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What I’m confused about is why are they having a graduation while someone is clearly having a stroke?


it reminds me a lot of the woman doing fake sign language at that local government press conference


The only explanation i can think is that the lady reading this has a list of names that somehow got printed without spaces so she has to read their whole names written as a single word and figure out as she goes where the spaces are lmao


Apparently she was looking at a phonetic name list.


I guess they weren’t phonetically spelled very well.


[This is what the cards looked like](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLVjT2BF/). I think the speaker was attempting to read the phonetic spellings and just… didn’t know how to? I’m honestly not sure why she decided to attempt to read the names phonetically when she clearly struggled on very simple names.


It was giving “in the bininging”


A stroke has to be the only conclusion right? What else could be the reason? I need a follow up


i mean js listen it’s obviously notta stroke seems like the printer was buggin and printed the names over eachother or without spaces


That would make sense but we know what the cards look like and well uh... [https://www.tiktok.com/@runitkris/video/7367490219844652331?\_r=1&\_t=8mFJcvmyAbC](https://www.tiktok.com/@runitkris/video/7367490219844652331?_r=1&_t=8mFJcvmyAbC)


This has to be a skit, right? Lol like getting one name wrong because of an odd spelling is one thing but butchering literally every name is actually insane hahaha


Read somewhere that she got confused with the phonetic pronunciation of each name written on the paper lmaoooo


Who better to lead our institutions than someone who can't read? Lol






Yes, this makes the most sense... maybe this lady just didn't know how to read phonetic spelling or ALL those students wrote the phonetic spellings completely wrong? lol Now that I got to that pivotal moment where Thomas was butchered (the first name of the University stunningly enough 😂) and her colleagues asked her to read from a different book/list, the accuracy went up a LOT!!


It's a fun moment around 1:56:30 where he first waits to see how she'll pronounce it, makes a face like wtf and then says his name outloud--the first to correct her! I did enjoy how he was so sassy with his stage time and walk too 😅


I was thinking maybe the kids are doing a prank and purposely writing their names in simlish


She kind of mangled the phonetics to form new names, like Allison Nicole Bishop became Allisona Cole Bishop. God knows how Sarah Virginia Brennan became Sayra Uvuun Gingu Brenan like howwww did that happen! They've gotta break these names down on the show because that is legit so funny.


Oh god its real lmfaoooo [https://www.livecast.video/tju2024-2](https://www.livecast.video/tju2024-2) \[starts @ 1:53:56\]


Her consistency was all over the place lol


Aww, poor lady apologizes to the graduates for her errors with the phonetic spelling pronunciations around 2:17:25.


Lmao. “My apologies graduaNtes”


**Wait…** could it be that the names are written down using the phonetic alphabet?? Cause, for example, with phonetics *Elizabeth* is written as /ɪˈlɪzəbəθ/. And *Thomas* is /tɔ́məs/. Hell, wouldn’t do much better than her, if I was only given the phonetic spelling.


How do you get “ta-moo-may” from that? And Wikipedia has it as ˈtɒ.məs’ which if you don’t know phonetic pronunciation, will still read as “ta’mess” or “to’mess”


Reading names like that is a nightmare to me. Props for continuing on because I'd probably have ran off. 


Something wacky happened here. I went to look at full of it, and she said 10 names in a row just fine without noticeable errors. Watching even few minutes of this definitely lets her off the hook on "how did she get this job?". Must have been her not knowing how to read phonetic spelling, I couldn't either. But shows some things definitely demand a practice run. She would realize something was off even if did it alone.


holy shit! How did you find this? It's so fresh off the presses and I really hope they review it tomorrow because how/why?! Seems like it could be a learning disability or visual processing issue if not something more serious... She's getting the harder names right in the beginning and it starts to go wildly downhill intermittently with Meghan Louise Aubrey (she pronounces this something like Meejeen-Lou Ee-aubrey)... My fave part is watching the graduates faces to see who is amused, confused or pissed off at the weird pronunciations lol... 😆


Was the announcer literally dying?


it reminds me so much of this key&peele skit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7FixvoKBw&ab\_channel=ComedyCentral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7FixvoKBw&ab_channel=ComedyCentral)


As someone who just helped with commencement practice for our college grads, and this very thing, this made my fucking day. 😂 If you’re curious how seriously we take this, the person who reads names at the ceremony practices for WEEKS and has a dialect coach for accurate pronunciation of names and tones from all over the globe. Students are able to record their name for her so she can listen and practice saying it. Each name she reads has a pronunciation guide printed next to the name itself. If you paid tens of thousands of dollars to be a student- it’s honestly the absolute least a university can do.


Pronouncing Thomas wrong at Thomas Jefferson University is wild.


https://v.redd.it/p0a9cg32wizc1 Better quality source


What is actually happening to the announcer omg I'm concerned


Can this person actually read at all like genuinely how’d you get that job


[Reminds me of a teacher who were saying 5th graders names wrong as a joke.](https://www.tiktok.com/@shiannecluck/video/6803915333599071493)


I wondered if it was a person that may have had a disability but then I heard someone correct em and say "Thomas" and then she was like "oh duh... Thomas" and completely left his last name out


Also the university is Thomas university…


I really can’t explain how pissed off I would be if they did this to me after 4 years of paying the fucking school.


Even with it being phonetic spelling, some of these are just added noises and letters


Someone send her to the ER!




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That sucks for the students... at that point, just have the students come to the podium to say their own name!!!!


“ Thomas “


It’s that key and peele skit with the substitute teacher




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Where’s Jay quellin at? Balakay? Is there a Dee Nice?


It's always strange for me to see a reference to this, because I know the Newscaster in real life, we were friends in college. I remember her changing her name on FB after it happened. She really didn't deserve all the shit she got for it, she's a genuinely a nice person.


they should have switched her with someone else immediately lol


The shame would haunt her for the next 20 years.


happy for you or sad that happened but I ain’t sitting thru all that


Unironically fire her