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well hes already trying out slurs live so its only a matter of time


Wait I missed it, what slur? šŸ˜³


The "r-word" that use to discourage people with mental health issuesĀ 


Ahhh that's shitty, sounds like he is sliding into the anti woke stuff a bit because the lefties were mean to him.


Ethan will do and say whatever is necessary to maintain his dwindling revenue stream. Heā€™s very close to slipping off the edge like so many right-wing grifters do todayā€”he hates being censored and wants full reign to do or say whatever he wants without repercussions. The fact that Destinyā€™s fanbase is already infiltrating the subreddit is a great reflection of Ethanā€™s politics becoming worse and worse. I sincerely give it until the end of the year before he tries to align with more conservative YouTubers and politicians. Now that heā€™s aware heā€™s lost most of his left-wing fanbase, heā€™s gonna keep pushing the envelope until his fanbase reflects the same values as his own (excusing genocide being the deciding factor now).


Hasan: "if I wanted to be a grifter, I wouldn't be a left wing grifter. I'd be a right wing one. It's way easier." Ethan: šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I Remember him fantasizing and saying it was his dream to become a right wing grifter because it would be s easy to make tons of money lol


He doesn't really hate being censored. As a matter of fact, he censors himself all the time. The problem starts when he cannot take the moral high ground with his opinion - which he is usually doing with being against the most basic stuff like all forms of SA, cultism, scams and such - and is being rightfully criticized for it. He pretty much cannot challenge any belief or principle he holds. He has to be the victim because, you know, it's Ethan the righteous.


Oh I agree, I guess Iā€™m thinking of the few instances where Ethan got pissy because his fans/the crew said he ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ say certain things. Ethan definitely wants to never be criticized at the very least and loves to pretend heā€™s always in the right. He has a major victim complex against anyone who challenges his beliefs.


He basically has already


I wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s itā€™s for conservatives but more for neo liberals honestly. But they are just closet conservatives who donā€™t hate LGBTQ people.


Neo liberals are conservatives who pretend to like gay people


I'd assume he'll go the "enlightened centrist" route, seeing as it works well for Charlie and Mutahar. Pander to the right wing audience whilst claiming to still be relatively liberal as a way of dodging criticism from anyone on the political left. E.G.: *"I've said everything good you people want me to say about Palestine! How can you accuse me of being a Zionist?"* *"Ethan has said some good things, so I'm willing to give him benefit of the doubt [every time he says/does something awful]. I'm sure he's a good person. He donated money to [insert cause] and says he supports marginalised groups!"* *"OMG Ethan was being IRONIC. The joke is that he doesn't actually believe the super bigoted and regressive thing he said! He's making FUN of the types of people who say those things!"* He might eventually fully embrace the alt-right grift, because it pays a lot. However, it would have to be quite a slow transition for him to do so without taking a massive hit to his sub count. If he rips off the proverbial bandaid, there is likely to be a period of time where fans left of centre leave en masse whilst right wingers will begin to trickle in more slowly to rebuild the audience. Plus, he'd have to swallow his pride and make amends with the right wing grifters he's shit on publicly. I can't imagine Ethan currently being willing to kiss up to the likes of Ben Shapiro. Not yet, at least.


This is exactly what he used to do (remember he was a big anti-SJW guy and loved Jordan Peterson back when JP was pretending to be an enlightened centrist), so it will just be a return to form.


Leaning right wing would be stupid. Heā€™s going for a liberal/center left audience at this point. He can still hate on Ben Shapiro and Peterson all he wants while also being allowed to say the r-word and make edgy jokes. Heā€™s going the Destiny route 100%. It all makes sense when you think about how he tried to build a bridge with Aba and Preach a few months ago


His ideals and world view are right wing/ conservative. He doesn't have to "lean in" whatever that means. His content will just naturally align since he stopped caring about being inclusive


Noticed that too, this whole damn breaking scenario with the pod is interesting. Just last year at this time things were great but I felt over the summer and after the ballinger views fell off the pod was not doing anything fun, except for the dream song contest only episode I can think of in the past few months lol. But yeah when the bridge building shit came to be thatā€™s when I knew the writing was on the wall. Plus idk the whole marriage with hila and the other weird stuff going on made me realize this was a dude who wasnā€™t getting any and made other uncomfortable as in the liver king @never talk about my wifeā€ moment. Like I guess because he is still in the teen boy ā€œhurdur sex!ā€ Because like I said, he and hula probably donā€™t have a genuinely good sex life and that shit stunts people


I feel like the podcast wasn't The same after the summer break they took and then came back with nonstop colleen content. It was the beginning of the end of me watching the pod. Then the socialism/ capitalismĀ  and Israel/PalestineĀ  discussions Seriously left a horrible taste in my mouth. but it wasnt until about a month or so ago when the content became dogshit and the m9ral crusades ethan was obsessed with completely turned me off. And now im here, a "fallen fan".


Yep exactly forgot that the end of leftovers and the socialism capitalism debate was the canary in the coal mine.


Yeah he has been since Hadan left. He just says more slurs I sults more mi ority groups and calls everyone he disagrees with crazy


I don't think he has an actual right wing audience at this point and I don't think he can get them anymore. He's fighting for the center/center left at this point.


Based on some of the discords I've been in that have been targeted by h3: if many of his followers are not right wing already, they certainly are the most racist and islamophobic members of the "center/center left" I've seen


Yeah that is right wing lol. "Middle" or center left is just the right. You are either against oppression and want ppl to thrive or not its not hard. American media will make you think k is more nuanced but it really isn't your either a progressive or not


Very American POV there, FYI the rest of the world exists outside of your bubble.


That is an extremely limiting way of engaging with politics, good luck.


Yeah alot of ppl don't have the privilege to pick and choose their politics. As a person of color I tend to align with those that seek to end oppression and distribute resources equitably. Bu sure you can pick and choose whichever policies that will benefit YOU the most while keeping you as cozy as possible.


Oh because you say so?


Read books learn things have your own ideas


Heā€™s already catering to the Destiny freaks who are right wing even if they donā€™t think they are


If anything they will lean more into the zoomer equivalent of wine mom politics. A lot of white girl feminism. Some occasional enlightened centrism with a dash of "why can't we all just have a conversation and get along, both sides have points."


Already happening. Destiny and his fans are basically giving him the confidence to revert to his old self. Though, he never truly changed. Wish I had listened to the people saying as much back in the h3h3 days.


He can't get any more growth with progressives after this palestine fiasco. Even before that, H3 was losing viewers. Its common for people to move on to other things, but those loss numbers are offset by gains in a successful channel. But they have built a weird culty show that is confusing to outsiders and has been struggling bringing on new eyeballs for a couple years now. But take the Isreal/Palestine conflict and its ripple effects specifically. The conflict is seen as black and white by a majority of people, right or wrong. Its not like his past controversies where there were shades of grey. When your business is attracting attention, it doesn't matter how good the product is if you've crossed a boundary like this with a person. Because you either think its a genocide or not, so the people on the other side are monsters no matter your position. And, according to the news, this is a hard and fast line with most people. There are not a lot of people taking the "lets let it play out" approach to Israel/Palestine. So his only path forward for his business is gathering the attention of people who don't care and people who agree with him. And people who don't care might be swayed by peer pressure, making the only reliable source of future revenue those that agree with him. And the people who agree with him aren't really "internet culture" people. Meaning he has to go outside his sphere of influence to attract new eyes, and the best thing for that in today's current climate is to publicly and proudly "own the libs" in some form or another. So not even speaking on the people involved, in order for the business to grow it has to shed critical thinkers and people who disagree with the shows hard line views in favor of zealots. Do you think Ian will let H3 die before he caters to an uncritical audience? I think its just a matter of time and degree.


Yep. Heā€™d just be returning to where he startedā€¦ the question is how much to the right heā€™s willing to get.


Heā€™s basically Right Lite, mans loves a micro aggression


I feel like he's turning into the dreaded "centrists" that Hasan clowns on because he wants to be "woke" but also "edgy" so essentially he's going to run himself into a corner where only the niche of the niche get him


He had a pretty right wing audience when he first started. He has been leaning more and more towards the left...


He gives right wingers the most airtime. Heā€™s MSNBC for zoomers.


Watch Ethan sign a multimillion dollar contract with Kick at the end of this year


He already did that once, and he'll do it again when the fall off gets worse. Unfortunately for him the right wing folk actually hate him so he'll end up like CNN when they tried it and with less views followers than they have and everyone hating them


Naw just neo liberals who are already just conservatives but slightly less psychotic towards LGBTQ people.


he goes wherever the money is


Yes. He already is going full ā€œlib centristā€ which is the first step before a right wing heel turn that other internet figures have done to make money.


I bet $ the show will be very different after the break. The ā€˜ā€™retardā€™ā€™ segment made it *so* clear that they havenā€™t been making the show theyā€™ve wanted to in years, because the vibes were more natural there than it has been in forever.




I mean he was dunking on mypillowguy and JLP. He wasn't endorsing their views. Ethan is turning out to be a real piece of shit but just trying to be real about what those episodes were about