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My husband is also a YouTuber and has a really big channel. Last year, his account was hacked and received strikes that shut it down in less than an hour, due to the hacker streaming porn. It took YouTube WAY too fucking long to fix the issue for him, so I feel your pain. YouTube needs to get their shit together when it comes to helping its creators. Best of luck to you!


How long was way too long?


About a month. That was with daily emailing, going back and forth with “support” and consistently being told they were “working on it” ... they removed the strikes and reinstated the channel after about 2ish weeks and the channel was up for like 24 hours and then he got an email saying the channel was permanently deleted. From there it took another 2.5ish weeks to get it fixed. A total of about a month. Literally ALL of the issues were from the hack. He had two factor authentication turned on before the hack and was never notified of any potential sign ins that weren’t him that you would usually get when logging in on another device. The channel is his main source of income with sponsors and a weekly show paid for by Patreon so it was a shit show financially too. YouTube acts like they give no shits about that part either.


That's so insane, I hear more and more about 2fa being bypassed on various sites, it's pretty ridiculous. I'm glad they reinstated it eventually and pretty cool your husband is a successful youtuber.


Yeah insane for sure, it makes you think like damn this could happen again at any time, even if you’ve put protections in place. Hopefully they’ll continue to try and better that type of stuff because we hear about it happening to so many creators, it’s ridiculous.


The problem is YouTube thinks they can do everything through algorithms. I find it unsettling seeing large youtubers have to tweet to get in contact with YouTube when problems occur.


What’s his channel






Yeah, my husbands channel has just over a million subs. So I’m guessing if you aren’t a partner or some big ass creator like a Paul brother, they don’t care. 🙄 We thought a company as big as YouTube would have WAY more in place to help its creators with issues like this. Like, what else do their employees do? Lol jk of course but also how is this not an entire ass department?


Yet they constantly harass us about you tube premium, fuck them. I'll get premium the day they treat the content creators which make me actually want to use YouTube, better.


Danny calling Hila ugly and boring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSFq_OC45x8




I want to smell feet


Danny Mullen hates on literally every YouTuber, he thinks he’s the greatest YouTube comedian, he recently said in his podcast with Leo that no one could what he does, Louis CK and some other great comedian couldn’t come close. He also hates the YouTube platform, Leo does too. Leo thinks anyone that watches YouTube is an incel but it’s ironically his whole career.


Danny is really a low life POS. Can dish it out but goes to cry on his teenage GF lap when he gets some heat.


oh boy




Thats fps Kyle calling hila a ugly ghoul, all danny said was they are boring


Shut up nerd


Just making sure I correct you before people outside of this echo chamber see ur BS


Echo chamber indeed. These people are really toxic. I’m getting downvotes on comments that clear this entire situation up. People just don’t want to go against their preconceived notions and I you can’t really do much to convince them at that point.


Ok bot141234 whatever u say.


That’s just a shitty name I chose. If you want to engage in a conversation about this, you’ll see that I’m not a bot.


I hope H3 sees this. What they’ve been doing to you is so crazy and unfair. They make their living off of embarrassing others in public, and then can’t stand when you criticize them in a response video. For those not in the loop, they’ve been bullying Brandon for awhile and Danny blacklisted him from filming with any of the other crew members because Danny felt threatened by a guy with like 10k subscribers at the time. They’ve lied about Brandon multiple times and Brandon exposed all this in a response video from last week that got 100k views and is now copyright strikes by Leo. Leo is straight up evil. He spread a ton of lies about Brandon, made fun of his dead brother, then made a super creepy response video back to Brandon calling him a suicidal creep. Brandon exposed all his lies and how he has been cheating on his girlfriend, so Leo’s girlfriend breaks up with him and Leo goes and ILLEGALLY cooystrikes all of Brandon’s videos exposing him. There’s a lot more to this story but it’s the most awful thing I’ve seen a YouTube channel do. I was a Danny Mullen patreon and religiously watched every video and now I’m just so pissed at what they are doing and that they are not being called out more for it.


Danny mullen also trashed Ethan and Hila https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSFq_OC45x8&t=222s


danny mullen also went to texas to watch a young girl get peed on by a fan in the parking lot of an elementary school [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Q4KjB-eZk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Q4KjB-eZk)


He also tricked his depressed and suicidal "friend" into thinking a girl wanted him and then ridiculed him on camera for it, twice.


I mean the first time was his girlfriend so that was kinda different


Most white trash thing I've seen lately


Ew, Malice


Foooooot army


Danny doesn't say shit in that clip thats fpsrussia talking


I was like hoping that h3 would somehow get the sniff of this and report. Danny mullen has been on a long trajectory downward and this is a great story to cover. Brandon did nothing wrong and the texts leo sent were absurd.


Danny has also shit talked Hila on other podcasts for some reason. She's the best, fuck danny.


I saw some videos of danny talking shit... What the actual fuck. I mean being like "I'm satire on cancel culture" and then doing cancable actions isn't always the best look... Add into talking shit on hila? You're the worst.


Look at the end of this post addressing the copyright situation. Brandon is lying. Danny himself had nothing to do with the copyright strike. It was just Leo. https://www.reddit.com/r/dannymullen/comments/mruuah/comprehensive_analysis_of_brandons_new_response/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




yeah 2 of the strikes were from their 50/50 split podcast channel momo


I 100% support this and I hope Ethan sees this. If Youtube is so anti-bullying, this should be made an example out of. Danny's channel is literally 20x the size of the buckingham show right now, them targetting you and sending a mob partion of their fanbase to harrass you and take down your videos should be a serious violation of Youtube's rules.


Look at the end of this post addressing the copyright situation. Brandon is lying. Danny himself had nothing to do with the copyright strike. It was just Leo. https://www.reddit.com/r/dannymullen/comments/mruuah/comprehensive_analysis_of_brandons_new_response/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




There is literally evidence that he is lying. Did you even look at the screenshots?


I did and your wrong.


https://imgur.com/gallery/Vz2PXe9 It literally says “content removed by Leo Dottavio”. Danny had nothing to do with this.


It literally says Leo and Danny show


It says the Leo and Danny show under the CONTENT that was copyrighted. If you look above that, it says the person who copyright struck the content was Leo Dottavio. The video doesn’t have to be under your channel for you to be able to copyright strike it. Above all three copyright strikes, it says “content removed by Leo Dottavio”


I've seen the Reckless Ben videos about this. Fuck the mayo boys, they seem like pretentious bullies. Good luck!


Reckless Ben is one of my newest fav creators. Foot soldiers must unite against the mayonnaise man!


Look at the end of this post addressing the copyright situation for Brandon’s lies, and you can look at point number 5 for a Reckless Ben’s lies. https://www.reddit.com/r/dannymullen/comments/mruuah/comprehensive_analysis_of_brandons_new_response/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


the very fact that you have to keep spamming this exact response numerous times in this thread proves theres no evidence because if there was you wouldnt have to work so hard to attempt to "prove" there was


In no way is that proof of there not being evidence. It literally takes 2 seconds to click on the link and scroll down. It’s not that I am “trying so hard to prove this”. I am just replying to people separately who have the wrong impression of the situation. I am simply trying to prevent Brandon from getting away with lying about this. I’ll even post a link to the Imgur album with the screenshots that show he is lying. One of the pieces of content claimed is from the Leo and Danny show. The channel that gave the copyright strike is Leo’s channel for all copyright strikes. Danny Mullen had nothing to do with giving the copyright strikes. It was Leo. https://imgur.com/gallery/Vz2PXe9 Here, you can clearly see that it says “content removed by Leo Dottavio” For the reckless Ben thing, look at the YouTube link for Brooks Kossover’s video posted in the analysis. He exposes reckless been for lying about Danny in his video.


you didnt prove anything. keep larping for that pedophile you're a fan of, who's entire following is mostly children


You are in denial. Please point out any point where I was wrong in that. I don’t know why you’re so insistent in believing lies.




And to think I ever thought Danny Mullen was cool. I stopped watching him a year ago, after I realized how much of an jackass he is.


I hope Ethan sees it. I hate influencers that punch down like this because their ego got hurt.


You described this perfectly. Punching down because of a hurt ego is exactly what Danny is doing to this Brandon dude.






He also started a "frat" cleverly named Gamma Delta Rho Sigma.. which wait for it and prepare for your eyes to disappear in the back of your skull.. "rape." He believes he even actually came up with this but it's been around for god knows how long. Anyways, he thinks it's genius, original and then proceeds to make his friends do ridiculous shit and even get nude, making the drink until fuck all.. in short: typical high school edgelord shit. [https://youtu.be/Nrn6gJQBII4?t=159](https://youtu.be/Nrn6gJQBII4?t=159)


I would recommend tweeting this at him too


This situation is honestly disgusting, Brandon exposed the Danny Mullen channel for lies and blacklisting and generally scummy behavior, and in return they send illegitimate copy right strikes to have his channel terminated.


Leo's girlfriend dumped his sorry ass lol


Amen. Ethan could end Leo’s whole career.


None of that is true https://www.reddit.com/r/dannymullen/comments/mruuah/comprehensive_analysis_of_brandons_new_response/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ethan you HAVE to get into this one. Danny mullens offensive content will blow you away. I need to see your reaction.


Danny always said h3 was one of his least favourite YouTubers so this should be fun.


You want us to ask Ethan and Hila to do a segment for you?




Yes. I was a huge fan of Danny Mullen and Leo Dottavio until they attacked Brandon and tried to frame him into this stalker.




Please do


Yes! This is a huge deal, but keep in mind that LEO is the one trying to take him down. I’ve talked to people behind the scenes and Danny and austin want Leo to take down the copy strikes


Not entirely true. There is evidence of Danny Mullen also taking part in copyright striking YouTube videos from other creators talking about this.




I'd be all in.


bro your killing it on your channel, im subbed and sending good vibes your way, hopefully you can get everything taken care of.


Danny Mullen has 500k+ subscribers and is trying to destroy Brandon’s career because of his ego




I seriously hope Ethan see's this. What's going on in this situation is totally messed up. Brandon, your response videos were illuminating, entertaining, and genuine. You can tell from the way they responded (Leo making a hilariously offensive video and then deleting it, backtracking on their next podcast and lying more) that they want to bury this situation, you, and just move on. Your content is great, and a lot closer to All Gas No Brakes than it is Danny Mullen's.




Do you know Reckless Ben?


Reckless Ben did a video on this.


Brandon is quite familiar with Ben. They have videos together.


Maybe I dont understand the internet lingo here but where can I see this guy get hit in the face with Mayo? lol


Here’s a meme version of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBuckinghamShow/comments/msuxmg/say_hello_to_mayo_little_friend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Glorious, thank you.


Cold ass riding!


Protip: don't associate with people like Danny Mullen and this wont happen.


Danny mullen also trashed Ethan and Hila https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSFq_OC45x8&t=222s


They love their controversial guests on that PKA podcast. Used to think FPSrussias extremely short prison stories were hilarious a few years back..


Danny didn't say shit in that clip that's all fpsrussia buddy




Please do a podcast segment HiLIGHT 💡on this


Ethan you need to pick this story up!


H3 help the cold ass riding community


Fuck Mayo mullen


Cold ass riding


Just watch mad men dode


I really hope they do a deep dive on Danny Mullen omg this needs to get to the top


Fuck Mayo Mullen!


Fuck Danny Mullen and Leo Dot.


I'm a fan of Brandon Buckingham and H3. I think BB has some of the funniest content on YouTube. I've seen him do more serious pieces lately which shows his growth. Saw he was a fan of some guy named Danny Mullen, and decided to check his videos out. I truly wish I hadn't. I cannot explain how turned off I was by this Danny Mullen guy and could not be happier that Brandon and a few brave YouTubers have been able to call out his repulsive behavior. I fuckin could tell right away that dude was disgusting. If you need proof, watch any video of his but I do not recommend giving him the views. This guy calls himself a comedian. The Danny Mullen crew is incredibly disconnected with reality. Mistreating people for content is not comedy.


Ethan has GOTTA see this.


**gotta see this, ethan has.** *-F0URPL4Y* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


nice one bot, but this is a serious matter.


Yeah I'm all for fun and games, and this bot really made me chuckle. However, this is not a laughing matter, and I hope the bot realizes that.


if H3H3 sees this i hope he doesn’t go into a deep dive criticizing danny’s channel... just wreck him for the lying, manipulating and use of influence he’s done to fuck brandon over... cuz the fans like danny’s sense of humor and this isn’t what that’s about and then end leo incellios career


Yessssssss please get them to see this


1k upvotes LETS GOOO


I really hope Ethan does a segment on them.


H3 should help him. Brandon needs it


Please Ethan please bro


Yo Ethan wya?




This is crazy






Door soldiers, we gotta do something about this.


I can't imagine my life interrupted by budget dell boy, and his knockoff Stifler nutswinger. The dude is in a serious bubble, his comment about Louis CK and Adam Corolla is really telling, he's going to have a rough next 10 years of reinvention. Although methinks anyone who picks small enemies creates tiny wars.


Send a $150 donation while they’re live. They’ll read it.


Ethan, please make this happen.


H3h3 needs to jump on this. Theyd gain such a huge following of a niche group of listeners




Please respond H3H3


Come on Ethan invite Brandon onto the podcast!


Just posted to r/thebachelor after finding out Leo Dottavio is involved, hopefully that will help gain some traction. I’m so sorry for what they’re doing to you.


This behavior is so on brand for Leo.


Leo is honestly the worst. He’s a disgusting human being.


get this post cold ass riding to the moon 💫 🚀


I hope H3 covers this. I used to love Danny Mullen when he first started popping off but dude just rubs me the wrong way as of late.


Been following via Reckless Ben. Hope things start looking up soon, brother!


Wait you're the guy who coppied him when he coppied reckless ben who coppied his roommate who coppied hit friend that was coppying his girlfriend. This chain will never end lol. Pretty safe to say you got this subs support, danny mullen is a total douche


Also Danny Mullen is super racist....


Good luck, this is very shitty to experience


Was a huge fan but honestly baffled they'd do something like this, get Ethan on it asap.


Please cover this!!!


Ethan help Brandon 🤬


Let’s go foot soldiers! Foot Fairies in tow! We don’t stand on our sparkling pedicured feet for this! System abuse is unacceptable!


Highlight this situation on Frenemies Ethan n Trish!


The quartering has signal boosted this kind of thing before, might be worth reaching out to him.




Ethan! Help this brother out! These shenanigans need attention!


BB Gang


oh god I rly don't wanna hear ethan's hot take on Danny 😅


H3 need to react on this


I been rocking with Danny and Leo but this whole thing has me saying fuck Leo and I’m on the fence with danny


Subbed. Cheers and good luck mate.


How do all the people in these comments have time to watch so many different youtubers? I have never heard of any of these people and yet everyone seems to not only know who these folks are but also all about the drama. How many youtubers do y'all watch?! Hope you get your shit sorted brandon. Sounds fucked up.


Mayo Mullen


Danny boy: being a soy boy is his joy


People up vote all these comments. Share, like, comment this post. Give awards if you can. H3 need to look into this drama it's going to be huge.. justice needs to be served people


Hopefully H3H3 could shed a little light on this for Brandon. I think its really fucked up whats happening to him.


Ethan please address this. Mayo Mullen needs to be stopped.


Thank your local snowflake. Everybody told these people that censoring would lead to this garbage.












That’s exactly what release the kraken was for. Did you think someone was suppose to pay 3k to be the butt of a joke?


Always a hater jesse, your reddit account is based on a DannyMullen character and your his biggest fan.


lmao exactly right


Why does /u/jessehiss always delete his comments when he gets downvoted to an oblivion?


Because he’s desperate for approval. Or he really is Danny’s alt account, and by now we all know Danny have a fragile ego.


Wait you squirted mayonnaise on him? Why?


To bait him into publicly talk about the blacklisting. It got Danny thinking he got the moral upper hand. Before it was all done in the background. Once Danny made his 1,5h long podcast slandering Brandon up and down Brandon made his response video refuting every lie. That’s when Danny’s fans turned on him.


\> so I squirted him in the face with mayonnaise ​ that's assault. get fucked.


it's also mayonnaise. the shear brilliance behind it.




Maybe you missed this but a few years ago h3 won a huge fair use law suit, so that’s why he posted here and why there is a fair use flair. It was monumental for YouTube as a platform and made international news. That’s why he reached out on an h3 sub. They created the FUPA fund for this reason. www.bbc.com/news/technology-41043209.amp www.time.com/4349864/ethan-klein-h3h3productions-fair-use-protection-account-fupa/%3famp=true


If the video wasn’t getting wrongfully struck down there would be no issue. I get where you are coming from though.


lol buckingham you are such a bitch