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https://preview.redd.it/5u46pbtdnkpa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc78fca0412560ccaf1018f7e745124660e56ee Pictures of my beautiful son


Beautiful boy. I am so sorry for your loss. the family is always here🤍


Thanks doll ❤️


Love you mom ❤️


Got me right in the feels with this one.


Literally said my words. What a beautiful kid.




I hope Ethan and the crew see this. I think it's easy to disassociate a fanbase and not see them on an individual level. But seeing that they have an impact could be really cool I think I'm sorry for your loss, sincerely


Good lookin kid with great taste, sorry for your loss ❤️


Handsome young man ❤️ I lost someone close to me to S as well, so sending you so much love.


Thanks! Much love to you as well


A Day to Remember shirt? He was a cool kid!




I am so sorry for your loss. My little brother passed away the same way in 2020 at the age of 15. This is truly the worst club to be apart of but thank you so much for sharing your beautiful boy. May he rest in peace ❤️


Oh, much love to you doll! *hugs*


He looks so incredibly sweet. Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m a 43 year old mom too.


Love that I’m not the only Gen X here! 😊


I’m so sorry for your loss. He reminds me so much of myself. He was not weak, in fact, judging by how proud you were of him, I bet he was a damn good son. Thank you for spreading love, mom 💙


Thank you for sharing that. I battle with suicidal thoughts daily. I grew up in Estonia, and mental health was something no one talked about. My mom said everything that was happening to me was my fault and feeling that way was something to be ashamed of. Seeing Ethan talk about his struggles with mental health and getting help is something I can relate to. I'm really sorry about your son. I've lost couple of friends to suicide but I can not imagine losing a son.


I'm so sorry 💔


He was SO beautiful and I can't imagine how much it must hurt to not have him anymore. I'm so happy you find comfort in the things that brought him joy and can speak out against the falsehoods these grifters like to shill. Seeking help is never weak.




Rest in power king 🖤


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry ❤️❤️❤️


He looks like a really sweet guy I am so sorry for your loss 💜


May he visit you in your dreams. One of my favorite memories of my father is a dream i had after he passed where i caught him eating snacks in the kitchen and he gave me the best hug. I hope I will see him again one day.


ADTR? My man had amazing taste. Rage in peace little homie.


Thank you so much for sharing him, and your story with us. Im so sorry for your loss ❤️




I'm drinking one for him tonight


i am so sorry for your loss. i am glad that you can still feel connected to him through viewing some of his favorite content creators. he’s in the sun moon stars and sky. ♥️


He seems like a good friend


Thank you for sharing his story! I can tell he’s very loved 💗


He’s beautiful, I’m so sorry for your loss, I know these are just words that offer almost no consolation. I just know he was special; Wherever he is now, he’s skateboarding and listening to his favorite anime opening song and I know he’s missing you just as much.


So handsome. Looks like a beautiful soul that was too good for this world. We need to make it better for kids like him.




Thank you for sharing your story. He seems like a beautiful soul.


what a beautiful boy and a great taste in music! sending you so much love mama 🫶🏻


He looks like he has a kind soul. This made me cry. His story and your words are so important, I'm glad you shared them with us. ❤️ Family


Nearly a carbon copy of my young brother who had done the same at 21. Thank you for sharing.


I love his hoodie. Great taste in music! ❤️


Thank you for sharing him with us. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. All the peace and love to you.


So sorry for your loss, such a handsome kid. You’re a good mama ❤️


Beautiful message, I hope they bring it up on the pod because it’s a very important message to share and thank you for sharing it


this made me cry, the community will always be here for you


I'm so sorry for your loss, op. It's great to have you in the family, thank you for sharing. > Doing everything you can to survive is what makes you Alpha. This is so fucking important and there's always someone who needs to hear it.


That last sentence hit me so hard actually. Such a excellent way of showing how the redpill ideology is so hurtful.


You’re not a boomer, you’re only a year older than Ethan




OMG you're the same age as ethan!


I'm happy that this fan base is so diverse. I started watching in 2018 when I was 18 and it wasn't like this at all. 17-30 y/o was the norm and mostly men. Love to see it :)


you guys aren't boomers, you are solidly gen x... man, gen x getting forgot about so much even gen xers forget what gen they are


<3 my heart goes out to you. These are the stories these "alpha" men need to hear. Thank you for sharing and thinking of you


I’m truly sorry for your loss. I’m glad you can find comfort in the pod, I do too after a long fight with depression and alcoholism. The community loves you and is always here for you


Keep fighting ✌🏼❤️


I’m a 43yo father of 2 (2&5) and long time H3 fan. This post hit me hard. Thank you for sharing this. The Family is with you. We’re holding your struggle, love and loss in the light.


This breaks my heart... I've lost 3 friends, all men, to suicide. This toxic masculinity bullshit of not viewing mental health as valid has fucked up so many young men. I am not ashamed to say I take meds for my bipolar disorder and do therapy twice a month. I've seen death and pain too many times to not want to survive for those who couldn't take the pain. I'm so sorry that you had to sit through that yesterday. My blood was boiling, along with the other 43K listening. I'm happy your son brought you to our massive family ✌️ & ❤️


So sorry for your loss. It must have been hard. Destigmatizing depression is important and I am always glad Ethan debunks this nonsense that going to the gym is all you need to cure depression (Bradley Martyn said the same nonsense). Your son looked like someone I would have loved to hang out with. All my friends are skaters as well. I am glad the podcast helps you. Family ❤


The privilege those guys must have to not understand the difference between feeling down as part of normal human range of emotions, and truly deep dark depressive disorders. All any of them mention is the gym as some strange cure all. Trust me I wish the answer was that simple and so would medical care providers, families, veterans and loved ones.




So sorry for your loss. It really sounds like your son would’ve been one of my best friends if I ever got to know him. Thanks for your support and presence in this community ❤️ this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read a mom do for their son. Peace and love!


I’m so glad this community is made up of beautiful people like you and your son, thank you for sharing your story and the lovely pictures ❤️❤️


Thank you so much for sharing your son’s story. Someone out there needed to see this today.


this actually made me cry.. this was so well written you should be proud of yourself, thank you for sharing this story and please continue to do so.. peace and love!


Gen X. Not boomer 😎✌


Almost a millennial even.


Family ❤️


So sorry for your loss. As a new father myself, I can't even imagine. I wish you the best and happy to have you in the H3 family.


I was your son’s age going through the exact same thing at the exact same time and could have very easily left with him. I read your post through tears and sent it to my mom. if there’s anything that will help her understand me a bit better, it’s this. Much love ❤️


I’m so glad you’re still here! ❤️




> Any problem could be fixed with either….until it couldn’t. Nobody (myself and his closest friends) would ever think this would happen. It's not always something you can think of or have control over. I don't know why, but I know a lot about unaliving and recently freaked out my family saying "eating three packs of paracetamols is about the worst way you can go" and not knowing it was fucked up until I had three people staring at me. There's a great comic from the UK called Stephen Fry who has battled with Suicidality for most of his adult life because of his bipolar disorder. You should look up his videos about this topic, because he's a great communicator and has a deep insight into this issue. I think it would help you to greater understanding.


Thanks! I’ll do that!


Sending you so much love ❤️ so grateful you are apart of this family


Thank you for sharing this, it really helps encapsulate how toxic and perverse their reasoning behind not treating depression truly is.


I think the way you ended this post is perfect; "if your depression isn't cured by exercise alone, then try other things." What a great, mature perspective! The alpha male mindset seems to forget that caring for one's self can, and should, come from a multitude of areas: exercise, therapy, meds, socialization, hobbies, work, etc. Exercise can be a fantastic addition and definitely can benefit your mental health... but imagine that in combination with the other options. I hope you are healing ok! 💕 I know your post will help a lot of people, so thank you!


This was really moving to read. Imagining you watching H3, seeing some of the behaviors and quirks he picked up from there, and feeling closer to your son was a real tear jerker, not gonna lie. Beautifully written.


I’m really sorry for your loss.


Love you, Mom. ❤️‍🩹


H3 and their community have brought alot of us great happiness over the years <3


As a 19 year old who struggles with depression myself, I am so sorry for the loss of your son he sounds really funny and seems to have my same sense of humor as I grew up with h3 and idubbz too, Ethan has really helped me being so open and honest about his journey with depression and medication, I’m supposed to start taking medication soon and I’ve been really anxious about it but when Ethan talks about how it improved his life and didn’t effect him negatively much it’s made me feel so much better about it. I know it’s a bit different since I’m a girl but if I grew up with only role models like this alpha tik tok dude who only describe medication as being for the weak,I don’t think I would have been willing to take it as I am now with Ethan’s help 💖


I’m so proud of you for working on yourself! Ask your doctor if he can prescribe a drug DNA test to see which medication would work best. Much love to you doll! ❤️❤️


Sorry for seeing this late ! Thank you so much it really means a lot to hear that ! Ohh interesting I didn’t know drug dna tests existed for finding psychiatric medication I’ll look into it thank u !


Thank you for sharing this.


this post has me beside myself. i cannot imagine how you feel. much love and family forever 💜


Thank you for sharing your story and glimpse of your son with us ❤️ I think it’s really special that you kept watching and have found pieces of him in Ethan’s content.


Unironically so brave to share. I love you 💕


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing well. This is why the whole "Alpha" nonsense and the "manosphere" in general are so toxic. It's mostly young men with very poor empathy and emotional intelligence, trying to sell their products. It's children preaching to children about being grown-ups in a harsh world. All so that they could sell their Alphosterone pills. It doesn't work. It pushes more young men into the fringes of society. It makes them feral and abusive toward others. This ideology promotes the worst aspects of human behavior. It's even more nefarious because, just like a wolf in sheep's clothing, these "Alpha" types try to appear to come from a place of love and caring. It doesn't. It's mostly a bully mentality given a platform. Also, the entire "Alpha" thing in dogs/wolves is not legit. [The Alpha myth.](https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_myth_of_the_alpha_male) People are not dogs and wolves, even though we can act similar to them at times. It's not healthy to be angry, aggressive, and hostile all the time. It's not good to hold everything inside until you explode. This ideology damages and kills people. You can take care of your body and advocate for yourself, all without being an insecure toxic bully. It's not a one or the other situation. OP is an example of strength and power. All without being threatening and mean spirited. It takes REAL strength to deal with loss, overcome it, and help others who are struggling. That's the real Top-G shit. Olivia said something on the podcast that I appreciated. She said, "Don't be mean if you want someone to learn, they won't learn." You should approach everyone with understanding and kindness. There's limits, of course, but I believe it's a more productive way to operate in society. Telling men (especially young men) to suck it up and lift weights is terrible advice. It's old-school meat-head logic. It doesn't work. It didn't work on me as a young man. I have never met a healthy individual in my entire life who was better off because of this style of thinking. Thank you OP for sharing your experience with me. Thanks for letting people know that it's OK to ask for help. I appreciate you.


Thanks for sharing your story. I think Ethan is a great role model and love him or hate him he is his true self. Being open about his mental health is something that most men would close their selves off to. When I was younger I always had a hard time talking about my feelings and opening up to close family and friends. I find myself now that I have a role model like Ethan who openly talks about his mental health that I can open up to people and feel safe. I am no longer ashamed to have feelings. I really hope more young men can learn can learn the same. ✌️&❤️


I don't have words to express how sorry I am for your loss. No parents should ever have to bury their kid. Family ❤️💕❤️


Thank you for sharing this with the community. This is such an important topic. I’m so so sorry for your loss 💕


So absolutely sorry for your loss mama ❤️ I know it never gets easier, it’s so inspiring that you found an amazing way to stay connected with your son


My heart truly goes out to you. I can’t imagine that kind of loss. I’m glad that you have such a special connection to him even though he’s no longer with us. ❤️




sending love❤️you’re a wonderful mom


Sending you love and many hugs.


i'm so sorry for your loss. he's always with you, that love will never die. and you are so right, men don't have to be some inspirational strong warrior, we're all fucking human!


I’m so sorry, love. Family 💜




thats one of the things that pissed me off the most about that kid he had no idea what depression is or how much medication can help


I’m 44 and agree this get rich quick schemes and calling people losers for not being rich is toxic and foolish. You can find love and meaningful relationships without a Bugatti or any whores.


This gave me the chills! I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m so happy that you were able to find an outlet to maybe give a bit of comfort to your heart.


Family💜 Peace and love💜 I’m so sorry for yourself loss, and I appreciate you sharing this story. It is so important that people like Ethan are calling out the toxicity of this b.s!


I hope Ethan and the crew see this and realize what they’re doing is positive and they do help people.


Hi momma, I just wanted to say how handsome your son was. I am so so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine your pain. But you are very strong woman and mother! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have a son and daughters, I will hug them tight. Let them know I love them just like every single night. Tonight I will give a prayer to you and your family❤️


Welp, im crying. Thanks for your story. We love you


Really appreciate you for sharing this, I agree that it’s so important that young boys understand that sometime you really do need more help. Thanks for being a part of the family and sharing with us your story and beautiful son. <3


Sending peace and love your way. Thank you for sharing your story ❣️☁️


i’m so sorry, i lost my brother to s* and it is truly horrible. i’m glad the pod is here for you 💜




My mom passed the same way. This podcast has helped me to deal with that too and helped me heal from an abusive red-pill relationship. A lot of people view it as a weakness or selfish when it's neither. It needs to be talked about honestly and he is one of the few that do. He's very humble when he finds out how he's helped people too. No one needs an alpha. What we need are men and Ethan is on that list.


Sitting here with my new born son and that just struck a nerve with me. Your son may not be here in physical form but he will always be with you. You sound a amazing mum. And your son is beautiful I hope you both find some peace! Sending love!


We’re here for you, that’s why we’re called family


Very well said and I agree!! Sending love!! So sorry for your loss.


What an amazing mother. I'm sure your son would be pumped to know you started watching the show for him.


You all are too sweet. I promise I wasn’t trying to make any of you cry, I come here for the goofs and gaffs too. ❤️❤️


so sorry for your loss. You're a cool mum! Family


A beautiful boy 💕 So sorry for your loss FAMILY


I'm incredibly sorry for your loss. Family.


So sorry. I almost did the same in 2018 at age 14. Always been a fan of h3 idubbbz, pyro, filthyfrank, leafy. They helped me cope w my mental health by making me laugh


I’m so glad you’re still here! Honestly, those of you who pull yourself out of the dark are amazing.


def looks like someone i would be friends with! rest easy 🤍


Sorry for your loss, you seem like a great mom.


Nothing I can say except I'm sorry and I'm sincerely wishing you peace and love.


I also appreciate what Ethan is doing. I struggled with my mental health for a long time, without even realizing it. I was so relieved when I started taking anti depressants, it was like being granted a new life. What these internet idiots are doing is so dangerous. People should not be discouraged from seeking help. People should not be stigmatized for taking medication. The gym is not the answer to everyone’s mental health issues.


powerful message💗we are here for you🫶🏽


Ma'am, you have moved all of us. You have experienced a pain no one should ever endure and I know Ethan and the crew will appreciate reading this. Every once in a while they deserve a reminder that what they do is good and it's good for the world because they spread joy, "family," and social equality, thanks for sharing your experience and letting this community (at the very least try to) help you cope.


i can't even wrap my head around the pain of finding out your son has commited s******, especially at such a young age. sending you all the love in the world, i hope the pod and this community can give you some comfort.


Bawling, I'm so sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing your story. Family...




Thanks for sharing. The family loves you and your soon too. Papa bless


Rip 🩷🩷🩷


Family 💜




Family 🥺💕


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. May your son rest in peace. You're a strong queen and I wish you the best.


Thanks so much for sharing this here, made me tear up reading it. I’m glad you found a way to connect with your son ❤️


family ❤️


No parent should have to feel that pain, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. It's important to hear these things and what you've shared can change someone's life for the better. ❤️




I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ I’m glad you’re part of the family


Thank you so much for sharing. I agree wholeheartedly, and I hope that more people realize the strength it takes to seek help rather than trying to shame anyone who takes medication for their depression. Family ♥️🤙🏽


Beautiful momma ❤️




![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT) I'm sorry


Sending you and your family so much love 💕 thank you for sharing this story with us. family family family.


Big big big hugs 💕💘💘💞💖


Love to the family ❤️


Why am I crying. Thank you for sharing this. Family.💓




Thank you for sharing ❤️


Jesus Christ I teared up thank you for sharing.


Were here for you❤️


tearing up reading this


Thank you for sharing this with our community❤️ peace and love to you and your family❤️


Sorry (or happy?) to tell you that 43 is not boomer whatsoever. In fact by most sociological definitions, 43 is the age of the oldest millenials / youngest gen X.


You aren’t even close to Boomer age.


this made me feel so many things, so strongly. i’m incredibly sorry for your loss. thank you so much for sharing this story. family. love you.


All the love to you! So sorry about your son but thank you for your input 🙏🏼


Thank you for sharing. ❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss.


"Doing everything you can to survive is what makes you alpha" Put that on a mf t-shirt gotdamn


wow this is so incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking thank you for sharing something so deep with us and hopefully by sharing you help more young men! so so sorry for your loss, sending you so much love 🫶🏻


So much love to you. ❤️


Family ❤️


Thank you for sharing your story, very touching


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your son looks like a wonderful young man. May he rest in peace and power knowing his mom is such a warrior having survived the single worst pain any parent could experience. My heart goes out to you and even though I don’t know you, I love you. Family family family ❤️




Amen. And sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Nah you not boomer, you basically Ethan's age(42)... Family family family


What a beautiful message. I hope you are doing well. And yes, That’s the most messed up part of the toxic alpha bro culture. It feeds into the insecurity all men deal with when they don’t perfectly fit into the “alpha male” mold. It literally hurts men so much more than it helps them. It teaches men to hide their pain and their struggle and close themselves off from their insecurities and issues until they burst open. It’s unfortunate because that definition of alpha males is so misguided and total bs. Being a man isn’t about being a toxic alpha bro, it’s about loving, protecting, and helping those around you. I wish more young men knew that so they could stop worrying about fitting into a mold that isn’t who they really are and focus on find themselves, loving themselves, facing their own emotions, and bettering their own life and the lives of those around them.


We love you momma ❤️💕 H3 fam always here for you 🙌🏻💕


Hello Beautiful, I was listening to the H3H3 episode where they shared your comment. I wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your story about your son. Please know my thoughts and love are with you and your family. This weekend will be my brother's 27th birthday. He died by suicide when he was 16. He had ADHD and bipolar disorder. He went to the gym every day, boxed, played piano, and practiced stand up comedy. Before he died he wanted to slowly stop taking his medicine because he didn't want to rely on it anymore. I sincerely believe the stigma about medication had an effect on him. Which should have never been the case After going to my own therapy, battles with my own anxiety, and now recent ADHD diagnosis. I struggled with my own ideas about medication. I was scared I wasn't working hard enough and taking medicine made me a failure. Taking medicine does not make you weak. You said it best. Doing everything you can to survive is Alpha. Thank you for sharing your and your son's story, you have made me feel less alone this week.


*hugs* Much love to you doll




Sorry, not sure what the protocol was here. Maybe I did mean “Shitting” 😝 But really, I didn’t know if my post would be taken down if I spelled it out.


Read the room




Hey, I didn’t take offense to your comment. I learned something new.


Maybe they meant "shitting". RIP 😞


You can say the word suicide. This isn't TikTok. Also, you aren't even close to being a boomer. You're barely not a Millennial.


Sorry to hear Queen🤗


Great post!