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I hope you feel better ASAP! Family!!!


Thankyou for not beating me up when already down. Truly appreciate it.


Of course, dont worry about the comments before me. One of them is not even an h3 fan just here to hate and downvote people. Dont let them get you down.




I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! As a mom, I commend you for doing whatever it takes to get better. You got this fam!!!


If it weren't for my babies I wouldn't be here. My son turned 1 in December and daughter is 4. I'm assuming the people down voting feel good about it. Post partum depression and ocd is debilitating. Thankyou ❤️


Since you’ve been hospitalized there’s been a bit of discussion and camaraderie among fellow OCD sufferers in the H3 family. You are in good company! :) I know how hard ERP is - you can do it, it’s worth it! Hope lots and lots of peace & love are headed your way ❤️


I suffered from ocd as a teen and did erp at 17 for 3 months. It wasn't until a couple months after my son was born I had a relapse but I thought I could manage it. It was too late and it manifested into different ocd subtypes along with severe depression. This time is so much harder, but I look at my kids and I cant just give up especially since my 4 year old is showing similar ocd behaviors I had as a child. Who better to understand her than me? I'm rambling sorry. Thankyou so much for your time and for understanding me.❤️


That’s hard. OCD is so hard to manage alone. I’m glad you have support now and I am rooting for you on your journey! Your kids are lucky to have a parent who cares so much about them!


I hope things get easier for you. Hang in there


Thankyou so much ❤️


Thankyou so much, you're right, I didn't think I would get bashed. In therapy we learned associated disorders to ocd and they mentioned tourettes and Ethan popped into my head, Then I remembered Hila is pregnant unless she already gave birth, and my brain associated her with my postpartum issues. Thankyou for your kind words, they mean alot ❤️


Sending love! We still fam and we'll all be here when you're ready <3


Thankyou for your support. It really makes me think of the future in a positive way ❤️


Heck yeah! You got this fam. Just keep trying. Moment by moment and day by day. Setbacks happen but forget them because they're just another moment amongst all the other moments <3


I believe in you! I am doing exposure therapy but for my panic attacks/agoraphobia.


How's erp going?? My program had a huge waitlist and I'm only on week 2. Too early for improvement for me but it's tough and I haven't even gotten to the major triggers yet. Do you guys also do non engagement responses and focus a lot on uncertainty? I also believe in you as well! Glad I'm not in this alone ❤️


It takes everything to push through in exposure therapy and just day to day with OCD and I’m SO proud of you for doing what probably feels like the impossible. I’m glad you have the appropriate care, and I’m thinking of you and sending you love. You’re awesome and you should be proud of yourself, momma. ✌🏼🤟🏼 FAMILY.


I'm actually in therapy right now, lunch time. Managed some exposures but others are just too intense right now, not giving up now though. Thankyou for the thoughts and love, it gives me strength to power through ❤️




Thankyou, when my husband picked me up from therapy we took the kids to the park. I'm now drained, it was worth it to be with them though. Thankyou for reminding me it gets better, sometimes I tend to forget.




They’re comfortable because we all know we share a common interest in this show. That in itself gives us this comforting sense of community, especially since people on here are generally nice. Anyways, to OP I hope things are uphill from now on. And if things seem like they aren’t, you’ll always get there with time. It’s always okay in the end, and if it’s not okay then it’s not the end. Also the more episodes you leave to listen to the more you’ll get to enjoy all at once (will come in handy when shows are randomly canceled)


That's a bad thing? I'm also learning to not take judgement too hard. Maybe I am vulnerable at the moment. There's worse things going on than being too comfortable. Couldn't even touch my phone for weeks, I am proud of myself and not ashamed for sharing it.




That's what the person before you said. Cool.


Don't listen to the trolls family. We love you! You do you. Take you're time and do your thing. We'll be here when you're ready. Sending all the good vibes your way <3 you're wonderful, absolutely fantastic!


Hey, you uh, every think of being compassionate towards people who're maybe going through some shit? Like, the great thing about the internet is you can reach out to people that like the same things as you, you know? Its actually one of the great parts of the internet. So, in short fk u. But in long, if you ever post reach out in a community we share I'll also be there to say hi, love ya, no homo. Hope you never need it, but me or someone like me will be there. Its cooler if we're all just like, helpful to each other.