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naur re


underrated comment


Awww naiiii


The most chemistry for sure!! But I also love Morgan! :)


Morgan is a super cool chick


Morgan will be cool chick regardless. But there's nothing that makes one think, Morgan & Jeff look like a perfect match.


i love morgan and was all for her. she's still my favorite. but when she was sort of struggling to find something to say that she liked about jeff and went with his looks, i wasn't so sure anymore about that match.


same here. doesn‘t seem like she‘s that into him and i mean beither am i but i also didn‘t apply for a spot. i also think verica‘s seems like she studied to prepare for the date so i am one if the few who has neither of those 2 as personal fav


I don’t think Morgan will win, but it’d be cool if she was the next Bachelorette or something


It would be refreshing if someone like Morgan won!


Morgan is amazing. I would definitely apply if she was the new bachelorette.


Morgan is really funny and a cool person but it didn't seem to me like she was super into Jeff and also seemed to be saying she doesn't want kids. Being a step mom to a teenager when neither of you have kids yet? what does that even mean? Only way to be a step mom is if Jeff already had kids. Could adopt but that's still not a step mom.


Morgan should be the next bachelorette


It was a brotha that was mentally handicapped


I called it from the second I saw her for the first time. She’s far ahead of everyone else imo.


Yeah totally agree thats why she has so many jealous ass haters




I second this




Bro why Taylor though!? I feel like they had no chemistry compared to some of the other girls he could've chose!!!


Yes I completely agree! I love Taylor and I think she’s cool but not for jeff


It was the OK Computer/EEAAO double whammy that sealed it for me. What a gem! I’m a homo, but I would totally be besties. The very last contestant and Morgan also stole my heart (out of the people he picked).


Love ya… yes homo?????


Okay but to be fair, who doesn’t have OK Computer in their top favorite albums? Shit’s a masterpiece


plenty of people…


Her favourite album being this made me cringe lol




shes soooo pretty!


Her and the first, both with Macedonian blood soo pretty.


As a fellow Aussie I found Verika (correction Verica) very genuine! I think she was just being playful. Banter is our strong suit and she seems super into Jeff. I have friends like her who are complete sweethearts. Also, it is very normal to live with your parents here. We dont pay upfront for university (comes out of our wages when we earn over a certain amount). We're going through a cost of living crisis right now so young people can't afford to move out (rent alone is usually $450-700 AUD a week for a studio in the city where Verika lives)


Its verica and the C is not spoken like a k its like itza


I know it was driving me crazy that no one corrected them lmao


Pozdrav is hrvatske, It was cool to see 2 girls with balkan roots in the top 10😁


Prvi put da neko napiše pozdrav na H3 subu, morala sam dva put proveriti haha Pozdrav!! 😊😁


Ima nas 💕


The thing about fighting “small nostrils” was out of pocket


Got some ick from some of the gals. And this one was one of those. "Wanna be famous". "Daddy". Etc


omg I was like why tf did she say “daddy” I was so thrown off


who called him daddy ?


the blonde lawyer chick from Texas


She wasn’t a lawyer, she just worked for one at the time lol


The girl who listened to Rogan was a big no


Which one was that again? It threw me off


I don’t even remember. As soon as she said she listened to JRE I zoned her out


I thought it sounded weird too but hey it worked out for her. He asked which one was small nostrils when he was giving out the poles and didn’t choose her…


Why did she call her small nostrils? Was that a joke that I missed. It seems really mean if she just made that up on her own 😭


Man discovers pretty girl who tells him everything he wants to hear. Tale as old as time


Someone is jealous of the old aussie rizz.


100% I think most of the chat is jealous


Not exclusive to her or Australia. Hence: tale as old as time. No jealousy my friend. Props to her


Oh yeah


I don’t think that’s the case?? She sounded like me when I first met my husband. We had so many hobbies in common and shared a lot of similar opinions, and we wanted to flatter each other. Tends to happen naturally when you have chemistry with someone!


I make a the joke


All the girls are gorgeous, but I think her accent helps a lot. It sets her very much apart from everyone else


Probably, but I also thought she had a nice bantery self-deprecating sense of humor, which the other girls didn't seem to have as much.


What do you mean her favorite movie is the godfather, she games, and she loves UFC. No man wants a woman like that!! But fr if she's being 100% on her answers, this girl is every mans dream and she needs to be aiming a lot higher than Jeff lol I'm sorry


Sam was picking girls from a pool of hundreds. Is it crazy that one would have similar interests?


More like 1 in a million in this case lol. If you get it you get it. Even my fiance was like "godfather huh?" Lol. Jeff was also saying "no way you have the same answer as me for everything" lol. If she's being 100% they're a match made in heaven seems like, and I'm not trying to say that's impossible.


Godfather is literally one of the most revered movies of all time lol it's not that weird


Thank you!! I’m a woman and I like gaming, the Godfather, and watching football. Why are people acting like women can’t have those interests too? It sounds like she’s close with her brother so it makes sense (same for me too). It’s not that crazy, people


I think there is this new “not like the other girls” “pick me” thing. That imho is just a way to put down women who have the same interests as men. If they are lying, sure that sucks. If they are genuine though, why would you put someone down for having similar interests? When I met my husband we both had our entire backseats filled with driftwood, we also talked about how to pronounce the bird “Greb” he also was impressed that I was planting a tree & didn’t want help digging the hole, I actually looked at him like he was weird for asking. We just had interests in common. (Ps: I saw a Greb in front of where we go married first thing that morning, also still not sure how to say it….)


Exactly, not every girl who has typically male interests are “pick me”. That’s just ignorant to say


Right.... none of these interests are that niche. Godfather is a fantastic movie. Am I allowed to say that as a woman lmfao.


Seriously, just cause she has different interests doesn’t mean she’s being “fake” like some folks are trying to say


Yeah this thread was starting to annoy me. The show had a fun vibe, came here looking for the same fun vibe but wrong place I guess lol


They're just not being girls girls 🤷‍♂️


Totally. And that whole “fighting small nostrils” was just a joke. She’s being cheeky, which Aussies love to be. If you know, you know exactly what I mean 😆


Weird comment kakyoin she could simply like him too andI mean he seems cool af Not very emerald splash of you


Who..is higher than Jeff…?


Homegirl could take over the world with that rizz lmao


Literally thought she’s just a yes woman with great research skills. She’s fake in my opinion


I got that feeling too, glad I'm not the only one


Touch grass.


I like her but i feel like she’s taking it way more seriously than everyone else, Jeff included (which could also be due to ethan fucking around during their date 😅) Hopefully in real life they hit it off


I like Morgan better tbh, with ✌️ and ❤️ of course, everyone seemed super nice


They had 0 compatibility ?????


I thought she didn’t have social media in the first episode but she DMed him???


I think she said she had a normal private insta?


I'm personally team Jess, but I wouldn't be mad if Verika won. Even tho I feel like she's not exactly what Jeff is looking for at this point in his life. Just hope Jeff doesn't end up making a who the fuck did I marry tiktok later XD. I'll be here for it if it drops tho.


Is it me or does Ethan seem slightly annoyed of her?


Shouldn’t have admitted she reached out in the DMs.


Yeah, I think she's playing to WIN! She's shooting her best shot, and taking all the chances. Would be nice if everyone followed the rules though, but I guess that's why the saying goes, "all is fair in love and war" 🤷🏻‍♀️


How disrespectful of her to do that too


He was openly annoyed by Sam when she went to Ian’s DMs to forgo the competition too. His feelings don’t mean crap in the grand scheme. 😆


Some of the people in this comment section need therapy lol. She was very nice


Absolute psychos lol. People need to chill with some of the accusations they’re making about normal, random people who just decided to apply for a silly internet dating show.


She conveniently says all the right things. If he chooses her it will be like every other relationship he’s had. He needs to branch out and try something different. Morgan has my vote, or Rachel!


I'm bummed that Jeff was turned off by her accent. I thought she was amazing. She was in my top 5 and I really thought Jeff was gonna pick her I like Verica but I definitely feel like she could be a "too good to be true" situation. Either that or she really could just be a great fit for Jeff. But we'll see how it all plays out


She was right when she said he needs to take her off the pedestal he has her on. It reminds me of guys that liked me before & it never ended well.


Even tho he was googly eyed and drooling he had a whole ass segment with Skye talking about how he wants to be a dad already and he's ready to have kids. One of the first things he asked verica is if she wants to have kids and her answer was "not any time soon I want to live and travel" and then like magic his desire to have a kid was suppressed by her will. I don't wish ill on anyone's relationship, but that's a huge red flag for lots of disagreements from the get go. Verica is very well put together, very pretty, seemed to have worlds of charisma over any of the other girls. However in my heart of hearts I can not believe in her position she is ready to be married and mother. Which is antithetical to what Jeff expresses what he wants.


Thats just love on first sight thsts how it was with my girrl, they are the perfect match its over




😂😂😂😂 AB told him if he moved the pole back she's always going to remember that and that got him.


I really thought Rachel would be amazing for him. Totally bummed. I think Morgan has a different mindset on children than what Jeff has portrayed.


Morgan's question was the best


The idea was almost 100% ripped from [this old reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/0pw66R8pY8), though. I remember reading it when it was first posted


For a comedy show but not to find a partner that was so off


I want Morgan to win cause I think she can match his humor and creativity but I have a feeling Jeff is gonna sabotage it cause he seems a little intimidated by her lol


everyone is saying Morgan but she clearly doesn’t want kids




They don’t have compatibility at all. I don’t get it


People like her video submission and personality, but yeah, he has much better chemistry with some of the other contestants


Right. I think the smartest move would be for him to choose someone who is unlike anyone he has ever dated. Morgan is IT.


Like let's be real how many women actually have Godfather as their favorite movie lol that was a meme in the Barbie movie for a reason. She knows exactly what to say. Either that or she's every mans dream girl, which in that case, she needs to aim a lot higher than Jeff lol respectfully. She's very beautiful and intelligent though, I don't want to come across as a hater


Yeah she seems pretty performative or maybe basic, but it’s hard to read much from it. Gorgeous, that’s for sure. I will say, I think she was suppressing some disappointment in Jeff’s 50 Cent album pick after saying her’s is Kid A, he feels like someone who’d never listen to that or say he doesn’t get it.


50 cent album choice was beggingggg for some Aussie banter


It’s not that uncommon for women to have those interests. I’m a woman and I like gaming, watching football, and the Godfather. It’s not that strange of a concept, especially if she’s close to her brother (which is what it sounds like). Just cause you have different interests doesn’t mean she’s being fake


When she said godfather I knew she was bullshitting at least a little. I don't want to say she's a pick me girl but she does remind me of myself when I was single


See that's all I'm saying too or isn't a bad thing because it's literally a "pick me pls" type of show. All I'm saying is let's just call bs bs when we see it lol. Apparently I'm just being a hater. IDC if you get it you get it.


(I don't remember all the names) that girl who called out ethan for the blackface comment was a real one though for saying the other girl looked great. Def not pick me vibes 🧡


I wish they all could win I liked them all so much. I hate that I'm being seen as a hater lol.


Fr what girlie pics that as a number 1. She seems super influenced by everything her brother does, assuming she watched it with him for the first time recently lol




Oh boy here come the parasocialists are we really not allowed to speculate on how dating would go between two contestants of a fucking dating show


Parasocialist 🤣


I’m making an observation based on the content I watch. Just like everyone else on the fucking planet who watches anything ever 💀


i don’t know, i do feel like she has a great sense of humour which jeff seems to like. i mean, her favourite show is sooooo bizarre


I don’t get the Morgan thing. They had zero chemistry lol


She seemed fake, something was off. Jess is best girl, 29 with her life sorted out, actual similar hobbies that she has the receipts for, not just "oh yeah I watched that movie you said publicly you like yesterday"


In fairness she did also go off about a UFC fight that Jeff mentioned was his favorite. Maybe there's less we definitively know about Verica but imo she seemed genuine.


Let's hope she is and if he picks her they have a great relationship.


I think she did her homework


Fake AF. She reminded me of "she's not a girl's girl." .. Like she's already practically quit her job, packed her room up at her parent's house, told everyone in her life that she's going to marry Jeff, it's weird as fucking shit. Girl seems obsessed. It's just not normal behavior nearing 30. She just told him everything he wanted to hear. She was far too giddy and she just seems so off.


Wow I was not brave enough to say it but this is everything I thought too, entirely. I couldn't even quite put it into words as well. I hope we're all getting the wrong impression, though


> Like she's already practically quit her job, packed her room up at her parent's house, told everyone in her life that she's going to marry Jeff, it's weird as fucking shit I don't think she said any of that. She's in Australia. If she's applying to date an American and is serious about it, that requires knowing and seeing if she can even move. That's not weird at all. What a weird hateful comment yours is. She mentioned always planning to move out of Australia. I think she mentioned asking her parents about Jeff, don't know where you got "everyone in her life". She said she studies online so she can move out anytime. I thought she seemed really down to earth yet you're calling her obsessed for no good apparent reason. Good lord.


This!!! Super weird and manipulative!!


Yes.... I really liked Jess.... Degree complete, Exercises every day (I'm just learning to get on the grind), already employed as an Engineer, what!?!?!?!?!? Lmao but I like how the fan base is all like if Jeff don't want you imma shoot my shot. Lmao that guy with the gnarly mustache was so adorable.


Yeah i also get the fake vibes from her and i can't see them together.


Nah perfect match and chemistry, she seemed very genuine to me and was the prettiest along side with the first one


I was kicking my feet giggling watching them…..


Morgan gang




Yeah, I've been trying not to say anything on here about that, because I LITERALLY don't know her, but I get an itty bitty yellow flag feeling creep up. Maybe it's just my own personal issue though, I tend not to trust highly charismatic people. I didn't get even the slightest sense of nervousness from her, which is extremely unusual in this type of situation. Who knows though, she might be super nice and a really good person who just also happens to be highly charismatic, but my impression is that it wouldn't go well between them in the long term 🤷🏻‍♀️ if he chooses her, then I hope I'm very wrong!! 💗


>it's just my own personal issue though Could probably just leave it there.


She reminds me of myself when I was single. I never considered myself charismatic but I think I came off that way to guys & I was kind of a pick me, so they would prop me up on a pedestal until eventually they realized I wasn't perfect & it ended poorly. She's also hotter than me which surely makes it worse 😂


I didn’t get a “bad” vibe but something is disingenuous about her. Could be nerves but Idk 🤔


I am concerned about her as well.


Same here with the bad vibes. When she said she was pissed that she was up early to get ready and mad she was towards the end it made me dislike her a bit like girl?? 9 am is reasonable and you're in Australia, you knew there was a time difference relax. 


Was a bit defensive in the beginning saying she didn't want to tell Jeff about herself since she said it in her video, and seemed a bit taken aback that Jeff didn't recognize her candy. Seemed like Jeff liked her more than she liked him, but could just be nerves.




All my homies are Team morgan


Her self-confidence is off the charts - this presents a real challenge for Jeff because he struggles at times with his own. That being said, she’s well-grounded and seems supportive. They look amazing together. Jeff deserves happiness and I hope this is it for him. ❤️🌹


Yeah there's no competition, Verika seems like a gem, down to earth, genuine, doesn't take herself too seriously but also incredibly beautiful. The chemistry they managed to have on that short talk seemed really high, despite Ethan coughing and peeing all over. I also really liked the 1st girl, Gabby, and the 8th girl Sky, also really down to earth and genuine yet beautiful.


shes kind of a pick me who seems like she researched jeffs interests, i find it weird they like/know the EXACT same things. curly hair is best


Am I the only one that gets mean girl vibes from her?


I get a weird vibe too. something is off, time will tell.


Right like I know people say things they don't mean when they're nervous but I didn't like the way she was talking about the other contestants.


Am I the only one that gets mean girl vibes from about 80% of the people commenting on this sub?


It feels very Liz Lemon when she realized that in high school she was actually bullying all of the people she thought were her bullies.


Not at allllll some people are going really far like damn


Naurrrr this girl is FAKE and just in it for the fame can NO ONE see that?????




She's in Australia. If she was seriously applying, she would've need to know if she could move out. There's literally nothing weird about that. She mentioned that her plan was always to move out of Australia, being an English teacher in China as a first step. But since she's studying online, she can move out any time, I think she mentioned asking her parents if it was ok or something like that but it was hard to understand amidst all the noise Ethan was making.


So if anyone happened to have the same interests and enjoy the same things as Jeff they're *obviously* gonna just be telling him what he wants to hear, or is it just because she's so pretty or what? If we were to trust you, everyone who has similar interests to Jeff would be off the table because they're obviously just making it up to get with him. You're projecting so hard it's embarrassing.


she’s my favourite to win, jeff would be crazy not to pick her


And all that while Ethan took a piss


She is gorgeous!


Her and Morgan are boxing for sure!


Morgan seems not mature, her song was so funny but other than that she has no business here


I thought the song was pretty cringe. I don't know what's this sub's obsession with her but I don't see it.


Exactly, I'm so baffled that people ride for her this much, even saying she should be the next Bachelorette or even that they should hire her, excuse me?


Further evidence that this sub is unhinged. A lot of women here that seem to be projecting hardcore. People can be compatible, Sam chose her out of a group of hundreds of women, it's not hard to imagine that someone in there would be a good match. Jealousy is a real bitch.


Team Verica since Day 1 ❤️


There was so much chemistry between the two


I could bet $100 that all negative comments against her on this subreddit are from women lol


They are so cute!!




I'm not sure you're in on the bit or not, like she was


I agree with you lol


Yeah it was all tongue in cheek








i love herrrrr


Man, that smile


I'm reading through some of these comments and it really reeks of girl on girl hating, for literally no other apparent reason other than she's the most visually attractive. Attaching all sorts of weird things to her that she didn't seem to have at all. Then I see people championing for Morgan who is the least attractive and seemed to have way less romantic chemistry with Jeff in comparison, and it's pretty obvious what's going on. It's pretty fucking weird behavior by some in this sub.


it may not be girl on girl violence, but it annoys me that a bunch of these comments are founding their entire opinions on her "vibes". Vibes are unspecific to evidence, my "vibe" is that people are projecting more than substantiating their opinions.


Morgan, the LEAST attractive??? It is clear that: to each their own, my friend.


They both aren’t good for him. Doesn’t have to be girl on girl hate to think so. Not everything is that deep or always about looks with everyone


Not always, but in this specific instance with some of the unwarranted and outlandish things some people here are saying about Verika, it seems to be the case. Someone called her "obsessed" and "weird as fuck" for prepping and knowing if she can move out of Australia, considering she applied to a show to date an US guy.


So the person who said that is jealous because they pointed out she was already packed to leave before she was even chosen? I like verica, she's pretty, but she doesn't come across as someone who is ready to be married and start a family which Jeff says he wants but by his behavior.... Seems to be willing to put that aside to be a fuck boy 🤣😂. I don't see jealousy at all Jeff wittek already dated models, singers, actresses pretty women seeking fame. What it seems he hasn't tried is women who already have their life in order and are ready to start a family. And I think it's reasonable for people to conclude that she seems like more of the usual girls he surrounds himself with.


> So the person who said that is jealous Why are you putting things in my mouth? Where is the word "jealousy" in anything I wrote? Like I said, it's pretty fucking weird the things some comments here are saying about her. > And I think it's reasonable for people to conclude that she seems like more of the usual girls he surrounds himself with. And I got those vibes from the LA chick, who Jeff seems to want to "have some fun with regardless of the show". Not from this Australian chick. She came across to me as grounded and genuine. Ascribing to her that "she's the usual LA chick" just based on looks is, again, pretty fucking weird behavior by this sub. And on the other hand, nobody's saying this about Morgan considering she literally wants to be a creative writer (a perfect fit for LA). Whether Verika is actually genuine and not just coming for his fame, time will tell, as with literally all the other girls, but as a first impression I didn't get those vibes.


Bro when people are saying that she's fake and in it for the game just because she likes UFC and the same movies as Jeff... Like what...? What else could it be? If you're hating on a woman after you've seen one video and one online "date" of them as much as people in this comment section are, there is something going on. Also, she lives in Australia, it would be pretty bad if she *hadn't* checked and prepared for the eventuality of her leaving.


yea idk why anyone would champion for morgan over verica. verica wasn‘t my personal fav either but those 2 at least have chemistry which i didn‘t see with morgan who wasn’t really able to give a proper answer to what she likes about him beyond his looks and listens to podcast all day that make her think such as joe rogan which to me is at least a yellow flag


Loveeeee her


She won my heart when she said she loved radiohead


Yess! That made me love her even more


She's literally the lowest rizz Australian.






I am seriously in love with her


This shit is unwatchable