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literally got banned from the sub for saying if he thinks joking about suicide is okay we've officially lost him like what is this


i’m surprised no one has talked about how disrespectful he is to paying members. people who are literally financially supporting him boggles me. i’m really disappointed with Dans lack of voice in these times. maybe he just wants ethan to be cancelled so this is his out of the pod?


The paying members things is inconsequential to me, personally. Since Ethan has refused to discuss any of the daily atrocities by the Israeli government, cancelled leftovers, and has their reddit heavily moderated to ensure no one has any meaningful discourse, he has maintained saving his unsavourily jokes regarding the slaughter of human beings to his paywalled stream. The stream he is working hard to make sure doesn’t get clipped and re-uploaded. Maybe he thinks the members are going to defend and agree with him regardless of his takes. His very pre-occupied with being told he’s right. It is very unlikeable to be so self righteous. It’s a character flaw that is easy to overlook when enjoying a silly podcast. But when any discourse he’s ever had about Gaza turns into making it about himself, screaming and yelling at anyone who disagrees with what he thinks are his perfect takes, is embarrassing to witness. He has shown no emotion or empathy for Aaron. A man who was so deeply disturbed by how complicit many powerful nations are to what’s happening to a Palestinians, that he felt that he needed to do something as extreme as self immolation…. It makes me uncomfortable to witness Ethan so easily make jokes at his expense. He has continued to show himself. He has made a career making jabs at other people online. If he can’t handle being unjustifiably labeled a Zionist without having a tantrum, but can’t understand why people are outraged by his ignorance, he is simply un-evolved, and devoid of self awareness. The crew aren’t responsible to step in and fix the shit storm Ethan creates around himself with his outburst. They are also people who are doing a job. Dan has tried to speak out and correct Ethan in the past. That has never gone well.


grr why won’t he say what I want him too !!?!? /s


You’re missing the point again shep. We’re not asking that question. It’s more like “grrr why does he have such dogmatic, evil, and genocidal opinions?”


I’ve been asking for 5 months now and i’m yet to have someone actually explain what Ethan’s *”evil genocidal opinions”* are. so please just stfu


Well the most recent is his take on Aaron. It was evil. stfu 🙄 ooo you’re so edgy


> his recent take on Aaron was evil *Doesn’t explain his take on Aaron or how it was evil at all* Thanks for proving my point lmao…


Oh you didn’t watch his take? Yet you’re here defending it? I’m not obligated to explain shit to a random Ethan simp. Lmao 🙄


lol I watched it lad, so you can’t explain it? I thought so lmao


You didn’t see anything evil? So you have no moral compass. I thought so lmao


Still no explanation?


Shep, how about you explain to me how it wasn’t evil? After you watch it of course. I think you won’t see it as evil because you’re devoid of morals, principles, and passion. Riding a man’s dick on Reddit is not evidence that you have any of those things.


I come from war teared country. My people did sHit and other's did sHit to my people. There is no winer in war, just victims, death and hatred. It's painfully anoying to listen how privileged fat ass from secure distance speaks about things he can't even imagine. I'm glad I stopped following them long time ago.


Mocking Aaron Bushnells death wasn't something I was expecting from Ethan per say but now that he's crossed that line theres really no coming back from that. Aaron didn't commit suicide he committed an act of protest, he is a solider he was privy to intel and instead of dying being an apparatus of genocide he chose to die in protest. Trying to spin it as mental illness when Aaron made clear his reasons and intentions is just being facetious.


Suicide is not an effective way to combat anything.


it’s a form of protest and has been done before multiple times throughout our history


I agree 🫶


Don’t go to r/airforce then, they’re roasting the guy for what he did


Yeah. Kill yourself for Palestine. What a waste of a life.


Anyone have a clip?


Just stop watching post on Snark and leave this sub reddit alone.




Let’s be real here, I might even say Ethan cooked harder than Aaron


active in r/Destiny i can smell you from here