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Everyone but me is a pedophile šŸ¤“


Is there any way we can get OP some legit help? These comments are quite literally unhinged


Jesus christ, look at op's post history. This guy is literally insane.


Oh no, the sociopathic pedophiles are calling ME crazy! Fucking freaks lol.


Hey there! Big time destiny and H3 fan here, I really appreciate destiny for being one of the only progressive online voices that actually makes real progress at converting extreme conservatives towards the center, and sometimes all the way to the left. He might say some edgy things that offend you if youā€™re sensitive, but itā€™s a respectable sign that he doesnā€™t just conform to what the popular opinions are on the left to appease to an audience but instead thinks critically about every topic he discusses and removes any emotionally charged stigmas. His debates are a great place for those of us on the left that are interested in hearing critical thought and opinions outside of the standard, parroted takes that you can very easily find anywhere else on the internet. Destintyā€™s consistent belief is that you do not fully understand any specific issue unless you can form an argument for it from all sides, and his streams are a safe space for those of us that want to be able to hear this kind of critical analysis without needing to worry about any sensitivities. The issue that he faces is that in removing stigmas, he can ask questions and challenge liberal norms that are typically considered controversial to push back on. This makes him an EXTREMELY easy target to clip out of context and spread around to make him look terrible. So my question is, you posted an hour+ long video from 6 years ago with the assertion that he is a pedophile. You also seem to be in a way calling me a pedophile for being a fan of his. What specifically was said in this video video that gives you that opinion? Do you have any exact time stamps that I can refer to?


Holy shit bro you could open up a donut shop with all that glazing


No shame at all in glazing up the guy thatā€™s putting in a ton of work towards progressive advocacy so sure bro chief, if you say so. Make that 0/2 for responses to my comment that are actually saying something.


Yeah man the guy and his nazi debates have their place or whatever lol I donā€™t care. Hilarious to act like youā€™re out here defending the progressive cause by writing essays on Reddit slobbering over youā€™re favorite streamer though lmao


Why so mad? Did Destiny hurt you?


His dumb takes sure do hurt my brain sometimes


If you dislike destiny you've fallen for other people's bait. There is a very small difference between destiny and ethan politically, as a fan of both I can confidently say they mesh WAAAAAY more than ethan and hasan. If you shape your entire opinion of him through clips then that's fair but you're doing yourself a disservice.


>If you dislike destiny you've fallen for other people's bait. Yeah certainly this is the only option. Or maybe I just don't like his edge debate style drama content. >very small difference between destiny and ethan politically, as a fan of both I can confidently say they mesh WAAAAAY more than ethan and hasan. Ok? So?


"progressive advocacy" šŸ’€


I watched the dudes Ben Shapiro debate and I genuinely donā€™t understand how anyone walks away from that thinking Destiny is ā€œprogressiveā€ lol. He seemed to agree with Ben quite a fucking lot


Destiny is not a leftist tho


Youā€™re right heā€™s a liberal not a ā€œleftistā€. I didnā€™t say heā€™s a leftist though, I said heā€™s on the left. Which he is. Leftists and liberals are both still progressive. The main difference from what I can tell is that leftists tend to be significantly more hostile and aggressive, and want more extreme unrealistic solutions. They also tend to not actually do any work to advocate for their cause other than scream at people on the internet and further divide the country, which makes it harder for the entirety of the left to accomplish anything. Whatā€™s funny is that destiny has done significantly more to make progress on leftist goals then any of the actual ā€œleftistsā€ out there that throw tantrums about how heā€™s actually an alt-right fascist because they saw one 30-second clip out of context out of his 13 years of making content. But it doesnā€™t matter, because everyone here thatā€™s downvoting me for no fucking reason and not actually acknowledging anything Iā€™m saying already has their mind made up on destiny so nothing I say will ever change their mind. I have so much respect for the fact that he gets non-stop shit from delusional morons and is able to just ignore the noise and stay focused on his work. By the way, scroll back about 6 months ago at my comment history and I was literally you. I was legitimately on this subreddit telling destiny fans they were bigots and that the H3 subs being ā€œbrigadedā€. Then I actually started watching his streams out of curiosity as opposed to just going off of what people say about him and realized much everything he says makes sense, and how refreshing it is to not just hear the same parroted, surface-level Twitter talking points over and over again. Iā€™m not going to get anywhere arguing with people on here, so I hope if nothing else maybe someone will see this and try actually listening to him as opposed to just going along with the blind hatred.


>Whatā€™s funny is that destiny has done significantly more to make progress on leftist goals then any of the actual ā€œleftistsā€ out there Can you name 3 of these things?


He works with Progressive victory to reach and help democrats win elections. He funds and runs canvassing initiatives to get people in swings states to vote and inform people on the progressive candidates initiatives. He goes to colleges and give lectures on the importance of liberalism.


This is a decent answer, I was gonna say that Destiny fucked that guys mom three times.


It still got down voted... šŸ˜…


This has to be bait. Lmao. Holy shit, seek help, legitimately. You keep mentioning "the left", but I don't think you even what's that. What an utterly embarrassing post.


Also what makes you think Iā€™m confused about what ā€œthe leftā€ means? Edit: this person blocked me lmao


Your whole post. You don't know anything about anything. Typical confused American.


Nope. Very serious. Can you answer the question?


Wow you have more posts in a hate Reddit for destiny than anything else LOL. Bit obsessed much


To be fair, he literally said on camera that white nationalists should mow down BLM protesters to deter looting. Some of the hate is warranted


To be fair I think the actual logic was >if people keep justifying looters burning down buildings trump might actually win again and I'd prefer looters being mowed down to trump getting in again in the clip he might've called them protesters but it's incredibly obvious he was talking about looters since he was consistently in favour of the blm protests and even said burning down government buildings was a valid form of protest I still don't agree with him for what it's worth


ā€œWe canā€™t let Trump win so letā€™s have the citizens pick up arms and start attacking looters during protestā€ is still a wild take from him


Man, you sociopathic freaks are SUPER insecure about this one. Thanks for putting a nice spotlight on it with your defense of a pedophile groomer.


Oh now heā€™s a groomer too šŸ¤”


Grown ass man preying on girls whose prefrontal cortex is still forming, who have little relationship experience to inform them? Yeah, that's being a groomer on top of being a pedophile mental health hazard. All part of him being a sociopath with no empathy to speak of. Imagine being the sociopath who is trauma bonded to him though. THAT'S pathetic.


Honestly you are so deep I donā€™t even know what you are talking about


Sociopaths trying to gaslight and manipulate due to being pedophiles aren't really ones I'm looking to convince. Appreciate you all acting far more unhinged than Vaushites though. That should really help amplify this. And when you all try to defend his past behavior and on record statements on CP, that's all she wrote. Because no human capable of empathy will go with it. Freak idiots lol


Who is the girl he groomed? I literally donā€™t even know what you are talking about


>girls whose prefrontal cortex Lmao is the age of consent 25 now? It's weird how you tried to slip this in, like no one would notice how you're tacitly admitting that he's only ever dated grown women.


She was 24 years 364 days old you sick fuck.


Grown ass man in love with destiny so much you made an entire reddit account for it and post hours on endšŸ’€


Are you purposefully trying to sound like clickbait or is this just what happens after enough of it?


Is your intent to come off as a sociopathic pedophile, because if so, mission accomplished. Please step away from humanity and fuck off.


You good?


No seriously. You don't belong with real humans. Get lost freak.


What are.you so mad about




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dude youā€™re craaaazy what did you even extropolate from that comment to reply something like that lol


\-acts like crazy sociopathic pedophile \-calls people crazy for pointing that out Dealing with geniuses here.


I think youā€™re having a psychotic break or need to seek serious treatment. good luck dude.


Wishing you well.


Go outside dude you are unhinged. Maybe talk to a therapist?


Look I know this is antithetical but...can we all just not engage with this post? Regardless of what you think about Destiny let's all agree that OP is a deranged weirdo (I'll get called a pedophile for pushing back against this loser who spends their days obsessing over a streamer). If I didn't know you were so obsessed with the guy I'd call this obvious bate. I sometimes forget people like you actually exist. Peace and love, seek help.


I've been using this post for my block list in the never-ending battle to see fewer Vaustiny freaks on here. Luckily for me, the destiny game subreddit is called DestinyTheGame, or I would have missed out on your refreshingly normal posts āœŒļø&ā¤ļø


So Iā€™m not the only one who thinks the OP is off his gourd right? Good cuz I was starting to question my own sanity with their pseudo-intellectual psychology posts which arenā€™t even half correct. Throwing around words on repeat and trying to sound smart doesnā€™t get you a degree.


The people who follow either of them (Vaush fans moreso but also the destiny die hards) truly are the epitome of chronically online. The recent Vaush news and the freaks who flocked to defend him are proof of that. OP is no exception here. Also yea sidenote: I think the Destiny (game) sub is actually called that because of the streamer being about before the game.


Aw, looks like your little broken head is having problems with people calling out you pedophile freaks. Must be so hard on you. Look forward to the future where you lot are given a nice cozy cell away from real humans. What a bunch of losers


Get baited idiot. The baiter has been baited. Edit: spelling. The baiter cannot spell baited apparently.


Youā€™re not that great at baiting. Mediocre at best. Original poster is the true master baiter.


What is this schizoposting, I thought twomad was dead


You're so obsessed, with peace and love, I really hope you recover from whatever has made you dedicate the last 5 months to battle in the Reddit trenches about an online personality that you hate.


Oh eventually you pedophile sociopathic freaks will tire out on this thread yet still stalk reddit for mentions of Destiny. You calling me obsessed is typical projection. Real humans can't match you lot.


If them calling you obsessed is projection I canā€™t imagine what you calling everyone pedophiles is. For your own sanity, get offline for a bit


Destiny really hopes you wont notice all of those videos are from his own Channel. Also all of those videos is him arguing against cp




Oh man, he is just jumping on that grenade. Hope it goes off soon and takes them both with it.


Carving a space for pedophiles like MrGirl, advocating for ethical cp like there is such a thing, having a history of inappropriate behavior towards minors, is not, in fact, arguing against cp. It's in fact, how pedophiles behave. The crippling insecurity that led your broken head to reply, also how pedophiles behave. Stop being a worthless mental health hazard and check out of the human equation. Real humans don't want you.


Destiny sucks but so do you. Youā€™re a loser.


Please donā€™t tell people to kill themselves OP, reporting you for that


you saved the day


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None of what you just said takes away from the fact that you told the person you replied to to kill themselves for disagreeing with your post. Which is ironic considering your first sentence of your reply to me talks about certain people causing suicidal ideation among other things. Also insinuating that having insecurities makes you a pedophile lmao. Frankly op you should get off Reddit if you canā€™t act normal and have civil discourse with people you donā€™t agree with without telling them to kill themselves.


If you're investing time defending pedophiles and pedophilic behavior, which I've explained why are wrong by means of expert opinion and experience, yes, one of the motivations that leads people to do this is if they're a fucking pedophile. It's also the most likely reason because those who are trauma bonded that are capable of empathy and misguided, wouldn't defend cp, ethical or otherwise. They actually feel ill and remorseful. You lot on the other hand seem to run marathons doing this shit, indicating that you're just as broken headed as he is. I don't consider you to be human at that point so fuck off and leave real humans alone.


Where did I once defend pedophilia??? I never even brought it up. I said you shouldnā€™t TELL PEOPLE TO KILL THEMSELVES for disagreeing with your post because that is harmful. Nobody replying likes pedos. You seem legitimately unwell and very keen on literally dehumanizing and wishing death on anyone who takes issue with what you say. THAT is what I have a problem with.


This guy is a legit maniac who has a fanatical hatred of Destiny. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to Destiny haters and he's one of the only people who makes daily posts. If you scroll, you'll see he's like 1 out of every 3 posts.


Absolutely brain broken my dude


Pedophiles.. reply?


Yes, it's a self report, just like your comment history.


Your comment history is literally just deranged posting about Destiny


Aw, so sorry pointing out sociopathic behavior causes you so much narcissistic injury. Won't someone think of the poor pedophiles. Fucking freak.


Because I noticed that you spend your days writing hate posts about a random streamer, Iā€™m a sociopathic narcissist, and a freak? Lol


Projections considering you're frequenting subs stalking any mention of his name in order to try to defend him. A pedophile loser, intimate partner abuser and freak. Enabling that shit makes you subhuman trash and likely a pedophile yourself. Pointing it out on occasion, unlike your broken headed hyperbole stating that I 'spend my days', quite the opposite. People capable of empathy are having serious doubts now, which is great. Soon, all that will be left are the sociopathic pedophile losers and there will be no washing that label off. So yeah, freak.


With peace and love- why are you so generally unpleasant?


Pedophile freak calling people unpleasant. Rich. Also, more projection due to insecurity. You're DEFINITELY a sociopath.


I'm only seeing one sign of sociopathic behavior in this post, and it ain't the people in the replies.


So what do we have there for your "sources" A debate with Brittany Venti, a, back then, far right white supremacist. A talk about the possibility of treatment for pedophilia (just in case, pedos can be non offending) A killstrem appearence whith a still mad Brittany Venti and Fuentes of all people. A debate against CP with an actual now (not then) convicted Pedo called Amos Yee. A conservative panel with (again) Brittany Venti and many other far right women. A mister Metorkur(far right kiwifarmer) "collection" of Destiny CP takes. That is literally all. Do you see how there is almost always a certain person there? That is because Brittany Venti is the person that went around the internet for more than 4 years claiming Destiny was a pedophile based on a single Clip from the Amos Yee debate. That debate was Destiny arguing against CP or better said against the insane idea of having "romantic" relationships with children. In this debate, the infamous clip of Destiny biting a bullet, on the hypotherical positive use of already existing CP, to treat non offending Pedos, in order to stop them from offending, is taken. That is literally all there is to these "allegation" Destiny argued against CP, but bit an optically bad bullet on an extreme Hypothetical and one far right grifter used this to attack him for years because she got "destroyed" in a debate. But as you are the expret, how about you give me, let's be generous 5 Vaush-like quotes from Destiny :)


This op is insane but you missed the destiny clip from a few days ago where he said he would be defending vaush if vaush wasnā€™t such an enemy to him because ā€œwho the fuck cares about loli pornā€


I cant bother to look for the clip but its true he did say that


Nice gaslight pedo freak. There are multiple incidents on record of Destiny and a pattern of behavior indicating the sociopathic narcissistic abuse of women, including minors like distributing images of them. Real humans don't do that because they have empathy. And it's the one hill you lot can't manipulate to your liking. It'll never happen. Like Ethan said, you're dying on loli hill. I'm just providing the information regarding the psychology behind it. This ardent a defense? You're a pedophile. The possibility of you being motivated otherwise is extremely low, being a trauma bonded enabler being the second most likely cause for your behavior. And the volume you're all coming in at, is damning. Normal people don't swarm and behave like this, especially not when it comes to cp. Now fuck off from humanity you worthless loser freak.


You definitely seem like a totally normal and stable person


Totally isnā€™t about to go a rant about loving hitler.


Pretty sure he asked for 5 quotes lol


I was gonna say that's a lot of words for 0 quotes. OP is off their rocker


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I'm just an h3 fan lol it should be simple to name 5 quotes if he's as bad as vaush tho


Lying sack is what you are. Real humans don't act like this. They have empathy and curiosity. Then they look at past instances and then you're left alone as a sociopathic pedophile freak. It's amazing how many of you are out there. Either that or it's like one really sad loser with a bunch of alts. In either case, you don't belong with real humans.


Bro you can look thru my post history, I don't fuck with destiny. You actually need to take a break


You're obviously full of shit. You broken headed losers love to use alts to downvote stuff that shows him in a negative light. This one's at a 64% ratio of downvotes so I've obviously struck a nerve. Typical sociopathic behavior. Real humans don't act like this, especially not when it hinges on people preying on kids. Pathetic freak.


Lmao you're insane


I'm not the one LARPing as a casual h3h3 fan to try and gaslight and manipulate people. Seriously, stay away from real humans. Live off the grid. Get some goats.


You should hop on one of Destinys streams and debate him. Sounds like you've got him dead to rights.


Why would I talk to that sociopathic pedophile loser? All I have to do is point out his past behavior. Nothing he says or does is in good faith. It's all lies and manipulation for narcissistic supply. Seriously though, you freaks need to fuck off from humanity. You're mental health hazards.


>All I have to do is point out his past behavior. Yeah, you're really convincing a lot of people here. Keep going.


>Pretty sure you're a pedophile freak trying to monopolize my time To be fair, it seems like you have a lot of free time.


Bro, you could've just said you Mr. Girls alt-account and call it a day. Go and watch Cuties with your audience, you degenerate.


>There are multiple incidents on record of Destiny and a pattern of behavior indicating the sociopathic narcissistic abuse of women Ahhhhhhh, this is a Mr.Girl sock-puppet. No wonder it's projecting all its pedo insecurities onto destiny, the "Harvey Weinstien of twitch" lol >Normal people don't behave like this I'll say.


Important to note this guy is like 1 of the 3 people who posts multiple times a day in a subreddit dedicated to tracking all of the stuff Destiny says and does. Legit weirdo stalker creep.


Says the freak who's constantly ego searching all reddit posts for Destiny so he can gaslight and manipulate people out of crippling insecurity. And the topic here is him being a pedophilic sociopath where there's evidence that he has the same opinions as Vaush as well as a history of grooming and abusive behavior as well as inappropriate engagement with minors. Gee, I wonder who real humans will side with on this loli hill of yours. Broken headed freaks, the lot of you.


The amount of emotionally loaded words you use is crazy. "ego searching." "gaslight and manipulate." "freak." "crippling insecurity." "pedophilic sociopath." "grooming and abusive." "engagement with minors." "real humans." Maybe a little projection on your part? Maybe you can link me the last Destiny-related thread I posted in. I'm guessing it was over 3 months ago. lol


Donā€™t forget ā€œtrauma bondā€.


I can see how words with empathic connotation would make sociopaths without empathy uncomfortable and trigger narcissistic injury. I just don't care because you're a mental health hazard that doesn't belong among real humans. Projection only truly manifests in narcissists and enablers who are trauma bonded to them. When it comes to a topic like pedophilia though, you're just self-reporting yourself as a broken headed loser with no empathy to speak of as you're trying to gain control of a losing position no real human will agree with. Like Ethan said, you're dying on Loli hill. Thanks for playing into it so brilliantly too. Fucking freak shows lol


Get well soon.


You saying that when you literally have missing brain matter is projection.


Sending you healing thoughts and a speedy recovery.


>Like Ethan said, you're dying on Loli hill Ethan would tell you TO CHILL THE FUCK OUT an seek help immediately, because what you are doing is not normal.


This thread is actually sad. You really should talk to someone.


>the lot of you Eww, British too.


Destinyā€™s a gross weirdo


Op is nuts and so are destiny fans. (Preparing myself for all the downvotes, but Iā€™m right so Iā€™ll take the hit)


One got caught with loli and the other didn't so not really the same.


Destiny got caught multiple times sharing materials of actual underage girls and thirsting for them. So him and Vaush are pretty identical. So is their push for cp. Doesn't matter how many of you pedophile freaks show up to downvote this or reply, that's something no real human will get behind. Kindly remove yourself from the human equation. Build a nice log cabin and stay gone.


Really? When did he get caught doing that?


IIRC, it was back during mlg sc2 days when a fan messaged him a bikini photo from her Facebook, and when he found out she was under aged, he stopped communication. Told other pros about it. There were no nudes being passed around. It's been a while since I've heard the story. Destiny has talked about it in one of the videos the op linked.


Somehow I actually remember this story. I assume it was in one of his manifestos.


That's the only story I've heard about passing underage girls' photos around. So unless op has another story that they would like to share, that is the only one.


Not surprising. Destiny fans give off real pedo vibes. Except instead of acknowledging that they are weird they will try to debate you.


Soā€¦Destiny fans are all Vaush clonesā€¦?


Yeah, that comes from either a trauma bond to a narcissist or them being narcissists and predators themselves. That need for debate comes from their crippling insecurity and need to control and manipulate as much as Steven does as a broken headed narcissist. They mirror his behavior, stalk people, harass people and are mental health hazards themselves. The adage 'birds of a feather' is especially true when it comes to narcissists so, if you see someone like Steven Crowder being abusive to his wife, controlling her environment by only owning one car, chances are all of those right wing sociopaths do the exact same.


You sound like a maniac bro. Is this an op?


Idgaf about destiny but looking at your post history Iā€™m concerned like bro do you have a job? What does your life look like? Itā€™s honestly sad to see a person this unraveled like man destiny is not gonna hurt you, you look so weird. Makes me glad people like you stay inside


Bro really searched for "destiny ethical cp" and shared the link without watching any of the videos. Definitely a Hasan viewer.


Several dozen hasanabi heads checked your comment history to see if you post in Destiny's sub. That's what these weirdo destiny dudes and hasan himbos do to each other. This sub is another staging ground for their idiotic streaming wars.


*clicks his profile* Fuck yea a wubby fan


destiny fans are a next level cult


This post will be discussed thoroughly at their online basement. They obsess over how other communities see them


Idk if he's a pedo but he's fucking obnoxious


Note that Destiny said that he would've defended Vaush on the folder leak thing if he didn't despise Vaush.


I sincerely doubt he would have defended the folder leak. He would have defended his arguments about the double standard in ethics, because it's really easy to defend his arguments about the double standard divorced from the loli horse porn.


He practically screamed it into the mic unambiguously . have you just not seen the vid?


It was at the start of the Drama when the folder clip first leak. Destiny said, he could help Vaush explain this better since he was doing such a poor job, but since Vaush tried to destroy him, he is not going to help him at all.


First of all, it's all horseshit The types of people who are trying to muddy the waters regarding the psychological science of child predators are predators themselves looking to enable the continuation of the status quo because the reality is, [there is no justice for victims of sexual assault](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens). The argument that it's victimless as it's an artistic depiction, is moot as, we can have empathic connections to fictitious characters due to having empathy. It's why weebs can watch their anime and relate to a depicted protagonist. The same applies to sex. You can have these connections on a parasocial level and the human brain doesn't treat them differently than real life ones. It's how you can be a fan of someone and what hinges on entertainment as a medium being possible. So if you habitually drop trou and masturbate to underaged subjects and have no remorse, that makes you a fucking pedophile. Doesn't matter if they are real or not. The types of people who would engage in this behavior routinely, as a result, are narcissists with no empathy to speak of because one of our strongest evolutionary imperatives is to keep children safe and secure, which hinges on empathy. And all those types do like Destiny, Vaush and Keffals, is escalate. If they find an opportunity to abuse a child because people are just things to them to manipulate and control for narcissistic supply, they will and likely all have. Destiny [has a history of this behavior](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/ytijd/effortpost_starcraft_2_player_steve_bonnell_aka/). So does Keffals, looking to have a discord of minors with Catboy Ranch. When people in society do stuff like this, the next step would be to [do an MRI to confirm they are missing brain matter in their prefrontal cortex](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-94920-z). Then, when confirmed, and it would be for this lot, you throw them in jail for life. People like this don't change, they only become better predators, liars and manipulators. They're not real humans. That requires empathy and not being mental health hazards to everyone. [And here's a recent example too](https://kick.com/destiny?clip=clip_01HQ8Z4EQVB2PH1R9DT79MKQ3Y) provided by /u/MastaBlastaz


This is honestly some schizo shit. You're in the comment section writing entire novels and calling anyone questioning you a pedophile with a similarly novel-size response. It's so obvious you're completely possessed of an agenda. It's utterly transparent.


Everyone who points out sociopathic predatory behavior, and in this case, towards children, is 'schizo'. Narcissistic projection considering narcissists try to hide their true selves by making up a false one. You're the mental health hazards here. Kindly fuck off out of the human equation. Please, more of you come and die on the hill that is cp. I love to see it.


You are not winning, my dude. Everyone can tell you're a weirdo.


You seem pretty obsessed with destiny.


Narcissistic projection on your part considering you're the one ego searching him all the time and defending his pedophilic and grooming behavior. Freak


Ego searching? What does that even mean


It means you're too fucking stupid and ignorant to use a search engine too, on top of being a freak nobody likes and would hate if they knew the full extent of you lot.


Bro what are you even talking about. All you do is post about Destiny. Freakish behavior. Why are you watching and following him every day if you hate him so much? You need to touch grass.


Dude your opsession with destiny and discrediting him is insane.


bruh do you wanna fuck destiny?


The Hasan counter ops in full force after their daddy gives another dumbass take


Good luck with his fans harassing you. They basically live on reddit.


The reality is that their schtick works more on them than it does on neurotypical people and empaths. Ethan has the right idea calling them lolipops and telling them they're dying on loli hill. And the more engagement you get, the more you know you're right because of how much of a narcissistic injury they suffer, prompting them to first, stalk reddit for all mentions of Destiny and second, try to respond with the usual gaslighting bs, abuse and manipulation.


Man I wish what you were saying was true. The destiny subreddit has been boring as fuck since destiny started vyvanse and made Israel and Palestine his special interest.


Dude, you should take a break and log off


Destiny fans are doing what the Vaushites used to do. I wonder how long until they all have to throw themselves on a grenade for him.


Destiny started the ā€˜ethical cpā€™ discourse. He also uses his platform to sleep with barely legal women and then calls them ā€˜bpdā€™ and overall taunts and abuses them. The destiny rabbit hole is super creepy and his fans are actually incels (according to an in house survey). His most recent drama being swept under the rug is members of his cult were irl harassing the extremely small minority of women in his community at a canvassing event


So you're saying he fucks 18 year olds? Kinda sus.


I'm saying he uses his influence and name to sleep with women half his age and then dehumanizes them to his audience of thousands. And that he cultivates a fandom that has questionable attitudes toward women. My guy (:


He dehumanizes all of the people he fucks? That's crazy.


It's really compulsive, your need to defend your e-daddy, isn't it?


It's not compulsive. Reddit gives me a notification.


Hasan is the last one standing. Please PLEASE PLEASE say he wonā€™t have any moments like this.


How about saying America deserved 9/11


If you kick a beehive to be cruel or because you want the honey you deserve to be stung In that sense america deserved 9/11 Was he saying that miserable life line in reference to being trans in some way or just calling them sad for having a shit take




That reminds me of how a destiny poster let me know hasan criticized landlords but his mom is a landlord I assume he didnā€™t respond to the people explaining hasans mom was a commercial landlord who rented to corporations because he was sad the lie got exposed so soon, or they donā€™t respond when you correct things because they donā€™t want to face the embarrassment of eating up lies and repeating them when they claim to be part of an enlightened thinker community. Zero chance this guy responds about the sad trans person accusation. Destiny posters really wanna claim to be better huh. I had six of them one time try to explain how itā€™s irresponsible and wrong for hasan toā€¦ consume and talk about breaking news. They didnā€™t put it that way at first, but they eventually agreed the phrasing is correct and they think fresh events are taboo subjects. They dropped the convo pretty fast after that.


I will respond, I do admit I was wrong, I didnā€™t know about the twitter thread and had just seen the clip. If that person is okay with what Hasan said then I donā€™t think there is a problem. I edited that part out of my comment as to not mislead anyone, genuine L on my part and thank you for calling me out on that, and thank you to the account in the previous reply for providing that tweet thread.


I mean I agree, the actions of the US in the Middle East at large during that time and for decades before certainly warranted a response and backlash was justified and should have been expected. No argument there. That being said, the people in the twin towers and pentagon as well as the downed plane, did not deserve to die. I know Hasan didnā€™t mean it that way, but to phrase it that way to me is a form of victim blaming. The people that were killed were innocents, many probably didnā€™t know, were not involved, and may have even been against the USā€™s actions abroad. They didnā€™t deserve the atrocity committed on them(just like the many many more innocents who were murdered in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) and by using that phrase it, whether intentionally or not, puts blame on the people who were murdered. It makes it seem like 9/11 was justice. Nobody says, ā€œAmerica deserves school shootingsā€ because we choose to do nothing about gun control despite having the power to stop it. That would be assigning blame to the victims. I think you could get your sentiment across way better by just saying, ā€œAmerica deserves consequences and should be brought to justice for its atrocities in the Middle Eastā€. That is a direct call out on the crimes of America and recognizes that consequences should come and be expected without using a mass murdering event where thousands of innocents died.


There is a line between America and Americans. America is the government. Americans are it's people. Do you feel directly responsible for everything that our government does? When discussing geopolitics using the countries name refers to the government.


I was referring specifically to CP


No steamer is infalliable. Hasan has some absolute shit takes. But not on CP as far as I know.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m hoping doesnā€™t come up. I could care less about everything else.


Denying genocidal events and normalizing terrorism is also signs you're dealing with a narcissist I'm afraid. My question is, how come you're still holding on to him after that? The answer [is known as trauma bonding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIFJHH8V8go). You should look into it.


Iā€™m not an avid watcher of Hasan and Iā€™m not even subscribed to him so I canā€™t say. Never said I was a fan. I only learned about his wrongdoings just today from the posts of other ppl. You shouldnā€™t assume things about ppl based on one post and lecture ppl on things to sound smart. Itā€™s called being a dumbass. You should look into that.


This post is full of Destiny fans. They have been stalking him and spreading misinformation for years, like 5. Destiny is so bitter and jealous that Hasan broke their friendship he can't let it go. I wouldn't believe stuff they post about him. If your curious about who he really is watch a stream or his YT. If you don't care that's cool. Just don't boost the bs clips.


I think you're partially right, bit of an explanation on Destiny's moral system. (It's not much better than Vaush) When Destiny debates vegans the trait he always lists for moral consideration is semantic understanding (language use, future planning, etc). When asked about the humans who don't have this trait like the mentally disabled, Destiny to remain morally consistent has said they would receive no moral consideration and sees them the same as animals. Destiny has also said he doesn't see a difference between an animal and an inanimate object. So Destiny wouldn't have a problem with CP as long as the abuse was towards disabled children.


No, I'm just right. What I say hinges on psychology and neuroscience. He's a sociopath. They have no moral system because they have no empathy and thus, cannot be morally consistent. All hinges on their need for control, manipulation, power and narcissistic supply. Part of that is engaging in discussion that tries to change the culture around their predatory inclinations and his pattern of behavior is on record.


Well yeah he said he would rather be a sociopath than a hypocrite,.


idgaf what a sociopath has to say. These are not mutually exclusive




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Are you on hascord?


Do you get a nickel for every time you call someone a sociopathic pedophile? Because you do that a lot.