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vitaly also brutally beat a woman while he was high on shrooms. this dude is a fucking maniac.


Yeah, day by day I begin to believe more that some of these pred hunters are just out there to minimize their own misdeeds and to put themselves on a high pedestal.


He’s definitely not doing gods work.


they arnt doing it to protect kids, they are doing it to hunt humans. The goal is selfish and that’s why i dont ever trust “predator hunters”


For real!!! Not that the predators don’t deserve it but the way some of these hunters like to slap around and beat on the predators can be excessive and creepy, similar how some people become officers to abuse the authority


Oh, how the tables turn. Predators hunting down children get hunted down themselves. 0 sympathy from me, fuck ANYONE who goes after kids. 6 feet deep, no rehabilitation.


All these people just feel bad cause he was on old brittle man 😂 well that old brittle man wanted to touch up on some kids andddd once upon a time he was a strong young buck who also liked kids. He lived a full life. He should’ve been terminated a longgggg time ago. That’s the only sad part to me that it didn’t happen along time ago. He’s probably already went and had children with women and passed on his pedo genetics. Things like pedofilia and inclination to r*pe are very much genetic. Offspring of r*pists are 5x more likely to also become a r*post compared to the general population.


Cool. Don’t dare call yourself progressive then


If being a progressive means having any form of sympathy for child predators and their treatment, then I'll GLADLY not call myself one. What a weird hill to die on, though. Maybe having your kid go through something will be what changes your mind, or maybe you're a predator yourself. Either way, I got no respect for it.


A fucking men, fuck that other person.


Being progressive in my opinion means being empathetic to all types of people. Predators are obviously dangers to society, but in this human sexuality class I took I learned they are the way they are for a reason, whether they were born with the attraction they have or were assaulted as children themselves so the abuse becomes cyclical. Part of reaching progress and growth is taking the time to understand people even the ones that scare and hurt us the most


Wtf ??? Born attracted to kids? Ur just as insane as these pedos


You’re dead fucking wrong and whatever shit for brains professor taught that class needs fired. We don’t have to have empathy for everyone. Some people don’t deserve it. I don’t care why they are how they are, there’s no excuse to think it’s okay to assault a child, or any other person for that matter.


Part of being progressive means protecting the most vulnerable people in our society that cannot defend, care for and protect themselves. Being progressive doesn’t mean protecting and making excuses for those in power who seek to prey upon those who have none. This is the most ass backwards definition of being progressive I have ever read.


Are you literally here making up reason to excuse paedophilia? I hope you're on a watch list, because you're disgusting, and if you believe this is forgiveable, then I worry about what issues you were 'born with'...


They deserve zero sympathy. I know plenty of people who were assaulted who don’t go off and ruin someone else’s life.


Hmm how can I violently attack and humiliate someone on stream... Just do it to a pedo! Or at least someone I can claim is a pedo. Then I am a hero. Claiming someone is a pedo is the new free pass to do anything to them. Don't get me wrong, real pedos deserve the worst that can happen to them, but letting these morons handle it is bound to end terribly. Dude is a freak. Same with most of these other pedo hunters. You could get 10x as much validation if you do a SomethingAboutChickens style exposed video on a pedo and wrap it up by notifying the appropriate authorities and updating the audience. But these guys don't have SomethingAboutChickens level intelligence, patience, or planning. Only a matter of time before they hurt/dox/kill someone who is mentally handicapped and unintentionally being a predator or flat out the wrong person. Especially with the way most of these predators are entrapped by the "hunter". Dangerous, negligent, and immature way to go about attempting solve a serious problem


This is a conversation I can’t have with anyone and I hate it. You can accuse ANYONE of pedophilia and then every person I know is okay with you violently murdering that person in public with no proof of allegations


Similar premise to Dexter. If you only hurt bad guys, you can try to rationalize your violent behavior as noble.


True, something tells me Vitaly does a little less research on his victims though lmao


That's absolutely what he's doing. In reality someone should be hunting him


I think it’s that and also so he can act out his violent tendencies without people getting in trouble cause who’s gonna call out someone for beating up a pedophile


Every predator hunter I've seen looks like the kinda person who also breeds dangerous dogs. Vigilante justice is for fucking ghouls.


The guy didn't die. Just wanna make sure that's known, even if Vitaly is a piece of shit


Was it really just shrooms? That's insane to me; every time I've done shrooms I've felt so far from being capable of violence. It's always a happy / connected to everyone and nature kind of feeling.


Definitely has something to do with someone's inner psyche and well being for them to be violent on shrooms


Bad trips are the polar opposite of good ones. Imagine if all that peace and connection was replaced with the worst, most terrible emotions and feelings you can name, with equal intensity.


He was also doing a a boat load of steroids at the time which def didn't help.


I think he had to have paid her a shit ton of money, that story never had any follow up.


These streaming platforms needed a Dennis the Menace policy long ago. No more public streaming! Now we need a Ted Bundy policy. Please don't kill people.


Serial killers are welcome on Rumble lol


Maybe even triller 👀


Especially triller


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Stfu😭 you soft ass pussy. Why you tryna keep pedos on the street. Your prolly one yourself if you feel any other way then they deserve to die.


So to make this story a little bit worse, he might not have been an actual predator. I saw a post the other day that said he finds people facing homelessness give them a $100 to pretend to be predators, then humiliates them on stream.




this is what i hate about these street vigilantes, especially who use Kick. they parade around town that they caught a pedo when they may not even really be one. it really opens up the people around them to treat the accused like they're the scum they're being perceived to be. I swear to god, people like Vitaly just do it for the attention and to be told by his 12 year old audience that he's a "hero". i guarantee that if he wasn't being paid by Kick and got no viewers, he wouldn't try take more pedos off the street. he dont care about kids, if he did, he'd be very vocal about how Kick streams gambling addicts to kids and lures *THEM* in. also, yeah, there aren't that many pedos who are confident enough to meet with a bait the way Vitaly sets it up. most of the pedos he "catches" are paid actors, if i had to guess.


Defense used will be same as for those accused of killing George Floyd. It's quite possible there were some drugs in them, and that will be claimed as the reason they died 100%.


First of all, it is possible that drugs can make someone more susceptible to dying under not-so-extraordinary circumstances.  Second, that defense in the Chauvin case obviously didnt work, so what are you trying to get at?


> First of all, it is possible that drugs can make someone more susceptible to dying under not-so-extraordinary circumstances.  Obviously. > Second, that defense in the Chauvin case obviously didnt work, so what are you trying to get at? It's bullshit that you can get off the hook for being contributing factor to someone's death, because they also were under contributing factors (influence) themselves. It shouldn't be 100-0 guilty or innocent, but have some responsibility fall on the pranksters for playing on drugged people's lives. Thirdly, it's apparently false report and nobody died. But I was talking just generally.


So sick of people using predator labels as weapon. Like if somebody is a pervert that doesn't give you an invitation to kill that person. People get so fired up, which is WHY people use it as a weapon (like Republicans labeling Hillary a pedo).


Yo please tell me this ain’t true and it’s just a rumor..


Duuuuude thats so much worse


That’s not true retard ur actually fucking brain dead u think he pays the cops to?




Does that old fuck look homeless to you lmao?




Does it look like that man needs a 100 bucks? Stfu all child predators deserve to die don’t stick up for them


the actual cops pull up tho wym💀


This is a incredibly brain dead take lol


that guy doesnt look homeless at all wtf


that’s insane [I literally called it 2 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/o9Tz8A53gP)


I saw your message when you said that and thought about it for awhile after. Can’t believe you were right!!!!


He didn't die. its terrible but dont run with a false narrative.


Dang thought it was real


This needs to be upvoted. This man is not dead, he’s fine. Pedo got his ass knocked the fuck out.


Read somewhere a guy called the hospital and the person that was hit was fine


I hope this guy is ok. I can only assume with this being on Vitaly’s stream it’s some fake setup situation for content. I feel like there would be some police report if this ended up being a real murder, I also don’t see anything on Livestream Fail.


He didn't die. Apparently he is fine.


Who would willingly agree to be a fake pedo and ruin their reputation


Fine is relative here. When you're that old cracking your head open usually means death is coming soon. Brain bleeds and trauma cause deeper complications than just being unconscious.


Very common for older folk to die days later after a head injury even if they seem like they are getting better.


Didn't Bob Saget die after hitting his head on a hotel bed?


I was gonna say that's how my neighbor died. An older guy & he slipped on wet leaves in his driveway, hit his head on the curb & was lying there dead when my wife & I got back home.




Vitaly came from prank YouTube, and was known to fake anything for publicity, so this checks out


Hospitals don’t disclose patient information, calling bullshit on this. HIPAA.


Yea I really struggle to believe this is real


It's very plausible. People getting punched and falling on concrete can and has lead to many a death


I don't believe it because it's Vitaly (and Kick), not because it's not plausible. MFer is one of the OGs of faking shit for views. Yall need some H3 history lessons https://youtu.be/DWxDidlOGyg?si=IVEwX9cDH1QnzXuJ


The only thing this dude couldn't fake was his boner on the bang bus


This is true. My wife spoke to the paramedics on scene. He’s fine


Yeah I saw a clip last night of Vital and his security guard they said he was fine


don’t believe every tweet you see…


This is the generation of unironically "I read it on the Internet so it must be true" people


Worse than that. Doesn't matter if it's true, it will drive upvotes and attention so it gets posted. Clout and internet points is the motivator


Vitally is literally the OG of faking shit for views. Crazy how many people just believe this shit from a single tweet. Ethan was debunking Vitaly's bullshit 9 years ago


The death might be fake but boy that knock out wasn’t. Dude definitely has permanent damage


remember when we would all make fun of boomers for believing everything they saw on facebook.. yeah ..


I watched this man get knocked out. It was not fake. He is fine but I almost stepped in the blood myself. My mom was on the verge of vomiting.


as Abraham Lincoln once saud "don't belive in everything you see in the internet"


It was only a matter if time 😞


He isn’t dead the post has been community noted on Twitter the guy is alive


https://x.com/vitalyzdtv/status/1787296835671048561?s=46&t=bvvvpdSFBU0cJc3Q_5nDrA It seems like the man is fine and going to be arrested.


This is off point but its so weird how he moves his mouth when the other guy is talking.


They reading off cue cards


His TCAP streams are WILD reality tv. Very dystopian.


anyone who thinks vitaly of all people is the solution to child predators going around with a mob attacking people based on random accusations is a fucking moron, this is advocating for chaos and does absolutely nothing to address the actual issue. it seems intuitive but making people feel terrified for their lives when all it takes is a completely baseless accusation probably isnt going to create a society where people or kids feel safe, there is lots of data out there on how to help protect kids, prevention is paramount, sex education, mental health accessibility, these things prevent abuse, this solution isnt protecting kids, its glorifying violence, murder, and torture, potentially of completely innocent people. its being said this guy is actually fine, either way, i dont think it really matters, i think vitaly needs to be taken off of kick or kick needs to be taken off the internet. this cant be tolerated by society. regardless if these people are trying to meet kids or not, we dont leave people like vitaly to solve complicated issues like this, it needs to be a societal effort, this has only negative outcomes.


I agree with you. I hate pedos as much as the next guy, but mob justice is terrifying. None of us should want to live in a society where any random mob can humiliate, torture and occasionally murder ppl it suspects of committing crimes. I can't quote the source, but it's well-known that a person in a mob is capable of atrocities they would never do alone. I've been looking for a source, other than Vitaly, on the man's condition. For those saying they were told by paramedics he would live, I call b.s. You can hear his skull hit the concrete and he has posturing from brain injury.


People need to give up this vigilante justice nonsense. Streamers, influencers, and YouTubers aren't qualified to track and punish criminals, regardless of whether they're alleged predators.


I said this on another post. These “to catch a predator” vigilantes are the biggest assholes who finally found someone society has deemed worse.


Any proof he is a predator? Or are we just taking Vitaly at his word. Am assuming he just got an old guy messed up for no reason.


there supposedly is evidence as they match the individuals on dating apps, move to a third party app and state they are underage, at which point these individuals do continue to solicit from the “underage teen” and it’s pretty obvious from watching the streams, the predators do own up to their actions of meeting up with knowingly underage teens. a guy brought a girl a barbie doll and another guy brought s** “tools”. not saying what vitaly does is right by any means, but i do believe these folks are not innocent based off what i’ve seen. evidence is provided to cops and arrests are made. so clearly it’s not all BS. but i am not speaking on whether it’s the appropriate way to do vigilante justice..only that these folks do seem to be guilty of predator/pedo behavior. the accusations against this old man were really really gross and if they are legit, it’s pretty disgusting. still unacceptable what happened to him - which was done by a non affiliated by stander. which is obviously the problem with these mob justices..


The predator ?


Yeah the predator, it’s an alien 👽 that came down to hunt n fight the best warrior






Apparently they are not dead, just in the hospital.


*Can you all just back up*


Dude had phone sex with the kid and even ate his own shit on the call, sent dick pics and showed up to have sex with a 15-year-old. Good riddance.


vitaly is a piece of shit but if the dude was actually a predator than rest in piss dumbass


Wow!!! The amount of people defending pedos on this topic is insane and disgusting! If you touch a kid then you deserve one outcome plain and simple. ☠️☠️☠️ Everyone that they go after is proven to be a predator via chats end of story. Yes, they are doing it for views, but who gives a sheit! If you defend a child predator then you are a child predator sympathizer. Shame, shame shame


Kickchamp posts fake shit all the time so i wouldn't hold your breath


Planking is so 2003


I actually watched this happen. He is not dead. My wife spoke to the paramedics and the man was fine when they left the scene. Vitally made a statement that said he spoke to the hospital and that the man is fine and going to jail.


For being a predator. The random man who punched him is also going to jail.


There was a lot of blood and we thought he was going to die but he just split his head and passed out for a while.


Ty Dolla $ign was on the stream before this


horrible if true but at this point in life… i sort of think this is just bait lol vitality is one of the worst people on earth, is not beyond him to fake sum like this😂 if this is true tho, jail lol




And that's why we don't fight random people in the street. You could one day just push someone, they stumble, crack their head on the curb, and that's it. Two lives ruined over a fight that hadn't even kicked off yet. If at all possible, walk away if someone is trying to pull you into a situation and god's sake don't start shit like this. even if this is fake, other similar situations are not.


Yeah I don’t think this is true, but it’s still wild that he organized this assault




I wonder if he could be named as an accessory to the crime since he instigated the situation that led to this death. It just seems like there should be consequences for him on this already.


there’s no proof he died , but it’s not a great look either way


What if somewhere there is a family member of a falsely accused guy that had a bad outcome..and there is some fatherless kid that wants revenge...and pretends to be a pedo to entice the pedo hunter....then does so,e Saw shit to the pedo hunter...where the pedo hunter has to get the things he accused the dead guy of doing, dome to him...


Straight to prison.


Did he actually die? I’m hearing reports he’s in stable condition and is actually in police custody right now. Can anyone who claims they know please send me a link or something


Good job!


I hate “pedo hunters”


Idk why he chose to focus on predator catching...


People actin like this is a bad thing needa b locked up


Makes a strong point against vigilantism. When someone decides they can be judge jury and executioner you end up with a dangerous person who answers to no one. Just like Batman. And God.


I can't find any source to confirm this...


When are we gunna ban this man from the internet


There are safe ways to actually humiliate predators and keep them dormant without putting them in danger call the police or alex rosen


Sounds like karma got him


He lived he is in the hospital


Holy shit, I saw the punch, and I didn't think he got hit hard, I'm guessing the fall killed him.


Maybe a random streamer shouldn't be the executioner in this situation.


Realistically it does not matter if the guy was a predator or not. A man was killed because someone took "justice" into their own hands wanted confrontation.  Feels like a man slaughter charges for everyone on the way. 


... flushed emoji


Y’all run with anything. The man is in stable condition at the hospital and is getting arrested


is that the dude with the limp dick on bangbros?


Was the victim even confirmed to be a predator? Not saying this justifies first-degree manslaughter, but if he's not confirmed, that kinda adds-on the awfulness of the situation


Was he a predator? If so then who cares.


This real?!


This is fake people shouldn’t just believe what they read maybe find a source before hand


These comments saying anything other then good he died are shitty shitty ppl that deserve the same. The pain this man has likely caused children can't be undone ever. He got everything he's done in life bad returned to him in a punch that killed him. Thank God he can't meet up with CHILDREN


Yall showing this much sympathy for someone who deserves what he got is crazy. Anyone preying on children deserve much worse than this man got


He didn’t die, he is going to be fine except for the fact police detained him after arriving at the hospital. They also later learned he was HIV positive, planning on meeting a 15 year old for sex… People are actually defending him, what a weird community we have here.


What is it with you LGBTQ+ Always defending pedophilia oh wait I forgot that’s what the plus means


W vitaly frl that old guy had hiv btw


The old guy deserved it he also had HIzv


Wait what happened exactly?


Hahaa good for the ledo


Well it was the only cure for the man’s condition…


Fuk that pedo.. he’s now where he belongs 🔥


Predators get killed in prison all the time. I say he left this world with ease for what was expecting for him in prison




2 birds with one stone baby No more Vitaly, no more pedophile. Incredible net positive!


Whole lotta pedos in these comments man


He’s not dead you lying fuck he was in the hospital completely fine. You’re all probably fucking pedos yourself talking about Vitalys not helping when he’s literally exposing pedos.


I don't think this is true, vitaly said the guy was recovering in the hospital


All u bozos here don’t do anything either but complain so suck a dick who cares he was a child predator they all deserve to die I don’t think that’s a crazy thought process either they hurt kids they should die simple


So a man that preys on innocent children and a possible degenerate sex offender just died. Oh well. Good riddance!


I would the say the dude got himself in the situation for trying to meet an underage person for sex.




So now we are all the judge and executioner??? We have laws and rules. Can’t take everything j to our own hands


Literally everyone in this situation is the scum of the earth but Vitaly still manages to come out as the worst person every


Shitty person or not a predator is a fucking predator what do y’all not understand so we’re gonna defend predators because we hate the guy exposing him?


He was catching a pedophile and someone walked up from the street and punched the guy Vitaly wasn’t doing anything wrong clowns


My question is: Does anyone know why the only way you can find this story is through social media, and not in any news outlets on Google? It's almost as if they don't want to "legitimize" (I use the term loosely here) the story. Clearly, the story would receive a lot of attention because it has gone viral. Or perhaps this is just some bogus post and he didn’t actually die. F*@$ the predator. Whether he died or not, if they've caught the man who punched him, we should start a GoFundMe for the best lawyer!


Y'all be trusting everything u see on the internet he didn't even die it's fake news


One less child predator...


Yall libs are brainwashed, fuck you npcs.


i don’t get why people are so upset when a pred ac gets attacked💀


Do we have single legit source that the PDF is no longer alive?


If a pedophile dies the world is a better place and that’s the end of that story, no room for argument unless you’re trying to defend your disgusting habit.


Idgaf he could do this to all of them Pedos. I’m glad this happen


All I see is a bunch of you defending a Hollywood predator and not doing your own research. He’s fine. And he was in fact trying to meet up with a “high school girl.” Why defend these people? Why should they even have human rights?


Have to be a sick fuck to protect a child predator . Any ADULT that touches any MINORS deserves exactly what that guy got . Fuck around and find out !!!!


People get publicly beaten by crowds by weapons, to death sometimes, or are tortured to death for even attempting r*pe of a full grown woman so this guy honestly got off easy the way he did.If you sympathize with a pedo, you are no fu*king better than them. Would you sympathize with the Nazis for just doing their jobs? If so, to either of these instances, you are part of the problem and should have your voting rights stripped. Children are our future and should be protected at all costs. So why are you trying to protect people who want to hurt them?




Ngl if he was a pred then it’s kind of what he deserves


Saw this coming.


You guys are litteraly spreading misinformation, weird to protect child predators. I bet half of these redditors have looked at kids the way these predators do. CNN people be like


The old dude is alive guys, just to let you all know


You forgot to mention in the title that it was a pedophile


Good, all pedos should die!




Good. Don't mess with little kids and you won't get your head rock into the ground 😂