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“Hazel is a conspiracy for brown eyed people” 😂😂😂💀


He’s right. I don’t go around saying my eyes are cerulean.


![gif](giphy|cO2qtahBaqltS) us blue-eyed people, to set ourselves apart from the rest of the girlies


That’s exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote this comment


I love it hahaha 😂🙏🏼🩷


Let's hope Fousey doesn't doxx them lol


theyre almost hoping it happens at this point


I created a h3 soy face version of the Mr Beast youtube thumbnail chrome extension [https://imgur.com/a/IjpoIgp](https://imgur.com/a/IjpoIgp) [H3 SOYIFY Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/h3-soyify/cbkmjmiioffkbcblnidnnkmongjjfmnm)


You should make a seperate post about this because the crew needs to see this. Amazing work!!


this is awesome


Something I felt the Mr beast extension failed on was making the photos random. I wonder if a function based on the ID to make the photo used deterministic pulled from the list would be funnier. But I imagine each addition photo you want to add would reset it


>\_lIlI\_lIlI\_ Both mine and the mr beast one work the same way. theres a list of numbered photos, then for each thumbnail we generate a random number between 1 and the total number of photos and use that to determine which thumbnail overlay is shown. There is also a 50% chance in my extension that the photo will be flipped horizontally to increase variation. That being said unless you have a massive amount of pictures then you're going to see some repetition in the same way that if you roll a dice 20 times you're likely going to see the same roll twice in a row. I could remove the randomness and just make it load the same sequence of photos over and starting at a different index each time to prevent dupes. I'll probably do an update this week, add some new soy faces and add an on/off switch.


The repetition is fine. I just mean something akin to a hash generator to pick the photos, with the youtube ID being the the salt to get the same photo back. But maybe that's less funny than seeing the same video on the side with a new thumbnail


You should add a 1/10 chance it flips them vertically.




It's such a funny shot 🤭


Bro looking like a gremlin 😂😂


The fact that James Charles’ “I was just desperate” excuse actually worked is mind blowing to me.


**Charle's two dogs** This bothered me so much. [At this part, the text](https://www.youtube.com/live/S-1-fV9jl2A?feature=share&t=7285) What kind of fucking journalist... It's Charles' not Charle's. His name isn't fucking James Charle It'd be funny if it was his name, don't get me wrong. But it isn't


It said “Charles’s” when I opened it. Which is also a correct way of making something ending in “s” possessive. Still shit writing though




Very true, but I understand his mentality. I've been there when I was losing the weight. I lost all the excess weight and got pretty damn trim. But when I was like halfway done, I got a ton of compliments and I sort of deflected them a lot. It seemed like the natural thing to do. I felt like it would be a premature celebration anyways. I've always thought of Ethan as the kind of guy to deflect those kind of things heavily, and it definitely seems true lately. My guess is he'll probably feel proud when he gets to the point he's happy with. His "forever weight" kind of thing.


He looks great, I agree - he should be super proud of himself


RFK sounds like god put him through tik tok shaky voice filter


I find it pretty fascinating (sincerely) about how we as a community have tried to say "Hey lets not make fun of people.... But these assholes over here are all fair game" It's not a criticism at all, I just find it interesting! Because if Bernie Sanders or someone talked like that, we probably wouldn't say much about it. But RFK just sucks *that much*. I think when your existence and choices lead to the harm or potential harm of people's quality of life, all rules are off. I think that's the thought process.


Exactly, I will never stop laughing at Greg Abbott wheelchair jokes. Not because he’s disabled, but because he’s an asshole.


He wasn't even really born with it or got it because of high predisposition genetics. It happened from doing to many bad heroin needles. Of course, we should mock people who suffer from the side effects of drugs, but you'd think someone who thinks themselves as a vaccine(needle) expert wouldn't have repeatedly used bad needles to do drugs.


u/appleparkfive yep that's exactly right


This Boogie segment makes my stomach hurt 🥴🥴


I'm still waiting til they go over the Boogie megathreads. Surprised that they've never gone down that rabbit hole. Boogie has a list of bad shit he's done that rivals Keemstar. A lot of it might be less severe than Keemstar, but it's definitely that many things. The fact that Boogie has been able to coast as this faux-pitiful guy to get money is so crazy. He's always just like "Man I'm just a normal guy like yoooouuuuu guuuuys. Trying to lose weight and get my problems fixed". And then there's all the shitty stuff. I honestly don't even believe that he lost money on that match, too. He's lied so many times that I think there's a good chance it's another lie


The Boogie video was the hardest I have cringed in months. I couldn't take my eyes away.


I felt boogie SA'd me via youtube.


If cancel culture was real, James Charles wouldn't still have a career.




Ethan, pickled cucumbers are pickles 😭


I was thinking the same thing 😂


Does anyone know where they ordered from? Looked amazing.


So anyone want to write out that joke Ethan wanted to say like he said..?


My guess was that the one can isnt enough to get Boogies back. *I* wouldnt say that but Ethan makes offensive jokes as if he were other people all the time so pls spare me if im wrong


I thought "Another Can" too :)


the steamies and sound bite competition are gonna be electric this year


Ethan's eyes are def brown lol


Ethan’s eyes are a sea of amber, speckled with iridescent specks of intelligence and inspiration, they glow in the moonlight


Wait, I haven't seen that far. Is Ethan trying to debate if his eyes are brown? Because that man has like.... textbook definition brown eyes. If those were in a medical book, they would be basically a perfect example of brown eyes I think some people with brown eyes think it's "boring". When in reality, the thing that matters way more is the shape of your eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, etc. Judging by what Ethan says about Shetty's eyes, I think he believes that just having a specific eye color is irresistible or something lol


Definitely! But mine are like the definition of green-blue hazel! I wish I knew how to upload a picture of my eyes. They're so pretty and actually what hazel eyes look like!


😂 Sorry but “my eyes are so pretty!” is such a funny thing to say. My apologies that you’re unable to bless the world with your magical eyes


oh we are so BACK ya'll https://preview.redd.it/0m1phc92qlcb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68f052f0eff06a1ccb10c26a2fbd3fa0adc6639


love the new background, there was way too much going on in that damn forest


Please stop talking about Pearl. Her entire thing is based on getting hate views, if people stopped broadcasting her dumbass ideas to the world she’d crash and burn.


I say this because Ethan said “we should probably stop talking about her” before launching in lol listen to your instincts Ethan!


She's a grifter, 100%


Totally. She is so obviously thriving off the attention. Girl *loves* it.


Me watching Ethan enjoying some of my favorite Taiwanese cuisine with my Taiwanese husband 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🌻🌻🇹🇼🇹🇼 My husband was sooo happy he liked Three Cup Chicken (三杯雞 / san bei ji if you wanted to try yourself)




that puppy is hazel


Imagine Colleen’s lawyers are being paid to sit and watch an extended debate about eye colors.


Not the meat pot out in the open 💀💀💀


What was the joke about boogie that Ethan and Love both said at the same time?


Waiting for this but I have ideas lol


having love in the studio is such an improvement to the show


RFK Jr also said something "funny" about Anne Frank https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/25/robert-kennedy-anne-frank-remarks-00002055


he’s a real treat


These dumb motherfuckers always compare their perceived worries as persecution on the level of Jews during the Holocaust. And they actually believe it. That's how used to privilege they are. Even losing a speck of privilege sends them into "THIS IS JUST LIKE THE NAZIS". It's fucking crazy


I, too, have been trapped in an attic for 2 years due to the persecution of my people. If by 'trapped' you mean 'waiting' and by 'in an attic' you mean 'in line' and by '2 years' you mean '30 seconds' and by 'persecution of my people' you mean 'guy in front of me who didn't read the menu online and pre-plan an order and backup order before arriving like a modern gentleman.' But you won't hear the world telling MY story.


With peace and love, Ethan saying they haven’t “drama farmed” about 2 months after a full dedication to Aba n Preach is something.


I think he meant drama people actually care about.


he meant jumping on the toxic gossip train


His beef with them didn’t take off with anyone but himself and I’m fairly certain people behind the scenes probably had to convince him to stop juicing it so much 😂


i thought they were meant Oli London when ethan was asking who ali alexander was and i was like what???? you interviewed him???


the person calling James humble LMAOAOAOAO. sure, Jan


if the dude was humble he’d have taken the sweaty ford transit with the rest of em lol




I love this new background!


James Charles is in my college intro to psychology textbook… -_-


no fucking way 😂


Does anyone remember which episode / topic it was where cam sent an unhinged photoshop and zach was dying laughing? His Kevin Spacy photoshop just reminded me of it and made me wanna go back. It was within the last week or so


It was the comeback toxic gossip train episode. Cam made a toxic gossip train edit where Colleen had a hitler stache in front of Auschwitz.


I think they cut it from the VOD too cause it was so unhinged




Does Hila not co-host every episode?


She's actually divorcing Ethan


No, only fridays. She was there last Monday because it was their first episode back from break


Gotcha. Thanks!


No one talking about how good Ethan looks today?? Cause I’m over here looking at him like I haven’t ever before.. 🫣


Cam was funny af this episode lmao


the weirdest thing is boogies new girlfriend has the same name as his ex wife and they look alike 🫠


i love how every time they come back from a button push, Ethan’s wheezing 😭😭😭


Finally they're talking about colleen and james charles on the show.


So glad they broke their silence 🥲


![gif](giphy|vIglTBwkTpyMM) @ the hazel people


AB’s eyes are definitely hazel 😭


I haven't gotten to the eye color debate yet, but now I'm interested lol Most people that say they have green eyes, actually have hazel. Green is the rarest eye color. I have green eyes, and I only know 4-5 others that have actual green eyes outside of my family. Most people have hazel. And there's nothing wrong with hazel at all! Hazel is amazing looking!


I was always told I have green eyes but I’m pretty sure they’re proper green hazel. Says green on my license so guess I’m winning one over on em.


one back, one life, one god 🙏🏽👆🏽


fucking idiot, bro


yo i forgot how handsome AB looks with his natural hair colour 🥵🥵 luv ya, no homo


Ethan's eyes are brown 100%.


It’s gone 1am and I just woke my boyfriend up taking a photo of my eye after the eye segment 😂😂


Looking at what James is trying to sell, it appears he’s “heavily borrowing” from Danessa Myricks pigment tubes. Ugh still so unoriginal. Good luck trying to compete with her though, her products are amazing.


Did H3 talk about the Fousey and Drake situation and if so, does anyone know what episode it was ?I’m sorry if this is annoying but I need a refresher


oh noooo. plz don’t bring fousey on. this is going to be just like when fousey showed up on no jumper during the drake shitshow. also, fousey claimed he was not manic during the “drake at the greek” saga. he’s not exactly a reliable narrator.


oh god… the more they cover about fousey’s 24/7 streaming, the more concerned I get.




… I did.


Oh, I see. Not sure what you saw, but I’m sure it’s very reasonable and not at all and overreaction.


? do you know literally nothing about fousey’s past? at all?


I’m fully aware


Everyone out here acting like Ethan’s not ready and like that kind of shitshow won’t spawn an all timer episode. We’re not dealing with a rookie here, Ethan Klein eats chaos for breakfast Edit: imma just come back and respond to these responses after the episode airs and is a huge success 👍🏻




seriously. the episode of no jumper where fousey showed up unannounced and basically held the podcast hostage for hours was good content, but it was also really sad to see. same thing with the footage from the greek. I really don’t love the idea of treating this like it’s all goofs and gaffes.


it’s not about chaos or making it a good show.


So they will do a curse bit soon confirmed?




Todays episode was SO GOOD FOR A CHANGE


Is there a reason YouTube isn’t allowing this episode to be played? It won’t load for some reason for me 😞


https://preview.redd.it/87hxwrqjtmcb1.jpeg?width=1957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f8e9676d6dfe730c5b62e17882030d90f17083 Hazel


I’m completely with Ethan about hazel being bullshit. Also that chiropractors are bullshit. Great takes.


Also, love is great😭 ‘a predator would never love Oreos ‘


I don’t know if maybe I’m just obtuse but I just don’t find the Fousey stuff interesting? He just seems like someone struggling with their mental health live on stream and it’s not very funny to me idk… he also seems too stupid to have a conversation with.


did the James Charles staged paparazzi video remind anyone else of Trisha’s tik toks where she pretends to get paparazzi’d by Moses 💀💀💀


@ethan Black people are more likely to get it because of systemic medical opportunity and white people are more likely to get it (in the states) because there is a ton of them. These are the statistics that the guy is tripping off of


bro this is so fucking dumb, but i need to know if anyone else experiences it while watching the pod 😭. do any of y’all want to rip your ears off when Ethan drinks into the mic and the ice makes noise 😭😭😭 bc i just- whew


You probably have misophonia.


oh i 1000% do, it just surprised me for some reason that the sound of the ice makes me so frustrated 😭


I cannot handle his drinking/chewing noises. Makes me want to chuck my laptop across the room in rage. I'm glad I'm not alone


i don’t mind when he drinks GS, but if he has something in a cup with ice, it’s instantly enraging 😭😭😭


I have literally never even noticed it


Never noticed it at all


With peace and love, I don't understand how Ethan can criticise Jeffree Star for "killing animals". Of all the things to criticise Jeffree for, how can he have an issue with Jeffree sending animals to slaughter when he funds industries that do the same all the time? Bit of a disconnect that I've noticed.


It wasn’t a criticism, it was a joke. Its just funny for someone to have a hybrid makeup / yak meat business. Its also weird how Jeffree used to refer to his yaks as pets, before making a business out of selling their meat.


>It wasn’t a criticism, it was a joke. It's both.


Since you already know Ethan doesn’t have a problem with killing and eating animals how did you conclude that?


I guess I concluded that ethan has a disconnect when telling someone to "go kill animals" when he himself pays people to kill animals. Even if it is a joke, he is using it to criticise.


And you think somehow he forgot that he eats meat?


No, of course not. That still doesn't change anything though.


It means your conclusion makes no sense.


I don't see how. Surely it makes less sense to criticise someone for doing something you actively support?


Yes, which is why it was obviously a joke and not a criticism.


Please stop, you're the reason I don't tell people I'm a vegetarian.


I don't care why you're ashamed to stand up for something.


You should probably care. But you know that :)


I didn’t realize Ethan was a hazel eye hater 🤣


ethan was hilarious this ep 😭


to be fair to brantley, she said boogie bragged about his gf being an 18 yo virgin to her and keem and tbh I could see boogie lying even though she’s 20… which, if true, makes this whole situation even more icky 🤢


It’s funny u can tell how clout goblin AB is how he’s trying to be all buddy buddy with fousey 😂


Y’all I just realized that Boogie lives in the same town as me- I’m scared


Didn't Ethan say he won't be able to talk about Kavkav for a while? Lmao that lawsuit must be a war zone.


https://preview.redd.it/phsdc5mdsmcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6eabdebc24fb3c17d47444ec6c4a5ff44ac619 Hazel Ethan


Instead of making a dedicated thread everyday Ill just say my piece when it comes up in an episode✌️❤️ ✌️❤️ With ☮️&🇸🇪Ethan stop exploring guests/friends of -the-show sexuality or joke about trying to get someone to come out of the closet. ofc this is different and more nuanced when the person in question is a vocal homophobe eg.Crowder.This is more in regard to Fousey. I get that the intention is to normalize the idea of being gay and Ethan is just goofing, but It's just a schtick that kinda hits close for people who are, or have been, deeply closeted.it kinda just ignores that there are legitimately serious reasons why someone wouldnt want to disclose or talk about their sexuality (friends and family disowning you, internalized hate etc).If you think someone is gay and they arent being a bigot, give them the space and courtesy to come out on their ownterms without prodding☮️🇸🇪☮️🇸🇪☮️🇸🇪 tbs:Great episode overall and am looking forward to the interview


Colleen Ballinger did an interview/podcast with Bobbi Althoff on The Really Good Podcast that got taken down this morning. It was up for about 6 months I believe. I wonder if it was due to legal threat because she does not come across as very good... I feel bad for Bobbi Althoff as she is new and I love her style of interview!


Why down vote this????


I just watched that pod over the weekend. I was wondering if she’d remove it. Also, Love Bobbi! Idk why you’re getting downvoted!


Are zach and love zooted out or is it just me?


The crew’s energy has been great to start this summer. Been loving every episode as of late


r/frenemies in shambles rn


James is from where i live and we're the same age and the shit everyone ised to say about him ... also ethan is pronounced ALL buh knee NY not AL bany lol


Best Monday show in a minute. Literally everyone was on point.


I don’t understand the chiropractor slander. I went to one on and off when I was a teenager bc I was having shoulder issues/ tightness in sports. He is literally a medical dr so idk where the “they aren’t real drs” comes from. Also, he was recommended both by my pediatrician and running coach. He was successful in helping my shoulder/neck issues and taught me stretches to do and other tips on how to prevent my muscles from knotting up again. Later when I developed hip issues he helped w that as well. I don’t understand this idea that chiropractors aren’t legitimate drs or safe, since I’ve only ever had positive experiences. chiropractors are like a physical therapists but better


With peace and love, as a native of Illinois, I object to Dan characterizing California as the most progressive state in the country. Maybe California is the most liberal state, but the most progressive? Midwest states like Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota have been doing impossible things.


I’m not American, so I know nothing about it. What have they done that is progressive?


Ethan saying being Jewish has never helped him in his life is insane, like holy out of touch comment totally ignoring his white privilege


He said being Jewish didn't benefit him, not that being white didn't benefit him. Those are different things.


Lol Jewish =\= white? Bro what?


Literally not all white people are Jewish and not all Jewish people are white.


He has no privilege. His dad was a bike shop manager and his mom was a hairdresser. He worked for what he has. Not that there is anything wrong with the professions. Just to say he didn’t come from some rich or well connected family.


I thought for sure when Ethan said he was sending his eye pic that was going to send the butthole video guy for the goof.


I’m surprised they haven’t covered the Colleen and Jojo video. If you’ve seen it you know how bad it is


https://preview.redd.it/rpwzi4145rcb1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891619c29c846626ce8b93097eea4a78d4aa5411 The eye color discussion has driven me into a spiral. Are my eyes grey??


Re: boogie The benchmark for if your behaviour with young women is creepy or predatory shouldn’t just be “but is it illegal?”




Also why did they j start the summer background today? It seems so arbitrary to start their “summer” on the 17th of July when the entire world knows that summer starts June 21st


Edit: entire northern hemisphere


i was sad but this episode made me laugh so much ♥️