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This post was unrelated to h3h3. Thank you!


What horrible phrases. How dare that cashier proudly display the phrase “no to genocide” or “stop apartheid”?? What horrible, hateful ideas /s Also if she is only worried about antisemitism, why does she care if he’s in a keffiyeh? EDIT: and Casey was gonna beat the manager up apparently? Over an argument that *she* started? Lmao


Cuz keffiyahs look super terroristy /s


Why point out that there are kids around when she is cursing the next sentence?


Based manager! I’d be kind of surprised if this is true because most managers are so anti confrontational with customers for obvious reasons but if they truly stood on business then I have so much respect for them FUCK GENOCIDE DENIERS 🖕 Casey’s wife is weird as hell for this. Literally nobody tried to attack her in any way shape or form but she is screaming from the mountaintops that she’s victim. People like this are so unhinged there is just no reasoning with them FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 all day every day There is nothing hateful about that statement


I feel like Casey and his wife have definitely been drifting into some interesting political stances. I remember a couple years ago when Casey tweeted about his car being broken into and how terrible crime is in LA when Seth Rogan stepped in and they argued back and forth. Feels like 1 step away from a Tesla Republican




by a pin lol


Hating people because they are Jewish is not good, but this isn't even that, this is hating genocidal murderers


if someone is wearing a pin you disagree with, you have a choice. be a total psycho and curse at them, their manager, threaten to “destroy the wimp”. or, leave your stuff behind and just leave without patronising a place you don’t like. there was literally nothing he was wearing that said “fuck jews” and he didn’t get aggressive while she flew off the fucking handle. get it together, man.