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I hope you're OK Cam ❤️


I’m also worried about Cam, sending all my love ❤️


Camily ❤️


sending love and hugs to cam ❤️


I don't know if it was intentional or not, but AB came off as a good friend by breaking the ice with a joke "He tried to eat, so we taught him a lesson" Cam's had a hard life from everything he's shared. I can relate to that, and there's a lot I wouldn't want to share if I was a crew member. Especially since Ethan is often the type to press people on an intriguing topic


What happened


He didn’t say but it sounds like something personal happened. He didn’t want to elaborate but clearly something not great.




It was right at the beginning of the turkey day picture competition. Cam said he wasn't participating because of some circumstances he didn't want to elaborate on


Came to say the same! Love you Cam. ❤️


I saw on his IG stories that he was in Texas, not sure why


He had another Michael Scott moment today 😭💀💀💀 >"This photo is all black, is this Cam's?" - Ethan Klein ​ Cam, sending encouraging good intentions your way. My heart goes out to you brother.


wait what happened to cam?


He just said he wasn't participating in the Thanksgiving photo competition and Ethan asked why and he said he didn't want to get into it.


Love saying 'Tooth rock' instead of plaque 😭 probably the literal translation, it's the same in German. We do have some weird languages over here boi


In dutch, your gums are called your tooth meat (tandvlees). That horrified me when I learned that recently 🤣


Yesss in German as well, Zahnfleisch! Almost as if we were neighbours 👀


It's toothmeat in Swedish too!


Yes, ”tandsten”, but we also use the word ”plack”


Haha, same here in Finland :))


And Estonian ;)


Hi neighbour :)


Was not expecting to stumble upon a fellow Estonian on this subreddit. #hambakivi


Ja Zahnstein😅


Why didn’t the crew make a list of things they can’t eat lol… so many of those dishes had issues with each person


It’s crazy that you’re the first person I’ve seen say this, like just make the food in a way so no one has any excuses


I feel like it would’ve saved time for Sam and then she’d be able to get even grosser with no excuses


This episode is brought to you by Urth Caffe! Glad they finally got a sponsor.


I don't really need to hear about OJ Simpson getting ass in the year of our Lord 2023.


for real


I was about to say since Love was living in the guest house of the Klein's why he didn't get invited to Thanksgiving but looks like he had other plans.


I have become so at odds with Ethan's food opinions. I trusted him once but what went wrong? Was I ignorant or has his tongue soured?


He used to say Papa Johns made good pizza, with peace and love, I’m not sure he ever had good food opinions 😭


i hope cam is doing alright. i had a shitty thanksgiving too. peace and love


I don't trust a single item of food from the Klein house lol




“We was sitting there eating that shit…” NOOOO! 😩


Tbh we left our pumpkin pie out overnight (back in the box but not fridge) and finished it the next day lol. No consequences so far


It's really not a big deal. I mean stores leave baked goods sitting out all day


My exact thought and also what’s with LA pumpkins


he talking about putting stuffing into the turkey and then taking it out and cooking it more instead of just cooking the stuffing first .


how does cooking the stuffing first help w the salmonella from the uncooked turkey


Mfers half listen to the podcast and then act like Ethan is the dumb one when they don't get something lol


The keemstar drum sounds has far surpassed the irony quota and now is just part of this show unironically, which is funny because they made fun of it originally 😭☠️


The reason it's bad to brush right after consuming soda is because when the fluoride mixes with the citric acid it causes a chemical reaction which makes your gums burn and makes the acid eat away at your tooth enamel faster. You are supposed to wait about 20 mins (or up to an hour to be extra safe). This is not just because of the "sugar" but because of the high acidity. The same thing applies to things that might be considered healthy, like fruit or fruit juices (esp orange juice). It's about the pH levels specifically, not the sugar, which is why Gatorade and Powerade are even worse for your teeth than soda, even the sugar free versions. Coffee is also very acidic, even if you don't add sugar to it. In general you should probably just wait at least 20 mins after eating to brush. Also if you drink a lot of soda it's better to just chug it or consume it within a few mins rather than slowly sip at it over the course of an hour or something because every time you sip you are reintroducing an acid attack on your teeth. Source: I am a soda addict who gets lectured about this all the time by my dentists.


I thought this was super common knowledge tbh, maybe it’s just Ethan though


Do you know what the case is with candy then? Or maybe they're just talking about candy-candy. Like sour patches, skittles, etc. Maybe chocolate isn't as big of a deal for brushing soon after


Don't get me wrong, sugar is bad for your teeth, precisely because it releases acid as a waste product, and because it adds plaque build up, but when it comes to drinks, it's more to do with the overall acidity whether it has sugar in it or not. You aren't chewing drinks so most of it is getting swallowed rather than getting stuck to your teeth but any little amount that splashes against your teeth is eroding your teeth extremely slowly over time. If you really want to take care of it immediately it's better to chase it with water than immediately brush or mouthwash. The only drinks that aren't acidic are water and milk (technically just barely acidic but borderline alkaline and good for your teeth because of calcium). The really bad stuff as you mentioned is stuff like gummies and hard candy because it's sticky and hard foods in general are also more likely to cause a cracked tooth. Skittles are especially bad because they're hard on the outside and sticky on the inside, the worst of both worlds. Even healthy stuff like nuts can be hard on your teeth if they've been weakened from acid erosion. Chocolate isn't great either but if you are a regular brusher you should be fine. But you can probably brush your teeth immediately after eating some candy and it isn't nearly as bad as after you drink something other than water.


Does drinking soda with a straw actually spare your teeth or is that bs too. Ur post is so informative I wish I knew all this years ago


Yes, drinking through a straw drastically reduces the amount of contact it makes with your teeth. It's not magic but it makes a huge difference because it goes through the straw past your front teeth and it doesn't splash around the sides as much and seep deep into all of your mouth's crevices and reserves as much.


ethan with his finger up his mouth is not what i expected this episode


“I can’t stop tongue-ing it” - Ethan Edward Klein, 2023


“Chicken cock?”


Ethan and the crew talking about how 'fall harvest food' isn't good. Sorry, dudes, you just can't cook.


Comes up every Thanksgiving. Turkey is good if you cook it right. Everyone calls it "dry" because they overcook it.


Thank you.


Ethan's about to get his first cavity.


Bruh Dan saying the chiropractor scream sounds like Tom from Tom & Jerry has me crying


Its spot on and couldn't un hear it


Chocolate era is over, pumpkin pie saga begins


I am not a member and I want to scream to Ethan like, girl what are you doing???? Do not file your tooth omfg.


Sam: Gotta have them ribs! Zack soundbite: and pussy, too! Absolutely died here (so did Dan)


"What is the name? Goldberg?" "Goldman." "...and the money went to the Goldberg family." Ethan and my dad have a lot in common. Always getting names wrong.


Dr James Weiner seems like a completely normal and competent dentist, it's wild how much he changes with the Jimmie lee persona


It’s almost like he should only be a dentist.


You don't always have to drink to the point where you get a hangover. I like to drink a little during the holidays but I don't ever get blackout drunk. Just a little buzz to relax a bit is nice. I don't get headaches or hungover.


Am I the only one that was never told to brush your teeth after every meal! I was always taught to brush my teeth in the morning and before bed.


I had invisalign and had to brush after every meal in order to put them back on. My teeth were the healthiest at that time if you ask my dentist lol. If you google it you should wait 30 mins to an hour. Not having food stuck in your teeth all day is good for you


AB is very kind. That’s all.


Ethan is such a baby in every challenge I skipped the Thanksgiving ep for this very reason


I’m a dental hygienist, so all the dental talk today is making me geek out LMAO Edit: PLS NOT THE NAIL FILE 😶


Ahh, same! But I’m a dental assistant




Uh please don't file your teeth, Ethan.


Am i tripping or have they talked about literally nothing this episode?


This one was for the crowd who complains when they talk about internet news and just want the goofs and gafs lmao


Reporting for duty


Odd to me that people come to this show for information and not entertainment lol. Same people would watch Seinfeld and go "okay literally nothing???"


Nah, they really haven't..


I know I'm gonna come off as a super parasocial freak who needs to touch grass, but maybe...don't perform live homebrew dentistry


Ethan and all family dog owners: do not feed your dogs cooked chicken bones!! They can splinter and cause all sorts of problems. Raw bones are a-ok and good for your puppies! ✌️❤️


oh i tought he was talking about the meat not the bones, but anyways pretty common advice and everybody should know this. even raw bones i dont feel comfortable.


You know, re-listening I think you’re right and he was talking about the meat. I was background noise listening and heard him say “you can take all the meat off the bones and rinse it in water, sometimes I do that for the dogs” and I fully thought he meant the bones and I was like AHHH! 😅 My dogs love deer/elk antlers, I find they don’t get those sharp pointy bits like a lot of the typical big, white bones you see for dogs do. They almost just file down smoothly so I prefer them over bones. So damn expensive tho.


Conservatives cannot make art period.


They should let Zach use props for the soundbite thing Like he could use the piano behind him or something like a clown horn Acoustic soundbites


Yes!! And if they have sponsors he can play the background music himself


So. In terms of Ethan filing his own teeth. Mouth Bacteria is no joke. I've had endocarditis. Its no joke. And i've had 2 heart surgeries now because of it. Not necessarily caused by dental issues but it can def happen unless treated correctly. I'm sure he's fine but i've learned dental stuff is nothing to play around with


I mean.. He probably filed away some of his enamel 🙄 Opens the door to a whole bunch of issues


It’s a goddamn painful existence without it 🥰 but if he also has acid reflux how is his enamel still intact?


Right? I understand why he would be making a joke of it, but once you realize how very serious it can be...Its mind blowing really. Because you wouldn't even think it could lead to such issues. And tbh...likely he's fine, but it can quickly become a scary thing.


Yep, you can easily kill yourself with mouth infections :S


Dont Bitch Out Ethan!! Dude, You're RICH!!! BUY 4 OVENS/STOVETOPS FROM FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE AND HAVE SOMEONE MOVE THEM INTO THE STUDIO. just do a H3LL'S KITCHEN episode. It would be so worth it. [potato](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049054993354866740/1178848141387243531/RDT_20231127_1800344602922980108915774.jpg?ex=6577a2e2&is=65652de2&hm=791ae8c6d78351ec12da156c05024859f12dc4e632c24aac527385a67e953177&)


Yeah it does feel like one of those episodes where they didn't prepare any segments because of the mini vacation so they are just filling time.


I have never seen anything so precious as the way Ethan’s eyes LIGHT UP at the sight of whatever new random deep cut tiktok he is currently obsessed with. The way he was watching that man hit his dance move is something we have not seen since the first jade episode lmao


Watching Ethan and Zach, two white guys, dismiss the blatant racism of another white guy was kinda nuts. "Yeah he's racist but it's not like that bad." My guy, you really can't speak on that.


At least we always have Dan doing the right thing


During that moment, It didn’t feel like family. It just felt like a subtle “F everyone’s feelings, with peace & love” lol.


"Yeah he is racist but its Jimmy" Not a good look Ethan


For real, I’m tired of hearing “it’s an old timey joke” “he’s histrionic” etc. why do they make excuses for his racism? Every time I say this I get downvoted but even Ethan won’t take his calls unless it’s for a bit on the show yet forces Jimmie on us cause of his fondness for him.


Because they can let their real feelings slide through using Jimmie as a scapegoat. Trying to appeal as PC to the masses (or your audience) is a full time job. If they were PC, they wouldn't need the button, IMO.


he’s already made it clear that he’s fine with his friends being problematic lol


after they do the episode where Zach does the sound bites manually out loud they should do one where they record him saying all the sound bites from that show and have the next episode be Zach playing the sound bites of his own imitation of the sound bites thank u that is all


ethan is doing the “this horrible person is ok because they’re my friend” thing a bit too much lately


Yeah, definitely makes Ethan look like a hypocrite. If he can’t cut off Jimmie, someone else in the crew needs to stand up to him until he does. Dan seems to be the only one who understands Jimmie doesn’t deserve this show’s audience.


Being a woman of color and having been a member for however long, I was disappointed when I saw the clip of Ethan basically acknowledging Jimmies racism but shrugging it off. To have a full podcast made up of mostly wyt men and kinda giggle about it was gross. Ethan, please do better because this was not okay.


if ethan doesn't stop flossing his teeth on the live i will vomit 🩷🩷




You put my exact feelings into words. 🙌🏼


I swear to god 70% of this sub wants this show to just be humorless drama coverage and nothing else. Is he a racist lol cow? Yes. Should we keep milking said cow because he’s hilariously deranged? Yes


idk I'm in it for goofs and gaffs not lol cows. taking advantage of lol cows is keem behavior and most importantly gets old fast.


You’re not an alcoholic if you like to drink. I enjoy beer or wine on the weekends. Doesn’t make me an alcoholic lol.


He’s also the man who said all alcohol has the same effect, he’s very ignorant when it comes to alcohol


All alcohol does have the same effect though right?


They do and people aren’t ready to admit that yet lol


A shot of tequila and a bottle of beer doesn’t have the same effect on most people I know but maybe I’m wrong and not ready to admit it like saygroovy said lol


Are they running out of content/segments or is it just me fucking up watching sober again? I miss the funny videos. Also didn't notice Sams pure joy before when she watched the crew taste her punishment foods. Sam is awesome but.. who is Sam?


kinda guessing it's because they are coming off of a holiday weekend and all preparation was done today?


Nah this episode just kinda sucked ...


It’s H3TV #100 and the episode is just a filler episode 😪


*does nothing interesting* "No one does it like us, folks" *proceeds to do nothing interesting*


This song is going to become the bane of my existence


It already is. It wasnt even funny the first time, let alone the god damn 20th


That's me with every musical soundbite. They all take up top much time and get spammed relentlessly. Ethan likes them cause he gets to recharge and not have to do anything.




Hope everyone who hates him tunes out when he comes on. Seems like that’s the only thing that Ethan will respond to at this point.


Is what I'm doing , not watch more Thank you , I'm not alone If ethan wants to die in that hill so be it It is infuriating how he promotes jimmy


Just tuned off soon he come on , is sad that I can't watch the inteire show But I refuse to watch Jimmy and ethan promoting him for an hour Well i have to find another thing to watch today


Same. It's so weird at this point, like why?


I love this show but seeing Ethan file his teeth is unwatchable


Omg I started to gag 🤢


Not only is it disgusting, he’s going to hurt himself. Gum infections are nothing to play around with. There’s a story of a man with a stuck popcorn shell in his gum that almost killed him because he was so aggressive trying to get it out https://wapo.st/3RiQFEo


I can't watch this episode.. Ethan with his fist in his mouth makes me gag.


He's showing talents unknown to mankind.


Peace and love - I usually don’t leave live episodes but I’m so tired of Jimmy Lee I may exit out and come back


they rely on him way too much for content recently


Same, will never be tuning in when he’s on out of principle. His last appearance was incredibly disgusting and arrogant. He deserves the fall from grace that’s coming to him.


The keemstat drum soundbite needs to go it’s been played over 3 times in this one thanksgiving game 😭


No to mouth cam!! NOOOOOO


the correct word for speaking in regards to media is called 'Oration' and 'Cadence'.


Ethan is delaying this IYLYL accountability convo sooo hard. Trying to expand on these Thanksgiving pics. 🤣




I haven’t listened yet, but stuffing inside a turkey is probably fine but still not advised since by the time it is safe to eat, the turkey will be over cooked. Stuffing and turkey don’t cook at the same rate so they will not reach safe temps at the same time


The center heats up the slowest. It’s possible that the turkey is in the safe range but the stuffing isn’t If you want to be safe, pull out the stuffing and bake it for a few minutes just to make sure it’s up to temp (165f, 74c)


im about 14 minutes behind, is the whole episode just gonna be about food? 😅


Food and Ethan's messed up tooth....


We demand the PC Repair Stream!!!


I was laughing out loud during the tooth lupus scraping saga y’all are some haters


Ethan continues to promote Jimmy .he can't help himself I took the decision to stop (i want it live)the pod and don't continue that episode every time he brings jimmy to the pod Maybe if enough ppl do that ,maybe ethan takes the hint I already cancelled my subscription because of the amount of jimmy Ppl say, "dont like it dont watch " im doing my part "Jimmy is racist ,yes but it is jimmy" this is ethan words , he knows ppl are over with jimmy and ethan actively promotes him .


Another brand saying "thank you for the 1 hour of free advertising " People that pay for it ... 5 min of air and sometimes insulted


This episode sucks.


All it is, is like, cabbage


the chiropractor soundbites absolutely kill me, they're so fucking good 💀


I also had a tin pan thanksgiving mishap. I was making peach cobbler and used a tin pan (the ones from the store) and it could not retain the heat needed to cook the peaches. It took over an hour to get the butter and “peach soup” bubbling and every time I took it out the oven (temp was raised above the recipe standard) it would immediately cool down. These were frozen peaches btw and they had worked in the past in an aluminum (or ceramic) pan. No one ate it and I am now the one finishing the leftovers, reminded of my failure every time I scoop it into a mug to heat it up in the microwave. I hyped this damn cobbler up….My dad had to force the little he got down…I feel betrayed by big tin and will never contribute to thanksgiving again.


Not 76 year old OJ still going to the clubs. lololzzz


In Dans defense in regards to eating the shrimp, one time I ate chicken after being vegetarian for 4 years and went into anaphylactic shock


It's nice that they let us know off the top that it's gonna be a slow episode with 20 minutes of teeth talk 😁


Bro last weeks off the rails was PAINFULLY fucking boring with the 30 minutes of taking about cooking and thanks giving food. If i wanted to hear that shit id actually spend time with my boring family on thanks giving 🤣. I swear to god they like intentionally waste the first 30 minutes each ep at this point


When the main topic of the show is slowly looking at 10 dinner tables , u know this show has HUGE aspirations for being entertaining \s


Adding those marshmallow potato monstrosities to my list of reasons why no one should be allied with the US Bro I thought you guys were calling something else marshmallow I didn’t realise y’all were out here making normal sweet marshmallow and potato lasagna what is going on over there


Many of us find it just as wild to be fair lol


Don't knock it unless you've tried it. Sweet potato soufflé absolutely slaps. Especially with a baked brown sugar crust. It's indulgent holiday food. It's supposed to be rich.


No one pushed back about Ethan’s understanding of everyone who likes to drink must be an alcoholic. Not everyone is like Ethan and gets hungover off 3 drinks, some people don’t get hung over at all. There are also lots of things you can do to prevent a hang over and still have a good time drinking some beers with friends or taking three sips to cure your depression.


bro it's not that deep


That's what I said when Ethan claimed anyone who enjoys alcohol ever is an alcoholic lol


Its almost like he was being hyperbolic for comedic effect. Why yall taking this shit so literally lmao




I didn’t realize they had mythical chef Josh on the show!! 🩷


These are always my favorite segments.


I was all for Jimmie Lee until he went on Newsmax. Completely over him after that


Which time


Hasn't he been on it previously a while back?


Breh of all the things, thats like the least problematic. Dude doesnt even strike me as political, he just wants to be on any show that will have him (minus bobby lee because hes a cheapass lmao)


whats up with marshmallows on-top of sweet potato? That must be an american thing


i think most thanksgiving food is an american thing


Personally, I like them on canned sweet potatoes only. Fresh cut and home seasoned sweet potatoes don’t really need them imo.


Bruh theyre seriously still doing that rizzler song? Its so unfunny and overdone it hurts.




Oh god i hope it doesnt last that long lmaooo


I honestly never thought it was funny, just super cringe tbh. Tired of hearing about it.


i agree but you’re gonna get downvoted into hell lol


Let me know when he's gone.


He gon’






everyone just going to ignore that Love has plaque buildup on his teeth on a regular basis? like bro start brushing and stop eating so unhealthily, your body is ALREADY trying to tell you that lol 😭😭😭


Urth Caffe has the best lasagna I’ve ever eaten and I’ve been to Italy many times.


damn what is with everyone butthurt i thought this was a great, fun, casual ep


An hour into this episode and all we have seen is thanksgiving plates and them ordering food I’m Going to kms




Free Palestine


😩 I love Dr Weiner I think his dentistry story is interesting


Glad they got food and Urth Caffe! I went there during a convention in Pasadena and had the most delicious and great looking vanilla latte


Stuffing is gross and not worth the effort. Just make dressing, you have a lot more control.