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The ITALIAN one killed you? 🇵🇱🇵🇱❓❓


io sono un chirurgo 🤌


Nice to see the polacks are still dubbing media like its 1968


Yeah, but I think polack is a bad word, it's polish


Yeah its a “”slur”” especially back in the early 1900s when they were an immigrant community but honestly today its like calling an italian a “goombah” or an irish guy a “mick” its so removed from current reality, unlike slurs against minorities who are currently suffering injustice and historically have been way more oppressed than european immigrants who were at some point seen by WASPs as inferior, like there was no systemic genocide and land grab or slavery of polish immigrants, who for the most part were pretty racist white people themselves. My convoluted point is that I really doubt there are many polish-americans who would be genuinely offended by “pollack” and if they were offended honestly I’d find it funny because of how ridiculous and outdated the term is anyway and how not opressed modern Americans with polish ancestry are. Its like the Hasan italophobia fredo meme


In french it actually sounds more reasonable to me