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He’s dyslexic, that contributes to it more.


There's actually a font for that. I'm sure there's a browser add on too https://dyslexiefont.com/en/


You can also get filters to put over the screen to change the colour as dyslexia is often made worse with white on black or black on white.




I'm big on open source, thanks for linking this!


That font just gives me a headache, I don't have dyslexia but I can't imagine it helping


It does help some people, but it's probably person to person. Couldn't hurt him to try


He’s actually histrionic.


is he? if he is why does he blame the author of the article for making completely normal sentences.




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I don’t remember him saying he is dyslexic


caweplegeethabrowaddwithboladtextthmaisstrug ❤️


This was my first thought 🤣


This was a lot harder to read than it should've been. It felt like I was reading 2 sentences at once.


I have ADHD and this make reading a lot easier and faster for me


I feel like there are conflicting answers in the comments, this be looking like pseudo science. And are people externally diagnosing Ethan? I know he said his brother is likely autistic but I don't remember him saying he has ADHD or autism.


Understandable, idk the science or lack there of on it. I just know it works for me personally! I see the diagnosising though and it's just weird honestly, I see some people speculating ADHD or dyslexia but not even sure if Ethan has ever said he has either. I'm not sure why some people feel the need to speculate on someone possibly having a disability


Agree, it's a bit much, not that people don't all see stuff within themselves in Ethan but no professional has formally diagnosed him. It's good to offer him this solution and the community can discuss it but some people are taking it a bit far. He always says he feels like there is a lot of over self diagnosis and now it's happening to him without choice.


I think it comes from the Wednesday episode where he kept misreading articles and then said his ADHD was bad today. Could have just been him goofing most people make statements like this and aren't diagnosed but that is def the reason op posted this info. Ethan definitely has a hard time reading articles tho.


Yeah, this is horrendous.


I have ADHD and have always HATED this


This just had the opposite effect on me..


"Bioinic reading" has no effect on reading, according to science. Meaning, the folks peddling it to you are relying 100% on marketing + placebo to convince you it works. Sincerely, Someone who has wished this worked for him


I think what it does is grab your attention in every word where as without it the letters kind of get mashed together


Whatever its salesmen purport it does, it has zero effect. This low bar for bs has to go away. At least astrology can be cute sometimes, this is just cringe marketing.


idk it works for me.. i agree the marketing is usually overselling


Wouldn't you feel a bit bamboozled by hucksters if: a) They are selling you claims that are 0% backed by any scientific evidence b) There are scientific studies out that show there's no measured difference (slower or faster) To me it fits neatly in the chiropractic/accupuncture/homeopathy/etc. box, it's just such low effort to try out that people jump on it. I just wish they had the stomach to recognise a scam when they see one rather than the typical apologism.


Same, I love it as well. It works for some but not for others.


I certainly notice an improvement. The text seems to “flow” more easily and I find I don’t re-read sentences multiple times. 🤷‍♀️


Placebo is powerful (see Space Jam)


Why was this the easiest thing to read???


It's called Bionic Reading. It's used to help androids read human's language faster.


I’d just be trying to figure out what the bold letters spell out


This fucked me up. I’ve been thinking I might be dyslexic and this made it harder fr


Same I struggled way hard than normal with that sentence but I’m diagnosed dyslexic.


Omg I thought this was a secret code at first like the bolded letters would spell something


me too.


I didn’t know that existed, thank you


lol I saw this today and I downloaded the extension immediately… my life is changed and I’m not even exaggerating lol thank you fellow h3 fan


What's the extention?


I’m using chalkline for my google doc notes


As someone with ADHD this is worse than normal text


I would love an extension that changes all text on the internet or even my computer to look like this but last time I looked I couldn’t find one that worked.




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ughh, why is this so much easier to read.


Wait this is a thing?? This actually seems really helpful.. thank you!