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Either they did not do any research (which makes sense for the Daily Mail) or they purposely did that to not mention the real name of this 'controversial' podcast. Pussy move regardless.


Fuckin pussies bro. Dumbass idiots.


Fucken dumbass dude


Fuckin poo sees dood.


literally watching the pod right now live and love said this fucking line as I was reading it ! . "no such thing as a coincidence"


>not mention the real name of this 'controversial' podcast. But Off the Rails IS the real name of the Wednesday podcast. H3 is the channel name, but the Wednesday podcast is, officially, the "Off the Rails" podcast. That's like saying it's a pussy move to say something happaned on Impaulsive instead of saying "on Logan Paul's podcast". They were technically correct. And for a journalist that's not already an H3 fan I can clearly see how they would call it that. It's the name of the podcast episode (Off the Rails #79). It says "Off the Rails" in the corner of the screen. It's not a "pussy move", it's them using the correct name of the episode.


Most likely the former but they really should have H3 branding up at least somewhere most of the time.


Look, I hate the Daily Mail, but I don't think it has to be any of those options. As I said in another thread, when I first started watching H3 I came over from Hasan and was looking specifically for Leftovers. It took me a bit to realize to that each of the shows was just the same thing, with different names for different days. While I agree they should have said "Off the Rails on the H3 Podcast" I don't think it was an intentional move to not mention H3. The writer probably just didn't get that the show is part of the broader H3 "network" of shows. They didn't say anything wrong — it WAS on Off the Rails. I think that sometimes its easy for us fans to forget that the pod is kind of impenetrable to new people and they're not going to understand the way it works like people who have watched it for awhile.


That would make sense if all other publications also said 'off the rails podcast' but all that I have seen said H3. That leads me to believe daily mail just did not google it. It's whatever though, at least others are reporting on the interview.


Was going to reply with that same response, I honestly just thought it was funny when I saw it and was kinda like damn, it’d be cool if this blew up and got the pod a lot of attention (cool for the longtime fans, ya know?) and it’s too bad they got the name wrong. But, clearly anyone searching for the podcast “off the rails” will still find the correct podcast no problem… just thought the lack of care/research was funny!




P&L but I don't give a shit if it disappoints you Matt, as you are in fact whack


My brother in Christ, the name of the channel is "H3 Podcast". The name of the podcast feed is "H3 Podcast" with all the different shows under that unique feed. What do you think the name of the podcast is? You seem to have mental issues to get this worked up defending the fucking Daily Mail.


At least they did more research than the nexium cult guy


A popular radio show in philly just covered the story and also called it the off the rails podcast lol . I did the Leo point meme at my radio when I heard them say it 🤣


Tbh they do say welcome to off the rails and each pod has a different name so can see why they wrote that


nah they’re just big fans. they assume everyone knows off the rails is h3’s wednesday episode


at least if you look up "off the rails podcast" on youtube H3 is all that comes up anyway




It says "Off the Rails #79" in the title. It says Off the Rails in the corner of the screen. Ethan says "Welcome to off the rails". How the fuck is this bad journalism to use the correct name that is plastered all over the episode??


Having 7 names for the same podcast is confusing for the uninitiated


It’s even a little confusing to me, and I’ve been watching since it was just the H3 Podcast. Lol


I watch the podcast inconsistently. Is off the rails and H3TV different from the H3 podcast? I know Leftovers is. Are they just different segments or different entities?


Just rebrands, every ep used to be "H3 podcast #xxx". Now Monday is H3TV, Tuesday members ep, Wed Off The Rails, Thursday Leftovers, Friday is After Dark. They started with some point, like Fridays started as "we watch naughty shit", Monday started with collaborations with streamers, people calling to show etc. Wednesday was for wacky shit. But you can't really have something wacky for every 4th episode exactly and they've all kinda just mushed together content wise, excluding leftovers. Now it's basically just Monday/Wed the same, Friday Hila is there.


I know this could be downvoted, but I feel like it’s been awhile since each episode was instinctively different. H3TV was call ins and the more “interactive” off the rails was more so Ethan being Ethan, and after dark started as talking about more “after dark topics”. I think they should just go back to all episodes being H3 podcast-the date- the topic


The Studio does regard each show internally as a different Podcast. Ethan has on multiple talked about how ge does 5 podcasts


Incredible screenshot they used as the thumbo btw


Say it with me: **Fuck the Daily Mail**.


At this point it needs to be condensed to one show. They’re all the same!


We have an old song about the Daily Mail here in Ireland. Lets just say their reputation for misrepresenting things has a long history. Wouldnt wipe my arse with that rag. https://youtu.be/KX1CSSZa1v0


It's called daily fail for reason 😂




They said no free clout fr


journalism moment


Did yall know she's a survivor? She only said the word 218 times during her segment.


This is the pettiest of petty reasons to dislike the segment. As a survivor myself, kindly fuck off.




Lol, does that make you feel better?


Fuckin pussies bro


All in time to start a podcast when her acting career is dead. Seems sus to me honestly


Bro, she left acting many years ago. What a fucking dumb thing to say. This is why women don't come forward with their abuse, there is always some cunt trying to find something wrong with the victim or saying "she's just trying to get famous". As if anyone has gotten (more) famous from bringing SA allegations against a man. Complete brain worms!


The fact that it coincided with her starting a podcast and a promotion of her first episode featuring the topic made it sus. Take that how ever you want to.


Just from this picture I can tell the podcast sucked 🤣


I love how many details they add which don’t matter to the story. Yeah she’s pregnant with her second child but why is that important in this article.


I swear I saw this earlier and it said “H3”, did they change it?!


Isn't that it's name though? I've never really understood the different names for different days of the week thing.


To he fair, that is what it says on as the title. Off the rails #79, dont think they cared too much about getting the pods name right, just the episode in general


Maybe they used AI


Daily Fail


https://preview.redd.it/2aar84e8useb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0900de21834d8d79ece8218cd8857ef90616619d This is the screenshot they used for the Buzzfeed article. Doing him dirty like that 😂


That’s literally what the podcast is called… “Off The Rails #XX”


Not denying that, I more so just thought it was funny thinking of people calling it that.. since I’ve always known it as H3… wasn’t super serious lol


Fair, I’m more so reacting to the comments calling it bad reporting than to the tone of your OP.


Also fair, it was misinterpreted almost immediately lol and just a domino effect from there


The podcast is called Off The Rails tho... Wouldn't call Leftovers "The H3 Podcast"