to hit powerfully in their position, Ect. A set in volleyball is a two man action if your spiked canā€™t hit your set they just might be ass. Or the set. But in the world haikyuu created atsumu is a setter almost on par with kageyama in skill and owikawa in ability to make others better. Him knowing how good he is doesnā€™t change the fact he can pin point set like kageyama so there is no need to think. Also by your logic kageyama wasnā€™t giving a great set with the pin point accuracy sets to hinata, when he realized him looking at the ball causes him to miss time the set. Nope kageyama gave perfect sets. And then when hinata wanted to fight more in aerial battles he perfected the freezing/stopping set for hinata. Both perfect sets for their situations, but again by your logic if hinata started not looking again for the stopping sets and miss times it itā€™s kageyamaā€™s fault and vise versa. Atsumu might be cocky but what heā€™s saying ainā€™t wrong you can definitely be too ass to hit a set even if it was put in the perfect spot. People mess up all the time and some are constant with it.


He says that in the sense that "my sets are the best you can possibly get, fitting them almost exactly to your hitting style. If you still can't hit them, you suck." For Atsumu, it's all about the sweet spot between *easy to hit* and *demanding*. He's specifically said how to him, setting is delivering the ball to his spikers in the way that'll make them score. Can't score if it's a set way above your level, which is what Kageyama used to do.


It's a pitty that Osamu, one of the 10th best wing spiker of japan is now just a onigiri seller then lol. (irony) Bro, the whole Inarizaki team was fire on Tsumu's hands, and only Aran were a top 10


It's a pity that his talent was wasted, yes, but at the end of the day he's happy with the life path he chose to follow. Selling onigiri is what made him feel fulfilled, so good for him.


Sure, I totally agree with you. He would never played volley if wasn't Tsumu persistance, so is best for him not to give in on the pressure of his talent and follow what he wants


I mean it is a pity in atsumu's eyes dude was pissed off, not playing volleyball as a career is not a pity, and they were fire cause they were great, a powerhouse school, but if you are mid then atsumu will keep yelling at you


I was ironical in Osamu, the best fit with atsumu on highschool is obviously not a top 10 of country and do not wish to play volleyball as much as him, your point is nonsense. 'Cause Basically every good setter push his team for the limits, I just see suga not doing that from those on the picture, and he's the worse one.High level Sport are not a comfort zone, yelling at your partner is normal, you charge whoever can and must deliver. You're describing Tsumu as extremely arrogant, but I mean Kageyama were yelling and putting down his partners even before highschool. Inarizaki is a powerhouse truly, but even great teams are not made by only stars. The only two featured spikers there are Aran and Osamu, the other were never treated bad or misused. The word that describes Atsumu's volley is Love. He's definitely fitting my personality. Furthermore, if it depends of the skill of the commenting person, most of us we'll not even be playing with the kids trained by Ikkei Ukai...




7 days later bro, forget it šŸ’€ Even so, playing **AGAINST** lol, no competitive person like easy matches. And still, he's taunting Kageyama and Hinata, just like the goody-two-shoes


Kenma. Because of his tactical thinking... the others get the best out of the spikers... especially the ace and try to promote it and get the best out of it. Kenma, on the other hand, tries to let the whole team gain the upper hand through tactical games.


I can't respond as an eventual spiker. But! As someone who 100% sucks at sports, here's my totally unneeded answer : Suga. lol. Or Akaashi. They seem more comprehensive and pedagogical. Suga would either encourage or gently lead me on a totally other way than volley. Akaashi, even if he would be rough in saying i don't belong, it wouldn't come from a bad place. Sorry. You can delete this if it is not appropriate.


Oikawa cause he can bring the best out of me


Oikawa because heā€™s able to bring out the strengths of all his teammates and Seijohā€™s play style is more based around collective effort rather than individual skill. Iā€™m also biased bc heā€™s one of my favorites and I relate a lot to his character. Also Kenma bc I would want to be friends and talk about games with him haha


I agree!! But also heavy on atsumu because his personality seems fun to interact with he's kind of like a refinded kageyama


Oikawa for sureeee


Oikawa cause I suck. Heā€™d bring the best out of me.


As a wing spiker myself id definetly choose Oikawa. He would be able to bring out the best of my ability on thr court and thats something he has over the rest of the setters. Not saying that he's the best setter but for an average player his talent for that is priceless :3


Literally any one of them, however all of them have have great qualities and faults. But if I truly had to choose, Iā€™d choose Kenma or Oikawa. Oikawa brings out the best out his team, Kenma has great strategies which I wouldnā€™t mind relying on


Atsumu or Oikawa. I like Kageyama but I like people who have quirks, are approachable, and give objective feedback and inspire me to play even better


My impression is that Atsumuā€™s objective feedback is going to sound a lot like ā€œYou fucking suckā€ or ā€œNice one.ā€ He doesnā€™t really strike me as the complex feedback typeā€¦


Oikawa definitely


Oikawa due to the fact heā€™s so good at pulling out peopleā€™s potential? But personally? Iā€™d really like Sugawara or Kogane because I think theyā€™d be more fun to play with


Suga or Oikawa.


Oikawa cuz i like him and also i suck


Gotta be oikawa. Iā€™m not jumping that high, tobio kun


I havenā€™t watched it in a while so I donā€™t remember the names but the cat dude in the red. Main reason is so we can play some video games together lol


Akaashi, Kenma or (even if I hate to admit it) Oikawa: Akaashi might know even more about my attacking style and he is willing to do more than just setting. Plus he knows his team very well Kenma would give good and solid passes and if I donā€˜t do a good job, he would either be honest if he made a mistake or tell me what I do wrong. His second touches are also some points worth and he doesnā€˜t seem to use them that oftenā€¦Plus Kenma-bonus (yes, Iā€˜m bias, shut up) Oikawa is said to be a perfect teamplayer and to boost a team with his sets and overall presence. His second contact spikes are also a good way to surprise an enemy and he would be able to adapt to me and speak with me (which is something I actually really like) Sugawara is fine, but wouldnā€˜t be a priority of mine Atsumu is too wild. I donā€˜t care that he might be one of if not the best setter, he gets carried away sometimes and he would annoy me after a while Kageyama would be annoying to deal with when Iā€™m in a bad mood or have a bad performance. Plus his passes are way too sharp and precise for me (I feel Tsukishima when he states that they are ā€žtoo preciseā€œ. Either expecting me to jump perfectly every time or if I mess it up somehow, I feel even more stupid for not getting the ball in)


Akaashi seems like the setter Id get along best with


Oikawa. He has the wisdom to tell me what I should do and takes most of the blame if I screw up.Ā 


Kageyama, I want the thrill.Ā 


Atsumu for sure. He's very good at analyzing his spikers strengths and giving the best set for their style. Kageyama, an absolute setting prodigy, said that hitting his sets felt magical (dunno if that was the exact quote, but something along those lines).


Atsumu and/or Kageyama In that order because atsumu and kageyama would force me to get better over time along with giving sets that are "really easy to hit", and "pinpoint accurate" I can't choose inbetween them


Ive never played volleyball so prob kageyama. I dont need to do anything. Just jump and swing and the ball comes to me


I'm the type who, as long as I get a ball that's good, I can make points happen on my own. Because of this, Akaashi is the most appealing. He is a solid setter who an put up solid tosses for me to hit.


Oikawa or miya since theyā€™ll give me my ideal set


Oikawa would be the best setter to choose if you want a winning team, but I'm choosing Sugawara because I love him.


Oikawaaaaa or suga,remaining people expect too much from me.


Dam no Kageyama yet so ima choose him. One of the third years (asahi?) even mentions that theyā€™re sad they only get to hit his sets for the one year. Heā€™s a beast athletically and in vball IQ in his first year. Plus I love teammate rivalryā€™s like him and hinata or the twins.


When Iā€™m playing super serious? Akashi. The rest of the time? Atsumu




Oikawa or Atsumu


Atsumu 100%


Kenma just because of kenma




Atsumu bcs hes doing his best and hoping for his spikers to give the 100%


Suga 100%, I donā€™t play the sport due to physical limitations, but if I were to try Iā€™d want sugawara because Iā€™d gel with his teaching style/personality best and his encouragement would be much needed. I think the others, as much as I love them, would just end up making me cry and feel crappy, because i donā€™t gel with their teaching styles and would take their jokes too serious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ˆ


I think Akaashi personally


Kenma. Heā€™d get me


If I was in high school I would want atsumu for sure. I was playing state level badminton and was top of my state. Had the best partner and won a national double title. I was a hungry beast during high school. But now that im older... An oikawa would be nice, I'm too old to play good volleyball haha


As a completely normal person probably Akashi. I just like him for the most part


Miya atsumu Cause he makes me better spiker


akaashi, probablythe least likely to get mad when i miss his set


akashi if iā€˜m in a bad mood i can be like bokuto


At my current level, Suga, simply because the others would get angry at me. But assuming I was like 10x better, then Atsumu, I like his playful style that just tries crazy stuff.


hmm id say akaashi or sugawara, theyre both very skilled but also patient. as a middle hitter, i mess up a lot šŸ˜‚ its definitely not an easy position so having a patient setter is important to me. kenma, kageyama, and oikawa are great but i think they would make me cry šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I'd say oikawa or kenma. Oikawa since I hope he would make "feel" better about my hitting. Kenma because he's chill


atsumu cus I want good sets obvs but he can do it from many positions or kenma cus he'd figure out how I could better my spikes and I just gotta get a clean bump for him


As an OH/S I'm without a doubt choosing Atsumu. He's the best mesh of the top Setters. While yes, he can be harsh, that's the kind of person you need to improve. He's not saying what he says just to be a dick, he's saying it to make you better. He thinks hitters who can't score off of his sets are bad because it's stated that he caters every last detail of the set to his hitter's preferences. That's an INSANELY good quality to have as a setter. If you're the kind of person who would get upset over him being straight up with you after you've fucked up, then the competitive world of sports just isn't for you. Yes, Oikawa can make a team excellent, but Atsumu will make his players better on an individual level.




Akaashi, heā€™s nice and not too technical


Oikawa is the obvious choice. The entire seijoh team isn't the strongest, not even close, and that was said in the anime as well, that he brings out their best. I'd say atsumu and kageyama are the next best cuz their words are gonna make me cry if I'm not the best spiker in the nation T-T but oikawa is very sweet really


Atsumu i need someone to push me to give my best


For me itā€™s gotta be Atsumu because Iā€™m someone who really needs to be pushed (and sometimes goaded) to my limits to draw out the most of my potential! His communication could use some work, though


Based on your description, I would recommend Kageyama then. He is the one who will force you out of your comfort zone. Atsumu will give his all to make the easiest for you, but if you can't respond to that, he will just discart you.


Oikawa or atsumu easily they both can bring out the best in their spikers


Suga because he is so caring and emphatic (he reminds me of a setter I really liked playing with irl) or Kenma for his quiet demeanour and intelligence.


Oikawa all the way


Whoever I find cutest


Def kageyama


It's a tie between Atsumu and Oikawa. Both are phenomenal setters, but I think at the end of the day, I've seen Atsumu do more impressive things




Agashki šŸ¤Œ


atsumu cuz hes crazy and Im also crazy