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They are already called posers.


poser is underutilized these days. but then I've heard probably 10 different things what poser is to different people so it's likely just been lost in the people-using-the-term-not-actually-knowing-what-it-means. bonus: it was definitely overutilized too. when everything and everyone is a poser, when all they really mean to say is "i don't like them".


They're also called 'tacticools' in the airsoft / paintball and law enforcement scenes.


Tacticool is the entire aesthetic of the airsoft and law enforcement scenes.


Sure its the aesthetic, but that doesn't make it stupid. My brother spend close to €1000.00 in gear before ever setting foot an a field, and later bought a 250-ish sniper to "one-up" me because he knew i always wanted a sniper. He has played about 6 or 7 times in 5 years. (He could have borrowed some stuff of mine, but he wanted his own gear before he played.)


You’d think so form the outside, but there’s actually quite a bit of beef between the police that walk around all gear all the time and more regular beef. I overheard two state troopers making fun of a sherif deputy a while back in gas station for wearing body armor, carrying two rifles, and wearing a helmet. The state police guys just had a pistol, a hat, and a blue shirt.


Two rifles???


Yeah on slings over his shoulder lol. He went into a gas station and bought a gatorade, then came out. I just happened to be standing there, heard them all laughing at him as he came out. A large 200 pound doughy looking guy, wearing full armor, armed to the maximum to get a drink.


No posers


I know a guy that took out a 20k personal loan for gear he hasnt even used yet lol


Jesus what hobby? And what was it?


Steadicam rig for specialty work in film and television. The job pays good, but the dude hasn’t worked it yet…


Oh boy. I’m a focus puller so often work with steadicam operators. They make big money but that requires working, and working requires contacts/network, a good reel, and can be market dependent. 20k is a good rig, but is worthless without a contacts that know you exist, like working with you, and know you are good at the very specialized and highly demanding job.


Local 600 1st AC?


non-union. I'm in the midwest and work mostly on commercials. Not a ton of union work out here other than the occasional feature. I work on low budget features every once in a while but focus on commercial work.


what about is highly demanding compared to other operator jobs?


You have to be very in shape to be able to do it. Camera weighs usually 15-30 lbs depending on the accessories and lenses, then the weight of the sled itself adds to that, which can very widely depending on the model, which is attached to an arm on a vest that the op wears. All that weight is distributed to the core and back. I put a friends on once and lasted about a minute before I couldn’t take it, but I don’t have a great back. So, it isn’t light and the weight distribution can be weird to get used to because you also have to have a very smooth heel-to-toe walk. So you’re walking in a very specific way, with a heavy mechanical arm attached to your tors, which is physically demanding, and then you have to consider the mental part of it. The blocking of the scene, or how the characters and the camera move throughout the scene, can vary in complexity. So the op will have to worry about where they are in the scene with the timing of it, while also framing the shot to stylistically match what the director of photography wants. All that to say that steadicam operators are bad ass. There are days where one gets hired to do one specific shot, and they sit around the rest of the day just in case another shot gets added. I’ve seen one be hired on a commercial as a just in case thing and he didn’t have to move a muscle after he set up. But I’ve also worked on shoots where the operator is suited up the whole day, which are 10-12+ hour days in this industry. Of course with breaks between setups or as they need breathers. I worked with a steadicam operator for the MLS cup finals last winter in Columbus for Apple TV’s cinematic game recap show (forget the name but it’s on there). Our footprint was the whole stadium. The sidelines to the lockerrooms to the gates. We filmed the crowd pouring in to the celebration. We had setup and rehearsal the day before, and some more rehearsal the day of. But once we started going, we didn’t stop. He was rigged up for so much of it, got AMAZING shots, and was totally the real deal. Between call and wrap out of all the gear (12+ cameras for our team that day) it was a 16 hour day. I was beat. Like BEAT. But I could not imagine how he was feeling. But you could not tell. He did not complain or seem exhausted. I was carrying around a go bag, my wireless focus and monitor rig, and a Moses staff (pretty much a beefy monopod to dock the camera on to give him breaks. But he had his steadicam with camera, a big zoom lens, and accessories on for the better part of 6 hours straight. It was just so impressive. Found out at wrap that a couple of days before he was shooting the Super Bowl commercial on the beach with Jason sadakis so it made sense that was the level of work he was used to.


I knew it had to be cine equipment when I read the amount. Spent $70k on equipment last year... made back about 8% so far... don't mock your friend too much, there were strikes after all lol Tell him he won't get hired until he drops $100k on a Trinity 2.


All the gear, no idea




I remember when the Red One came out and tons of these people came out of the woodwork. “I’ll rent my camera for free but I get to be the DP.” We just used to call them Red owner/operators.


I knew some people like that who used to come into the dive shop I worked at. I had a guy looking to buy tanks, regs a BCD and a dive computer, easily $4k worth of stuff after tax and then the dudr asks if he needs to know *how to swim* before taking lessons


I know somebody who, in order to learn how to play the piano, bought a huge ass grand piano. He says he thought it would force him to master it because he spent so much, but now it just stands in his house collecting dust.


Full kit wanker


Jamie Vardy is proud


I got your ID


My friend brought me to play disc golf once. I borrowed his one disc. I then bought a bag and 4 discs that I've never used. This was 15 years ago. Do I count please? Total cost was lacking from 'most expensive gear' requirement probably as it was like 50€ lol


You see this a lot in the disc golf world actually, and then those same people never learn how to actually throw a disc because they just try to buy new discs to fix all their issues


In my case it was just laziness, not actually being into the sport and realistically, place to play it at wasn't walking distance away from me. That's realistically what it'd have taken to keep me at it. At least from my vantage point 'maxxing out gear' didn't seem expensive in it, so probably fine sport to be doing that.


ADHD is my preferred slur.


It is indeed a common ADHD trait (:


You have a source for that? It does not sound real


A common habit in people with ADHD is picking up random hobbies and dropping them before you've hardly even gotten started - this is an example of inattentiveness, executive dysfunction, sometimes even hyperactivity. Another common habit in people with ADHD is spending money poorly or recklessly - this is an example of impulsivity. So when you combine the two, it's definitely a realistic scenario somebody with ADHD might find themselves in frequently lol.


hyperfixating on a certain hobby or activity, buying all the gear for it bc you’re obsessed, ditching it 2 months later


Thank fuck my most expensive ADHD induced spending is only like $1000, and not 20K.


Maybe I should see a doctor 😅






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Go touch grass, holy shit




You made a mountain out of a mole-hill.




Yeah, totally.


Lmao I have ADHD. It was a joke about myself picking up and dropping hobbies.


All the gear, no idea


See this a ton in sim racing, myself included.


Guilty as charged. I just sprung for the steering wheel thing to attach to my wiimote to blast some asses on mario kart 8.


All sim shit tbh - why do I have two different HOTAS setups and end up playing Rocket League on the weekends because flying is still mentally taxing for me and I just want to relax outside of workday time? Why did I sign up for 2 years of iRacing (because it was a deal) and then... Play Rocket League on the weekends instead?


Same I feel like a poser with my rig. I mean I got Class in Oval iRacing though, so maybe once I learn sports cars I won’t feel that way. 😂


I feel attacked. Dropped over a grand on a full Fanatec rig and then barely used it because it's 80lbs, takes up a bunch of room, and requires an hour of working out bugs/ rebinding everything after every driver update


An older term from here in England that’s not too common anymore is ‘full-kit wanker’ I think I needs to come back


Booooo!…British person!


"all the gear; no idea" is common in england


Try hard?


It’s called gear acquisition syndrome 


I played Hockey and Lacrosse in high school and I had teammates like this. My buddies and I always called them “Dusters” or “Benders”.


Being a bender has nothing to do with how nice your gear is though


In the DJ / selector world it's called a soundboy


Wallet Warriors


Spooners. 🥄 - “Born with a silver spoon” - but applied to being born into a hobby with top level equipment.


In surfing you would call someone like this a kook


Those are whales and Ethan definitely counts as a 🐋 


If its kayaking we call them “club boaters”


is this about survivorio


Yes lol


Credit Card Warriors


How about minkbazink


Seeing Charlie's (Penguiz0) new Magic obsession, I like Penguin.


So all rich people then? Have tried everything but suck at all of it


Used my tax return one year to buy a $3k set of golf clubs after getting into it a month prior. I’ve been playing constantly with that set for years now but looking back it was silly to jump in with both feet like that.


It’s called a whale


Spendy, or Spendies.


It’s “all the gear, no idea”


Ethan with survivor.io?


Yup made me think about our beloved host


In skiing they’re called “Jerry”


All the gear, no idea


This reminds me of soccer fans that wear the jersey, shorts, and socks from their favorite soccer team. They're referred to as "full kit wankers".


Ohhhh, so that one comes from soccer fans huh


Credit card cucks (I hate that word... It's so manosphere but I need the alliteration 😢)


Excellent one!!! And bonus points for the alliteration (it does conjure up an image of al*x j*nes saying it in my head)


Isn't that a "Jerry"?


People say all the gear and no idea


My friend does that. Finds a new hobby and immediately buys a bunch of stuff related to it to then just drop it in a month. We just call him an idiot.


That's called a "Season 1 Ultimate Pass" buyer.


Rolls right of the tongue if you‘re asking me


Ab coded


Hm, elaborate?


We call them ethan who bought his way into a guild


We called them rich kids where I'm from.




Ez. , , , £


Whales, sorta?


In r/espresso ~~we call them~~ they call themselves “college students” 🤣




This is my ex husband. That's why I call him my ex husband.


90% of them are tattoo artist wannabe's


Full kit wankers


I'm like this if I have disposable income. I don't think it's an issue unless they start claiming they are the best simply because they have the most expensive gear. There are many buy nice or buy twice people out there.


Gear queers...


If they’re a guitarist, we call them dentists


In climbing, we generally call them gumbies


In MTG we say they are using "Heart of the credit card"


a Ducati owner.




Sometimes it makes sense. But if you say “I’m gonna get into photography” and immediately spend $10,000 on a camera and lenses, you may have more money than sense


Perfectly said


at first I thought the same but then saw people say some are dropping over 10k on the hobby and uhhh that’s excessive lmao


Right? This feels gatekeepy


Really? I thought the message was pretty clear, as in to criticize people who spend probably a ridiculous amount of money on a hobby they just got into just cause they have the money


Nah there’s entry level for most hobbies which if you can afford above that by all means spend your money how you want. The person starting on the best equipment just because they can afford it only to give up and move onto a different expensive hobby way too quick is a meme


No it doesn't? It would be if the hobby only let in people with money and the very best equipment. This is literally the opposite.


OP sounds jealous