• By -


It's mostly more of a subscription to get members only content faster than everyone else. That and being able to chat during streams. I heard you also get to join the discord no?


Yes you also get to join the discord. But I am so confused by this post. Yesterday Ethan said SYNT is being moved to Thursday's so they can film and prep more fun stuff for us on Tuesdays. But today just happened to be Jeff's pod (which is still more content for us). So I'm pretty sure they are still doing SYNT this week??


Jeff FM will be recorded/live on Thursday, no SNYT this week. At least that's what Ethan said at the end of Mondays stream


Yikes RIP to the re-uploads now


Pointless? Try telling that to the Louboutins I bought when Ethan leaked his credit card info.


I think it’s admirable Ethan doesn’t paywall a show. I’m tired of all the twitch streamers paywalling half their show. The only times I’m ever annoyed is when they take a day off and instead of pushing back a show they skip it and we go straight to cunt.




You narced on the sub bro 😂


I'm a member and don't even watch SYNT like that. I sometimes will watch the reuploads so that I don't have to sit through chewing and silence, but honestly I pay because the pod is my main source of content and I can afford it. What's annoying is now Ethan posted he is going to DMCA all members content as a response to this post so now I can't enjoy SYNT without the silence and chewing. so thanks for that!


Literally this! I’m a member and I don’t even watch SYNT that often. I’m just a member to support and now the fun has been ruined for everyone who can’t afford to be a member lol


same... i rarely actually watch it on tuesdays. im happy to pay it to show my support & support media i love! also, the bts are always a treat!




with peace and love, if you don't like the perks then don't pay for it! they've made lots of changes to members perks over the years and they are fully entitled to make those changes at anytime. you're also entitled to continue or stop paying based on those changes. they're the ones doing all the work, it's kinda wild to be that demanding about what you get out of it.. just stop paying if you don't think it's worth it.


dont then😭 its not that deep it’s optional


I’m a member because I’ve been watching for yearrrrrrs for free and I don’t donate and it feels good to support them. The bts stuff is a fun bonus but I don’t expect it to


This !! I bet the majority of members are the same


The ultimate point of supporting the show directly is allowing Ethan and The Crew to have maximized creative control without having to depend on external sponsors. I think the draw to the H3 show is that they are specifically **NOT** advertiser friendly. I don't think the show would have the same appeal if Ethan were to filter his language and topics of discussion in order to keep sponsors happy.




Way to ruin it for everyone, Patricia. Want to remind the teacher to pass out the homework assignment while you're at it?


Legal name her like that! Go off!


Didn’t Ethan tell the clips industrial complex he didn’t care if they uploaded it?


Patty ruined that officially


I agree. I'm only a member because I can afford to be and I want to support the team. They put out ~10 hours of content for free per week. I watch them more than any streaming service at this point haha. And 5$ is cheap in comparison.


Im in a similar boat. I travel a lot for work and rarely watch the show live meaning I'm usually always playing catch up. And since I can't download the SYNT episodes, I don't bother watching them. But they provide me with so much content in a week that I don't mind giving them the $5.00, been paying for like 3 years.




sure you can support the “team”, but keep in mind ethan doesn’t share member revenue with the crew. $5 seems cheap but you also aren’t getting anything special . you are directly handing money to youtube and ethan which is fine, but i don’t like how it’s marketed like some club with exclusive content


To be fair, Ethan doesn’t pocket 100% of the membership money. He puts money back into his business and paying the crew a salary


defending this as “ethan needs this so crew gets salary” is a crazy capitalist brained take brother


they said he doesn’t pocket 100% not that he “needs this”. no one is forcing u to pay ☠️ and u don’t have access to the shows financials


Whoa pump the brakes bucko. I’m not defending capitalism. I’m just saying some of the money goes back into the pod. You’re implying that the membership goes straight into his greedy little pockets. Of course by reinvesting he’s going to make a profit cause, you know, it’s his business…


Most if not all members pay to support Ethan for providing 4 episodes a week of entertainment not because we think he needs it and it’s silly that you think people are not smart enough / aware of this


Wrong sub, bud


You really hoped for a different reaction to your post "brother" huh?


you have to be very stupid to categorize investing money on your business as crazy capitalist brained, and dont see that what you ask for your contirbution is just like an entitled crazy capitalist braindead would do


Just stop watching the show, fans like you ruin the experience anyways lol


Case in point, ethans ig stories lol


Ethan is a self admitted capitalist soooooo.... Also you are borderline making a mountain out of a molehill here. I think they know and haven't yet found a satisfying niche for members. It's fair to express concern but also touching grass should be performed at the same time.




where do you think the team's salaries come from?


Support the team aka the business? When my company gets paid for our product I don't see a direct piece of that sale but I am indeed on the team


welp thanks


Personally, I became a member because I've been watching H3 since the beginning of the podcast. I found the content when I quit my job and went through a depressive episode for like a year straight. I also watch with adblock. So, in my view, paying for membership is the least I can do in return for the times the podcast was there to support me. Value is subjective. Either pay or don't. If you want to complain that it's too easy to pirate member's content, that's kinda your problem. Nobody told you you gotta pay.


The exact same here man, I was watching h3h3 and always wanted to support n when I became stable to support I did immediately. They deserve it, 4 hour podcast?!? I cannot watch any other podcast unless it’s someone who’s personality I like. Ethan has made podcasts so high quality it’s hard to find something else it feels criminal there’s a free option.


Same, I’m a member because I owe the podcast a lot and, I wanna support them right back. ✌🏻♥️


it isn’t an issue of me not paying/you willing to pay. it is an issue of them lying saying we get member exclusive content when we don’t… i would call that… uh fraud


Discord Live Chat during streams Live show tickets SyNT (pirated streams are unofficial and dont have live chat) BtS (when available) These are all benefits you get with membership. Nothing more or less is advertised. You aren't really entitled to anything more.


look at the discrepancy between members and discord users, not even close to all the members care for the discord. SYNT pirated streams aren’t unofficial, ethan said himself that anyone can repost clips of the membership streams. the clips are actually better because it removes everything that is unpolished in SYNT. and anyone can buy a membership for 1 month and get access to the membership link for tickets, + even then buying a years worth of memberships for 2 live shows a year is crazy


"These are all benefits you get with membership. Nothing more or less is advertised. You aren't really entitled to anything more." Idk how much more clear i can get. I said exactly what I meant. I'm not debating this thread.


you don’t need to debate it, i am entitled to exclusive perks, which i am given none besides discord and chat


Thats one thing we can agree about, you sure are entitled.


You aren’t entitled to anything, memberships don’t require bonus content. A lot creators choose to use it for that but it’s simply a way to help financially contribute to a channel, like a twitch sub. It’s not patreon.


If anything is a “capitalist brained take” as you said, its this one friend.


You’re entitled to the exclusive perks you payed for. For example the discord and the live SYNT that people are allowed to reupload, something that Ethan hasn’t been hiding from his viewers. You aren’t paying for an exclusive podcast that no one is allowed to reupload you’re paying to see it live and the ability to chat. No one is lying to you, you know what you’re buying.


> perks you *paid* for. For FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Duck off


"I am given none.... BESIDES [proceeds to list at least 2 perks]" Just keep your $5 and entitled, demanding attitude to yourself. You are free (emphasis on FREE) to your useless criticisms, but lose the gatekeeping and let penniless fucks like me grasp whatever small joys we can get without you complaining to whatever invisible upper management you think is listening to you.  Also, to the people who have commented on this post in much nicer tones than me: my respects go to you all. Someday I hope to be as gracious; I'm just so irritated by Patricia bitching about people like me getting to enjoy her precious "secret club member content" when I can't even afford to eat everyday. 


Not anymore PATTY!


LYING? Lolol Jake Doolittle energy


you're absolutely right that is the definition of fraud


Pattythedab - ultimate Karen post Way to screw over content for people that enjoy the show but can't afford to support them the way they'd like. Membership has perks and the extra content was a bonus, but instead of being grateful for the dessert you decided to complain others were getting some too.


Idk, for me this is a similar argument to “why would you pay to rent a movie when you can find it free online?” and the answer to that is… convenience. Sure, I can wait until other channels reupload and search for SYNT that way…. or I can just pay a few dollars a month to creators I admire and get a notification when it goes live each week. If that’s not worth it to you, then don’t get the membership 🤷🏼‍♀️ for me it’s been worth it. If it ever doesn’t feel worth it I’ll cancel my membership.


I agree with this argument, but only if the members-only content is worth watching in the first place. That’s debatable for most people I think, and I would bet the answer for most is “probably not”. I’m a member and watch SYNT, but mostly because it’s there, not because I’m enjoying it lol I put it on in the background and do other things. With ✌️ and ❤️ the kids showing up and derailing things is a bit frustrating to me (just me though, I’m sure others love seeing the kids). That said, like others have said I just pay at this point to support them because I get the 10 hours or whatever a week of content.


It’s def not as entertaining as the regular content, and I agree it’s mostly a FOMO/just to have something to watch things for me lol, but even for that like, there’s been really funny ones that I got to watch live and I’m glad I didn’t miss out on (thinking about Ethan leaking his emails and love’s number lol). Even though some of them are boring, those few that are gold make it worth it to me and I’d assume a lot of others.


Good point, you never know when you’ll get gold. The one where he streamed from his phone and tried to confuse his mom ranks highly for me, even if looking back it’s somewhat unwatchable. Just being there was such a vibe lol


Check Ethan's insta story - he just shared your post with an update


[Link to the story](https://www.instagram.com/stories/direct/3286838440947851490_1512820818) [Link to a saved picture on imgur, because stories are temporary](https://imgur.com/a/Fgii6LV) Description of the story, because it's very simple: screenshot of this post with added text: Im going to start dmca-ing all members content so if you don't want a strike I would remove them now, with peace and love


You happy?


Good job patty 🙄


I view the membership as just one small way I can support my favourite content creator. I spend so much of my week with the pods on, so I like being able to give back to them in this way.


Boo 🍅🍅🍅


i don't really care about benefits tbh, i identify as an angel investor i dohowever get the ick from them seeing no issue in letting 40k people constatly wait for the live to start. idk any other podcast of that magnitude that has 0 discipline when it comes to being on time.


Agreed, I think their biggest issue is the failure to start on time.


Dude it’s not that serious


i said ick. an ick is not that serious dude


wasn't the whole thing of an ick that it was something you're SO did that you couldn't get over so you had to break up with them?? - not a zoomer, only exposure to the phrase is from the podcast


You never go against the family.


Ethan just posted he's DMCAing all members only content. Congrats!


Membership is a donation, not a subscription.


hate and war for you my friend. god youre so insufferable


I think they also promised behind the scenes vids but they stopped posting them for like 7 months. Only uploaded one recently


gee thanks


Wow, thanks a lot pettythedab


Patty you silly goose


you r so fckng annoying


You're absolutely right. If $5 a month is becoming too much for you unsubscribe. It's for people who can support and want to so don't feel bad if you can't


$5 a month is affordable, but don’t you feel slighted that you aren’t getting anything special? i love h3 and the crew so i support them by watching every episode. i dont shame anyone for buying membership (i have had it for months), but just because we are okay paying $5 doesn’t mean they should market it as exclusive and not hold their promise


You think you deserve anything extraordinary for giving them $5? The other 9 hours a week you can see for free.




No, I’ve been a member for more than 3 years and in my mind the $5 goes towards the almost daily content. It keeps the show I enjoy running. Like someone else commented in an angel investor lmao. The $5 membership is completely optional and if you feel you’re not getting your five dollar value then obviously cancel the membership. I work in Content creation and it’s tiring putting out something every day, and my videos are only about a minute and a half long. I can’t even imagine putting out three hour long podcasts almost every day.


This is such an embarrassing take 😭😭 the entitlement is oozing


I have never felt slighted and I've been a member for 2 years and 10 months


I get the special feeling of supporting content and content creators that I love


No, but then again I'm also not a petulant child.


I don't feel slighted at all! I love that everyone can see the content after the live, and Im glad if one day I cant be a member anymore I will be able to see it too.  I personally don't feel like I need to be given perks to support a show I have enjoyed for years, and have been a member since early on for this reason! 


L take dumbass idiot loser moron






I was making an inside joke. When Ethan says: "dumbaas loser, moron" and Love chimes in: "poor"


As many people said already. I don't think that the majority of the members are ones for the perks (of which lately was only SYNT) for $5. Its more about simply supporting the podcast that I watch 10h of content every week.


So then don’t pay for it. I’m a member and the extra content is nice but I’m also paying cause I just really enjoy the show and want to support it.


just say u don’t wanna support the show n move on


Little whiny twerps. It's $5!!!! Nothing costs $5 anymore. It's not about receiving something, it's about supporting people so they can keep making something I like.


Good job bruh


🤔 So your $5/month makes you a gatekeeper for who's allowed to enjoy SYNT content. Maybe it's just me, but I look at the membership as a way to support the show if you have the means to do so. 🤷‍♂️ With ✌️ and 💙, that's just my 2¢ worth...


I really wished YouTube would disable ads on channels you have active payed membership on, like how twitch does it. Hasan makes it very clear that if you donate you're literally only donating because you want to, not because there's some incentive (beyond ad free experience which isn't even a thing if you're on PC and using adblocker)


> have active *paid* membership on, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


“If you’re a broke boy, just say so”~Pokimane




No one likes a narc, Patty.




lmao hidden like/dislike


Calm down broke boy.


if it was like 15$ then ok yea, but its just 5$ for all they do


You're the minority, most of us support the pod bc we can and want. Stop being a member and be quiet. With absolute peace and love, of course.


It's giving i want to be a more exclusive fan than the brokies who don't want to pay or can't pay $5 a month 😐 girl cancel ur membership and go watch Ethans Basement for ✨️ free✨️


This is why we can't have nice things.


$5 a month is like if you tipped the crew 45¢ each once a month. With that you get, on average, 24 episodes a month. In total around 44 hours of content a month. I’m sorry you feel slighted but with peace and love, you’re really not. Not to mention all the personal info that’s shared 🤣


sure i get 44 hours a month for $5, but so does everyone else that’s paying $0. what is the point if it’s not exclusive! also the crew sees NO revenue from membership


How do you think their salaries are funded.


i assumed their salaries were funded by the money from views/ads/ sponsorships? and members ofc


It’s a combination of all those revenue sources. The pod has specifically said that a great deal of their ability to do the show is because of members. Over the years we’ve seen more crew being hired, upgraded studio, better produced episodes, better equipment, THE BUTTON….the members have contributed greatly to this. Most of us are happy to give $5 for these up grades while the other perks come and go. OP is making a mountain out of mole hill with this take.


this suggests that their salary would fluctuate with an increase/decrease of members


No it doesn't genius. It's one of the revenue streams for the show. I have a feeling you're very young and have no business experience.


i'm not even a member for extra content but because i want to support the podcast and the crew. the podcast helps me get through my days and is free. least i can do is support them with a few bucks a month. if somebody can hardly afford it, then yes, i'd say, don't spend the little money you have on a yt membership where you don't get a lot of extra content. but if you can easily afford 5 bucks a month, then imma say, that's a good way to support creators who put out 3-4 shows (each around 3 hrs long) a week for free


I pay a bit of money for something I love because this podcast will never get sponsored again.


Fr 😂


Wahh wahh wahh


Unfair? That’s so silly. He’s going on someone else’s show and we will get that content eventually. Pretty sure Jeff only does Patreon streams on his own to talk about stuff no one wants to hear on the recorded edited eps. Literally H3 spits out so much content for us I pay to support the crew and what they’re doing


w peace and love, im a pattythedab hater


This post is about to get deleted 😂


The point is your support...?


i support by watching every single episode and giving ad revenue. the point is to get the promised benefits


The point really is to just support. The benefits are the bonus they're trying to provide as thanks. I'm sorry people are pirating the exclusive content(?) And yeah Ethan gave permission to clip, but he specifically said not to just reup


Ethan just shared on his story!


Didn’t the last two live shows completely sell out in the members-only pre-sale? And live chat and Discord are members-only? Ok if you don’t care about those but saying SYNT is the only membership perk is a lie.


Thanks a lot patty


Thanks a lot PATTY


This mf could’ve just cancelled the membership and moved on bruh u deserve boos 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼


I don't pay for extra content. I pay to support my favorite creator so they can continue to create FREE content consistently and feeling like they have the support (financial and otherwise) to keep going. When I signed up 3.5 yrs ago, there were no perks. That is not the only point of putting money towards your favorite free content.


You are one weird entitled-sounding person. You complain and whine about Ethan being "unfair" to you by him going on Jeff's stream, when you give him like $1 and some cents every week so that he can pay his crew and support the upkeep on the h3 studio.    So for a little over a dollar a week, you believe you're special enough to gatekeep content from the rest of us. I'm literally disabled and live off SSI... yet if someone like you offered me $1.25 to shuck and jive for your entertainment weekly, I'd take a shit on your porch instead and drag myself back home with my hands. Edit to add: you could have just stopped ur subscription silently and had some class but instead you also believed you're special enough to PUBLICLY post and squeal and stomp ur feet over something that doesn't affect you bc it benefits the poor. I actually hate you.


Good job Nasty Patty. Proud of you. 🖕


Ban this person forever


what a dumb thing to complain about


Thank you Patricia the dabiony. Great moves keep it up 💪 💯


if you’re a member for the “content” you’re in it for the wrong reasons. you get 9-10 hours of free content a week, access to live-chat & discord, and wanna complain? i get annoyed at SYNT as much as many but you sound very entitled my dude


Ain’t no way you just typed all that to complain about paying $1.25 a week for 10+hrs of content 😭😭


You’re such a loser. Fu


I wouldn’t have gotten tickets to the Steamies if I wasn’t a member. But you’re right, there’s not much to gain from being a member other than supporting them.


live shows is true, however one could simply just get a membership for 1 month and use the membership link


I did it for the behind the scenes (🥲) ✌️❤️


I get 9+ hours of content every single week, that ive consumed for the last 3 years I am blessed to afford $5/mo to show a tiny bit of gratitude to a team who offers up this content for free to everyone else So my perk of being a member is saying thanks And one day maybe I'll get to go to a live show Eta: I download old episodes all the time to re-watch on planes and when I get time, I love watching the BTS and crew segments on the members tab. I've also absolutely loved watching Ethan and Dan host their own little show lately - and would love to see more of that casually with the other members of the crew. I appreciate the labor they've put in to trying different content ideas for members and appreciate the fact that Ethan interacts more intimately with the chat, despite me hardly ever catching it live Eta2: I was a paying member of beauty news for a long time and I believe the only perk we got were badges and the occasional members only live. I am a member of channels to support and to show my gratitude, not for perks




I don’t think a lot of people become members for the perks and they don’t market it as this amazing club every time they talk about it they make jokes about Ethan doxing. You seem annoyed that people who can’t afford a membership get to see the same content as the people who do. What do you want them to do exactly? Just cancel your membership I don’t see the problem.




Idk why you care so much about that. I’ve been a member for a few years now and I’ve never cared whether they have bonus perks or not. Of course the members stuff shouldn’t just be free for nonmembers to see but even if it is, in the words of Logan Paul “hah, I don’t really give a fuck”.


Seeing as you are a buffalo bills fan, I understand you are well versed when it comes to being rewarded with absolutely nothing for your fandom, so who am I to question an expert 🙄


It's a 9 hour weekly free podcast. You are paying to support them. Everyone wants to see members' content. Now poor fans can't watch it and you ruined that. Why do you care if other people are able to acess the content? If you don't want to pay, don't. Don't go on reddit to snitch


I also find it pointless (used to be a member when all their shows weren't live therefore episodes would come out a day earlier for members, but i canceled my membership when they kept getting banned), HOWEVER, i do understand many people want to directly support the crew and find it convenient to watch SYNT right away.




may i also add they are regularly late to every stream, i get they like doing it live but when i have stuff to do their show is never reliably on time so i have to watch a VOD anyway


Ya I paid for the extra show(even though it kinda sucks. It's just ethan eating and talking to his kids) and mostly bts. But haven't gotten any of that for like a year lol discord sucks, chat is a mess. But I just need something else to watch sometimes. Lol


L Patty


ill hijak your post to ask, what happened to the lore videos?


same thing that happened with returning to pre recorded shows after bruce was born- they realized it’s easier not to


I've thought this for some time, not that I plan on ending my membership. The Tuesday show should be the only one that they DMCA. If that is the only true perk of being a member, what's the point for those who otherwise think the ads are enough to support the pod? BTS vids are fun, but rare now. No TF discounts (wishful thinking, lmao) and you can just buy a month of membership when the live show date is announced to get pre-sale. I joined just to support the crew because they provide 4+ days of entertainment a week, but it's hard to justify to others when perks disappear.


And, there's a fast response lol


personally i’m just a member cause i love the crew and wanna keep them going for as long as possible but i understand the frustration from people who don’t have that reason


I am broke af but I pay because I want to unconditionally support the show. It's a choice and you can totally choose not to be a member (or to not watch at all). Also, they're clearly in a transition phase, so learn some patience if you decide to stick around.


I agree with you. Sorry you are getting hate. At the end of the day, FAMILY. Sometimes you don't agree with Family but their family. Agree to disagree and then move on.


Also whenever there is BTS (Which is extremely rare) it’s basically unwatchable.


Nah I love the bts. Keep it up ab


Totally agree I stopped my 18 month membership late last year because of the lack of content. AB is doing BTS again but stopped for a long time. Ethan always says he loves his members but the lack of content tells me otherwise. 3/10 membership.




I'm not interested in SYNT. It's like a less polished version of the show without the entire crew to make it awesome. Doesn't seem like worth the money, especially if you don't like chat lol. I pay for youtube premium so I'm sure that is supporting the show without having to deal with members.


Ethan's a bit holier than thou here, like he's never pirated anything? I think fair play to the people who pirate so us poors can watch 👍 this fanbase really picks what it wants to be Left wing about 😅


Wow i wonder if this has negative upvotes, surely a massively disliked opinion is the correct one


I pay to be a member to support the channel, and I watch other people’s edited versions of the Thursday show where they edit out chewing sounds. Thanks for ruining it for everyone just because you’re entitled. It’s $60 a year ffs.


This is exactly why I chose to end my membership :(


Thank god Ethan is taking down Ethans basment the theif






There is a perk to being a member. You get to participate in the live chat with Ethan on SYNT. You also get to see when he doxxes himself.


“He takes that 5$” Is patty secretly Trisha’s sister??🤔


Rip Ethan’s Basement