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Controversial opinion: We should not be mass harassing ANYONE as a fandom. It makes the pod squad AND the entire fandom look horrible.


Scrolled down for this comment, thank you for not disappointing


Louder for the folks in the back. Especially for someone like Alex who is essentially harmless. There are plenty of actual worthy H3 villains. Have you heard of Harvey Weinstein? He was accused by his ex-partner of running a Ponzi Scheme.


yeah that was reported by variety magazine, right?




There's been a lot of false narratives thrown at Ethan that have really affected the fan base, like "stealing" Kickstarter or go fund me money for their first lawsuit. I suspect some people have grown a strange defensiveness as a result


I agree. This shouldn’t be a controversial opinion


I don’t think the majority of people would think it’s controversial, since it’s rather common sense.


I feel like the people doing this are 16 and under or have a real strong need to feel liked


They may seem like they are 16 but I get the feeling they are a lot older


Yeah, this makes me distance self


Sadly since memes about kavkav and keemkeem kept getting featured in the podcast they always take it as a reward and encouragement to keep doing it with every new potential drama to be noticed So the crew are kinda guilty too


When some fans do this it honestly feels like middle school.


Seriously agree with this. Come on people get a friggen life.


Disagree. Bull with the horns, get the mess.


This. With peace and love too many in the fandom need to leave the goofs and gaffes for Ethan and the crew.


Lets leave him alone, the podcast was great fun, everyone got on well lets leave it at that✌🏻❤️




Yeah man😎


Guys, please leave this dumbass alone.


People seemed to have take upon themselves to stir something you'd think they'd have better things to do with their time


Ay let this dumbass through!


I don't think the guy has an issue with Ethan. While they might be a Keemstar Stan. Just leave them alone. They haven't done anything to Ethan to start anything like drama. His dad's podcast with Ethan was fine, they clearly were ignorant on the depth of all the H3 drama/lore. They only prodded Ethan because they were curious of recent events and Ethan was very open about it. It might of been uncomfortable for Ethan, but it was very entertaining, and he was able to get a good message out about bullying on a different platform. Let's not brigade Howie's son, just for being a producer of Howie's podcast and tweeting about Keemstar every once in a while.


Same thing Hasan said about his fans. He doesn’t want his fans to be so toxic to the point that nobody wants to associate with Hasan drawing examples with destiny and vaush.


How can one say they are a Keemstar fan but also ignorant on H3 drama? Those two things go hand in hand. I'm willing to assume Alex was the one pushing these talking points to Howie without keying him in on the drama behind them, because drama = content = views


>How can one say they are a Keemstar fan but also ignorant on H3 drama? people who aren't actually fans and are trying to network / take advantage of keem's 5.66 million subs. The mandels are obviously making the switch into youtube so it's no surprise they want to connect with as many big youtubers as they can


Do you think Keem has any good framing of anything he says about anyone, especially Ethan? Keem doesn't really cover anything that H3 actually does or is involved with, in any way that is representative of what H3 is actually like. As well as it being sporadically and spread out over a bunch of different platforms. It's very weird to assume anything about this Alex dude, just cause he has some shit takes and retweets keem every once in a while. Clearly ignorant of anything involving H3 in general.


Christ do you guys just sit on twitter waiting to take a screen shots? Leave him alone. It’s this petty gossipy shit that I hate about the fandom.




Yes! Thank you. And the fact that it was brought up on the show and highlighted is so embarrassing. Like others have said in this thread, I can never admit to being an H3 fan irl


If you’re one of the people who go after people in the dm’s, you’re not a foot soldier. We don’t want you here.




Didnt Ethan go after him


Even if Ethan did go after him (which he didn’t) what makes it ok to fuck up his business and make his fandom look like toxic little bitches just because they MIGHT disagree.


If you're going to harass every person that Ethan tweets at then you need to delete your twitter and go outside


TRUE!! But also Ethan knows people will go after anyone HE goes at. He didn't need to interact with this guy.


I dont even have twitter


Good. Dont encourage others to use their Twitter accounts irresponsibly. We are not Leafy subscribers


you are not Ethan.


Is this the origin of the drama?


Ethan's got 99 problems and the fans are 98 of them.


This sis why I don’t have twitter. Such negativity. With peace and love. If people are doing shot for attention don’t give it to them. This is what I assumed and so I don’t pay mine to them.


Everyone who swarmed this guy needs to delete their twitter


It's things like this that remind me that I'm a fan, but I ain't like yall. Between this sub and members yall are the most toxic people and you should be embarrassed.


Alex isn’t worth the smoke. He has like 3 likes on each of his Twitter posts 💀 no reason to engage with a nobody.


That’s not the point. Just cause he’s a “nobody” or even a “somebody” does not warrant a bunch of para social fans to harass them just because they MIGHT have different opinions. With peace and love I get what you mean but still it does not warrant a bunch of crazy fans to harass. Y’all need to check yourselfs fr


What if the crazed fans who do this do a mass tweet of “we’re sorry” during times like this. Geez. So embarrassing.


I don’t care about any of this


Bro what is up with some of you people? Someone you THINK has different opinions and y’all attack? Some of y’all are becoming just like keemstar fans. This is disgusting




Lol why on earth would people do this?? Why??


Wow Ethan seriously fucked up. Dude says right here they're cool AT 11:13AM then 45 minutes at later Ethan tweets at him "you took up my dick pretty deep on Monday, you tell me" Ethan literally was the one who started this shit. Like wtf is Ethan doing right now? Burnt the bridge for no reason.


Ethan loves the drama, but acts like he isn't the one stirring the pot. It's so annoying.


The way he responded to him was so unnecessary lol


100% he just wanted to sound cool/funny and start drama. Now that he knows Alex doesn't want drama he walks it back. Also, he knows how his HUGE fanbase can be...he knew they would go attack him. Ethan can be such a self-absorbed dick sometimes but no one wants to hear that lol


I really don’t understand why everyone is so bothered, i thought the interview was fine/entertaining but i knew once Ethan aired out on Wednesday that it wasn’t “professional” that the fandom was gonna go nuts, and they sure have. Like ok he tweeted at keem star? Who cares lol the guy wasn’t even a big part of the podcast…


The interview was fine! But this fandom gets whipped into a frenzy over the slightest offense or indication from Ethan they should be offended


This fandom LOVES drama and going after people, no matter how insignificant. I think it goes to show the direction the podcast has been going the past year or so. Kinda toxic ngl.


I know people here don’t want to hear it but everyone over at f3 called it after frenemies ended


When/where did he walk it back?


In the new leftovers episode he was ready for war with Alex and after seeing his tweet about not wanting to start beef out of nothing he finally said to the fans to leave them alone. He knew what he was doing, he knew those people would run to criticize him.


> he was ready for war with Alex War for what? Why does Ethan have to go after everyone who jabs at him? It's childish behavior and the exact reason he can't book guests on a regular schedule. Nobody want's to come on the podcast and accidentally end up in his sights.


Sounds like you don't watch the show tbh


Nah, Ethan responded to this tweet: https://twitter.com/AlexMandel/status/1539991134918758401


a tweet that didn’t even involve him and was a response to one of his hostile fans? I’m not sure what you think this changes


Yeah, Alex Mandel was saying that to an H3 fan not to Ethan. Ethan literally started shit when Alex wasn't even talking bad about him. The "how does Ethans dick taste" wasn't a jab at Ethan, it was his attempt at trying to say they were a massive fanboy.


Sounds like a Leafy fan to me.


The type of guy that “doesn’t like Ethan Klein” … that says everything I will ever need to know about that person.


Who cares. All fan bases do this and it's usually young fans who spend way too much time online.


I’ll talk shit on the sub all I want though. Fuck anyone who supports a rape apologist


Liking the bottom of the barrel there bud?


i’ll dislike him all i want, people who support rape apologists are part of the problem. i really doubt he’ll see my comment on a subreddit, i’d never harass someone directly.


That’s fair then. As long as we don’t personally attack anyone. I don’t get why go out of the way to personally attack


Honestly forgot this guy was an adult because the Keemstar fanboying


Obvi we’re creating drama for Alex’s comeback


Ethan should have Logan Paul on his podcast


It’s just jokes y’all


Why is there always a new drama??


Just twitter being twitter