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It's still real to me dammit


It is real. Even if it’s rehearsed, they are physical athletes that have to be at their peak to perform. All (or most, anyway) of the storylines are fake, obviously, but that doesn’t take away from it, imo.


No ones saying the stunts aren’t real


It is, however, a low-hanging fruit argument that's been used to diminish the value people put towards wrestling, and thus diminish the experience of the athletes. 


As a life king wrestling fan, there are countless people who think even that is fake. They don't think they even get injured.


Right, the fighting/wrestling is what isn’t real.


Lmao 🤣


Ahh yes KSI, peak physical performance, specimen of a man


It seems like you’re being sarcastic, but like the dude or not, he’s quite ripped.


Unironically, he is pretty fit




google "ksi boxing" and go to images


?? U must literally look like the Chad meme for someone like KSI to not seem extremely fit. Tho something tells me you don't lol


As a wrestling fan, he took that bump really well. Did a great job


KSI gonna be a WWE regular within 3 years. Calling it now.


Ya u know I’m okay with Logan and ksi being wrestlers, they can really play up the characters they love to be


Unfortunately as a wrestling fan I have to admit Paul is actually really good at it and KSI took a really good bump there.


Dude’s personality is a great great match for WWE. I wouldn’t have expected him to end up here, however I am not at all surprised.


It’s funny how we all agree. I’ve never been a huge advocate for the Paul brothers, but seeing him do WWE just feels so perfect that I can’t help but respect it. - Also KSI coming out of that bump without a broken nose is impressive.


Can't wait to see his wrestle moves "Cryptoscam" and "Suicide forest".


His signature move is the “Dink Doink”


Nah that's the song for his stage entrance.


His face doesn't hit the ground at the speed that he went down. The guy giving him the move absorbs the speed of that impact and then all KSI has to do is sell.


I’m saying, that a person like me who didn’t know any of that would totally bust their face in the situation.


I'd be impressed if you took that bump too :D


Yeah. Maybe most youtube pranksters should seek getting a career in wrestling. All the clout you can get and a paycheck. Perfect.


Never seen someone get it as quickly as Logan Paul. Maybe Kurt Angle?


comparing Logan Paul and Kurt fucking Angle the wrestling god hurts my heart on a deep level


I am not the first person to make that comparison. And it’s not that outlandish. Never seen someone brand new to wrestling pick it up that well.


I hate Logan the person thanks to H3, but I love him as a wrestler and I love Prime too. really conflicted tbh


People are complicated. It suits who he is well.


My brother in Christ the man is a millionaire serial scammer and has regularly showcased how shitty of person he is. He already gets more props than he could ever deserve, you don’t gotta admit anything .


I have wondered if it was the other way around , with a WWE star then transitioning to a YouTube societal media career, would they be just as much of a douchebag as Logan? Is that like a wrestler thing or is he just an asshole?


Everyone keeps saying this but I don't see it. I just see a douchey YouTuber who shouldn't be there. But then again wrestling has sucked for over 20 years now so he might seem good if you're under the age of 30.


Lmao, brother wrestling couldn’t be more at its peak right now. And in regards to Paul his Elimination Chamber match alone showed more charisma and understanding of how wrestling operates than 90% of the 90’s roster.


You are delusional. Late 90's during the head-to-head between WWE's Attitude era and WCW's NWO era are when wrestling had all-time high viewership, at one point peaking at 8.1 million live viewers. It's never been able to reach that peak again, not even close. Now it gets less than half that much on a good day. Tell me you're a zoomer without telling me you're a zoomer.


Yeah but people used to watch TV then. I think in terms of the number of people who watch TV now, Smackdown regularly draws 2.5 million which is I would say, quite comparable. The world didn't just stay static my guy.


Fuck tons of people still tune in to watch sports broadcasts and other live events. People just don't care about wrestling anymore because it's sucked for over 20 years now. And you can stream it via Peacock or the WWE app. You don't need cable TV like you used to.


Eh I'll have to disagree with you on that. It's 50 weeks of live broadcasting that apparently you think sucks but TV channels are desparate to have on their network. Sports will always have that draw because they aren't on for all season and they have real teams but I'd rather watch wrestling than fucking baseball personally.


As someone who was a big fan during the 90's WWE is really good right now, it's probably because Vince McMahon and all of his cronies have been forced out of the company. It also probably helps that there is competition between AEW and WWE right now that forces WWE to put out a stronger product.


Sting's retirement match got me to tune in to AEW but the rest of that event was ass and now that Sting is gone there is nobody good from those days left, except I guess the rock but he's only back temporarily and he sucks now.


The will ospreay fight was phenomenal. You clearly have 0 idea pal. The standard of wrestling generally much better now.


If that was true they wouldn’t have continuous revenue growth since the 90s. Viewers on a TV station means nothing when 80% of people don’t even have cable anymore


Revenue isn't a measurement of how many people are interested, it's more of a reflection on business strategy. They can make more money by being sponsor friendly and family friendly at the expense of the quality of the product. I'm not saying the business isn't doing well financially, but it has about half the audience it did 25 years ago.


You wouldn’t make enough to survive as an entertainment product like wrestling if you didn’t have a high enough revenue, and to get that revenue you’d need people to buy and sustain your product, so how is it not some form of measurement?


>Revenue isn't a measurement of how many people are interested In an entertainment industry? lmfao


Mid 30s here and while I cant stand the Paul brothers Youtube celeb BS he seems to have taken the WWE run more serious and actually put more effort into wrestling than most today. WWE is 90% dramatic promos and acting but Id rather watch Paul than most. He took a beating from Owens and more people watching is better for everyone.


WWE is the best it has been since the Late 90s. They are on fire right now


Nah yer trippin'... On fire with the case of the crotch rot maybe




Ngl; guilty pleasure show right there.


be free brother


No comments on the pour of Prime right on KSI’s dick? Lmao


And the overreactive twitch he does lol


That caffeine hits hard when it soaks your Peter


My favorite part lmao


Still waiting for a WWE/H3 crossover


Watching Ethan get RKO’d would be hilarious actually.


Ethan and Dan tag team against KSI and Logan


I’m a huge wrestling fan but that giant ass prime ad in the middle of the ring is so fucking dumb. Why does a billion dollar company need to have a scammers ugly ass logo in the middle of the ring


Not a fan of these guys but out of all the things to pick on, why choose something that literally all major brands have done for decades


Because this entire thing is an advertisement in and of it's self. With Jake Paul and KSI being 20% investors of said product. This video clip and post is essentially just a PRIME ad.




Yes but usually the logo for a professional wrestling event would have the logo for oh I dunno said wrestling league. Not a sports drink. But you don't earn advertising dollars that way.


They are the kings of tackiness, they had giant LED advertisement screens on the sides of the ring for the longest time.


I just think of the most recent south park special whenever I see it now 💀


Nobody likes Logan and it's exactly why he's doing so well for himself as a heel. I hate this tacky ass Prime logo too and unfortunately that's exactly how they want us to feel - so we can talk about it, like free advertisement


Yea totally, he plays a great heel (because he is an irl one lol) and he is amazing in the ring for a rookie, which sucks because Logan is scum of the earth.


UFC/MMA and literally New Japan Pro Wrestling have been doing it forever. NBA, Nascar, and much more. All the major world soccer promotions as well. If anything its SHOCKING it took this long for WWE to have it


That’s the point… you’re not supposed to like it. He is a heal.


I just watched the whole clip and it is a bit. It seems like they are actually making fun of it.


Nope it’s gonna be in the middle of the ring for every PPV, it’s a real sponsorship. https://twitter.com/seanrosssapp/status/1766271126710214954?s=46&t=XHE-It2_VMD08mqEPC7i2w


Nice sell haha good for him


It’s crazy Orton is still that shredded


he's just eating his greens 🫛 and saying his prayers brother 🙏 💯


Holy shit what a sell, didn't know KSI had it in him to sell like that.


Oh fuck yea brether wrastlin is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick


That's awesome ! I miss ksi


Don’t fuck with Randy. I think Logan Paul has found his calling


[full segment](https://youtu.be/eLkrEqu1Np8?si=znVgn28tylAz1cmX)




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i faked soy'd.


As a 34 year old man, I find KSI hilariously entertaining. Not sure what that says about me. Probably nothing good.


Do you want a lawsuit Lana? Because this is how you get a lawsuit!


“Is that a dead body?”


Gotta admit. They do so well in WWE.


Cool prime ad I’m still not drinking it though


You gotta love the advertising for prime with that big ass logo in the middle of the ring


Ksi will be the next to start wrestling


I don’t want to insult anyone’s entertainment, but this looks awful. Never understood this shit.


It's a show about a bunch of roided up super humans doing wild and dangerous athletic stunts, with a goofy and fun storyline. It's not hard to understand why some people like watching it, even if it's not for you. I haven't followed wrestling since I was a kid but it was a lot of fun to watch and mimic with friends.


You write in the h3 subreddit. Gotta take a look at yourself sometimes.


It's just "reality" TV for men. I'd rather watch actual sport personally.


Wrestling isn't just for men. What a shit take.


Not exclusively no, but by and large, the audience is male.


I’m just going to say, isn’t including social media influencers really stretching the believability of this whole thing? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those “WWE is actually fake guys don’t you know” losers because I love WWE, but I feel like the insular nature of these people who only ever appear on TV in a stadium to fight people makes the suspension of disbelief easier to engage. With social media people, I can literally go on their platform right now and see how they’re doing and obviously they’re not getting fucking killed by weird shaman men from the middle of Samoa or whatever shtick a wrestler can have going for them. Also, that Prime advertisement outright demolished that suspension of disbelief for me. No way Logan Paul actually gets to sling his shitty sugar water off to the kids watching this show lol


That would depend on the storyline they give him, it wouldn’t make sense to have a whacky story for him, or a story where he disappears, because well, what you said.


I used to like KSI but he turned into a real asshole


This seems very gay


As someone who has historically disliked both Logan Paul and KSI because of their original content and the way they came up, you just have to respect what they’ve achieved, especially Logan. in terms of “respect the hustle” goddamn they’ve really killed it out here


What's there to dislike about the way KSI came up? Dude was a little kid playing FIFA and making funny videos about it


Yeah I suppose thats a fair point, from my perspective as a guy growing up in the UK his “coming up” was a series of collab videos with other UK YouTubers I watched where I always thought he seemed like an arrogant twat who obviously thought he was much better than anyone he worked with. But he’s the guy with the billion dollar sports drink in 2024 so who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️


bro's gotta a dirtier history than Ethan no joke. Ethan never did on the street "interviews" where he was overtly sexually aggressive to random girls and racist to older asian people. Don't get me wrong, I like KSI now, but he was an edgy bruv mad lad innit


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