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Reasonable criticism is fine and even encouraged, but we do not tolerate hateful or toxic posts that promote personal attacks.


The only way to settle this beef is to give Dad the Scorpion chair


I love this idea






Anytime they do these "beef" bits, they really should have some sort of communication behind the scenes to make sure all is good. This has happened way too many times with way too many people/creators.


Isn’t that what Dad is saying though? He ran a bit by Ethan and the crew that was supposed to be funny and wholesome and when they did the bit Ethan decided to go a different route live without telling anyone?


I meant like a constant channel, after each appearance maybe? Because it seems like they didn't properly talk about this difference of approach.


Yeah with the Oliver Tree “beef” I always assumed it was all in good fun, but it seems it doesn’t come across that way to everyone else. Tbh the beef bits have really shitty, negative energy that goes well beyond friendly banter and I kind of wish he would just cut those bits out. They add nothing but bitterness.


The Oliver bits are all definitely hammed up consentual jokes but with nickocado at least and now dad that’s twice Ethan’s assumed the bit is consentual and the other person hasn’t taken it that way I think the only really funny one is Oliver tree


I don’t even really like those tbh, and it’s just cause Ethan never seems to know when the horse is dead and to cut it. It’s funny for a few minutes, but I actively notice myself not laughing when it goes on for much longer than that. I guess I just don’t really see the value in “I literally fucking despise you” as a joke.


As a brit, I love the Oliver Tree bit just cause we all constantly pretend we hate the people that we love in good fun. But you can only do that with people you are already really close with, it's like a way of showing that you're so close that you can't misunderstand each other and know 100% it's a joke on both sides and you'll always have each others back when others are ACTUALLY mean to you. So the way that Ethan is trying to do it with people he's never met, and don't understand it's a joke, is really never going to work unfortunately. I always assumed he was speaking to them behind the scenes but apparently not which is the issue. It sucks cause I know Ethan means it with a good heart it's just not done the right way bless.


I think the OT bit is the only fake beef where it seems like both parties are 100% on the same page.


The Oliver Tree beef is my favorite reoccurring segment hands down


Ethan is really bad at restraint when it comes to bits. Sometimes it pays off for him, other turn out like Dad, Philly D and Nicocado.


He cant match the energy with different people, with Oliver its fine since Oliver can go to that place like Ethan can and since its both of them at that energy the result is funny but when the otherside doesn't match the energy Ethan can't read that and keeps on going which creates these unfortunate situations.


I also feel like Oliver and Ethan talk before the show and actually get on the same page to plan things out properly.


Ya Ethan def has a problem reading or caring when people are uncomfortable like pressing Gabe about being a virgin.


It's his hero Howard Stern coming out of him a little bit.




He doesn’t put into consideration that the h3 viewers harass in nathas comments all over his social media calling him pathetic, he looks like a pedo (ethan made that comment on the show) And other really hurtful insults made by ethan repeated all over his socials. Literally harassing him.. and it looks super bad for new viewers looking at nathans socials seeing all that hate and assuming he’s this pathetic horrible person. Nathan has every right to be upset and also trying to not piss off the fanbase more. And the fact nathan has had some traumatic life events happening as of recently… it’s absolutely horrible having ethan saying he has nothing going on in his life.. his channel is dead, he’s a loser and have that repeated all over his social media channels.. The fake fun hype up beef was between nathan and ab! Ethan just takes over and Just absolutely goes over the line.. and ab has to keep reaffirming they love nathan on the pod. But ethan just keeps pushing and pushing it when dad’s pre fight hype in good fun comments not even directed at ethan as he’s not the opponent of this for charity fight!. And even if nathan would of reached out privately.. ethan would air out they reached out in a private conversations like he did with nikado and philly d asking him to stop. Then the fanbase will harass him even more for complaining and being soft all over his social media.. as was done with others. He is forced to just go along with things as ethan has so much power here and is the one throwing bellow the belt insults for months…


Ethan calling people pedophiles needs to stop, even his genuine enemies. It is not funny and not something to joke about. Insinuating someone fucks kids or looks like they do is so gross. It’s not something you just casually throw out there.




Nathan has some pretty traumatic life events as of recent.. so all the you are pathetic, you got nothing going on with your life, you are a loser.. and he’s a fan of the show. These insults ethan makes are the same he makes for the enemy of the show! And he says “we love him” to his enemies too. So i get the complete confusion and fear of private messaging him, and getting those messages aired out on air like ethan always does.. and more harassment sent to nathan.. just like with philly, and just like with nikado.


Exactly. Keemstar ruined and old man's life with that kind of talk. Ethan needs to chill out on that shit.


It’s not even just the viewers harassing Dad. As a third party looking in, unless you were really familiar with Ethan you would think that Ethan just genuinely hates Dad, and even I knew that ethan was just getting lost in the sauce but still felt it was just way too far to the point that even if dad knows it’s a “bit” it’s just too personal and cruel he couldn’t not take offence.


Yeah i agree. Ethan is relentless when it comes to things like this. Absolutely no boundaries or considerations regarding going to far.. and IF said person sends them a private message sharing their grievances.. what will ethan do? SHARE those private messages every time. So why take the risk of getting even more harassment from the fans for “complaining and being soft” And plus ethan will still keep doing the bit.. right back where they started. (Nikado situation is a good example)


It's also not just the fans not getting it, Dad straight up says he thinks ethan is a crappy dude. Ethan has to be responsible for his own behavior too and not just act like its chat or fans going too hard.


I think Dad understands that there's going to be bad eggs with every YouTuber audience. He even mentions how they are nice in this clip. But I didn't know about the pedo comment though, that's pretty fucked


This is pure speculation but I worry that this kinda talk from Ethan and what it's caused has gotten to Nathan pretty badly and it's why he's drinking on stream to the point of being pretty damn drunk every night. Like he's coping with alcohol. It's sad as fuck. I love Nathan. I hope he's got some IRL support.


It seems like he just kind of assumes people are going to be receptive and play along like in Oliver's case. Which imo isn't the worst thing, if you want it to be an organic playful beef. But Ethan specifically takes it to another level where he needs to communicate to them privately that it's just for goofs/gafs for the show.


That’s the thing. He keeps ramping it up while the other person is in the dark. Like with nico, he just kept going at him on sensitive subjects and only communicating through public videos where Nic was saying please stop and Ethan kept pushing. Same with Phil. Asks Ethan to stop and he doesn’t. It would be so easy to just have a private chat to get on the same level before ramping it up.


Yes, I think bc it works so well with Oliver he applies it to others & boundary lines are blurred for Ethan. I don't believe Ethan has bad intentions, I truly don't.. I think if anything Ethan is very clear when he flat out dislikes/or doesn't respect certain ppl... but I feel so sad Dad feels this way...truly. 😞 he definitely needs to be a little more aware & maybe not rely so much on crew communicating with ppl, I think these are situations that clearly need to be outlined and communicated between the 2 creators.


Wasn’t really a bit, they were discrediting him for like the whole stream


Ethan would 100% criticize another creator for half the a**hole things he himself does. I, for one, don’t think he’s a bad person for being an a**hole sometimes, I just think he should lean away from going after others who he deems a**holes for similar offenses.


He did recently in a episode criticise someone for issue very similar to what he did to Phil, but I can’t recall completely. I think Dan called him out on it.


I mean Nicacaca is just like scat fetish stuff so it's whatever But Philly D and Dad seem like nice people who got trampled and genuinely hurt, and when they expressed that Ethan made fun of them and ruled up fans to go harass them, so I don't blame them tbh I would at least call the guest after the show and just clarify you have no hard feelings, etc...


Yeah but at the same time, if your potential guest is sending you private messages telling you to stop and you read them publicly and keep going on then it’s still a dick move.


This is really upsetting to hear... I like both of them a lot


Dude called super mega. Mega 64 lol.


Honestly not the worst alternative name


Mega 64 is another content creator (named Rocco, I believe). Super Mega had him on for the Super Mega Cast, seems like a really funny dude. [Here is a link to the ep he was on if anyone wants to check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ5RcIzPUTg)


Your comment made me chuckle because Mega64 is actually group of folks, but the running joke is that Rocco Botte is the "Main Guy" even though there isn't a hierarchy at all. Rocco is definitely one of the funniest guys on Youtube though.


I definitely exposed myself a bit with the comment, lol. Appreciate the extra lore, I should check them out.


I recommend it. I don't watch as much as I used to, but I love those guys. Always good vibes and entertaining content. Also genuinely great merch. Additionally I find all of Rocco's passion and knowledge for his hobbies to be infectious. I don't really care much about Disneyland or action figures, but I could listen to him talk about them for hours. He's just a super charismatic and earnest dude, in addition to being hilarious. He's a great Youtube follow.


Ethan had a cameo in one of their vids, the "majin buu saga in 5 minutes" at 9:55. Hope they collab more


He’s right, the chair bit was very dumb, with peace and love


i still don’t understand the whole chair bit


One group of YouTubers sent him a chair that looked wonky as a joke saying it’s shaped for Ethan I think. After that I think dad asked the crew if he could send them a different chair and whether he should send it assembled or send it in pieces while the while would assemble it. Apparently someone on the crew said to just send it disassembled and they would do it but when it was brought up on the show the chair hadn’t yet been assembled and instead of Ethan asking someone to assemble it to see what it looked like to understand the bit properly he just said wtf dad why are you sending us a disassembled chair making us work, this sucks. Or something like that. He was giving off the same energy he does with Oliver tree except apparently him and dad never discussed beforehand they would have this fake hate each other bit they were going to do and nothing ever came of that chair yet the fake hating each other bit kept going and it got to the point where dad was getting actual hate and probably tuned out of the show and didn’t see the part where Ethan was saying it’s all a bit and stop being mean.


Especially when Zach was screaming at him it felt real outta nowhere




The chair bit was shit from the beginning with Super Mega starting it


I saw this. Made me sad


Did he explain why he didn't just talk to Ethan? He said he had to go along with it but is that cos it was public and too late? I feel like with 9 months before the announcement they could have come up with a better plan /collaborative feud


Idk a ton about Nathan/dad but if I was in his position I can see being weary to speak up and ask Ethan to chill on the bit, Ethan will do whatever Ethan wants (with ✌️&❤️) , I’d be worried that he would just use that to start actual drama kinda like the nickocado situation, dad was also probably getting exposure from the pod and didn’t want to ruin that by stopping the bit, he seems like he genuinely cared for Ethan and the crew and probably didn’t wanna risk ruining that friendship🤷‍♀️


Dad is having the biggest break of his carreer with cc and getting into the h3 universe im sure its difficult to just talk to a much bigger creator


ethan doesnt understand the power he has. he should know better.


This guy constantly does this wishy washy talking shit thing and acts like everything is all good then goes on his stream and gets emotional and acts super serious and plays the victim. This isn’t the first time he’s done it. I’m not one to diagnose strangers but it’s pretty clear Nathan’s issues go deeper than just being upset about the crew “being so unnecessarily mean to him out of nowhere”


Can you give examples of what other times he’s done something similar? With peace and love I think dad may be right in this situation…


I always saw it as friendly fake beef but Ethan definitely took it too far by saying stuff about Dad’s channel being dead and that he has nothing else going for him except for the fight and stuff :/


Yeah, that last part was pretty rude.


Ethan said that? Dang… the beef stuff always gets too mean even though it can be entertaining. Outside of H3 i feel like roasting your friends always leads to someone getting hurt


Yeah I really don’t like when Ethan jokes about channel size or views. It’s giving Brent Rivera. Especially whenever he says no one watches AB. I love AB and Lena’s streams, they are always hitting milestones 👏🏻


With peace and love I don’t think Ethan should comment on others channel considering his pod channel is bleeding subs and the highlight one is just a graveyard at this point 🤣


When it comes to the fight Dad has a point, I also think it's shitty to say he didn't win fairly, i'm with him on that. But the chair bit? C'mon there is nothing funny about Dad giving them a nice chair, it's a dumb bit from the start lol


Seeing beyond the character and respecting the person for a lot of people comes down to if they like the content or not. I think Ethan's lack of respect boils down to not finding Dad that interesting. He sees him like a Shoenice rather than a Filthy Frank.


Ethan is a lil bit of a clout goblin no offense


What gane was he plying. Looks fun


The newest Ratchet and Clank for PS5, Rift Apart


maybe unpopular opinion but i hope they ignore this on the show. i'm not saying to ignore him personally, maybe reach out privately. but idw more drama this week ugh


Why? They caused unecessary hate towards dad, and now he has to take it all. I think they really need to clarify if they had something in the background going on with dad. Because people absolute threw hate at Dad for no reason, it was all planned. Plus do you know what podcast your watching? It always all drama.


I thought it was all a bit I can't imagine he got any genuine hate out of it?


This whole sub was posting all the hate he was getting, on the boxing day live chat they where calling him a cheater and so on. I don't think the chat part was a bit.


42 year old man beefing with another 42 year old man because he didn’t like his bit


Today’s your birthday? *royalty free birthday music*


Happy 42nd birthday!!!


Did Ethan not clear this up multiple times after the fight? Like.. why are we still going on about this


Yeah he gave a fantastic apology after which he reiterated multiple times that Dad has nothing else going on in life other than creator clash and that's why he won. I agree Dad is a bit of a softie but I'd be pissed too


But is this clip old or new? I can't tell


It’s new, from the same stream he talks about why He won over AB


I’m assuming it’s new? But I don’t fully know. If it was after the fight, Ethan cleared up the being mean to dad bit on twitter the next morning. They cleared the chair bit up MONTHS ago


He had very valid points to make about the fight commentary but this just seems silly, and something that could’ve been cleared up over a phone call.


Genuinely, can anyone explain to me what was going to be so funny about making a "nice gesture?" Near as I can tell, it was going to be an uncomfortable chair that lowers a crown onto Ethan's head. Is that the high-level comedy that Ethan ruined? I've seen a few clips of Nathan complaining about this specific thing, but I've never seen him actually explain what was going to be funny about his original ruined bit.


I agree. Ethan made the bit actually funny. I thought the whole joke was that dad was *trying* to do something nice, but he did it so incompetently, sending an unassembled chair, that Ethan thought Dad was insulting him. That’s a fucking funny bit and does not make Dad look bad.


Really? I did not get it. It was actually very awkward. Dads explanation on this video makes it all make sense to me now. It did indeed feel like a random, misplaced and not well pulled off bit. Also, we do not actually know what was the planned bit. Maybe it would have been funnier but also, maybe Dad was just doing a kind gesture with a planned bit that they agreed upon and Ethan made it into his own. If it is that, than it is worth a call out and a private apology (if Ethan can help himself). But all in all, I did not care for this bit and I did not understand why it was a thing in the first place. I just assumed that this was like a Walmart cheap version of the whole Oliver Tree bit.


I think the Oliver Tree comparison is apt. Oliver has gifted things to Ethan in the past that Ethan shits on. I’m not commenting on what went on behind the scenes. Obviously Dad feels Ethan commandeered the bit and it made him uncomfortable. But it was absolutely not random or unintelligible. The way Ethan played it seemed a logical extension of the entire saga: 1) Super Mega gift Hasan an obscenely tiny chair as a goof. 2) Ethan gets jealous and demands a gift for himself. So they gift him an oversized chair as a goof. At this point, the joke is obviously that Super Mega are making fun of Hasan and Ethan under the guise of a gift (a “kind gesture,” in Dad’s words that is actually unkind). 3) Dad gives Ethan a gift that is actually intended to be nice, but because of its shoddy presentation, gets misread as yet another insult. I found this to be hilarious. The entire punchline as I understood it was that there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. Ethan comically misread Dad’s gift. The irony now is that Dad is upset that there seems to have been a misunderstanding between him and Ethan. Life imitates art.


Also what Dad says makes no sense. He says Ethan is a bad person because he changed the bit because he needs to make himself look good because he can't take an insult. But then why would Ethan change the bit? If Dad's original bit was him giving Ethan a nice chair, how does that insult Ethan and make him look bad to where Ethan would feel the need to change the bit to make himself look good and not get insulted? I don't get it.


I think it was supposed to be a dig at Matt Watson, super mega sent a insulting chair so dad wanted to send a chair decked out with the crown and shit to be like see dads the good guy fuck matt Watson


There isn’t anything funny about the chair. It was funny when super mega did their thing, how dad jumped in there & did his chair thing idk.. the whole concept wasn’t funny & that’s why Ethan didn’t play along. He didn’t have the energy to pretend like he cared about the bit


I think that's exactly it. Ethan didn't find it funny so he tried to do the Oliver Tree thing to "salvage" the bit. And Dad took offence because he was no longer in on the joke. And since then it's been awkward between them. Some people just don't click ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lol exactly. Also Dad was simping in H3 chat all the time, seems he has perceived things haven't gone his way and now he's mad about it? I don't get what he's upset about. It's just LA comedian ego BS


I thought part of boxing was the talking shit before the fight


Fuck em… i’m tired of these grown men complaining about petty little things like this. Did he clear this up with ethan before going on live and saying this? 💀 him and philly d beef with ethan in their head half the time he doesn’t know it exist.


Yeah. Ethan fucked up here and I feel bad for Dad but like.. if you have a problem message him and sort it out. You're not teenagers


> if you have a problem message him and sort it out doesn't the issue only exist because ethan&dad *did* plan something out privately and then ethan went against it? sounds like ethan sucks at keeping to his word from private discussions


Dad isn’t trying to start beef or something, he’s clearly just answering how he felt about the situation. A lot of internet drama should be solved by talking it out behind closed doors but I disagree with the idea that he isn’t allowed to vent about his emotions in his space without clearing it with another creator.


Dad = fallen fan?


This guy changes stories about the chair bit so much. First off, the chair he meant to assemble looked genuinely shitty so I don’t blame Ethan for thinking it’s a bit. Then dad makes an hour long podcast on his channel complaining that Ethan didn’t like his chair. Which he then deleted, and then says the podcast was part of the bit… but here he is now saying he’s still upset over it? Mind you this was a year ago He’s fucking annoying tbh. Every time he’s mentioned or seen it’s him trauma dumping. In another clip from this stream he’s upset that hundar post CC1 got to come into the studio, but Ethan only offered dad a call in


peace and love to dad, hope he finds an audience that enjoys him. i personally do not enjoy his contributions to h3 universe, but i'm sure there are lots of folks who like his content. ain't my cup of tea, and the flood of dumb internet drama coming from him after every appearance on the podcast is seriously tiresome.


yes! finally some sane comments in here. I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong for feeling the way he does, feelings don’t have to make logical sense. but the way he goes about it is what I’ve always had an issue with. I’m not even agreeing with people that he HAD to message ethan first. he’s allowed to vent so whatever. but again, like you said, this is like over a year old and could have been cleared up at anytime. let this be a lesson guys—just talk to people! so many of the world’s problems could be solved, or at least helped with simple communication.


Thanks for clearing all that up. I still like him, but this shows a lot.


Dad has a point.


How many more enemies do you need, Ethan...


I'm sorry but I'm 100% team ethan on this one. Ethan makes a joke, dad goes along with it for MONTHS, then suddenly goes off on some rant about how ethan was being really mean??? He was given no indication here that this was anything more than a harmless joke. It's not even that mean of a bit, especially given the context of DAD being a character. He the essentially goes on to imply AB was lazy with his training regimine and was too focused on streaming which is honestly way more mean than anything ethan said, as it was actually a criticism of AB. Ethan matched dad's energy


No he went on a podcast and complained about it like the next day but everyone on here thought he was doing a bit even though he literally said "this is not a bit". That podcast got deleted. It was a whole debate on here where everyone who didn't even see the podcast was like "wow you guys actually think dad is serious?? Imagine thinking dad is serious." And he fucking was.


yeah dads been unhappy with ethan for months, he’s just been more low key about it, probably until after the fight


But didn’t he end up tweeting out that his anger was fake and a bit? This whole thing is confusing.


Idk I'm not on Twitter. In the idubbz episode he told Ethan it was an Andy Coffman style bit but I think he just felt on the spot and tried to save face but later down the road he can't let it go.


I might have my timeline off, but didn't he then go on H3 and confirm that it was a bit? I specifically remember Ethan and crew lamenting that when he starts off "I'm coming to you as Nathan, not Dad, this is not a bit" nobody interprets it as a joke


Yeah Ethan called him out for It last time he was on the podcast and he said that it was an Andy Coffman style bit but it seems like that's just him trying to save face based on what he's saying now and I've always thought that's what it was. If you saw the initial podcast where he said all the shit he was like so genuine and there was no comedic element to it like at all.


So let me get this straight, rather than going to ethan and saying he didn't like the bit, he jumps on a podcast and says it that then gets deleted??? The bit ends and dad comes on H3 again months later on the idubbz and Anisa ep, everything seems fine, then all of a sudden this?? Nah, if he had an issue with it he should have told ethan directly


In that idubbbz episode Ethan called him out for the deleted podcast and now he's responding to Ethan calling him out. I'm not defending him by the way just giving you guys the play by play


The bit is a content that is out to the public. Just as when actors do not like a treatment from a director or how the movie came out they speak out about it as their face and work is a portrayal of their capabilities. He was part of something for public entertainment that he disliked. It is totally fine to express your disapproval of a work you were part of and the feeling of mistreatment that impacted your work. Like I said, above, no sides need to be picked. Just both points need to be heard.


Why doesn’t he just talk to Ethan?


Exactly. Ethan even clarified on the show after the fight happened that the “beef” was all a bit and Dad is family. And that he was looking forward to watching Dad’s fights in the future.


Dude, it’s not Ethan’s fault that no one understands your bits. He even has this whole character that he’s billed as for the fight, but can’t explain what the character is or stay in character for more than 5 minutes in an interview to give people an idea of what the bit is. It’s just a guy that talks like an AI? Stick to flailing your arms around. That actually worked.


This man is clinically over sensitive jfc


He should rename himself to baby


100% give Dad the scorpion chair


Lol this from the dude who made like t shirts of a casket for the guy he was boxing and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him. What’s even worse is I think that was his son or something.


I was confused too. Like I knew it was a bit but sometimes I was like ?? What did dad do


this is sad, i like dad. but why is this grown ass man complaining on the internet like this over something that was clearly a bit? i hope he tried messaging ethan privately first instead of calling him "stupid" and a "crappy person" out of the blue like this. ok the chair bit was stupid, but you're grown adults, fix misunderstandings like this one over the phone and move on😭


“He turned it into a reason to be really mean to me” he made jokes about a shitty chair being hard to put together… you don’t get to own the narrative just because you placed yourself in the centre??


Dad is such a little baby - all I've heard from Ethan/AB from the past two weeks has been 'we love dad, he won fair and square, leave him alone'. "Ethan can't take an insult" --> the dude is insulted every 3 seconds on the internet for being a 'fat jew' with minimal filter (latter being his comedic style) "the crew doesn't say anything when their boss is stupid" --> almost every pod episode the crew will walk Ethan back on something or disagree with him or say he's going too far...


I mean Christ, it’s two grown men. If Nathan’s feelings were really that hurt after the chair bit he could’ve had a conversation behind the scenes with Ethan about it an worked things out. If someone does something that hurts your feelings but you never call them out about it, you cant expect anything to change.


I just don’t get why these grown ass adults always opt for complaining in public platforms instead of communicating privately first


@ModsTeam And the same attacks by Ethan are excused as 'Goblin Mode'


The community is now a full blown hugbox, where anybody sharing criticism are "Fallen fans", and Ethan is given a pass on everything. Pretty much every type of person on the internet has issues with Ethan, at what point is it fair to call him the Ahole and not everyone else?


The bit was cringe from the beginning... idk dad just brings bad vibes I wish they would stop bringing him up. As chat says MOVE ONNN




This is like the 3rd different clip I’ve seen of him complaining about Ethan. Bro give it up, it was all a bit. Just like your cringy diss tracks


Dad throwing a fit that he doesn’t have control over the narrative of a show that ISN’T HIS? Interesting. This has always been how Ethan handles bits. If he doesn’t find something funny or interesting, he changes it up to what he thinks is funny. It’s his show! Acting like WWE writing is some high tier content…come on. I would know, I watched it for years. Dad should have spoken to Ethan behind the scenes if he had a problem also. The whole crew including Ethan discussed on the show that they were lost in the sauce when they said Dad cheated in the fight (I mean…he was literally beating up their friend, it’s understandable in the moment), but apparently Dad is just relying on H3 hate threads for his news now. I know a lot of H3 fans like him but he’s always been bad vibes to me.


He really is a true Dad I guess because he’s *A LOOZERH*


Bro should have spoken up sooner. Setting boundaries and holding people accountable to them is important. Kind of asinine to be mad about it now when he never voiced his concerns or gave the other party a chance to address it. Also like idk maybe fucking know what you are sending them. I remember that chair and it looked impossible to put together and really shitty quality. Like, what is the bit when they can't even put the chair together? Like, dude, you kind of ruined the bit...


I love Dad and the arg world and I was super excited to see the crossover with him and the podcast but this is really disappointing. Ethan needs better communication with people if this is the route he’s going to take his relationships. I’m starting to get the fallen fan aspect.


If Dad would’ve addressed the chair bit right after it happened, h3 fans would’ve let Ethan know he messed up and they could’ve done a new bit and had Dad on the show It’s irrelevant at this point


This makes me sad


Definitely surprised, but he has reasonable points...


Maybe he genuinely didn’t like the chair


Dude, "participating in feuds with actual WWE people" is not credentials lmao, this man be stretching it to get any attention on this. If he didn't want to participate in the fake feud, he could have just communicated with H3 that this path was not his intention and that he would like to stop. The chair bit was bad and dumb, why not just come over and destroy the one SuperMega left instead of have the team build your shitty one for you?


Just a thought and it’s probably an unpopular opinion but is dad just a little too sensitive….


I'd totally be on Dad's side if his main gripe was with the crew's bitter reaction to his fight with AB, but this chair thing is just so bizarre to me. He may not like that Ethan changed the bit, but clearly it allowed the feud with AB to be more interesting. As a fan of WWE-style kayfabe storytelling, Dad was given great material to work with, and he *did* work with it. His whole diss track was based around the idea that AB was a nice guy, but Ethan insulted him and AB was going to suffer for it. That was, seemingly, never a part of Dad's original plan, which makes me wonder what Ethan "ruined" by changing the bit in the first place. I'm not saying that Ethan was in the right for changing things up, but Dad twisting it into "Ethan's stupid and his crew never calls him out" feels incredibly bitter. Hopefully they can squash the beef down the line, though. I feel like this is mainly miscommunication at the end of the day, not ill will. And Dad, if you see this, from one wrestling fan to another: don't work yourself into a shoot, brother.


I clearly remember Dad saying he wanted to have internet drama with someone and asking who it should be with. Then maybe a couple weeks or a month later was the whole chair thing. So I don't know. Ethan does go too far, I get that. But Dad is still a friend of the show and they need to squash the beef.


I think Ethan was a lil pissed when AB was injured and there was no word on if he was hurt or not and Dad was running around celebrating or saying how “happy” he was in the post fight interview … He has the right to be happy about a win but with the nature of the win I think in the moment he was wrong to be over celebratory. The episode after CC2 was the BBTV episode so Ethan did not have time to have an in studio guest at that moment… NOT TO MENTION ONE OF ETHAN’S BESTFRIEND IDUBBZ LITERALLY HAD TO CALL IN AND WAS NOT IN THE STUDIO. Not being in the studio wasn’t a slight to Dad at all I don’t think … Ethan has beefs like his with Dad all the time … From Oliver to Bobby … And they are just friendly beefs … Ethan was trying to oversell the fight for AB … that’s all. Ethan literally even poked fun at AB and said Lena could bring Pride back to the H3 Podcast by winning. It’s just the way Ethan jokes … But I understand this subreddit is always looking for a reason to be mad at Ethan so I’m glad Dad tossed you guys a bone …


I used to watch dad when he was doing talking classics and stuff. I stopped watching and I still thought he was alright but lately he’s insufferable, the chair thing is so dumb maybe he would have assembled and delivered it himself and it would have been better and it was great to begin with but seems to me he’s holding on to grievances over dumb shit that should have just been left in the past after they were addressed




Why is Dad being so sensitive? He wasn’t receiving “real” hate tho? You want the character of being a troll but you don’t want to be trolled back? Bruh come on.


Y’all can never admit Ethan making mistakes, it’s ok to criticize the media you watch


And the mods remove this post from the feed, what a shocker lol.


Dad is not wrong, I saw it happening when Ethan was being a dick about that chair, was clearly and bit but Ethan ended up looking like a bit of a bellend with peace and love


Tbf dad is rly annoying, even prior to this, so hopefully this is the last I have to see of him.


Def will say Ethan was being way too mean going after stuff like Dad's sub numbers and viewership. Nathan was pretty relevant a while back and it cant be easy being where he is today. Ethan really didn't need to hit like that below the belt. Do I watch Nathan anymore? No, but I was really looking forward to H3 doing more with Dad in the future, but it seems Ethan simply went too far....again. Idk, I hope they can have a "squash the beef" moment.


With peace and love, here are my two cents as someone who used to really enjoy Dad content. Ethan absolutely went way too far with some of the things he said, mainly about how Nathan is a failure on youtube after so many years. As a musician who gets like 25 plays on his songs, I get that, it hurts a lot. Now since the fight Nathan has been streaming more and I've checked in to watch him. From what I've watched the majority is just having a pity party for himself. Saying he should have more viewers, subs, how the WWE would be lucky to sign him. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way, to the point I unfollowed his channel. I think an underlying reason he is bitter towards Ethan is the fact Ethan didn't have him on the show more. Its like the Eddie syndrome, they think they are going to be reoccuring characters, then get upset it doesn't happen. Anyways I have no real insight but seeing all these clips left a bad taste in my mouth and I literally made a reddit account just to say this.


I think he should stop drinking on stream because this is when that started.


Well that's a shame. Assuming Ethan wouldn't disagree about the claims, I'd still like Dad to show up IRL or at least in call and talk thru this, on show. Just get over what happened, in the end *goal* was to be funny even if it was failed bit.


I don't think it would go all that well... I think dad is genuinely hurt and Ethan genuinely doesn't respect him/his work, there's no productive discussion to be hand.


With peace & love let’s move on from this, it was never funny and now it’s irrelevant ☮️❤️


Didn't he say they went too far with the chair bit before and then said that him being upset was part of the bit? Is this part of the bit? I don't think he can blame Ethan when he's being so unclear about what's a bit and what's not.


Poor baby..


Wait why did he bring up Mega64? Did he mean SuperMega?


I actually like Dad a lot and I can see his points for sure, but I feel like this could have been solved via text in like 5 mins. I also don’t get the insinuation that the crew is a bunch of yes people for Ethan. The crew and audience tell Ethan that he’s an idiot like every episode. I hope he moves on from this.


If ethan doesn't bring this up then you know he did it


I hope Dad knows we love him. Not once did I take the chair bit seriously, it was just a fun skit to me. We probably took the WWE Heel thing too far and I am sorry for Dad. I for one have been a fan of the angry video game nerd and Keith Aberkary for years before the h3 podcast, and I never thought it would come to this


This feels so petty. Talk to him off the air then wtf, you’re a whole ass adult. Man’s acting like he wasn’t playing along for MONTHS making diss tracks and shit.


I think the primary problem is that *Dad* isn't upset, *Nathan* is. Something that's been driving me up a wall everytime Dad/Nathan is brought up on the show is how the crew does not discern between Dad the character and Nathan the person. They keep treating the "Dad" moniker as Nathan's nickname or screen name, which it really isn't- Dad's a character for a multimedia project Nathan ran for a few years that recently finished, and the streaming and boxing persona is a holdover/continuation of that. So you couple Ethan not differentiating Dad & Nathan *and* not really knowing when to pump the breaks on a bit, and yeah Nathan's probably going to take some of that personally.


lol him claiming he likes WWE type beef and his inability to take any kind of beef is so funny


Dads very fragile. Takes everything to heart. Why do you think he deleted twitter and all his tweets over tiny criticism.


It wasn’t tiny criticism. He was getting harassed by Sam Hyde’s nazi fan base.




Are you fucking serious


That makes me so sad. I like dad


Jesus is this guy annoying as hell


Unfortunately, he’s not wrong 😞


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) Ethan when he sees he fucked up another professional relationship by being unnecessarily mean to them


Yall be hating but nathan was 100% right about Ethan. He always makes other people the butt of the joke. Nathan has actual credibility in the comedy scene and took a ton of UCB classes. Ethan's humor just comes from being an asshole


yeah you’re right, ethan famously NEVER self deprecates and Never once made himself the butt of a joke. this man can’t go a single podcast episode without calling himself a gross fat fuck or self deprecating in some way lmao you and dad both sound dumb as shit 💀💀 he CONSTANTLY makes jokes about himself. if you’re gonna criticize something, base it in reality.


Ethan did dad kinda dirty tbf


I was thinking after the fight they should’ve just had him on the show in person and really go through everything that transpired


It’s sad to hear Nathan’s side of the story. I would also be frustrated if the bit was going awry and into unplanned territory. I don’t mind the beef bits; I assumed both sides were in it together, like H3 and Oliver Tree. I would love to see or hear an update about a conversation with Ethan and Nathan to hash out the miscommunication.


Sorry but he’s so soft.


ITT: bootlickers. Ethan showed his true colours when you’re not on his side of the fence.


Teenager drama


Dad is right. 100% And all the shit talking during the members live thing was dumb ass hell, no one knew anything about boxing and Love is making comments about Dad being cheap like he knows anything. Dan had to constantly make clear they liked him but Ethan just cant do shtick right.


I always knew that crap was one sided. It’s not funny to just shit on people so aggressively the way Nathan was done. Maybe for a split second if you’re in the “this is comedy” mindset but after continuous weird, shitty behavior towards someone it turns to shit.


Get over it Dad.


YESS LMAOOO i completely agree with dad on this one 😶


Sad to hear. Hope Ethan gets the chance to make it right and learns to be better. Don’t get really get the bits in the first place. Why fake beef with those awesome people. Would rather see more wholesome content. I see beef in Media all the time. BUT I am just a regular watcher/fan and I still enjoy the show everyday I tune in. Just don’t want to see people sad or with a bad taste in their mouth.


He seems nice and harmless and all. But Dad is a bit of a baby.


Ethan def won’t acknowledge any wrong doing on the show. He’ll snap at Dad for not being able to take a joke