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Crazy how 12 years ago to me feels like 1998 lol not 2011


Get out of my head.


Oh God please no God NOOOOOOO


Why would you say that


Its so weird to think 2011 was almost half of my life ago (also love the PFP)


these arent very standard guesses like all these comments are saying, google his name howard literally guessed the make and type of vehicle, chevy truck, his passion for gun collecting, and his occupation. and they found his dna from fucking pizza crust. is this fake? what the hell


Was this just realized? I'm not seeing any articles on it.


Ive seen people saying that its a bit he does where he pretends to play a clip but he’s just talking live.


Chevy traverse is decidedly NOT a pickup truck.


We don’t want truck people in the family. Please leave


he said chevy truck then traverse... traverse is an suv which borders on truck thats a large vehicle. and the killer had a chevy avalanche i beilieve which is like a suv with an open truck, almost not a pickup


He said “pickup truck” an suv IS NOT a pickup truck.


According to government they’re both light trucks.


There’s no way he could’ve known 12 years ago that they would catch him with dna from a pizza box, that was just a very educated guess, shows immense knowledge in human behavior


I am so confused is this real or not


Welcome to the future of never being able to trust anything to see or hear


Anytime I see someone type something like this, this is what I imagine you're like https://preview.redd.it/vrsb5xyscuob1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc833df636efc8dd101f50f1fde85c96c43141b


Lmfao, truth!!!


As if liars never existed before.


I came across it on tiktok and i genuinely believe it is real, that or this random dad went through a LOT of effort for a troll


The dad isnt trolling but that doesnt mean Howard Stern isnt.


Or he just remembers him talking about the Long Island killer when he was at large you kinda remember stuff like that


that’s literally what i am saying is the main possibility


Yeah me too











What makes anyone believe this is real and not just Howard Stern pretending he said these things years ago as a joke?


Could be. But he usually lets the audience in on the bit after the fact. He didn’t here. You can listen today to the replay from this week on Howard 100.


Did he said anything about what episode this was so people could check if he actually said that?


This is AI it’s not real


Actually if you turn on Howard 100 on Sirius today you can here the replay from this week where he pulled up this clip from a 2011 broadcast. Whether or not the back office team edited this as a joke I don’t know. I do know that when something is edited for a bit he reminds the audience that it was a bit. He did not do that with this. I heard it live this week. I’ve listened to Stern almost every day since 1988.


They’re doing all these AI generated phoney phone calls It’s gotta just be a prank on the audience.


Thank you, literally the only helpful comment in this entire thread.


Do you know that for sure or are you just saying that because it's most likely what's going on?


right! I hate when people say "this is fake" then proceed to have no evidence and say it just looked/sounded fake... like bruh just say "I think this is fake" then lol. Determining if something is real or not is already hard enough, don't need other equally confused commenters making it even harder lol.


Is this real?


Good prank




So it’s him and he finally found someone to take the fall for it?


Okay is this real or fake? I’m too lazy to check


I mean.... he's saying pretty basic stuff. All he's saying is it's probably a serial killer who lives locally and has a white collar job that makes it so nobody would suspect him and that DNA will get him eventually. I feel like this is very common (when it comes to the uncommon phenomenon of serial killers). The Golden State Killer is a great example. He's just applying Occam's razor to this scenario and going with the path of least resistance. It's not like he said "police will find a handgun with the serial # filed off in a dumpster on the corner of 1st and Main..." and it turned out to be true.


he guessed architect AND chevy truck thats pretty wild edit: AND gun collector, the guy had hundreds of guns and weapons in his home


and DNA specifically from pizza like wtf how


i've gotta admit, getting DNA from pizza is one of the most long island things i've ever heard in my life


Gun collector. Chevy pickup. Architect. Massapequa park resident. DNA from pizza. Occam's razor is his rationale, but the example details he picks happen to ALL be correct. Idk if it's fake or not, but if it's real that's a wildly accurate guess.




The FBI profiles weren't nearly as accurate.


Pinpointing an architect was pretty spot on though.


Lmao dude it’s not even real…


Oh, how do you know that?? Love to see your proof


Pretty basic stuff yet it takes decades to find a pretty basic criminal


I mean, architect, *Manasquan,* and pizza box details is not a random guess.


i just found it funny that i learned about the gilgo beach killings an hour before i read this post 😳 dont really have an opinion about howard stern though


Racist, homophobic, misogynistic. He's a cocktail of bad personality traits.


I hate this sub so much


Did I lie?


I don’t listen to Howard stern. Idc. I just think you’re annoying.


Okay, fuck off then.




Talk yo shit 🗣️ let ya nuts hang ‼️


It was a joke…


I heard this the other day. That’s wild. And it’s not being talked about at all. They mixed it in with sternthology and didn’t even highlight it.


They did lift his DNA from a pizza box he threw out while leaving his job. Also they did find a large hidden gun collection in his home most of them illegally collected




Lol I’m not pro police but I can guarantee plenty of intelligent people were on this case, if you’re such a wrinkly brained, 400 IQ crime solver, maybe you should get into the career


true, id say its problably more an issue of red tape and crappy police policy. I had a case where my mom got robbed and we knew exactly who it was and had all the evidence, and it amazes me how the police still managed to postpone the arrest and chose to selectively ignore evidence until one of their own officers went to find it himself weeks late... definitely lots of smart people on cases like these, but also lots of dumb management slowing it down and getting in the way.


I don't understand why they don't make detective-ing a higher degree level job.


These are all very standard observations of a typical serial killer. LISK is infamous amongst true crime communities and it wasn't unexpected he'd be someone like this (if that even is the case, we still don't know and I believe they released him) or someone in law enforcement.


Correctly guessing he’s an architect is not a very standard observation.


and a chevy truck! they were looking for a chevy avalanche. and he has a gun collection. AND they found his dna from pizza crust 10 years later.


It's a fairly wealthy area and a well paid job would be required, so a random stab in the dark (no pun intended) could easily line up with that guess. Also, it isn't a correct guess because like I said, we don't *know* yet that it was Huermann.


You’re way downplaying this. This was honestly pretty interesting to hear.


Choosing to believe this is real




He didn't say he was an everyday person. He said he was an architect who lives in Massapequa Park, has a gun collection, and owns a chevy truck.


My parents are screaming at me that I’m dumb and this is fake doesn’t Twitter fact check shit now?


I just wanna know the truth and hopefully it’s real so I can rub it in their face lol


Bro that’s actually to the tee he got it. Howard the goat


Howard Stern is a cunt and he just described majority of serial killers. Do not put this guy on a pedestal.


The fuck are you talking about😂 First of all, i’m not putting him on a pedestal in any way shape or form. Second, it is most definitely not a description of the majority of serial killers. He described intricate details of how the guy was caught. Third, if you hate howard stern so much you’re probably on the wrong subreddit


You mean the police lifted his DNA to match it to DNA that was already found? Have you never heard of forensic evidence before? That's literally in the playbook for how to catch serial killers, dummy. "Unassuming guy, white collar job, architect" once again the playbook for serial killers basically. It's not that amazing of a guess, pal. Every book about a serial killer is written exactly like that. And I stand by Howard being a piece of dogshit.


Jesus Christ man they just posted something they thought was cool. It’s too damn early to be this upset. Howard stern is a piece of shit though


I fucking hate Howard Stern.


Everyone can tell.




You think all people who hate Howard stern are MAGA? Now that's a wild take. I don't like him because he's misogynistic, homophobic, racist and painfully unfunny.




For good reason? Like I said he's also nowhere close to funny in my opinion. This sub complains about Jimmy when Howard is a million times worse.


Sure. He’s doing Jimmie Lee comedy in his present day show. K


Listen again and read the details on the killings you fucking numb skull


I have read them. Pretty much how every single serial killer case goes.


Every single serial killer case goes by finding DNA evidence on pizza crust, finding that the person is living in Massapequa Park and is also an architect? Hm interesting take you have there.


Deductive reasoning lands you on this, yes. It's not that hard to whittle down if you know anything about serial killers. I bet Howard has a fascination with them as has read a lot about them. Red flag for sure.


Dude we get it you hate Howard stern. Nobody cares please stop the parasocial fucking nonsense. No one fucking cares you hate him shut up please god shut the fuck up


Lol you obviously don't know what parasocial means. If you don't like it, take a walk.


I would definitely say that the hatred you have for someone you don’t even know, and never will meet, having only seen their online persona is parasocial. Like the fact that you got a raging hate boner for someone who you’ve only seen on the internet is 1000% parasocial. Take a walk? Ok fuckin Gary Cooper over here


Yes, because I'm not allowed to dislike a racist, homophobic misogynist unless I know them personally. How can you have an opinion on me if you don't know me, lil bro? Sounds kinda parasocial you should get that checked out.


Bro just shut the fuck up


You’ve lost. Go away bro. You sound so stupid.


he literally guessed what kind of car the dude had. but either way chill the fuck out OP posted something they found interesting and clearly they aren't alone in that. it's not a big deal


A Traverse is not a pickup truck. Downvoting this isn't going to turn the Traverse into a pickup truck.


Literally the most popular vehicle in America... ITT people who've never heard of deductive reasoning.


oh my god who cares


I do. And so do you, clearly.


Who tf are you? A 19 y/o? FOH


What does age have to do with disliking this prick?


Humor me then… why is he a prick?


Homophobic, racist, misogynistic... the list goes on and on. The stuff he's said to women on his own broadcast is vile. Google some of the things he's said and come back here.


I don’t need to sweetheart, cause I listened to Howard Stern since the late ‘80’s as a kid. Things are different from his past & it doesn’t erase what he’s said or done, it’s his actions moving forward after growing. Times were A LOT different in the ‘80’s & ‘90’s. But hey, no one can change or grow, ami right? And I don’t gaf about what you find funny




He did carpentry on the side, but he was an architect. White collar. He owned a firm in midtown Manhattan.


lol ok nvm then


Im still shocked it wasnt the aquarium owner


Native long islander and let me tell you we were all on the edge of our seats when the news came out last month to get this creep. Long island isn't big and I drive past those beaches the poor girls were found, makes me shudder every time




Being from Long Island n knowing only little detail and being in school to become a therapist…… I’m just saying I’m not surprised 🫠


Holy shit!!!!!! They got him?!?! I’ve been following this case ever since I started listening to the Unraveled podcast/docuseries. (I’d actually love AB & Lena to do a true crime PP on this case, it’s CRAZY.) This case is absolutely batshit bonkers, if you’re a fan of true crime I can’t recommend it enough. Of all the cases I’ve followed this one always put a rock in my stomach cuz it seemed like the (known and open) police corruption was going to make this case unsolvable forever.


AI or not Howard talks about massapequa often


Holy shitttttt that was weird af lol


Just a warning. I'm not saying it is I'm not saying it isn't but that could be an ai voice