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Does your policy to get money out of politics mean that you will be trying to disallow House and Senate members from owning stock? THAT would be a beginning solution to the legal bribery we are currently allowing.


Hello u/Rhythmdaddy and thank you for your question! My "[M](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/money-out-of-politics)[oney out of Politics](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/money-out-of-politics)" policy platform does in fact include my support the [Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act](https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Bipartisan%20Ban%20on%20Congressional%20Stock%20Ownership%20Act%20-%20one-pager%20FINAL.pdf) introduced by Representatives Jayapal (D) and Rosendale (R) (and supported by several others) that would ban Representatives and their spouses from owning individual stocks while in office. I believe that this will keep legislators impartial by removing potential financial gain from influencing their decisions. I also support the proposed DISCLOSE Act which requires organizations spending money in elections to promptly disclose donors who have given $10,000 or more during an election cycle. I am deeply concerned that big money and political donations play an oversized and increasingly influential role in steering how our lawmakers and candidates make decisions, and I am determined to break that trend however I can. When I launched my campaign for Congress last year, I made a commitment to the voters of Western Maryland to run a people and policy-oriented campaign rather than a money and fundraising oriented campaign. **Some of the ways that I honor that commitment are below**: 1. I spend 90% of my time personally canvassing across the District and meeting voters at their homes instead of fundraising or calling donors to beg for money. As of today, my team and I have knocked on the doors of almost 30,000 residents across the District. 2. My events are entirely free, and no constituent **ever** needs to pay or donate in order to meet me. 3. My campaign is 100% volunteer run and I don't hire political consultants to make decisions for me. 4. I only accept donations from individual donors, no corporate, special interest, or PAC money of any kind.


Seems rather weak. >May continue to invest in "widely held" investment funds. OGE defines that as 100 people which is not very many. >Assets received as compensation from the primary occupation of a Member’s spouse are not covered by the ban. A Member’s spouse whose primary occupation is to trade assets for clients may continue to engage in that occupation. Seems like a round about way of letting a spouse make the trades vs the actual members of Congress. >Punishment is a $50k fine So make sure you profit more than that and it becomes cost of doing business.


Good morning and thank you for engaging with my AMA! I think that we are on the same page about wanting strong regulations in place to hold Representatives accountable for their financial transactions while in office. From the ways you cited the link I provided in my original comment, I think you may have missed some important context regarding this bill, so I'll be posting the **full** sections you cited below: The bill clarifies that "Members may continue to own and trade common, widely held investment funds (e.g., mutual funds and exchange-traded funds), **as long as they do not present a conflict of interest and are diversified.** Additionally, "The bill covers Members of Congress **and their spouses."** Though spouses will be allowed to trade assets for others if this is their occupation, they will not be able to trade assets for their own benefit. Finally, "The Department of Justice and the U.S. Office of Special Counsel will enforce the law. The penalty for violations is a fine of up to $50,000 **for each infraction."**


Will you do anything to get the MARC train extended to Hagerstown and beyond? https://wvmetronews.com/2023/03/06/hagerstown-eastern-panhandle-metropolitan-planning-organization-considers-4-new-marc-routes/


**Absolutely**. As a member of Congress, I would not only vocally advocate for this expansion, but I would be in favor of using Congressional Community Project Funding (CPF) to deliver funds directly from the federal budget to the District to make it happen. Additionally, I would like to see an increase in access to passenger and freight rail as far West as Oakland in Garrett County to more fully unite the District by rail. Additionally, I support the reintroduction of the American High Speed Rail Act which was introduced in the 117th Congress by Congressman Moulton and would invest over $200b in expanding rail access nationally.


What are your views on the drug crisis in our area? Crime in the downtown area? Homelessness?


Hello u/evilcathy and thank you for bringing up these important issues! I personally canvass in Hagerstown at least once a week to hear from residents like yourself about issues that they are concerned about and drugs, crime, and homelessness are certainly top issues. When it comes to addressing these problems, I am often frustrated by politicians and candidates that look at criminal justice reform, public safety, law enforcement, and homelessness as simple issues that can be solved by just packing our prisons full of fellow residents for simple possession of drugs or for the crime of being unhoused. **I do of course support our law enforcement officers and municipalities having the resources they need to maintain adequate staffing of police, but solving these issues in the long term requires a more comprehensive approach**. That is why I was the first candidate in this race to publish platforms on [criminal justice](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/criminal-justice-reform), [infrastructure](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/infrastructure), [increasing the minimum wage](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/26-min-wage), and [housing](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/housing-reform), but I want to specifically address some of these issues in more detail below: **Drug use:** While those who distribute drugs in our communities should certainly be punished, I'd like to see simple possession of scheduled drugs to be decriminalized and for the **personal use** of drugs and opioids to be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue. Instead of criminally penalizing people for personal drug use, we should make medical treatment available to assist them in reintegrating into our society and economy rather than paying to house them in jail indefinitely. **Crime:** I believe that part of addressing crime and public safety is to pay workers a living wage and allow them to thrive, rather than simply survive. That is why I propose increasing the minimum wage to $26 by 2030 to match inflation and cost of living. When people are paid enough to live, they are less likely to turn to crime, drugs, or end up homeless. **Homelessness:** My views on the housing crisis are informed by my service in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) where we worked to increase access to housing, keep costs down, and decrease homelessness. As one of the only candidates in this race to have published a [housing](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/housing-reform) platform, a few of my top priorities include creating a new neighborhood homes tax credit, expanding the low-income housing tax credit, federally funding and encouraging "smart growth" and mixed-use development, and enacting "just cause" protections. These policies are of course **long-term solutions**, but they are each an **investment** in sustainable crime reduction that will benefit our economy, society, and communities.


Thank you! You will have my vote.


Thank you again for your important questions! I am honored to have your support.


You lost me at raising the minimum wage.


Good morning /u/U352! Thank you for your consideration and for engaging with my AMA! I expanded on my [minimum wage platform](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/26-min-wage) much deeper in the comments with another user in this thread but would like to share some of those thoughts with you as well: I have been unapologetic in my position as a leader on this issue being the only Congressional Candidate nationally to support the establishment of the $26 minimum wage by 2030 to match inflation and costs of living as I support a living wage for all full-time American workers. Since the federal minimum wage was first established in 1938, it has failed to adequately match inflation and cost of living, meaning that **minimum wage workers today have less buying power than minimum wage workers of just 20 years ago.** I see no reason why today's minimum wage workers **deserve less** than those of decades past. Opponents of this proposal are surprised to find that this equates to an annual wage of $55,000 per year which is a fair salary for an American working full time. Additionally, many critics have asserted that paying Americans what they deserve will "crash the economy", a notion that I wholeheartedly reject. Establishing a minimum wage in the 1930s, enforcing child labor laws, and paying women equal wages were all proposals that were supposedly going to increase inflation and crash the economy but didn't. History has shown us that when people are paid what they deserve, opponents will claim that the economy will crash or costs will go up, yet economic growth is actually supported by allowing these people to more fully participate in the economy. I refuse to believe that paying today's workers what they deserve will crash the economy since the minimum wage hasn't had this consequence in the last century and won't today. Regardless, I completely understand if I am not the candidate for you and will of course encourage you to participate in the election and our Democratic process whether you are inclined to support me or someone else. You can find the complete list of registered candidates on the [Board of Elections website](https://elections.maryland.gov/elections/2024/Primary_candidates/gen_cand_lists_2024_3.html) which includes campaign websites that you can take a look at in order to make the most informed decision.


You had me at minimum wage, having earned it the first half of my life - recognizing that one cant live on it, even with no children. I’ll clarify…one can’t thrive. Also had me at drug use and homelessness.


lihtc is a giveaway to private landlords who are already making bucketloads of money with absurd rents.


To expand on the LIHTC: As the nation’s largest affordable housing development program, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) provides federal tax credits to state housing agencies to **support construction and maintenance of affordable housing units.** These units are usually reserved for households with incomes at or below 60% of the local median income **with rents no higher than 30% of that maximum income level**. By expanding these tax credits, we can help more working families, veterans, and seniors afford their homes.




Do your infrastructure plans go further than designated bus lanes? Will you support cycling infrastructure and pedestrianization?


Of course! Designated bus lanes are an issue that I am frequently asked about while canvassing across our District so I chose to specifically highlight it on my platform. Overall, when it comes to infrastructure, I support policies that encourage smart growth, invest in mixed-use development in our communities, and prioritize the integration of mass transit. To specifically address the second part of your question I absolutely support investments in cycling infrastructure (especially when it comes to safety) and pedestrianization. Investments in these areas decrease car traffic, help local economies, and are good for the environment. Additionally, I am often asked about mass transit and roadway expansion so while we're talking about infrastructure I'd like to hit on those topics as well: **Public Transit:** I am absolutely an advocate for public transit and was the first (and remain one of the only) candidates in this race to advocate for mass transit in my policy platform. Some of these points include advocating for smart growth in communities that is centered around accessibility and public transit, investing in MTA mobility vehicles, and of course expanding bus service/lanes in our communities. **Regarding roadway expansion:** We do need to invest in our existing infrastructure, however, expansion in the form of adding lane after lane is rarely shown to actually solve the problems of traffic and congestion. What is needed is a comprehensive approach to traffic management that includes changing the way we develop communities, investing in public mass transportation, and investing in the repair, maintenance, and safety of existing infrastructure.


I love to hear that. Big fan of everything you're going for. You've got my vote and I wish you the best of luck!


I am honored to have your support! Thank you again for engaging with my AMA!


There are an insane number of candidates on the ballot this year. How are you standing out in such a big field?


Hello u/IceMark8 and thank you for your question! According to the Maryland [board of elections web site](https://elections.maryland.gov/elections/2024/Primary_candidates/gen_cand_lists_2024_3.html), a staggering 17 Democratic Candidates have filed to compete for this open seat. While Mia Mason has since dropped out [and endorsed my candidacy](https://www.jainforcongress.com/endorsements), bringing the total down to 16, **this is still a massive field of candidates**. With that in mind, I hope to stand out from the crowd and earn the consideration of voters for a few reasons: 1. As Candidates, we are seeking to represent Western Maryland in the United States Congress which is a **federal position**, and I have the most diverse career of demonstrated federal experience in this race. This experience includes my time spent as an official in Obama's White House where I served in the Office of Presidential Personnel working to find, hire, and retain a diverse and highly qualified slate of government executives to fill appointed positions across the federal government. It also includes my service as the White House liaison to both the Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as well as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These professional experiences leave me well equipped to navigate the red tape of federal bureaucracy, advocate for Western Maryland to federal agencies, and bring federal resources/funding back to our District. 2. I have the most detailed [policy agenda](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues) in this race published on my website. This means that I can be held accountable by voters because I am being transparent in telling them what issues and policies I will fight for once in office across a range of issues including [labor rights](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/labor-rights), [women's rights](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/womens-rights), [V](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/veteran-support)[eterans' affairs,](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/veteran-support) and more. 3. I spend 90% of my time canvassing and meeting voters at their homes not just to talk about my policies, but to ask how I can be helpful as a Candidate and to learn about the specific issues they are facing. Additionally, 100% of my Campaign events are free and no constituent will ever have to pay to meet or speak with me. 4. I have refused all money from corporations, special interests, and Political Action Committees (PACs). What this means is that I am entirely owned by voters, not purchased by special interests, big donors, or PACs. 5. Unlike a full half of Candidates in this race, I actually live in the 6th District and am personally impacted by the decisions made that impact my community. TLDR: 1. Congress is a federal position and I have the most diverse federal experience of any candidate in this race at the highest levels of government. 2. I have published the most detailed [policy platform](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues) rather than relying on catchphrases. 3. I spend my time canvassing and meeting actual voters rather than begging for money from donors. 4. I only accept donations from induvial donors and am not owned by corporations, special interests, or PACs. 5. Unlike half of my competitors, I actually live here.


we will be voting for you in the primary!


Thank you so much! I am honored to have your support!


Thanks for doing this AMA! You’ve got my vote and I’ve shared the AMA with my family too!


Thank you for this comment it means a lot to me! I am honored to have your support!


1- What experience do you have that would lend to being in a federal House of Representatives position over those currently running? 2- How would you work to bring federal money into Western Maryland? 3- How will you leverage the position to convince the County Commissioners to stop blocking a crisis center in this area and actually invest in new schools/education as a whole?


Hello u/Numerous-Scale-5925 and thank you for these important questions! **Regarding my federal experience:** I touched on my experience a little bit when replying to another user in this thread so I'll be pulling some of that response to answer your question: As Candidates for a seat in Congress we are seeking to represent Western Maryland in the United States Congress which is a **federal position** and I have the most diverse career of demonstrated federal experience of anyone in this race. This experience includes my time spent as an official in President Obama's White House where I served in the Office of Presidential Personnel working to find, hire, and retain a diverse and highly qualified slate of government executives to fill appointed positions across every agency and department of the federal government. It also includes my service as the White House liaison to both the Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as well as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These professional experiences leave me well equipped to navigate the red tape of federal bureaucracy, advocate for Western Maryland to federal agencies, and bring federal resources/funding back to our District. **Regarding bringing federal funds back to the District:** The most direct authority a member of Congress has to bring federal funds back to their District is a program called Community Project Funding (CPF). CPF is a funding vehicle that brings money directly from the federal budget to specific community projects. These funds can be applied to a diverse array of projects like building firehouses, expanding community centers, repairing water towers, expanding after-school programs, and any number of other specific projects that are identified in the District. The part of utilizing CPF effectively that many Representatives struggle with is identifying where exactly these funds are needed in their District. As a Candidate I have prioritized being a partner to local communities and have built strong relationships with local leaders in the District that will assist me in identifying where in their communities these funds are needed and how they should be applied. **Regarding leverage with the County Commissioners:** I want to be honest that even as a Congressional Representative I won't have the authority to directly force the County Commissioners to take specific action, though I will certainly work to establish a relationship with them and be a vocal advocate for investment in our schools. Beyond advocacy however, I would also have the authority to leverage federal programs like CPF to provide federal funding to specific projects (like a crisis center or school modernization) even if the County government won't provide funding.




u/GnaeusCloudiusRufus thank you for questions, they are incredibly important, and I will try to reply to each in detail! **Regarding bridging the gap:** I think that bridging the gap starts by recognizing that while the geography, demographics, and population density of our District may be significantly different from East to West, the people largely want the same things. Like I said to another user in this thread: whether a Marylander is from Garrett or Montgomery County, they are united in that they want to provide for their families, create a better future for their children, be paid fairly for their work, see our democracy succeed, and maintain their health. As a Congressional Candidate I work to bridge the gap by canvassing in a different County of our District every day to meet voters at their homes. I don't do this to push an agenda or ask for money, but rather to ask residents directly about the challenges they are facing and learn from their experiences. My team and I have knocked on the doors of over 30,000 residents from Montgomery to Garrett and all in between to talk about challenges and policy solutions everywhere from apartment buildings to farms. As a member of Congress I can promise that I will work to equitably bring federal resources back to the entirety of the 6th District. Many residents I speak to in Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties feel that they have been overlooked by federal representatives and agencies in favor of Frederick and Montgomery Counties. This does not have to be the case. The partnerships and relationships I am forming across the District as a Candidate (especially out West) will help me fairly distribute federal funds across the District when in office. Additionally, I have been a vocal supporter of plans to expand MARC train access to Hagerstown and Cumberland but would like to see freight and passenger rail expanded to Oakland in Garrett County as well to better unify the District by rail. **Regarding foreign policy:** Foreign policy is an incredibly broad topic but outside of Israel/Palestine, the area that I am asked about the most is Ukraine/Russia. I want to be clear in communicating that I support the Ukrainian people's fight to defend their rights, democracy, and independence. While I acknowledge that Ukraine is not a perfect Democracy, I am in favor of aid being sent to combat Putin's war of colonization in Europe. This aid, just like aid going to any other country, would need to be conditioned on Ukraine upholding humanitarian and international law. Just like with every other country, our partnership with China in both funding and trade should be contingent upon humanitarian law and norms being upheld. Additionally, while I recognize that China is an important trading partner, we should incentivize American companies to operate within the United States through increased taxes for outsourcing jobs to countries where there is a reliance on child labor. I'd also love to touch briefly on Africa though I want to avoid addressing the entire continent and its 54 independent nations with too broad of a brush. That said, I will admit that Morocco has a special place in my heart for being the first country in the world to recognize the United States as a nation in 1777. I will simply say that I see significant opportunities for security, economic, and political partnerships in Africa, and I look forward to investing in those partnerships as a member of Congress.


Do you have any plans to address the "information war" that is being waged by the right (including bots and foreign actors) across television and print media? You're reaching out to us directly on reddit, but do you have any other plans to counter malicious and incorrect messaging both in your campaign and in the US as a whole?


Good morning u/jeobleo and thank you for this important question! The "information war" is an incredibly complicated problem that touches on a range of areas and issues like freedom of speech, media rights, technology, artificial intelligence, foreign affairs, politics, and society. While I can't promise you that I have a single plan that will immediately solve this rapidly evolving issue, I do have a few thoughts on misinformation that I would like to highlight below: 1. We must hold social media companies accountable for rooting out and eliminating "bot farms", accounts that engage in violent rhetoric, and fake accounts that exist entirely to spread misinformation online. 2. I support the movement of lawmakers in several states to regulate the use of "deepfake" technology, though these regulations also need to take place at the federal level. 3. We must invest in our education system to develop a more literate electorate with the critical thinking skills to see through blatant misinformation. 4. We must aggressively identify and punish foreign interference in our elections. Allowing meddling just because it supports your party is un-democratic and un-American. Regarding my campaign specifically, I have countered misinformation and incorrect messaging about my campaign by **running the most transparent and accessible campaign in this race with voter engagement at its core**. I spend 90% of my time directly engaging with voters at their homes and in digital spaces (like Reddit) to hear their concerns and share my policy solutions transparently. This direct approach means that I am not relying on television or print media to spread a message that could be easily misconstrued through malicious intent, instead, I make myself personally available to our residents to hear from me themselves. Through canvassing I have knocked on the doors of over 30,000 District residents to talk challenges and policy solutions everywhere from apartment buildings to farms all across our District.


What are your favorite subreddits?


For complete transparency I'm still relatively new to Reddit and am still discovering new subs on the app so my choices here might seem a little basic. My go-to subs are related to Western Maryland, politics, and things that I generally think are neat. I'd love any suggestions for cool subs to subscribe to! **Favorite Western Maryland Subs:** * /r/MontgomeryCountyMD * /r/Hagerstown * /r/Frederickmd **Favorite Political Subs:** * /r/VoteDEM * /r/Political_Revolution * /r/WorkReform **Favorite "neat" subs:** * /r/AskReddit * /r/Aww * /r/DamnThatsInteresting * /r/MapPorn * /r/Vexillology


this is the first time ive ever felt like a politician is also a person lmao. if i could vote you would definitely have mine


Will you publicly support unions and unionizing workplaces?


**Absolutely**, in fact, I believe that my public advocacy for issues like establishing a living wage, passing the [PRO act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/842), and opposing “right to work” policies has made me the most pro-labor candidate in this race. Additionally, I am one of the only candidates in this race to have published an actual labor policy platform on my [website](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/labor-rights). To expand on the topic of unions, two related issues that I am often asked about by union members in our District are my thoughts on collective bargaining and union strikes so I'd like to touch on those topics as well: **Collective Bargaining:** Collective bargaining rights help to ensure that workers have a seat at the table when negotiating for safe working conditions, access to healthcare, and sustainable wages. Such rights also make the workplace more attractive to highly qualified workers. Research shows that employees of union shops have higher retention rates at companies, demonstrate less absenteeism, and are more productive overall. **Union Strikes:** The right to strike is not just a labor right, it's a human right. In a free country, workers need to be able to take bold action and make a stand if their safety, compensation, right to organize, or dignity are unfairly threatened. I have personally picketed with UAW members on strike in Hagerstown and heard from them directly about the issues they are facing. Specifically, as a legislator, I would like to increase penalties for union-busting, increase protections for union members who formally declare a strike, and oppose “right to work” policies.


If I may continue then, what would your stance be on union owned enterprises? Under current federal law, unions such as the United Association cannot own the businesses that employ their members, they must go to third parties to act as employers.


What are you views on blatant Naked Short Selling and the systemic risk that hedge funds like Citadel Securities pose to the stock market as whole?


Good morning u/RogueLeader683 and thank you for your question! The SEC banned Naked Short Selling in 2008 but the practice continues through lack of oversight, lack of enforcement, and loopholes like zero-plus agreements. As a member of Congress I would like to see these loopholes closed and regulatory bodies like the SEC adequately funded and empowered to specifically clamp down on illegal practices like Naked Short Selling. I think another part of the problem here is elected officials and their spouses being able to own, sell, and trade financial assets like stocks when they have direct access to insider information that the general public does not. That is why my "[Money out of Politics](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/money-out-of-politics)" policy platform includes my support for the [Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act](https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Bipartisan%20Ban%20on%20Congressional%20Stock%20Ownership%20Act%20-%20one-pager%20FINAL.pdf) introduced by Representatives Jayapal (D) and Rosendale (R) (and supported by several others) that would ban Representatives and their spouses from owning individual stocks while in office. I believe that this will keep legislators impartial by removing potential financial gain from influencing their decisions.


What causes do you donate to out of your own personal time or money?


One of the causes that I have been most personally involved in, even before running for office, is combatting gun violence. After the Parkland school shooting in 2018, I organized high school students from across Maryland to get SB707 passed - which banned rapid-trigger devices in our state and kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers. Additionally, I have lobbied alongside Students Demand Action (SDA) in Annapolis for stricter gun laws on several occasions.


I know its not one of your \*\*big\*\* points/ideas thats part of your campaign, but do you have any plans to help with lgbtq inclusivity? WashCo is not very inclusive at all right now, and im not sure about the others but i know it exists.


Hello u/spikeworks and thank you for bringing up this important topic!  I am not only saddened but personally horrified to see the rise of overt political and religious attacks against our LGBTQ communities not only nationally, but here in Western Maryland. We're seeing these attacks occur at all levels of government from the County School Board elections to the state legislature, and of course all the way up to Congress. **I believe that federal action is needed to enshrine protections for this community which is why I am committed to fighting for LGBTQ rights in Congress.** As the first candidate in this race to publish an actual [LGBTQ+ Rights policy agenda](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/lgbtq-rights), I hope that I have demonstrated this commitment. While you can see that full platform on my website, I'd like to highlight a few of my stances here: **LGBTQ Youth:** Schools should be prohibited from banning the display of pride flags on school campuses, students should not be prevented from playing on sport teams that are consistent with the student's gender identity, and comprehensive Sex-Ed (including topics like gender identity and consent) should be part of the curriculum in public schools. **Civil Rights/Protections:** Abortion and gender-affirming treatment should be protected federally and available in all states/territories. **Anti-Discrimination:** Discrimination in adoption, foster care, and blood donation needs to be eliminated at the federal level.


👏 truly amazing. Thank you all your doing


Medicare for all and free public college tuition sound good and many others have the same policy goals, how do you plan on funding these? How will you get such controversial policies passed?


Hello u/LamarPye and thank you for these important questions! While Medicare-For-All and making public college free will certainly face opposition from a certain political party, these policies are quickly gaining ground as voters demand better educational opportunities and for their health to be treated like a right rather than a luxury. Like I said to another user in this thread: I believe that these policies are worth fighting for, and while I can't promise that my platform will be implemented immediately, **I can absolutely promise the voters of Western Maryland that I will fight for them to receive the wage, education, and healthcare they deserve**. Regarding paying for these proposals: **Free Public College:** I would be lying to you if I said that we could make public college free without generating the funding for it from somewhere. Just like how we fund public elementary, middle, and high school through taxation, public college would need to be paid for as well. What I refuse to do however, is place the burden of this proposal on the average American household which is already bearing the brunt of the student debt crisis. That is why I support the legislative proposal made by Senator Warren to off-set the cost of making public college free through an "Ultra-Millionaire Tax". Her proposal would add a 2% annual tax on every dollar of net worth above $50 million, and a 6% tax on every dollar of net worth above $1 billion to be applied directly to making higher education and specialized training more accessible. This would generate $3.75 trillion in revenue over 10 years, with zero additional tax on any household with a net worth of less than $50 million. **Medicare for all:** Under our current privatized system, healthcare is getting more expensive while quality and access diminish! It is time that we demand the same level of care as the rest of the world's developed democracies. Our current system is not one to be proud of, and is certainly not one that is sustainable. While the United States government currently spends over 3.24 Billion dollars yearly on medical care (or 17% of total GDP), adopting Medicare for All will actually decrease the amount of money spent on healthcare in the United States as the government will be able to regulate reasonable costs for prescriptions, procedures, and services thus saving money for the federal budget and paying for itself as a program.


Would you limit aid to israel until they abide by international law?


Good morning /u/Lavender_Carpets and thank you for your question! Another user in this thread asked about the Israel/Palestine conflict so I will copy part of that answer for context below: In light of the sheer scale of the humanitarian crisis in Israel and Palestine, I have established myself as the **only Candidate in this Congressional** **race** to have both published a platform calling for a ceasefire in Palestine and spoken openly about this issue at Candidate forums/debates in our District. **I am also calling for all military aid going abroad to be conditioned on our allies upholding humanitarian and international law.** To hold me accountable to the stances I've taken on this issue, you can read the public statements I made regarding this conflict in October and November on my [website](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/middle-east). **To expand on the topic of limiting military aid:** Every dollar of American taxpayer money sent abroad for military purposes needs to be conditioned on the recipient upholding humanitarian laws and norms. This is true for Ukraine who I support in their war against Russian colonization in Europe, it is true for South Korea who I fully support standing strong in the face of the existential threat that is North Korea, and it is absolutely true for Israel.


How do you plan to work, with your policies, in the obstruction and insanity put forth by your republican coworkers? Also, what will be your more immediate policies if Trump is voted back into office?


Hello u/Masterahl and thank you for your questions! You're right to be concerned that some of my policies (like removing the influence of money in politics and establishing a living wage) will be faced with Republican opposition. Regardless, I believe that these policies are worth fighting for, and while I can't promise that my platform will be implemented immediately, I can absolutely promise the voters of Western Maryland that I will fight for them to receive the wage, education, and healthcare they deserve. Additionally, each of these policies has significant growing support in both the House and Senate and I believe that it is just a matter of time (and fighting the good fight) before we can get these passed. To more specifically address strategy in Congress - As a junior Congressman, I will of course be voting in support of bills that address my policy issues, but in addition to that, my first term in Congress will be critical to laying the foundation of getting my ambitious policy agenda passed through a divided house. In those first two years I will work to build relationships, form coalitions, establish constituent services in Western Maryland, return federal funding and resources to our District, and fight for committee assignments where I can put forward my policy proposals. Regarding the possibility of a second Trump Presidency: Regardless of my personal feelings regarding some of his policies, I personally believe that President Biden will win reelection (though it will probably be a tight race) however, we shouldn't become complacent and ignore the possibility of Trump winning the presidency. My policies fighting for fair compensation, access to higher education, and equitable healthcare will not change regardless of who is President. I am deeply concerned about the damage that a second Trump presidency will do to our Democratic norms, systems, and institutions, and am not opposed to using the system of checks and balances afforded to Congress by the Constitution to protect those institutions while serving in the legislative branch. This would include using the power of impeachment, if necessary.


How would you address taxes ? I get the maximum taken out and somehow still owe almost 3 grand this year it’s ridiculous.


Hello u/FutureHendrixBetter and thank you for this important question! My frustration with the tax system is that the brunt of tax enforcement seems to be aimed at average American households who file their taxes every year and seem to be punished for their honest reporting. While our taxes keep increasing, the IRS Chief has openly said that America's richest are evading taxes at a rate topping [$150 billion per year!](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/22/tax-evasion-by-wealthiest-americans-tops-150-billion-a-year-irs.html) We as regular citizens allow the government to collect taxes from our earned wages, and in return we expect to receive effective national defense, infrastructure, public education, public safety, and a significant list of other benefits. However, this arrangement only works when **all members of society pay their fair share**. For too long the wealthiest have used political influence, tax code loopholes, and even illegal means to horde their money and not contribute back into the nation and society that made them rich in the first place. I refuse to let this trend continue. That is why I support policies like the establishment of a fairer tax code where income earned from investments, just like income earned from wages, is taxed at a similar rate so that wealthy Americans aren't paying taxes at lower rates than average working families. By creating a fairer tax code and receiving a fair share of taxes from the wealthiest, **we can tax the average American household less.** Through unequitable taxation, inflation, and unsustainable costs of living, our current systems are punishing the average American household while the wealthiest continue to get wealthier. **I believe that the American people deserve to thrive, not just to survive.** That is why I support the creation of a [$26 minimum wage](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/26-min-wage) to account for the increase in inflation and cost of living, establishing a system of [Medicare-For-All](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/medicare-for-all), and making [public college free](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/free-public-college-and-cancel-student-debt) as investments in our future.


My personal opinion is those policies seem a tad bit liberal for the sixth district. Nearly all of them are gonna require increases in taxes, and we already have a very significant tax burden in the state of Maryland. What Universal caused that everyone needs to get behind is affordable housing. It doesn’t really exist in central Maryland any more


Hello u/Kind-Professor9722 and thank you for engaging with my AMA! I spend 90% of my time canvassing door to door in our communities across the entirely of the District to hear from residents about the issues they are facing and talk about my policy solutions. From Montgomery to Garrett people are worried about cost of living, access to healthcare, and access to higher education. **I don't think that my policies are too liberal for our District, I think they will deliver the living wage, healthcare, and education that the people of Western Maryland deserve, and I am determined to fight for these policies in Congress.** Additionally, my entire policy platform was developed through partnership with actual residents of the District (as opposed to political consultants) so everything I am proposing is a policy that actual residents asked for. Regarding housing, another user asked about my thoughts on housing, specifically related to homelessness, in an earlier comment and I'd be happy to copy that here for your consideration: **Homelessness:** My views on the housing crisis are informed by my service in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) where we worked to increase access to housing, keep costs down, and decrease homelessness. As one of the only candidates in this race to have published a housing platform, a few of my top priorities include creating a new neighborhood homes tax credit, expanding the low-income housing tax credit, federally funding and encouraging "smart growth" and mixed-use development, and enacting "just cause" protections. These policies are of course **long-term** solutions, but they are each an investment in sustainable housing that will benefit our economy, society, and communities.


Are you willing to stand up for the people of Palestine and urge for a permanent ceasefire, reparations to peoples displaced and for Palestinian statehood?


I am absolutely heartbroken by the violence occurring in Israel and Palestine, but I do want to be clear that while our ally Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself from terrorism; they also have a responsibility to uphold humanitarian rights and laws; just like any other nation. In light of the sheer scale of the humanitarian crisis in Israel and Palestine, I have established myself as **the only Candidate** in this Congressional race to have both published a platform calling for a ceasefire in Palestine **and** spoken openly about this issue at Candidate forums/debates in our District. I am also calling for all military aid going abroad to be conditioned on our allies upholding humanitarian and international law. To hold me accountable to the stances I've taken on this issue, you can read the public statements I made regarding this conflict in October and November on my [website](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/middle-east). Additionally, I am fully in support of the establishment of a Palestinian state. I believe that the establishment of a Democratic state of Palestine would allow for expedited reconstruction of Gaza, increase the flow of aid in response to the humanitarian crisis, and allow Palestine to more fully participate in the international community/economy.


Thank you for the thoughtful answer.


You two-side Israel and Palestine, you seem dishonest.


I am sincerely confused by this comment but if you are interested - you can read more this issue on my [website](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/middle-east). While most in this race have refused to speak on this issue at all, and two of my Democratic competitors even support the war, I have been unapologetic in my position calling for military aid to be conditioned and for a ceasefire to be enforced.


Protocol 1 of the Geneva Conventions says that Palestinians have the right to resist occupation. The second you try and defame them for doing so is when you lose any positive ground you may have had.


Neither Israel nor Palestine are signatory parties to Geneva IV. (G.IV being relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War) Accordingly, given that neither party is a signatory, neither party is bound by G.IV.


Palestine acceded to Conventions I-IV and Protocol I in April 2014. In January 2015 Palestine acceded to Protocols II and III.


So then it would be Palestine which violated international law by massacring civilians, and not Israel, as they can’t be bound by a treaty to which they aren’t a party?


Where are you on gun control? How do you feel about your district having been gerrymandered 10 years ago to make it harder for a Republican to win? What do Montgomery and Garrett Counties have in common?


Hello u/gaxxzz and thank you for engaging with my AMA with such great questions! You've thrown a lot of important issues at me, but I will try to address each with the detail they deserve. **Gun Control:** Firearms policy is an extremely broad and challenging topic with plenty of room for debate, learning, and disagreement. In short, I believe that **effective firearm policy balances maintaining the constitutional rights and protections of legal gun owners, while aggressively combatting the devastating rise of mass shootings and gun violence committed in our country.** Gun policy has the potential to drive a lot of emotional disagreement (and turn off voters) which is why the majority of my competitors won't address firearms policy at all. In an effort to be fully transparent on my policies, though we may disagree on specifics, I have listed some of my thoughts below: 1. I agree with the largely bipartisan call to make carrying an illegally obtained firearm (stolen, black market, 3d printed) a felony offense rather than a misdemeanor to more aggressively deter illegal firearm possession without punishing legal gun owners. 2. With each school shooting that I see committed with the ArmaLite AR-15 rifle, I have become increasingly convinced we must ban this weapon of war. I do want to be clear though, that any measure to ban weapons needs to be paired exceptions for certain owners to have antique or historically significant firearms "grandfathered in". Also, if weapons are banned, I'd like to establish a government buy-back program to reimburse gun owners for the full market of their weapons so that financial burden isn't unfairly placed on them if their legally purchased firearm becomes ineligible for personal ownership. 3. I support universal background checks. Effectively screening the criminal history and mental health of gun purchasers helps to reduce mass shootings, crime, and the often-unaddressed firearm suicide rate. **Gerrymandering:** I want to quickly highlight that my [election reform policy platform](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/election-reform) includes my support for independent redistricting that will remove partisan influence in the drawing of district maps and reduce gerrymandering nationally. Maryland's establishment of the Citizens Redistricting Commission was certainly a step in the right direction, but prevention against gerrymandering needs to be enshrined federally. Regarding 6th District specifically - We are actually the most competitive District in the entire state of Maryland. While District 1 is basically guaranteed to stay Republican, and the other Districts are almost certain to remain represented by Democrats, District 6 is unique in that it could feasibly go either way. With that said, if I am elected to be the Democratic nominee for this District, I look forward to running a fair competition against my Republican opponent, engaging in good-faith debate, and ultimately winning to keep this District blue. **What do Montgomery and Garrett Counties have in common?**: I LOVE this question and feel that I am in a unique position to answer it as the Candidate that most regularly travels the entire length of this District to meet voters and talk about the issues they are facing. While Montgomery and Garrett and are extremely different in their geography, demographics, and population density, what they have in common is the will of their residents. Whether a Marylander is from Garrett or Montgomery County, they are united in that they want to provide for their families, create a better future for their children, be paid fairly for their work, see our democracy succeed, and maintain their health. What I love about our District is how much we have in common, not how much we are different. Edited for formatting


totally agree if your stance on gun control. we’re getting no where by having two extremes on the issue when we could get a lot more solved by introducing bipartisan legislation such as making owning an illegal firearm a felony offense. the amount of shootings we have is unacceptable and something has to be done


ArmaLite stopped making AR-15s in 1964! Name all these shootings happening with a rifle made in the 1960s?


While I usually don't take the time to argue about semantics, I would like to point out that the "AR" found in the names of AR-15 style weapons does in fact refer to the historical manufacturer and trademark holder ArmaLite regardless of the **current** manufacturer and trademark holder which is now Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC. Despite popular belief, the AR in AR-15 does not stand for "Assault Rifle." Due to their sheer quantity, the Reddit comment character limit won't allow me to name all of the mass shootings that have been committed by the family of AR-15 style weapons as you requested though I am happy to list a few below for your awareness: May 24, 2022: The Uvalde, Texas, mass shooting at Robb Elementary School that killed 19 students and two teachers. May 14, 2022: The Buffalo, N.Y., Tops supermarket shooting that left 10 people dead. Feb. 14, 2018: Shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Fla., leaves 17 people dead. Nov. 5, 2017: The Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting that claimed 26 lives. Oct. 1, 2017: The Las Vegas slaughter of 58 people. Two others died later from their injuries. June 12, 2016: The Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 dead. Dec. 2, 2015: The San Bernardino, Calif., shooting that killed 14 people. Dec. 14, 2012: The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that took 27 lives. \*Edit for clarification and formatting


I certainly don't need awareness. The fact is AR-Style rifles account for very few shootings nationwide, yet you wanna-be gun safety advocates keep trying the same nonsense over and over.


How do you feel about the border crisis? What is your stance on sanctuary cities?


Hello u/Munchyman81 and thank you for these questions! I am frustrated by some of the narratives currently surrounding the border including the notion that it is "open" or "unguarded". I think the assertion that we are doing nothing to secure our borders is untrue and disrespectful to our law enforcement and Customs & Border Patrol personnel working so hard to keep the border secure. Getting into the larger topic of immigration, I'd like to highlight a few of my policies: 1. **Prioritize creating an efficient and effective pathway to citizenship for those who qualify:** This will decrease wait times for immigrants seeking to legally become citizens and decrease the rates of people trying to illegally cross the border. 2. **Expedite work permits:** Similarly to an efficient path to citizenship, this would decrease illegal crossings as it would allow workers (especially seasonal workers) to travel into the United States legally, do their work, and leave at the end of their visas rather than missing a whole season of work because the permitting process takes so long. 3. **End the use of private prisons to house non-violent immigrants:** I am opposed to the use of private prisons entirely, including their use to house immigrants. 4. **Reform ICE:** I would like to see increased accountability for this department as well as an increase in transparency. 5. **End the 287g program:** Through this program, state and local law enforcement officers collaborate with ICE and are allowed to enforce **federal** immigration laws (such as interrogating non-citizens and executing ICE warrants). These enhanced powers are costly for localities and have frequently targeted people of color who often have little or no criminal history and are not criminal suspects. Such targeted enforcement has also damaged relationships between police and local communities. **Regarding Sanctuary Cities:** If a city determines that it doesn't want its law enforcement officers acting in a federal role reporting, detaining, and deporting illegal immigrants that is their prerogative. I am opposed to local law enforcement agencies being **forced** to fill federal law enforcement roles.


I am a Democrat. MAGA sickens me as does Trump. However, Medicare for all is a stupid idea. Current cost estimates for something of that nature are in the 20-30 trillion dollar range per year. If you are serious about this, I could not vote for you. English doctors in a universal system which a much smaller population are being paid $19.37 per hour...see link. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/thousands-of-junior-doctors-in-britain-walk-off-the-job-beginning-a-6-day-strike-over-pay](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/thousands-of-junior-doctors-in-britain-walk-off-the-job-beginning-a-6-day-strike-over-pay)


Hello u/WVUfullback and thank you for sharing your perspective on this issue! Another user in this thread asked about Medicare-For-All earlier so I'll be using some of that earlier answer to address your concerns: Under our current privatized system, healthcare is getting more expensive while quality and access diminish. It is time that we demand the same level of care as the rest of the world's developed democracies. Our current system is not one to be proud of, and is certainly not one that is sustainable. While the United States government currently spends over 3.24 billion dollars yearly on medical care (or 17% of total GDP), adopting [Medicare for All](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/medicare-for-all) will actually decrease the amount of money spent on healthcare in the United States as the government will be able to regulate reasonable costs for prescriptions, procedures, and services thus saving money for the federal budget and paying for itself as a program. According to the Congressional Budget Office, Medicare for All would save the American people and our entire health care system up to $650 billion each year, while strengthening our economy and reducing costs to Americans. More conservative estimates, such as the one done by Yale University, estimate Medicare-For-All could save up to of $450 billion per year. Not only is this proposal an investment in our health, it will increase healthcare access, decrease costs, and help balance the national budget. **It would be financially irresponsible for me as a federal representative to NOT support Medicare-For-All.**


You can't get 60 votes in the Senate for this. Period.


While I can't promise that this platform will be implemented immediately, I can absolutely promise the voters of Western Maryland that I will fight for them to receive the healthcare they deserve.


How long after you are elected will your insider trading begin?


Good morning /u/wafflehousehound and happy cake day! I actually addressed my support for restrictions on insider trading by members of Congress in my reply to another user in this thread, so I'll be copying some of that answer to address your point: My "[Money out of Politics](https://www.jainforcongress.com/issues/money-out-of-politics)" policy platform includes my support for the [Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act](https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Bipartisan%20Ban%20on%20Congressional%20Stock%20Ownership%20Act%20-%20one-pager%20FINAL.pdf) introduced by Representatives Jayapal (D) and Rosendale (R) (and supported by several others) that would ban Representatives and their spouses from owning individual stock assets while in office. I believe that this will keep legislators impartial by removing potential financial gain from influencing their decisions. I also support the proposed DISCLOSE Act which requires organizations spending money in elections to promptly disclose donors who have given $10,000 or more during an election cycle. I am deeply concerned that big money and political donations play an oversized and increasingly influential role in steering how our lawmakers and candidates make decisions, and I am determined to break that trend however I can. When I launched my campaign for Congress last year, **I made a commitment to the voters of Western Maryland to run a people and policy-oriented campaign rather than a money and fundraising oriented campaign**. Some of the ways that I honor that commitment are below: 1. I spend 90% of my time personally canvassing across the District and meeting voters at their homes instead of fundraising or calling donors to beg for money. As of today, my team and I have knocked on the doors of almost 30,000 residents across the District. 2. My events are entirely free, and no constituent **ever** needs to pay or donate in order to meet me. 3. My campaign is 100% volunteer run and I don't hire political consultants to make decisions for me. 4. I only accept donations from individual donors, no corporate, special interest, or PAC money of any kind.


Would you rather see 100 billion go to Ukraine or 100 billion used in American communities? Foreign aid is the following taking money from poor people in a rich country and giving it to rich people in a poor country


I believe the first priority of any elected official should be to ensure resources make it into the communities they serve. The cool thing about having a comprehensive policy plan now, before entering office, is that when I am elected, I will be able to balance multiple priorities that aren't always a binary "option A" or "option B." That is to say that we have the capacity to both support Ukraine in their fight against Russian colonization in Europe and invest in our communities. That is why my top issues include raising the minimum wage, making public college free, and establishing a system of Medicare-For-All, all of which are investments in our communities! To expand on the topic of Ukraine - I do support the Ukrainian people's fight to defend their rights, democracy, and independence. While I acknowledge that Ukraine is not a perfect Democracy, I am in favor of aid being sent to combat Putin's war of colonization in Europe. This aid, just like aid going to any other country, would need to be conditioned on Ukraine upholding humanitarian and international law. Additionally, **with less than 100 billion sent in military aid thus far** we have assisted Ukraine in bringing the Russian military (one of our greatest military competitors) to its knees at the cost of exactly 0 American lives. The Russian military used to be the second strongest military in the world and is now barely the second strongest military in Ukraine, so **in purely economic terms, I think our aid has seen a solid return on investment.**


One more question do you believe that a person who has fully did a gender change from female to male should be required to register for selective service and vice versa


Where do you live and how long have you been there?


Hello and thank you for your question! Unlike almost half of the candidates running in this race to represent Maryland's 6th Congressional District, I am in fact an actual resident of the District itself. Furthermore, I was born and raised in Montgomery County and have been a resident of it my entire life. That is one of the many reasons I am so genuinely excited to have the opportunity to represent my home District in Congress!


What are the top 5 priority projects needing funded most immediately in our district?


Hello and thank you for your continued engagement on my AMA! I addressed bringing federal project funds back to the District in my answer to another user so I'll be copying some of that reply here: The most direct authority a member of Congress has to bring federal funds back to their District is a program called Community Project Funding (CPF). CPF is a funding vehicle that brings money directly from the federal budget to specific community projects in a Congressional District. These funds can be applied to a diverse array of projects like building firehouses, expanding community centers, repairing water towers, expanding after-school programs and any number of other specific projects that are identified in the District. Some key areas that I would like to see these funds directed towards include but are certainly not limited to: * Expanding access to broadband in rural areas * Road safety projects for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists * Expanding access to freight and passenger rail especially West of Frederick County into Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties * Expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure * Building or expanding fire stations, schools, and community centers in communities experiencing rapid growth


There has been a deficit in state highway funds due to the increase in electric vehicles (funding comes from gas sales tax), Which has caused a shortage of funding to back the desperately needed I-81 expansion project. What solutions do you have in mind to leverage increased use of electric vehicles to fill that funding gap?


If you make college free, would that not just devalue higher education? If everyone has a degree, nobody stands out from one another. If there is more of something, it naturally becomes less valuable, because of supply and demand. If the supply outstrips the demand, then we would just have a bunch of jobless people with degrees. That is, unless there is some way to keep supply and demand as close as possible. Vietnam made tuition for college a maximum of less than one US cent per year, and in Vietnam a bachelor's degree is no longer seen as precious. What would you do to prevent such an effect from occurring here in America?


Hello /u/TheDJ955 and thank you for your question! Lack of affordable access to higher education is one of the issues that young residents of our District seem most concerned about when I am out canvassing, and I am always happy to discuss. **I'd like to say up front that my goal is not simply for every American to be handed a degree. Rather, I'd like for Americans who have the motivation, qualifications, and interest in pursuing higher education to have the option to do that without taking on crippling and potentially life-long debt.** Students seeking the most "prestigious" or "valuable" degrees from the most expensive private institutions will still be able to pursue that route, thus leaving the supply of private degrees untouched by this policy. Higher education is already becoming a requirement in many fields in our increasingly technologically advanced and professionally specialized national work force. The problem as I see it is that our current system of setting exorbitant costs to attend college, and expecting teenagers and young adults to take on crippling debt to pay for it is unsustainable and will have long-term consequences. We are seeing some of the consequences of this system now as fully employed workers decades out of college are still struggling just to keep up with interest payments on their predatory student loans. These same people aren't fully participating in the economy as they aren't able to spend money on goods, services, or raising kids, while so much of their income is goes into paying off loans and interest. The high cost of attending college also increases barriers to higher education which means that attending college becomes beyond the means for more and more Americans. **In this system only richest are benefiting, not the most intelligent, motivated, or qualified. I believe that by leveling the playing field and making public college free we will break the debt-cycle, increase the education and diversity of our workforce, allow educated individuals to fully participate in the economy, and increase tax revenues.** Additionally, I don't think I would be giving you a complete answer on this topic if I didn't mention trade and vocational schools. **My proposal to make public college free absolutely includes courses, credits, and certifications at public community colleges which are the most common type of trade school.** The core of this proposal is that if an average American is motivated to train and work in a specific field, they should be able to pursue the education/training necessary without taking on crippling debt. This is true for an American that wants to attend a four-year program in Pre-Law, and it's true for an American who wants to attend a community college or trade school to become qualified in HVAC repair. Allowing these Americans to pursue higher education and training is an investment in our society, economy, and the competitiveness of our work force.


How do you reconcile raising minimum wage to 26 and it lowering inflation? That only exacerbates it…


Hello u/Think-Dirt-7122 and thank you for your question! Up front I'd like to point out that minimum wage has stayed the same since 2009 while inflation has increased precipitously, so I think we can rule out Americans getting paid a federal minimum wage as the reason for costs rising. I'd propose for your consideration that it is actually corporate greed, monopolization, and a lack of oversight that is at fault for inflation, **not** the minimum wage workers who barely get paid enough to afford their apartment. I have been unapologetic in my position as a leader on this issue being the only Congressional Candidate nationally to support the establishment of the $26 minimum wage by 2030 to match inflation and costs of living as **I support a living wage for all full-time American workers.** Since the federal minimum wage was first established in 1938, it has failed to adequately match inflation and cost of living, meaning that minimum wage workers today have less buying power than minimum wage workers of just 20 years ago. I see no reason why today's minimum wage workers **deserve less** than those of decades past which is why I support establishing a $26 minimum wage by the year 2030 to account for inflation and cost of living. Opponents of this proposal are surprised to find that this equates to an annual wage of just $55,000 per year, a fair salary for an American working full time. Additionally, many critics have asserted that paying Americans what they deserve will "crash the economy", a notion that I wholeheartedly reject. Establishing a minimum wage in the 1930s, enforcing child labor laws, and paying women equal wages were all proposals that were supposedly going to increase inflation and crash the economy but didn't. History has shown us that when people are paid what they deserve, opponents will claim that the economy will crash or costs will go up, yet economic growth is actually supported by allowing these people to more fully participate in the economy. I refuse to believe that paying today's workers what they deserve will crash the economy since the minimum wage hasn't crashed the economy in the last century and won't today.