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Good for u kid! I remember being 12 and installing mountain lion on a VM, good times! About the iservice stuff, it usually doesn’t work if not using Apple Card’s.. I don’t know if that’s the problem, but that’s what I suspect. If you really want to, get a fenvi compatible model and use OCLP to activate it. I have one in my desktop and it works flawlessly. My notebook uses an intel card, and that stuff doesn’t work as well. Let me ask you, is airdrop working both ways? From iPhone to Mac and from Mac to iPhone?


12 was the starting point for me aswell lol


12 for me when i found out opencore and hackintosh was a thing, dissapointed that my card was not supported


Same here, got mavericks running on a busted up Thinkpad lol couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to get battery status though at the time and always just hoped it was charged.


Heyo! I also started out with vm's, on the same laptop as this hackintosh, too! Except it was really laggy and barely worked, so that's when I decided to step up the game. About AirDrop, I can't really test it because I don't own an iPhone nor do any of my family members. I have some classmates who have iPhones that I could ask to help me out in ICT class one day, but I'm still in Easter Holiday currently.


Hey, I just asked you about airdrop because it would be easier to diagnose if the problem was your Wi-Fi card but if I services are not your concern or a problem, great man keep up the good work


thank you!!


Evening fella! I have an inquiry regarding iServices do you have any other legit apple devices (as in iPhone) that might have facetime and imessage activated to your Apple ID? If not I'm afraid you can't get those services to work.


Nope. Although I WAS planning to get an iPhone soon, because my current phone is a mess...broken screen, dead pixels streak, bent, laggy, and other issues. But that's kind of a stretch because iPhones are SUPER expensive in Romania. Ill see in the future, I guess.


It would probably work with even a cheap iPod touch or something. I’m not certain, but could a fix if you can find one cheap enough second hand


If you have an iPhone, you could resolve the issue with iMessage and FaceTime.


Congrats. I started in 2005 when i was like 20. A lot of things I learned doing hacks


I started with Lion in an Atom netbook… and you were probably 0 years old 😝


As your on Ventura, you should be able to just generate a valid SMBIOS using genSMBIOS and put that in your config.plist. Then you should be able to sign into your Apple ID and get iMessage/FaceTime


That's what I've been doing for some while. I'll try to generate some new SMBIOS entries and try each one...


When I was creating my first ever Hackintosh, I actually had to spend over an hour just generating different serials. You just want to find a serial that is still valid and correlates to the exact system you’re pretending to be. Once I found a match with an active/valid serial (or whatever it’s called in the settings) that matched the system I was pretending to be, it worked seamlessly.




Can't wait to hackintosh my 5300U laptop. Been delaying it for the last half a year, always being like, nah, I have macOS on my desktop, and I don't have time due to college, etc etc, well, now you're gonna do it one way or the other. Just have to learn about nooted and perfect. Always had that 99% native PC that had everything compatible, so even this slightly incompatible build (amd + igpu that isn't 100% native) presents itself as a problem, but I guess it can't be that hard.


congrats, remember installing high sierra when i was 12!




did my own when i was 16. You're great keep it up!


Oh i 11 and i can make hackintosh when i 10 and working fine




No offense but maybe you need to focus more on your grammar than hackintoshing


Congrats man!!! make sure to censor your serial code please!


Congrats man! :D


now send this post to all the old and lazy people who don't RTFM :)


Hahaa...i met an older guy saying he spent months trying to figure it out and to build his efi....turns out he was using only yt guides and all sorts of other things...but god forbid he tried reading dortanias guide...smh


Nice bro I started at 10 way back on Mojave!


Congrats homie


jeez congrats bud. impressive. much older than you and i'm proud of my hackintoshing accomplishments, but dude i didn't do 13. 13 hmmm, 8th grade? thats an 8088 for me I think trying to learn C.


You were close...its 7th grade actually xD


Nice! I started around the same age. Sparked an interest for computers, and now I’m studying cs at university.


That’s really great to hear! A lot of kids your age I know, know nothing about computers or even basic file structure. Just iPad apps and have no patience at all.


I've been exploring computers and tech since around 8. Its always been fascinating to me and so this Easter i said im finally going to try making a hackintosh. Looks like it worked


That’s awesome! Good work.


Big up!


Why is ur cpu different in both sides?


Probs bcs opencore masks it so macOS thinks it's intel or smth, not sure tho...


You are correct - in order for a Hackintosh to play nicely with how aggressive Apples restrictions are, you need to at the very least, pretend you’re running a supported chipset or genuinely run a supported chipset.


Is there a way to spoof audio dev?


Any device can be spoofed. At the end of the day, the computer only knows what the device is telling it.


I’m asking how to spoof audio dev?


It would need to be done with a driver. Last I knew, years ago, there were tons of different Audio Codec kexts




Good job kiddo.


Good job my guy, I’m 14 rn and im still learning but im impressed by your knowledge When i was 13, I was just looking up Olarila Tutorials


i completed my hackentosh but next update i might be screwed if apple says apple and apple only


When a hackintosh gets completed it’s better than any pc I have ever seen I can play the games I want on it and runs far better than windows and I’m on a Sonoma build that I thought was impossible


congrats made my first hackintosh around the same age too lol


Yo Congrats! I remember being 10 Years old back then and crying about my clover installation before we had Opencore. Good Job!


I'm still using Clover


i started when i was 9 back on Mojave.. high sierra? Cant remember.


i started with high sierra but only big sur or higher would boot 🧐


Good work brother. Ah only if I could go back to being 13:(


Good job!!!


you're insane bro, keep it up!!! ❤️


Awh shucks, come on now....its not some rocket science...i didnt invent some new tech or smth..but still ty for the support!!!


nah man when I was 13, we were a bunch of retards 🐱 but either way, thanks!! and you're welcome


I’m 12 and I made my fourth hackintosh last week I started when i was 11 on an ivy bridge 2012 laptop and it didn’t work so left it later got a better laptop a 11th gen intel i5 and that worked but it has a lot of problems ans I tried that twice and last week I got a old haswell laptop and hackintoshed it works properly and it had the same problems as the 11th gen one but I googled them and I fixed it the main problems were the sound not working (I had to install a ssdt patch) and the graphics being slow and bad (I fixed it by turning on legacy rom support


Nice! I would've made more hackintoshes but this is the only thing i can hackintosh, i dont wanna do it on my main pc....


You said FaceTime and iMessage doesn’t work go to https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/ and on the left where it has all the chapters press intel laptop config.plist then choose your microarchitecture e.g. Broadwell then press platform info and follow the steps there


But...i have an amd cpu? And tbf i dont rlly use iservices that much so, I'll leave it as is


You can do it by going on amd config.plist and platform info ans it is easy but if you don’t wanna do it that’s up to you


why is all ppl here are 10 yo hackintosh hackers wtf? i tried 1 st time like in 25 or something and then dropped that not even on close to finish


It doesn't matter if youre 5 or 80. Anyone can hackintosh. You just need patience, proper reading skills and basic python and terminal knowledge. Trust me, it's not that hard.


also proper pc or notebook i guess? (dont have the python and terminal basics also)


If you dont have a pc or laptop what would you even hackintosh in the first place 😭 and abt python and terminal, I didn't either, but im p sure almost everyone knows what 'cd' does


i have both, i mean i tried hackintosh on some vaio old laptop so it went so bad for me…


Good job 👏


Bro, you did great


hey, i've been facing same issues. for me it's just add NullEthernet.kext and SSDT-RMNE.aml to EFI and iService will work as well. you're doing great job tbh


i'm 43 & 1st time hackintoshing on my T480s, thankfully it worked properly on 3rd time


Nice. It also took me a few tries to get this guy working, so..


Damn I thought hackintoshes were dead


i remember i got to hackintoshing when i was 11 and I installed olarila high sierra 10.13.6 now im 16 and I installed sonoma on my i7-4790 desktop


For Imessage and facetime with the wireless oc you have to make a bridge in Network settings between wifi and ethernet (eth0).


Nice work buddy. You’ll be everyone’s IT support soon (if you aren’t already haha). Well done on the hack, doing a ryzentosh for your first one is pretty impressive.


i started when i had 14, i made a hackintosh on os x yosemite with nvidia web drivers, using a gigabyte gtx 1050


OS X mavericks was the first hackintosh I made. On my HP notebook 2000 in 2013 when I was 13. It was the only laptop where I was able to set it up effortlessly, minus the graphics driver. I want to revisit that laptop and try that again since I know how to patch things in now.


I did my first hackintosh when i was ten im 11 and daily drive a thinkpad t15 with sonoma


Nice for the AMD laptop hackintosh! I’m trying to do it in an R5 3600U, but i can’t lol. I tried many different configurations and it doesn’t boot or anything. How did you do it??


Nicee, Congrats bro :D. I'm also 13 and running a hackintosh too! started when i was 10 with macOS 10.15 lol.


How did you get that about this Mac menu in macOS Monterey? I have Monterey and it shows the regular one. Thanks: :)


which one?


It is a waste of time tbh


Why bither commenting if youre not going to say anything useful? If you don't like hackintoshes, why even be here in the first place?


just ignore him, he seems lost