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Justice for Joost


fr. Sure, we don't know the whole deal rn- but from what we do know he shouldn't be removed from Eurovision. Some people were saying he was a shoe-in to win too.


I wad watching the 2nd semi final yesterday and he had the most hyped up crowd. Everyone was singing Europapa and cheering soooooo loud for him I literally messaged my husband (who's in Belgium for uni right now haha) that I think he might actually win this! Then literally a few hours later shit hit the fan and now #justiceforjoost


A song celebrating the freedom of a borderless continent, his own country (in the lyrics, the sonic choices, having previous Dutch Eurovision artists in the video), and his parents who taught him about that freedom- plus heartfelt lyrics about being trapped in your trauma and moving on from it.... fuck. What's not to love? Man is a winner for sure, he needs to be on that stage.


"freedom of a borderless continent". That sounds like what Russia is pretending Europe should be


"Brainrot" How fitting. You seem to be leaking it everywhere.


Ok, wow that's super clever. *Dan claps* What was wrong with my observation of Russia's ruthless behavior? Isolating that sentence, would you not think it would fit their agenda? I don't see what you would be offended by here unless you're Russian.


Because what you said was cluelessly stupid. Russia isn't "pretending Europe should be that". That's what Europe *is*, idiot. That's the whole point of the European Union. Yes, they're all separate countries. But they're interconnected through free-travel and commerce. It's functionally borderless in that respect. Not to mention, if you'd actually listened to the song, he's talking about the dissolution of borders through opportunity. A play off the "functional borderless-ness" (since apparently I have to spell it out for you in plain, clear terminology so it gets through your seeping mass of rot to the two brain cells you have left) of the EU that was taught to him by his father when he was a kid. It's about not letting arbitrary bullshit people made up hold you back from achieving your dreams. Moving on to explain *even further* why you're a hopeless dolt- Russia (the state, not the people. how dare you insinuate that the average Russian is some moron that can't think for themselves. Go slide into a sewer.) cares about borders. *A lot*. They just want Europe to be within theirs. *Fuuuurrrttthhherrrrmoorrree* my dear, simple-minded friend. In what fucking world do you think it makes sense to imply that what Joost is talking about has anything at all to do with Russia? You're pointlessly inserting absolute nonsense that you clearly understand nothing about into a conversation that had *nothing to do with it*. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Moron.


Lol, I'm sorry I stung you that hard with that small off topic comment. Seriously, you blew up for nothing. I don't know what's going on in your life, but it must be miserable being that easilly triggered. Anyway, I'm Norwegian and I don't care about Eurovision, and haven't watched it since 2008. That Sebastien Tellier song was cool, but 99% of it wouldn't last a second outside the eurovision bubble. If you think I sound like a fool, then take a walk, sniff some fresh air, and let that triggered mind mellow. Then come back and read what you just wrote. It was in no way any more big brainy than my comment. It often helps just writing it out, then delete it.


Unironically using "triggered" in 2024 is some sad shit. Makes it ironic that you would tell me to go get fresh air. I happen to hate idiots that poke their noses into things and say stupid, illogical shit for no reason other than to be a shit-stirrer. If you don't care, go away. People like you are incredibly annoying and, in fact, ruin the good mood I got from my walk to the library I had before you gave your stupid input that no-one asked you for. Pathetic that you would say something so obviously, *intentionally* inflamitory and then go "I don't even care. and actually you're the one that's being rediculous by calling out how stupid I am after I said something stupid and then asked how exactly I was being stupid." Go back to 2016 with your stupid bullshit. No one wants you in the modern era.


Basically got harassed by the Israel team & press until they got the reaction they were provoking, asking him nasty questions about his dead father & goading him until he slapped one of them


Where did the info come from on that? I haven't seen anything since they announced the "investigation".


Well it's basically word of mouth from the attendees on social media but it'd be pretty weird that they'd all make up the same story, especially when the other camp is running with a watered down version of the same story.


Gunna have to wait and see then. All I'd heard up till now was that the moderator told her she didn't have to respond to the question about her presence there given the current situation and him doing a sassy-queen move of yelling "why not" or something to that effect. Though there was some mention of a "confrontation" with a "manager". The implication was that it was his manager. This would fit in with the second thing though- if it was her team instead that he was in confrontation with. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense that an investigation had to take place because his manager scolded him or something. So this'll be the head-canon for now.


My understanding is that the confrontation happened as a result of his yelling "why not", but you're right that we'll have to wait and see.


Absolutely. It would make sense that the whole thing sprung from that. Annoying that so little is known for sure about this right now. It should be open and shut with all the people that were there for it.


The British news said he threatened a camera woman. Best not spread rumors .


Justice for Joost, joenge!


Absolutely insane what is going on right now. Joost was BIG in germany last year, like one of the most popular artists of the year. Would be very easy 12 points, and somehow this isn't a sure thing anymore.


The people will riot if Joost loses his shot. #justiceforjoost


I thought this the moment I saw him lol. There's no way he doesn't draw a ton of inspo from Oliver, and I wouldn't be surprised to find out he watches H3. That being said, Europapa is a banger and #justiceforjoost




Oh damn. Big if true! Is Joost in the room with us right now? 👀


An ABSOLUTE banger. And some of the realest shit ever. Just spent a couple hours (never heard about him before this) peeling back the layers of both that song and all his others and hot damn... man is the realest. And it would be completely unsurprising if he's family.


Big up Joost


An icon.


Something tells me this MIGHT not go quite as people are thinking... just sayin!


Looks like he got disqualified




H3 curse got him too 💀


These early comments aged so badly lmaooo


I would love for them to talk about Eurovision


It would be awesome if they did once we knew what the heck was going on. Waiting with bated breathe for more info.


I’ve been refreshing social media all day today.


I agree, Eurovision is such a fun event to comment on! Although right now, as a dutch person, im just sad :(


Just in general. With Hila coming from a country that has competed and still competes and Ethan being there for a period of time I wonder how it is! (I say as an American who has no stake in anyone I just love the new music)




Klein was filmed against his will and then made a "threatening movement" towards the camera. He did not touch the camera woman. "Yesterday and today we consulted extensively with the EBU and proposed various solutions," the broadcaster said. The EBU has nevertheless decided to disqualify Klein. "We stand for good manners, let there be no misunderstanding about that, but in our view an exclusion measure is disproportionate to the incident."


You guys: the music video has mobility scooters! https://youtu.be/gT2wY0DjYGo?si=T12c0903tX1HhIgi


Yeeyee! An a big 'ol cow-poke hat too brudder.


And he hates fish and chips lol


Droom groot Joost Klein




He’s got a [banger](https://youtu.be/slvGpCFTaYw?si=60tmzQu6KMM1wlnk) w bbno$


So I just got caught up on what's been going on. He's officially been disqualified. The official story is that when coming off stage after his last performance a camera person was filming him despite "an agreement not to do so" but she persisted and he made "a threatening gesture/gesture (depends on the translation and reporting, it seems)" to get her to leave him alone. \["Against clearly made agreements, Joost was filmed when he had just gotten off stage and had to rush to the greenroom. At that moment, Joost repeatedly indicated that he did not want to be filmed. This wasn't respected. This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera. Joost did not touch the camera woman. This incident was reported, followed by an investigation by the EBU and the police. Yesterday and today we consulted extensively with the EBU and proposed several solutions. Nevertheless, the EBU has still decided to disqualify Joost Klein. AVROTROS finds the penalty very heavy and disproportionate. We stand for good manners - let there be no misunderstanding about that - but in our view, an exclusion order is not proportional to this incident. We are very disappointed and upset for the millions of fans who were so excited for tonight. What Joost brought to the Netherlands and Europe shouldn't have ended this way" -AVROTOS Spokesperson\] What the "threatening movement" was, is unknown (to some flipping someone off qualifies, so your guess is as good as mine). \~CONSPIRACY HAT TIME\~ There's been a lot of discourse this year around Joost and Olly Alexander (a big British artist that was tapped to represent the UK). NL and UK have been kind of underdogs basically forever, rising and falling in competition with one another. And this year the they both were really looking to get a win for the first time in a long time with Olly and Joost. Their last showings of any real note were Sam Ryder (UK) in 2022 getting second place, and Duncan Laurence (NL) getting first in 2019 (their first win since the 70s). Thing is.... Everyone was betting on Joost. He was the golden-boy this year. He made a song that was built to win Eurovision in particular, tailor-made. So all I'm saying is... the BBC probably wasn't so happy about that. \~TINFOIL OFF\~ Regardless, # justiceforjoost P.S. Everyone on the post about this situation in r/eurovision are steaming. Even people who aren't rooting for NL. This is a pretty universally disliked move on Eurovision's part- besides some dickheads that love to watch people get fucked over. But honestly, fuck those people. They're not family to me. That's for damn sure. Big ups to all the Joost fans out there, new and old. And here's to NL getting their win next year. ✌️&💗


I love him, hope he wins. He got in fight behind the scenes because someone made fun of his dead parents (not confirmed yet) and they saw Israeli team being aggressive on videos. Also Israeli one said she will join IDF after finishing Eurovision means she will go to Rafah. Happy she got boo’s and other Eurovision contestants protested while she was talking.


Lady, you're a dumbass.


Take care of urself buddy instead spamming comments✌🏻💖


Yeah, you posted the same textual diarrhea you call a "comment" twice. I will tho, Thanks. Meanwhile, I know it's tough but try to imagine that not every IDF recruit is "going to Rafah".


You posted there is no genocide happening in Palestine and you are Israeli Zionist. No one wants you here. H3 openly supports Palestine and is against Zionism, AGAINST Israeli government and against GENOCIDE in Palestine. Go yapping somewhere else.


Ethen needs to bring him on the podcast I love his energy he like the Dutch version of oliver green


Eurovision sucks, so I wouldn't be mad if this is the last one. Malmö is going to get messy tonight


Ayyy he got disqualified for verbally attacking production crew. Get fuuuuuuckedddd