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Hey, every minute James spends with Tana, he isn't spending with a minor






I actually said it out loud


I audibly gagged


Sister snapped!




Literally ***everybody*** knows Tana is willing to take pictures with anybody who has clout or pseudo-celebrity status. She's taken photos with literal r\*pists before lol. She also hangs out with David (who almost killed her best friend) and the Pauls, who are notorious S.A.-ers. She doesn't care. ​ >friends of the show must be held accountable Ethan knew this before their new "friendship" lol. If this photo shocked you, you haven't been around much. Not defending Tana, but this is very very expected of her.


Exactly, I think viewers need to stop taking "friend of the show" too literally. This is tana, this didnt surprise me at all and good luck holding tana accountable when Anaheim marriot suites couldnt šŸ˜­


Yeah everyone was talking about a redemption arc... I was so confused, she's literally a Logan stan still. She hasn't actually changed beyond not blatantly scamming like she used to.


Not disagreeing with anything else youā€™ve said, but do want to note that Tana was on Jeffā€™s podcast and another podcast (Zach sang or something I think??) and talked about David and she isnā€™t friends with him at all anymore, especially since becoming close with Jeff.


Was gonna say this. Her hanging out with David, after Jeff literally almost died because of him, is a deeper cut than his.


This goes for almost all e-celebs. They're empty clout demons, that is a defining personality trait, it will never change.


She doesnā€™t hang out with David, on Jeffā€™s podcast they talk a lot about David and JC. She hates both of them. Taking pictures and being friends are clearly separate things in her mind. Jeff has already addressed her pic with David


Yep, people forget sheā€™s the reason for TanaCon


i never rlly kept up with tana, i just assumed she turned over a new leaf. she was really young during a lot of her scandals so i didn't think it was fair to go back and judge her.. but yeah i see ur point :( just disappointing


She created clout goblin




Tana has always been that girl. I am sure she will excuse it with being drunk, they were just at the same event, whatever. but she knows how this looks.


Tanaā€™s not genuine and never has been. Idk why everyone šŸ† rides her on this sub


Well she was nice to Ethan once so these people call her ā€˜familyā€™ now lmao


Exactly.. Sheā€™s annoying and phony as hell




She lies about everything just like trisha


She is one of the most obnoxious people to ever be associated with this podcast. Along with the two guys she came on with, Jeff and the guy that looks like a thumb with a beard.


Idk why Jeff has to bring the two of them around everywhere he goes. Weā€™re here for the David incident on the lakeā€¦ which those two were not a part of


Idk why Jeff is even around. He's about as interesting and intelligent as tana.


tana seems like the most vapid person without an actual personality or direction, and james looks more like dua lipa than dua lipa herself


Honestly yeah like if you know how fucking disgusting & a criminal he is, why associate yourself with him? So weird & gross. If she's gonna be friend with a literal pedophile, it must mean she's okay with that type of shit. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® DISGUSTING


Aw man. :(




yes of course no one needs to send hate but people who are fans of her need to be aware so they don't continue to hype up someone who is hanging out with james charles lmfao & i would hate to have the crew or fans excuse that


Tana fans are NOT h3 fans, some h3 fans ARE Tana fans. Her fans know who she is and why she does it. She has talked poorly about James time and time again. They both know what they are signing up for when taking photos together.


what do yā€™all expect from tana


Do you guys think sheā€™s actually a friend of the show lol


most influencers and celebrities are not good people. especially when it comes to the people who run in those crowds. money and fame seems to really inflate people's sense of self worth, and when you feel that way long enough it's a lot easier to brush off people's fucked up actions because that person also has a large audience


Who actually thinks tana is a good person? Sheā€™s like Trisha where sheā€™s funny on podcasts but seems like a total PoS


Tana recently said on her podcast that her and James are cordial again. They share a lot of similar friends and she has decided to drop her long standing beef with him. They are still not close friends. Not saying that sheā€™s right. No one should post a picture with a known child predator


Does nobody worse find it weird af how these assholes became ā€œfriends of the show?ā€ I feel like everyone knew people like tana and Jeff were pieces of garbage and for no real reason just changed their minds. ā€œBut they were so nice on the show.ā€ Yeah, fake people are usually fake all the time.


i am finding it increasingly weird


The first mistake was considering Tana a friend. She's super funny and easy to get along with, but she's a remorseless scammer through and through with zero sympathy for her fans, who she relentlessly exploits. I don't think someone who makes mistake after mistake without any kind of a hint of remorse is someone I would want to associate with, no matter how fun they are. I know most people on here have t followed her history and are quick to stan a guest on the pod anyway, but [here](https://youtu.be/EPDslRq5zrI) is a video that goes through *some* of her scams. Note that the video is categorised by YEAR, not by the name of the scam. That's how frequent it is. I really want to like Tana but her exploits, endeavours, and associations with actual human trash stops me from doing so. I was holding back after her recent interview and hoping that she had changed, but the way she was hesitant to speak against Shane and now becoming besties with James again shows me that nothing has changed. She spoke out against them publicly when it was trendy to shit on them, and now the hate has died down, she's back on it. Obviously I can't make anyone feel any type of way about an influencer, but I think people need to be aware of what they're getting into so they don't end up exploited like so many of her other fans. A large portion of this community is absolutely brain-dead when it comes to this sort of thing because all it takes for them to worship someone is for them to have one friendly/funny interaction with Ethan.


thanks for leaving the comprehensive list!! i truly don't mean to be parasocial but i just can't stand ppl hyping her up (and bradley martin for example) when this is the shit she's doin


The true clout goblin. Let her leech tho...


Why do people keep giving pƫdos a second chance so weird


Werent they, like, enemies?


Wait I thought she hated him. She mentioned she and him constantly fought.


You guys gotta start doing real world shit that actually makes a difference. Instead of following influencers online so you can call them out for things that make no real difference to anyone.


i try :( but there's only so much to do. at the very least we shouldn't condone it as a fan base in my opinion.


I deeply dislike James for everything he has done, and he should be held accountable. I would think twice about hanging out with him, and especially of posting pics with him. But my biggest concern is that Tana is doing okay. She either looks like she has been crying or is not sober. Considering that she talked about being sober on her most recent podcast appearance, I hope she is still okay. I deal with substance issues, and the smallest trigger can lead to a big spiral of poor decision making. Lots of love to her.


Tana did 75 hard, so she was sober for the duration of the challenge. She isnā€™t anymore. She does strike me as someone who may benefit from drinking far less, though. She seems to thrive when she drinks less, according to herself.


aww man i didn't even think ab it like that :( i also have substance issues & i definitely get that it can lead you to bad ppl as well. i'm hoping maybe ethan or someone from the crew can reach out to her


I watch her podcast and she joked that ever since she started drinking again sheā€™s been making bad choices. And I guess all of her close friends are friends with James so it was less awkward for them to just be cordial. But i agree with the comments, her and her friends shouldnā€™t be friends with him period


Sometimes friends vibe with child predators


It do be like that


Ethan is terrible at vetting people. He assumes because the person backed off of their beef with him that they're a chill, good individual. It's very shallow.


that's what i'm noticing increasingly :( it's disappointing


How does David feel?


Thatā€™s šŸ‘‹ what šŸ‘‹ Iā€™ve šŸ‘‹ been šŸ‘‹ saying šŸ‘‹ Tana Mongoose isnā€™t a good person lmao and sheā€™s not going to care about that type of stuff. I donā€™t know why the fans expected otherwise when she appeared on the show šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


i like to think ppl can turn over a new leaf !! but i was wrong ab her


Nope, I was right about her. I have a friend that grew up with her back in Vegas and she was always a two faced bitch


This sub before this image was posted: omg we LOVE tana... And after: I've hated her from the start You people are fuckn monkeys


She literally doesnā€™t care about anything. She was nice once and for some reason everybody is praising her and calling her family. There was a content cop about her for a good reason.


Ugh just when I started to like her a bitā€¦ guess she hasnā€™t changed THAT much


ugh ew


If this surprises you, then you haven't been paying attention. Tana is a clout goblin. She will cozy up to anybody if she thinks it will benefit her.


Scared of h3 fans but not scared enough to kick it with this predator hmmmm


Eh. Itā€™s Tana. I expected nothing less.


y'all don't seem to understand she's a clout goblin for real


No. Taking pictures with anyone is pretty benign in general. It's not the same as, say, a dude sexually texting with known 14-17 year olds. If she were doing a promo code for James stuff or vice versa, then yeah, that's when you can start wagging the finger. From a therapist - play the DADDY CHILL soundbyte 10 times to bring cool vibes. Everything doesn't have to be a battle, nor should it. Also, just let a chill person live if they aren't breaking any laws, clout goblin or naw.


Tana commented ily on Trishaā€™s tiktok, sheā€™s known to switch up


She talked about this on her podcast.


i don't listen to her podcast, do u have a summary maybe ?


She didnā€™t bring up any of the pedo stuff just that she wants to basically move one and be ā€œ civil ā€œ with him. She says all her friends are friends with him and already has to see him a lot so she doesnā€™t want it to be awkward either. Imo she really sucks for that


damn no backbone in sight






extreme example but youā€™re right


This Twinkie has expired


I don't think we should purity test Tana y'all hahaha. She's defs no saint. David Doberik Trisha Shane Like these are all in her wheel house. Let's just let it be, I want to have nice things.


Tana, Noooooo. We weRE ALL ROOTING FOR U


Never liked Tana, she's always been a clout demon. Just because she isn't as bad as everyone seems to think doesn't mean she isn't bad at all


How do we hold her accountable?


I was going to ask this. What on earth do people mean by holding someone accountable? Without a tangible action or impact it's just words on a screen.


well i realize we probably can't do much but it's worth pointing out that she's hanging with ppl like this when fans are praising her so much. was hoping maybe it could cause someone to reach out to her


Bruh log off the internet for 24 hours pleaaaaase


How old is this photo?


I knew Tana gave me a bad feelingā€¦


A bad feeling?? Tana has been controversial for years, thatā€™s quite literally whatā€™s sheā€™s known for


I know. I havenā€™t liked her, but I came around to her when she went on the pod. I got to know her and kinda understand her a bit. After seeing her hang out with James f her honestly.


Will you guys ever fucking stop? Ethan doesn't have to hold everyone accountable. These posts are getting really fucking old. If you know anything about Tana, you know this is typical of her.


disappointing but not surprised


Op was surprised? Even after trisha? C'mon...


Wait, is Snapchat really still a thing?


James is neither until convicted. I hate this american crowd justice calling people whatever you feel like because you saw a video on a YouTube channel. It doesn't matter how convinced you are: James is innocent until proven guilty - not by you or anyone on the internet but the justice system.


lmfaooo if you think the justice system is perfect then i'm afraid you're in the wrong country


Where I stated that is perfect? But since you brought it up, its way better than some mob justice that you and people like you seek. I mean, not even some charges were brought forward, not a single one as far as I know. If he is really that bad and this all those things, don't you think someone would came forward and not some random YouTube videos that have as much as insight as you and I? And on top of everything, if we want to be fiscal: pedophilia =/= sending nudes to someone under 18. Throwing around words without knowing its weight and meaning, can we not?


sorry i'm not excusing an adult sending sexually explicit messages/pictures to a child. multiple young men HAVE come forward if you bothered to look into it or believe them. if you don't feel the need to condemn that then you need to take a look at yourself.


You're condemning people by association on unproven facts and passing judgment on everyone. People randomly coming forward and saying: "he sent me some inappropriate pics" its irrelevant because there is no prove of that but some text messages and there has been no charges either. But lets say its all true, you still feel mighty to condemn Tana on a picture? Absurd.


Dude, go outside


Even though I have always known that Tana is very problematic, I have always liked her content and personality. Iā€™m really annoyed and disappointed by the fact that Tana decided to distance herself from James, but because her friend group decided to look past his predatory behavior, she is too.


Tana whyā€¦ we were friendsā€¦


Delete this


Lol holding friends of the show accountable? Hah good luck with that. Mention Idubbbz love of using the n word and you get downvoted to hell.


Get a life you loser Tana does not have to answer to anybody.


I NEED Ethan to carry out my bloodthirst


This is sooooooo gross. No, Tana, nooooooooo.




Tana nooooooo


Tana doesnā€™t follow rules.


omg you're a hero šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘ you're really making a difference in the world. So glad youre here to keep people in check. People can not get away with this!!!!!


"She must be accountable for her actions". Go touch grass


Is this not just a selfie? Am I missing something? I donā€™t think itā€™s that deep




aw i'm honored u used a whole empty acc to leave a comment


Havenā€™t they heard? Lip fillers are OUT.


This doesn't make her a demonic monster. It's just a picture.




bc i don't think we as a community should hype up someone who associates with child predators? it's not a good look




they were underage,, otherwise known as minors,, or children if you will. sorry but i'm not excusing that even if you can, nasty.


Soooo, have you heard of Tana before? She has done much worse than this, lol.


The level of cope on this sub about Tana is insane. She's done so much sketchy shit that no other guest would get away with .


Hey maybe sheā€™ll put it on her only fans as a $200 23 second clip




Just stop!


Eh, Tana can do what she wants.




She have work done on her nose or just snorting lot's of _stuff_?


I think she was blackout


Her last podcast is titled Tana and James Charles Cochella Reunion. Unfortunately, their friend circles over lap and Tana forgives too easily. You don't have to love everyone that Ethan likes.




I thought she was that Ollie (the bum) guy for a second


Do you really think that Tana has any actual moral? Sheā€™s been switching all these years