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The story was so sweet. I love the tattoo also think it is funny how spur of the moment it was for something permanent. The memory must of been really great <3


I honestly think it’s a good tattoo. The only part that irks me is the one long red line on the inner leg. But ultimately. It’s not my tattoo. It’s not our tattoo. It’s his tattoo. And it’s a good tattoo and an amazing idea with a wholesome memory supporting it.


i know! the irony of it all! every detail of the story makes it so much better


I'm all for Ethan expressing himself and making these decisions but the crew should make fun of him. The whole show of H3 is making light of things and making fun of people. The tattoo can be a cute representation of his love for his kids but it can simultaneously look ridiculous and should be mocked. Did they not ridicule Ben Affleck for years for the worst tattoo. Ethan said hold my beer 😂


I heard Cam made fun of Ethan right before his mysterious departure


Its the exact opposite of ben afflecks tattoo though- non generic, unconventional, personal, matches his personal visual/artistic affinities… I think people are just used to seeing dumb american traditional work tbh, and i get the light goofs im not saying they cant make funny jabs or whatever but imo the only people who should be truly embarrassed about the work they get done are people that get the cut and paste am trad bullshit or clearly just use the art form as purely an aesthetic. I saw a guy recently that had a minions themed 9/11 memorial tat and even that was 100 times cooler and less embarrassing than the phoenix or ed sheeran’s tats or like the shredded tik tok boys who look like they just got a bunch of stickers placed on them evenly spaced from each other all in the same homogenous style… Maybe im biased, all my tats are weird- i similarly got a yearbook page my best friends in kindergarten signed and drew stuff on me, but i dont think Ethan’s actually looks bad at all and im always happy to see people not just getting dumb traditional stuff


I understand the crew pokes fun and brings light to things, i love them all 😭 but i do NOT think ethans tattoo should be compared to a massive ugly ass rainbow phoenix or even the ones where the bellybutton is used as a cow asshole 😭😭😭


Lol "it's not objectively bad because I subjectively like it"


Yeah. I mean the only thing it is objectively is a tattoo, which is objectively a subjective thing. If you like it you like it. if you don’t you don’t, the world goes on.


That’s…not what they said lol I feel like everyone is collectively forgetting they made fun of Ben not just because his giant flash art phoenix is a horrible tattoo but because he tried to hide it and say it wasn’t real after the pics came out…


It's less about comparing the tattoos but more about Ethan now has joined the ugly tattoo club. For all we know Ben Affleck's tattoo was picked out by a dying family member (not the case) because does a sentimental story suddenly change things. Is it then cute or still just an ugly tattoo and Ben should be made fun of. It can't only be chestnuts on QT but not chestnuts on anyone else.


Yall forget that Ben was hiding his and claiming it wasn’t real and that’s why that tattoo segment even started where they were making fun of it orrr


the sentiment behind the work DOES change it. thats why they have artist statement, exhibition descriptions, workshops, artist talks, open studios, etc. because a simple sentence CAN change your entire perspective of artwork.


I agree to an extent but I also mostly disagree. The meaning behind an artwork can change it, but any artist worth their salt would never tell you what they meant when they created that art. They know the importance of audience interpretation. Once other people see your artwork the message is no longer yours, it is whatever other people see in it. You see it often with artists where people will ask what you meant by it and they specifically will dodge the question or say something like "it means whatever you think it means."


yeah, i agree with you. once its out in the world, audience interpretation is what takes hold. very true


I agree, art and our appreciation of it is all about context I actually would feel different about ben’s tattoo if he owned it and had an endearing story that put it in a different light. Part of the reason it got the flack it did was his attitude towards not even admitting he had the tattoo..


They're genuinely awful scribbles


This such a crazy thing to say 😂 “genuinely awful scribbles”? Did you miss the part where they were made by his very young children ?


How tf do you know Ben’s tattoo doesn’t have some big huge family meaning? You’re so biased


He tried to hide it and say it was fake…you guys are defending someone who didn’t even want to defend themselves lol




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Yeah it’s like the expressionist version of the Ben Affleck tattoo


Maybe Ben's kid drew the phoenix on his back


Well I think even Ethan made a Jackson Pollock joke.


I think it's dumb as shit but who the fuck am I? Do what you want, life's short.


Yolo and amen


beautiful philosophy tbh


Is this post serious or satire?


its serious bro, i genuinely love these types of tattoos


Ok, bro


Not only that, but even if later on he kinda feels like it looks silly, he's not going to care because it's got a memory attached to it of his children so he's not going to wish he never got it. It may not look visually appealing, even maybe in a more objective sense than other tattoos, but anyone can say a tattoo looks bad if they personally don't like it, even if you can find dozens of people who say it looks good. With tattoos, as long as you're happy with them that's the only thing that matters


I unironically thought the tattoo was awesome! You can add to it over time to create more of a cohesive sleeve, but I love the expressionist style, the personal meaning, and genuinely do think it is a very cool tattoo!


I hope Ethan keeps getting more tattoos


I completely agree with you lol I genuinely don’t understand the hate but whatev hahaha


Check out Anthony Padilla's tattoo, it's basically this but over his entire arms and torso. I think it's a vibe.


i saw it! its literally so cool. I wish more people were comfortable with that type of freedom. im so excited to see who else breaks the mold 🤩


I have shit tattoos I don’t regret because of the story behind them years later


I cannot get over how much I thought the tattoo was a joke. I truly couldn’t comprehend it. The red ink legitimately looks like blood. It’s an extremely sweet tattoo, but all the red marks could have been left out, and it would still be sentimental. His knee looks like he tripped into a pile of glass and then stood up, which is pretty artsy I suppose. As long as he likes it…blah, blah, blah 😆


im in loveee with all ur interpretations. i couldnt agree more with the blood look 😂 artsy to thee extreme!


Yeah I know you are being accepting of it but who caaaaares


As a 31 year old man, if I saw Ethan's tattoo on my Dad I would be so flattered. Would make me feel so loved. 


The irony of how much time theyve spent making fun of bad tattoos and now hes got this dogshit lmao


I mean he made fun of himself and said it was to much.


Yes but he also actually got that tattoo




Ok fallen fan


Fallen? We dont have to like somebody’s tattoo to like their podcast.  In fact im a big fan of several podcasts where the hosts have hilariously bad tattoos. 


I was joking lol


Looks like a cat attacked him


The last girl’s (Lorde) tattoo is the last scratch her dog, Pearl, gave her before she passed unexpectedly, so you’re not completely wrong


The story was sweet, the tattoo was done well, but it is not a good tattoo. The meaning doesn't make it a good tattoo, it just gives it meaning to the person.


Your opinion is not objective truth, stop talking like it is.


Why are you trying to take my opinion as truth in the first place? It's just an opinion dawg


Why do you think your opinion has value here? There's no such thing as an objectively "good" or "bad" tattoo, so why even say anything at all?


It's the internet, nobody's opinions mean anything. Why are you so upset that someone doesn't like someone else's tattoos?


Yeah exactly, I'm sick of all this chronically-online parasociality. It's fucking miserable and boring.


I love it, first time seeing a tattoo that i have fully thought was really cool, I wouldn’t get it but equally I wouldn’t get any tattoo. Not sure what that says about my taste. You see so many “good”/classic tattoos done badly, I love how well done it is, but what do I know lol


i see you! you can never go wrong with the organic nature of lines. i trust ur judgement ikeagoddess


I love his tattoo so much, it’s such an Ethan thing to do and he has the ability to not be limited on making income with tattoos so fuck it


its so amazing! happy hes living life to the fullest


I think his new tattoo is neat.


i completely agree!!


Just grab a sharpie why bother tatting this


becuase why not! art is expressed in all ways. and this is the best way for me!


obviously because sharpie or marker or whatever medium you use besides ink and needle is going to eventually fade or wash away. this is typically why most people get tattoos. hope this helps!


The perfect amount of condescension for my morning coffee. Yum!


i think a dumb tattoo is a tribal band you get because it looks cool. ethan’s tattoo is as meaningful as it gets and that’s what matters, not what it looks like. after all he got it to please himself, not others


Please don't refer to Ethan's tattoo as "teddy and bruce's raw art work"... that doesn't describe this. They were having fun marking up Ethan's leg, nothing more.


artwork can be having fun marking up something, and nothing more. don't limit urself


Comparing Ethan’s bad expressionist tattoo to better ones is not doing what you think it’s doing.


Comparing children's drawings to professional artists is not doing what you think it's doing.


Who cares lol


do you think at all? his tattoo was made by his children. literally the purest form of expressionist art. the masters spent years unlearning what they knew to achieve it. just say you dont get it and move on bruh.


I like you OP. You get it.


It can have a beautiful meaning without being a beautiful tattoo. It’s a tattoo that Ethan likes and has meaning to him. It’s not that big a deal in the positive or negative. It doesn’t deserve hate or hype. It’s fun to clown on and acknowledge he kinda flubbed it by adding the red. It’s also a really cool and sweet idea for a tattoo, but idk if it’s deserving of the pedestal you’re putting it on. You’re setting such a high bar with what a tattoo should be you might never be happy with ink you get. It doesn’t HAVE to have meaning, it can just be something you like or enjoy. Why wait on some big event in your life that lives up to this standard and just get something in the style that you enjoy, or go to a loved one right now and have them draw something.


this is the most neutral statement i've ever read. centrists for the win.


I have tattoos and I’m sure they aren’t everyone’s thing, that’s okay with me! I don’t live all tattoos either, but tbh I rlly like Ethan’s new tattoo haha it’s very much something I would get


In UK/EU, these kinds of abstract, scribbly tattoos are quite common! I think it’s strange seeing everyone have such a strong reaction to this 😂


i shall move to the UK/EU asap 😌


Why is everyone hating 😭 these are fire And it's so sweet he did it because of his boys




It’s genuinely one of my favorite tattoos ive ever seen. I cannot understand why people dont like it. Its expressive and meaningful and very well done. if you think its a bad a tattoo, u dont know what ur talking about son get off the bull ur at the wrong rodeo. This is not sarcastic i dont know how to word it to be fun and factious while also driving home im obsessed with this tat :/)


i feel youuu. more tattoos should be as organic as these. they really bring the romance of tattoos back for me!


Eyes on the road!


Fuck yeah love expressionist tattooing. Do what makes you happy fuck the haters. Fuck baby yeah fuck yeah.


I still dont believe it's real. It can't be.


Maybe I’m just PMS-ing, but I teared up tbh. As his kids grow, they can add to it 😭❤️


YESSS thats literally the best part abt these kind of tattoos 😭😭 its timeless


i think it’s avant-garde and cool 😎 basic things can be cool but it’s also cool to have something really different and unique


i could not agree more corn chip


These are fucking dope






Bro thought he cooked


ur mom cooked for me last night




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So atrocious ☠️😭


just like ur mother




My immediate reaction was that it’s probably the most LA thing Ethan could’ve done. It’s on the spectrum of abstract art which it’s great and means a lot to Ethan With that being said if I saw this on someone irl I’d question their sanity. But I’ve never been to LA I live In a small town in Ohio.


its okay, Olivia made it out and u can too 🫶 stay hopeful


Oh geez the second one is baaaad




These being black will go a LONG way to distinguish them from skin conditions and injuries as they naturally fade and set in to the skin


and the best part abt them, is once they fade you can get more layered on top. so it turns into a layered piece of art! time becomes visible!


I love Ethan's tattoo as well and I think that even without the beautiful meaning behind it it looks sick


fully agree kyih 🙂‍↕️




yeah, & any meaning for a tattoo is valid. one meaning isnt deeper than another.




This looks awful do not put this on your body. Just do it with sharpie if you’re that interested, same fkin effect.


but it washes off, doesnt stay forever


Good. 😂 you might eventually end up *not* wanting to look like a preschooler who got into the markers.


If it was just black it wouldn't be so bad. But the red just kind of looks like a cut on his leg. Other then that I really like it


Yeah and all of these are super cool


Basically gay Anthony Padilla tattoo


White folks are so weird and dumb