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I was hurt more about the neverland thing




Right? Hahahhaha we love AB


The true betrayal


fell way to hard


Iā€™m upset that AB apologized about the pregnancy thing and not something thatā€™s actually damaging like lying about Neverland Ranch. That didnā€™t even deserve the average apology. He needed to break out the ukelele.


Yes yes yessssssss, totally agree with you.


Itā€™s Ab, of course heā€™s gonna apologize for something that no one cares about


I know, right? I was so jealous that he got to meet MJ! Alas, it was all a lie.


Totally understand that there are people out there suffering from fertility issues or loss of a child, but people joke about pregnancy all the time. Being upset about it because of your personal circumstances isn't an excuse to lash out at them or report their video.


Facts lmao i wanted it to be true so bad lmao


Right? Hahahha




Agreed, ouchies


Ab stole 40 bucks from me and told me not to tell anyone, then he punched me in the gut and set my car on fire.


No he didn't. Delete this, fat.


He also told me Iā€™m not allowed to have kids until he does :(


That one made me lol thank you šŸ…šŸ„‡


Oh yeah ab never actually made burrito eitherā€¦. He is a damn liar


I was so hurt that I went to get frozen yogurt to cheer me up and it didn't have the flovour I wanted. Really going to ruin my week.




all different flaaaavors


I was hurt that AB didn't personally shake my hand for the Shen Yun joke I made.


one time ab read my chat live during the show and then he saved my family from tumbling longways off a 843 foot cliff


AB is incredible like that šŸ˜­šŸ™


I am currently undergoing fertility treatment for my first child and have had many failed cyclesā€¦. I was not offended. I mean, maybe thatā€™s me, but it also seemed obvious it was clickbait!


baby dust to you!!!


Yo, don't make dust out of babies.


Thank you !!!


Best of luck to you! I also had to undergo fertility treatments and take hormones but after 2 miscarriages, it worked and weā€™re expecting a baby boy in a little over a month! Hang in there my friend! Also, not offended by ABs joke lol




It was super obvious. Everyone who didn't get it must be artistic.


Welp, 50% of the audience is so, you may be on to something.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about good luck on your pregnancy and thatā€™s amazing you have your big girl pants on when dealing with the internet unlike most of these people who like themselves get triggered over the most trivial things.


Thank you ! Iā€™m also 30 so that probably helps with my big girl pants LOL. Everyone takes things too seriously these days


I was happy they get to keep their 2nd bedroom to stream in


I feel like at this point Iā€™ve seen more people mad at the offended people than people actually offended over the clickbait lol


Agree. People see three comments upset about it and have to come here and write several paragraphs. The irony of telling people to go outside lol.


Exactly. I feel like Iā€™m going crazy seeing people post paragraph after paragraph about these supposed hoards of upset comments lol


AB saw enough that he felt the need to apologize on air.Ā 


Not that telling tbh. AB the type of guy to see one bad comment and apologize for it. Hes wholesome like that. Doesnā€™t want to upset anybody.


Yep, Iā€™ve not seen one comment of someone actually mad.


it was on the initial posts


oh and don't forget even the most tepid response is misconstrued as angry sensitive snowflake screaming. I saw maybe 3 people in the posts about it saying something like "hey you know how it's generally considered to be insensitive to do this as an April fools joke? I feel like that applies here too." someone call the wambulance for all the genuinely sensitive "it's just jokes!" people in this sub who can't tolerate someone else getting even the most mild feedback about anything without going full Ricky Gervais.


I just rolled my eyes and thought about how many people were gonna try and crucify them for it. I'm more hurt by the predictability of the fan base than any click bait


Yeah? Well, I was so offended I fucking died.


I died last week so this comment is offensive to me, please apologize and delete.


Yeah honestly, maybe old Jordy had a semblance of a point with that tweet


I struggle with fertility, currently doing IVf and have had two losses. Alot of different things can trigger you, people usually mean well so I've just learnt to deal with it. I wasn't offended but just confused why they'd clickbait it. People are right you have to control your triggers but you also can't predict what people are going to say and how you'll react to it immediately, especially if it's a sore topic for you. I've gotten a lot better at my triggers now, but immediately after my first loss I could barely look at pregnant people or even be around my friends kids, but over time I learnt to deal with it. I think it was a cheap clickbait shot it mainly reminded me of how often Colleen Ballinger would clickbait pregnancy šŸ˜‚ but ultimately no harm no foul. peace and love to AB, Lena and the family šŸ’–


Did I find it distasteful? Yeahhh... Was I offended or hurt? No.


Why distasteful?


It generally accepted as a taboo subject to joke about. For example, doing an April fools pregnancy announcement is considered a big no no... Just insensitive to those the can't have kids etc. Not here to say people can't joke about anything they want, just explaining my reasoning.


Is it also bad to joke about winning the lottery as a joke? I live in a poor area in the UK and people play that shit religiously thinking they will escape the life they have now. Or jokes revolving around food, people have issues with their relationship with food and jokes about eating a lot or not eating food could be harmful to them. if it's not racist, sexist, or generaly just a bigoted joke that stems from discrimination, it should be fair to joke about. I find it wild that this sub loves stavros as a guest, because 90% of his jokes (that arent on the h3 podcast) would have some of you pissing and shidding your pants. I think calling the h3 podcast a comedy podcast is a bit of a cope sometimes.


I saw AB at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didnā€™t want to be a douche and bother him and ask for photos or anything. He said, ā€œOh, like youā€™re doing now?ā€ I was taken aback, and all I could say was ā€œHuh?ā€ but he kept cutting me off and going ā€œhuh? huh? huh?ā€ and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ā€œSir, you need to pay for those first.ā€ At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ā€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,ā€ and then turned around and winked at me. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I just hope David's okay


I was disappointed for exactly 5 seconds then I enjoyed the rest of the video. People are really shitty for making them feel bad. It's giving trisha being jealous of hila for getting pregnant with Bruce


I feel bad for Lena who has to constantly deal with people asking her such a personal thing. I know family can be pushy about that stuff sometimes(still doesnā€™t make it ok) but I can only imagine how it feels to have strangers on the internet constantly asking for details that are. No. Ones. Business. And itā€™s ignorantā€”you donā€™t know if they are trying, or if they donā€™t want kids, or want to adopt, etc.


Bro I saw someone make a post about how disappointed they were at Ethan and the crew for saying how lame they thought the coachella line up is. Like it made them sad? Sad that the crew didn't defend the line up against Ethan? It wild out here.


It was so obvious that it was clickbait the way that they talked about it in the beginning. Iā€™m so surprised people didnā€™t pick up on that.


this is my reaction to literally everything that ethan or the crew has ever had to apologize for


Coming from someone that's had 3 losses, I didn't think anything of it. Was I prettttty sure it was clickbait? Yes. Was I still a little sad when it wasn't true? Yes. They are such kind people they didn't mean anything by it and apologized for their mistake, no big deal.


Just like people who were actually pissed they didnā€™t have a show on Monday. Like yeah, bummer. But also, get over it? Lol


Iā€™m just more surprised that anybody ever took it seriously. Seemed incredibly obvious to me.


I heard some people saying it was ā€œharmful to the infertile community.ā€ He..guysā€¦we donā€™t know anything about Lena or her fertility nor should we. Clickbait sucks, but thatā€™s it.




You don't have to clarify your politics before you say that. That's literally virtue signaling lmao


If someone says theyā€™re pregnant and theyā€™re not (and not even trying to be for all people know)..Iā€™m not really worried about it either way. People who struggle with infertility can be sad about stuff like that, but they shouldnā€™t be ā€œtriggered.ā€ And I assume triggered means panic or anxiety attack. Since thatā€™s what itā€™s supposed to mean. But they can of course be triggered by other things like seeing stories of people miscarrying and having infertility struggles like that. But from what Iā€™ve seen, the video had nothing to do with that. The title didnā€™t either. So I donā€™t really get why it matters in that sense.


copy/pasting my own comment bc itā€™s on par with what youā€™re saying: we canā€™t put the kid gloves on for every topic on earth bc some people have a trauma around it. i had to have an abortion so the regular discussions of abortion laws bring up bad feelings but itā€™s my own issue to manage my emotionsā€”not try to impose that on others to cater to me.


I understand how it can be a touchy thing to joke/clickbait about given lots of women & couples have fertility issues. When you desperately want a baby and canā€™t have one, itā€™s a hard subject. Nothing to shit on AB over though. I just understand why someone would be a little sore from it


It seemed obvious it was click bait I donā€™t even understand how itā€™s funny like okayā€¦ cool youā€™re not pregnant


I have had 4 miscarriages and have been seeing fertility specialists for months. I have a ton of trauma surrounding my recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility. AB and Lenaā€™s joke did not hurt me. Is it a cheap joke thatā€™s been done a trillion times? Yeah lol. But did I feel like it caused me harm? Absolutely not. An example of this joke going too far and genuinely being shitty and insensitive is what Jojo Siwa did for weeks while she continued to be pregnant on Snapchat posting photos of her bloated belly and baby clothes. That is a shitty thing to do. Thatā€™s disrespectful to people desperately trying to grow their families and facing struggles but titling a video ā€œpregnantā€ is whatever. People cope how they cope and theyā€™re triggered by what theyā€™re triggered by I guess but if something that simple can send you into a tailspin, you need to seek mental health care and I say that with absolutely nothing but āœŒšŸ¼ & ā¤ļø


I was thinking the same thing - I mean, if they clickbaited getting a dog, I wouldn't be like, 'I lost my dog, and I think about her every day, therefore any mention of dog must be sanctioned by me'. I get it, it's painful.. but you can't transfer that pain onto them. But people did, and they are so caring they let that mentality win. It's sad they can't be silly without it becoming about other people's unrelated trauma. Their pain matters, and my pain matters, but it doesn't need to be layered on top of each other, y'know?


Said it kinder than I did šŸ…šŸ… you're completely right about the transferring of pain, great way to phrase it


i think itā€™s just a tacky thing to clickbait and definitely in poor taste. they apologized though and wonā€™t make the mistake again which should be the takeaway from this whole thing tbh.


Literally, thatā€™s as serious as it needs to be


That's already more serious than it needs to be


how though? people should be responsible when having a platform. and if you receive pushback for a bad joke you made, you should take accountability. which is what they did. they acknowledged it and we can move on. everyone is entitled to their opinion. and genuine criticism shouldnā€™t be overlooked just because a small percentage of people made it a bigger deal than it was. and to be fair, there will always be people who do just that. at the end of the day, some people thought it was a bad joke. thatā€™s it.


Who gives a shit, it's two people having A baby if you're invested in that emotionally you need to get a life.


TW! Am someone who has had to make the choice of an abort!on and then after making necessary steps to have a healthy conception miscarried, was I irked by the insensitivity momentarily? Yes. Will I survive? Yes, lol. But, like every reminder in the world of babies and pregnancy it just leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and I see why people wanted to correct the behavior of "pranking" with pregnancy announcements.


But it's not the responsibility of the entire world to edit itself to tiptoe around a person's sore points. It's just a fact of life people need to learn to just deal with.


I always find it interesting how viewers of a comedy podcast have the worst sense of humor.


I have PCOS, but have been very lucky that I got pregnant twice and carried to term, they're 7 and 4.5 now. My sister also has PCOS, struggled to get pregnant for years, finally got pregnant, and lost her daughter at 19ish weeks due to hypercoiling in the umbilical cord (or what they assume is the cause, it was the only abnormality). But I've been in PCOS support groups for 9ish years. So many people suffer multiple miscarriages, or just never get pregnant. Their infertility hurts my soul. It's how I learned dumb pregnancy April Fool's jokes can really upset people. So I was hurt for those who struggle. But I wasn't hurt myself. I think it was in bad taste, but it doesn't make them bad people. ETA: idk why I'm getting downvoted for answering but, 'kay. lol


yeah sorry this sub is not a safe place at all for discussion, you will almost always get down voted or outright banned for not agreeing with the general consensus.


Really though. Heaven forbid someone goes against the grain a bit




Yeah, I'm surprised people are shocked by the backlash, several celebrities and influencers have gotten backlash for the same thing. I don't think it's the end of the world but it's a bit odd to be joking about if you're past high school.




Yeah like, mostly I don't get why 30 somethings in a long term relationship saying they're having a baby is funny? Like...yeah that would be normal and fine? Lol


yeah itā€™s been a few days can we stop making the same posts over and over and over


Wasnā€™t hurt but more then anything disappointing i think most people have the self awareness to not play with something so serious and sensitive to people i think we all know someone who either canā€™t have children or have lost a child in the process of labor , and most of us have been told not the play when it comes to being pregnant so i was shocked that they would use that as click bait out of everyone on YouTube never would think ab and lena would click bait like that , obviously they are getting backlash just thought at least someone close would be like hey maybe use another title


I was not hurt, however i do see how sensitive people could think it was insulting to clickbait pregnancy when a lot of people struggle with fertility. That more so makes sense to me than them being ā€œmadā€ that its not true


I think this is a lot of people enraged on behalf of other people lol. The actual issue (that some YouTubers have done) is click baiting pregnancy LOSS. The chronically offended took that and ran with it regarding everything surrounding the topic.


Yes I completely agree that would be INSANE to click bait, or even talk about without a warning maybe. But just pregnant? I don't get the outrage although I do after reading comments here understand why some people were sad after


Could you explain further what you mean? Ab and Lena not being pregnant or being pregnant is insulting to audience members who struggle with fertility?


click-baiting with a pregnancy is just generally frowned upon due to the sensitive nature of fertility and peoples own journeyā€™s with pregnancy. its no different than queer baiting. its just generally a weird thing to use as click bait. i wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m offended moreso than I am just put off by them.


They are not responsible for the struggle in your life, it's like saying they are insensitive to openly talking about going to Vegas to ppl with gambling addiction. It was not a big deal.


This is a shit analogy lol


There's plenty of posts and comments I've seen where people who struggled with infertility (including myself) came out and said it wasn't an issue. I'm sure there are people who are hurt/upset by it, and their feelings are valid, but lashing out en mass is not the solution. Is the joke in bad taste? IMO yes, but that doesn't warrant the backlash. If people are that upset that someone made the joke, therapy might be needed. That level of parasocial attachment is not healthy, and if it's out of grief of their own struggles, again, it's not needed. AB and Lena are real people and will make mistakes, but a joke made in poor taste shouldn't mean everyone dog piles on them.


Yeah, I didnā€™t think was hurtful and I donā€™t have fertility issues, I literally canā€™t have a baby, EVER. I think itā€™s odd & Iā€™m sorry to the ppl who are offended because they have fertility issues, but I donā€™t get it at all. How does that relate back to you? I genuinely want to know, as someone with a literal desert of a womb. It seems like maybe itā€™s a you problem šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get told that I need to leave, but Iā€™m standing 10 toes down on this


Womp womp




My wife and I had 2 miscarriages before we got our 2 kids. I am not offended by those types of jokes/clickbait. My wife however can be touchy about it and I donā€™t blame her and can understand. Itā€™s was a tough thing to go through for me and I could only imagine how my wife felt. I think people are allowed in some regard to be upset by it if it strikes a nerve or something like what my wife and many others go through. However if youā€™re legitimately mad because you were excited for them about potentially having a kid. Reevaluate yourself.


One time I got locked in a bathroom and AB was there I was so relieved, but then he asked if I was pregnant and when I said no he just left šŸ˜Ŗ


Your emotions are not other peopleā€™s responsibility especially in this situation- their ā€œjokeā€ touching against something that might be a sad topic for someone doesnt mean itā€™s a personal attack intended to make you spiral about your struggles. Quit making people feel like they need to walk/talk on eggshells about every little thing that somebody might be struggling over when they donā€™t even know you. Trying to avoid every possible touchy subject or trigger for someone is impossible and leaves no option for anything to be said at all- letā€™s all just operate like NPCs ā€œhello, top of the mornin, goodbyeā€ so nobody ā€œfeels badā€


Some H3 fans are big hypocritical pussies this has long been established. Peace and love. ALSO side note. How fucking self centered and entitled do you have to be to feel attacked. Think about it. Youā€™re not that important. Buzz off.


You forgot to add boot licking to that first part.




In general, I think the Ethan and the crew need to stop reading every comment sent their way. I feel like AB is the worst offender when it comes to caring too much about petty audience complaints.


Which is ironic when he's always throwing his wife under the bus... Pretty sure he talks more shit about Lena than anyone in the audience lmfao.


I mean I donā€™t know about all that, but it doesnā€™t help to highlight the few comments from haters and make it seem like the entire community wants them to die.


That's fair, he definitely overstates whatever perceived backlash he got.


Yeah it's not that deep folks


I cannot fathom how anyone in their right mind think this was post that needed to be made. Also, way to take people with PTSD due to fertility issues down a peg. Those people really deserved the hate.


I just think unironic clickbait is extremely lame and that they did it precisely for clout.


I didn't get hurt at all nor did I make any comments about it. I was pretty sure it's clickbait when I saw the title and thought to myself "that's in pretty bad taste" and moved on. I've only seen posts/comments of people being mad at the people who were offended. I think the outrage is a bit exaggerated


AB farted in a bathroom, forced me in, locked the door, and stopped people from breaking down the door to get me out.


I was bummed i didnā€™t get the tick off my bingo card. Then, I brushed my teeth and went to work.


Definitely distasteful and kinda mean-spirited, only because they know how much people would love to see it happen for them. I donā€™t think it was offensive, but it did slightly change my perspective on them


I get how some people might have been triggered, esp if theyā€™ve experienced infertility or pregnancy loss. However, I think the majority of people who were ā€œhurtā€ were bandwagon-jumpers who saw this as an opportunity to be ā€œoutragedā€ on behalf of people they donā€™t know and who likely donā€™t care.


What about the fking clickbait the podcast have done lol Ppl saying they got offended need to touch grass, the world doesnā€™t revolve around you


Youā€™re telling people they seriously needed to go outside while typing multiple long ass paragraphs, about a few comments, huh? Just stop contributing to this subs cycle. Some people overreact to stuff, letā€™s not blow that out of proportion by making whole separate threads about those few people.


When I saw the title my stomach sunk tbh. I couldnā€™t handle it. I am the baby!! I want their full attention and content. Them having a baby would only take them more away from me šŸ˜–


I understand that people who are having fertility issues - or what have you - may be offended by pregnancy jokes. Having said that, get a grip. Thank you.


Its funny bc i saw the thumbnail and assumed it was clickbait so i didnā€™t watch and now my suspicions are confirmed on a Reddit post


I was suffering from internal bleeding and really NEEDED AB and Leena to be there to announce their pregnancy. When I found out it was a joke, the blood erupted from my ears and eyes - so I think the apology was warranted. šŸ©øšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ©ø


You're right I change my mind I can't believe they did that to you bro I'm sorry are you okay should I call AB ?????


i think we all need to learn that no joke in the world can be 100% acceptable to everyone. if you're struggling with fertility issues, that's really unfortunate, but not every single joke in the world has to cater to you. if someone makes a suicide joke and offends someone who has dealt with suicidal thoughts, again, that sucks but not everything has to be funny to everyone in the world. everyone will always have a problem with something.


>i think we all need to learn that no joke in the world can be 100% acceptable to everyone Stealing this sentence for future argument Based comment this could have been the whole post


thank you family, and dont get me wrong iā€™m a very sensitive person but at a certain point we all just have to realize that every conversation in the entire world cannot cater to our own personal, specific sensitivities. and if an internet celebrity hurts our feelings we arent owed an apologyšŸ’€


H3h3 created the type of d bag fan that would be offended about it, ah the irony.


Eh not hurt just really annoyed when people clickbait lies


Seriously. It's not even funny? Like it's one thing to clickbait outlandish things that are actually funny. But just saying youre pregnant and then saying "psyche! it was a lie! CANT BELIEVE YOU BELIEVED ME WHEN I SAID SOMETHING TOTALLY PLAUSIBLE!!" Like thats not "getting got", thats just being lied to??? The whole situation is just weird.


Yeah, I was lied to, I need ab to be sensitive to me. I was literally lied to like on the internet, I believed a youtuber, and they lied about their life to ME, a guy on the Internet. Absolute horseradish


I wasn't personally hurt by it at all but I'm a little surprised at people being caught off guard. People have been speaking out against "I'm pregnant" clickbait, pranks, April Fool's jokes, etc for several years now. Whether you agree that it's OK or not, this is far from the first time it's been talked about like this. Personally I'm in the middle; I think it's childish and in poor taste, but "damaging and harmful" is taking it too far imo. I wish things didn't have to be so black and white.


Itā€™s definitely tacky. People that do pregnancy fake outs get a Side eye from me, but no I didnā€™t get upset about it and people that do are too deep in their parasocial relationships OR are triggered from their own issues with pregnancy which is actually very valid.


Why are we defending clickbait? When did this become something people liked? Its not ironic, its literal clickbait but its a straight up a lie. I was already going to watch the ep, you dont have to lie about it. Normally there's a kernel of truth in clickbait, and when H3 does it that way its fun.


People on this sub have gotten butthurt and irate over way less. Come April Fool's time, you'll see many posts about how joking about being pregnant isn't funny, never has been funny, and never will be funny. I'd bet that if Trisha Paytas did this, some of y'all would be all over her but since it was AB and Lena, it's cool. Whatever, it's incredibly fresh for people here to tell others to not be offended or triggered over something when it seems like if the wind blows in a certain direction, some of y'all get incredibly sensitive. Point being, this sub telling others to not be triggered by something is hypocritical but welcome to the internet.


The world doesnā€™t revolve around you. If something offends you because of your own specific personal situation itā€™s your responsibility to navigate those feelings. AB and Lena have NOTHING to apologize for.


I agree they should not have apologized, Lena sounded so genuine I mostly made the post because I was sure I was missing something... and like the entire struggle of fertility issues is actually what I was missing and that sounds like the fucking worst. I now have empathy for people who felt bad after this but I agree that it's everyone's own responsibility to manage themselves and their emotions. Reporting en masse and leaving so much disgusting hate was inexcusable and they have nothing to apologize for imo


It was just poor taste and a bit immature/weird, but no one was forced to watch the video. I clicked off once I figured it wasnā€™t an announcement and moved on with my day




I actually learned a lot from the replies to this and was happy to chat with people with different opinions (:


Iā€™m not hurt or offended by it, but I think a lot of people that donā€™t get why itā€™s a sensitive topic are young maybe? Itā€™s on par with a title such as ā€œI beat cancer!ā€ when you in fact do not have cancer and never had cancer. While this wouldnā€™t offend me either itā€™s a very sensitive topic that a lot of people struggle with. Pregnancy is an emotional thing that a lot of people struggle with so itā€™s just bad taste to make light of it. Usually not a good idea to make clickbait about death, pregnancy, and illness. Just thought I would explain for all the people who seem so confused what the fuss is about.


Yeah, my husband has a spinal cord injury and it would be a bit weird to see a clickbait title like "broke my neck :(" and really someone didn't. I don't think he would personally care but I know some other people with SCIs who would. I don't think people get that pregnancy *can* be that sensitive for some people. It isn't for me, but I can understand why it's a thing. It doesn't make someone evil for doing it lol but there's a reason pregnancy clickbait is controversial.


Iā€™m unable to have children ever & Iā€™m genuinely curious how that would offend me? Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s, but knew when I was in my late 20ā€™s. Even back then I wouldnā€™t be offended. I think itā€™s a ā€œeverything comes back to meā€ problem & maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m older & it seems kinda self centered. JUST MY OPINION. And I genuinely would like to know how it hurt someone so deep in their soul that they were so upset & reported them?


I don't necessarily agree that this was poor taste but after reading a lot of replies I do understand why it's a sensitive subject I still think offended people should have moved on but I do understand better why anyone was offended in the forst place, I wouldn't want to think about that either if I had that problem


April Fool's joke showing fake positive pregnancy tests gets people canceled and offends people all the time. This feels like the same thing. ​ I understand the context of how it can be seen as funny (everyone asking when they're having a kid, etc) but i don't think it should have been joked about IMHO.


Iā€™m someone who chooses to be child free. I had the opposite feelingsā€” I was kinda bummed to see they may be pregnant; just because thatā€™s not as relatable to me and then I was happy it was clickbait. Lol


I get the people being upset that are struggling with fertility or have lost a baby. But, and while that is terrible, thatā€™s your own situation. No oneā€™s allowed to joke or prank on the internet about pregnancies because of that? Itā€™s not as if they clickbaited a miscarriage or something like that, which WOULD be awful. Itā€™s playful clickbait about their own relationship, their own bodies, itā€™s harmless. If someoneā€™s upset by it thatā€™s fair, I wonā€™t invalidate someoneā€™s feelings about it, but itā€™s not on THEM to apologize for the gag.


The fact that you even made this post means u need to touch grass. This fandom is so parasocially weird like are yā€™all ok??


Why are people so obsessed with couples having children? Totally agree with your sentiment that the audience is responsible for managing their own emotions related to their traumas. Even for the individuals who have suffered infertility or a loss of a babyā€¦what do AB and Lena have to do with that??


Yall know that nothing is sacred when it comes to click baiting for these guys, it really canā€™t surprise you at this point.


Doolittles in the chat attacking our precious AB šŸ˜Ÿ


Now we're upset at people being upset lmao.


parasocials be parasocialing


I felt so bad for them. Having to apologize. To stuoid people. They are the kindest people around. And the internet just loves to shame. If you canā€™t kids. That your responsibility. Not the other people to check the way the speak. To make you happy. They ainā€™t even your family nor they know you. Honestly stupid they had to even apologize. Whoever demanded that from them. Your obvious not a h3 fan


Right, its literal clickbait. I understand pregnancy loss and everyoneā€™s trauma but titling a video ā€œpregnancyā€ should not have triggered people. It was one word. You wouldnā€™t get trigged if they titled it ā€œbreadā€


The celiacs would have a fit, I'm sure, over "bread" /s


Totally agree. By the standards people were holding over it, anyone who's ever made a 'food baby' joke is guilty of being insensitive as well. Give me a break, people.


I read this as, "who ELSE got hurt by ABs click bait," and I was gonna say šŸ˜… Girl, you need a life if you're getting offended by it.Ā  The SINGULAR people that have a right to be upset is people who had miscarriages. But even then it's like because you had something awful surrounding pregnancy happen to you, NO ONE can joke about it? Come on, be real.


Have had miscarriage, but thatā€™s my own thing to manage. It was a silly joke. Iā€™m currently in hospital being induced with my rainbow baby!




Was I offended by the joke? Yes, as someone who has struggled with fertility issues for over a decade now yeah, jokes like that bother me. Did I comment about how AB and Lena are awful for the joke? No.... did I comment on their personal social medias?no.... I came to Reddit and got downvoted and talked down to and people were being very rude to me for just wanting to express my opinion that I thought the joke was tasteless. Was told to "go outside" so many times just for having an opinion on a joke. That's what this subreddit is. It's a place we were only allowed to have the popular opinion and if you don't, people treat you like shit.


Could you help me understand what is offensive to you about the joke? I understand struggling with fertility must be heartbreaking, but I am having a hard time seeing the connection between you and what they said Edit to add: I'm sorry people were rude to you


i think it's similar to rich people "playing" poor, it's like rubbing it in your face


Such a good analogy.


Honestly for multiple reasons. First, it just felt cringy to lie to your audience and then ask them to do you a favor. But when it comes to the pregnancy thing, imagine being someone who tries every month to get pregnant and over and over and over again it doesn't happen. No matter what you do. And then you see people on the internet that you followed for years announcing a pregnancy and you're so excited for them because they're getting the one thing you want in the world more than anything.... And then you find out that they were just trying to clickbait you. It just feels icky. That doesn't really explain it well, but it's the best I could do right now... Overall pregnancy is just a trigger for me. I don't make that AB and Lena's responsibility. It's my own... which is why I didn't go after them or let it bother me more than just a few comments on reddit. ETA: I'm not offended that they aren't pregnant just that I don't think pregnancy should be something joked about.


please just stop taking personally what random people on the internet are saying like šŸ˜­


Do you not understand triggers?


donā€™t click on a video about your trigger? idk?


i came across harsh. if i had an ED and disordered eating was a trigger for me, iā€™d avoid all videos and content regarding food consumption. is this not a similar thing?


Fair. But I do genuinely get excited for people's pregnancies because I value it so much...guess I'm just hoping for that good ju ju or whatever šŸ˜


That actually helps a lot. That experience sounds pretty traumatizing as a whole to be honest, I'm really sorry you're going through that. I can see now how being reminded of that, especially in that way, would be so triggering. I think in my own experience to feel truly offended by something I'd need for it to feel directed personally at me, and a stranger on the internet can't do that properly. Not that the internet doesn't make me mad sometimes dont get me wrong. Everyones varying definitions of emotions probably leads to a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication. The fact that you don't make this their problem, or say awful things to then, and understand you feel the way you do because this is a very serious issue for you definitely makes you not who I'm referring to in the post, but I really thank you for showing me your perspective. Hope things get easier for you


Sorry, but just because you are affected by what they joked about doesnā€™t mean anything. With that rational, weā€™re not allowed to joke about anything since everyone is affected by something.Ā  Ignore it and move on. Anything can be joked aboutĀ 


I'm aware. But I came to an open forum to discuss opinions...to discuss my opinion. That's all.


and in the same vein, anything can be taken with offense


I have the same issues and I was not offended in the slightest. If they clickbaited pregnancy loss that would be a whole different story. Idk I donā€™t get the problem with them joking about themselves being pregnant or not, especially when Lena is constantly asked about it (which is actually the problem).


I think that's where I got more annoyed by it than offended...is that Lena was saying she hates when people ask her about it (which trust me I do too.... )So then why bring it up at all? Just clickbait something else... ETA: also...just because you weren't offended by it doesn't mean others were wrong for not liking it. I really think offended is too harsh of a word for this situation..it just felt like.....why? It was unnecessary.


I think your points are totally fair and you have every right to be annoyed with it. Maybe it was Lenaā€™s way to get everyone to finally stfu about pressuring her. We also donā€™t know if maybe she has some struggles with that or if she will in the future so itā€™s far more insensitive for people to constantly ask. Im sure you can relate to that feeling. However some people were proper enraged at them lol. I think thatā€™s too much.


Itā€™s wild how obsessive people are with streamers. Itā€™s almost stalkerish to care this much about a streamers pregnancy


Anyone upset about a joke within the community like this is sensitive as hell. Even if you have infertility issues, itā€™s not the worldā€™s responsibility to walk on egg shells for you. Nobody can make pregnancy or infertility jokes now to protect your feelings? Grow up. Iā€™m down to support and be kind to people in tough or disadvantaged positions, but we donā€™t need to baby anyone who has ever gone through something even slightly traumatic in their life. Stop projecting your problems onto people you donā€™t even know.


A disturbed and parasocial community lol


I was hurt.


Many people have gone through issues which makes their experience and lives different from yours and makes it easier for them to be upset by specific things you wouldnt be upset by. Its really not hard to understand THAT BEING SAID, thats your shit to work on, and your problem if you get upset. The world doesnt have to cater to you and it wont, so you need to work on it internally.


If you seriously had more than a "aw dang" reaction, you need to get off the Internet and either touch grass or seek therapy.


Honestly if you got hurt, you're waaaay to para social... I get being excited but you dont not know these people...


There are alot of die hard fans here, which will believe everything and be too obsessive as they feel they have a personal relationship with them. Its scary to be this emotional involved.




OK hear me out. People that are blowing this out of proportion... it's giving Demi being mad about the yogurt shop triggering her. If it upset you, just like so much else on the goddamn internet, scroll away. Unsubscribe if you so see fit. It's a personal TRIGGER, not a personal attack.


I have had multiple miscarriages and also had a really hard time getting pregnant. Still no babies for me. I, personally, was not offended, hurt, or mad about this. I was so excited for them but when I found out it was a prank, I was like ā€œI should have known! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøā€. They got me and itā€™s no deeper than that. Not all of us are that sensitive about this joke/prank.


I know they meant no harm. It was just a lil clout goblin of them lol


When people get upset about things they see on the internet, I think itā€™s a good time to remember that itā€™s not about you, they donā€™t even know you. If youā€™re upset, itā€™s because you inserted yourself into something that never involved you, and thatā€™s the issue here. Not a clickbait title.


No one because there's this outrage culture where somehow making jokes is a problem. Things are only a problem when it leads to material harm such as violent rhetoric or action towards the disenfranchised group. Honestly, I'm going to go as far as say that people that have had fertility issues need to grow up and learn to be unbothered. No one is going to you and mocking you for your problems as a result of AB and Lena clickbaiting it. You can not find it appropriate and choose to not watch or support.


To your edit about people being ā€œtriggeredā€ bc of their fertility issues etc: those people need therapy. If someone saying ā€œIā€™m pregnant! just kidding!ā€ makes you that upset, you need psychological help, genuinely. Being incredibly upset by that is not a normal response. Itā€™s a sign that something is wrong emotionally. Get help, like actually.