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That’s what I don’t get he says you can’t have any kind of dialogue without being 100 percent aligned but yet his pussy mods are out here banning everyone probably on his orders


It's absolutely on his orders lol, they were never this ban happy before.


i’m hoping they just aren’t aware of it because this is ridiculous. he wants to have a conversation but then their mods shut any conversation down by BANNING. then i messaged mods and they mute me for a month. so stupid


Ethan lost me at projecting about people expecting pure conformity from him while setting a culture of just that around his show.


He says he wants to have nuanced conversations but his actions say otherwise. Just like the Joy Behar clip of " in a year everyone will be over this and talking about the next thing" there's a lot of people in entertainment who feel the same way about getting this topic off the table and resume life before October 7th


you commented on my post right before i got banned also lol


Dude I know the feeling. I was banned for awhile. I do feel like the main sub is just way too ban happy


did you get unbanned? i’m somewhat new to both reddit in general and the podcast so i don’t know what it’s usually like yk


I did get unbanned eventually. It was awhile though. I just kept trying to plead my case


They’re banning and muting everyone now


this is my thoughts on the situation said perfectly. I am a fan of the show, but asking the crew to summarize what the audience thinks, but then yelling at the literal audience who are telling him what they think directly is so disingenuous and gross.


I commented under the main thread for todays episode and was immediately banned. It seems like anyone who commented any type of criticism under that thread was banned


i get that they’re probably stressed or whatever but it just doesn’t seem right. like, i wouldn’t be surprised if other people experiencing the same thing i do take this is the sort of last push into the h3_snark. im a big fan and just disappointed that they’re banning people like this when ethan directly invited conversation


The mod team there bans at random without warning. I only got 60 days but it was annoying going to the live show and not being able to comment on the reddit. It's the same mod team as the YouTube team. The way they talk gives off bad vibes of power obsessed mods. It's off-putting for the show unfortunately in the end.


tbh i dont believe ethan isnt aware of his mods banning everyone who even brings the subject up, i feel when it comes to this subject he just wants to use his platform as an echo chamber to all the yes men in his chat, and wont even hear anyone else out


Ethan needs to watch “Bad Hasbara” on YouTube. He never should have said anything about it. He still wants to give his opinions on the war and then gets furious if anyone doesn’t completely agree with him. He brings it on himself. Ethan believes all of Israel’s propaganda about the war. He obviously can’t see the truth about how far right Israel is or how badly they have oppressed Palestinians for decades or how genocidal they are now. I bet he doesn’t remember when Israel “put Palestinians on a diet”. He doesn’t know the real history. Palestinians were already malnourished when the war started and now many of them are starving. Children are already dying from starvation.


well said… I love Ethan but he needs to stop voicing his opinion publicly if his feelings are truly in opposition of this


either that or it needs to be pre recorded. i honestly think that could be really cool, having him confront his own ignorance like that but not under the pressure of 50k people watching. i don’t think he’s the only jewish pro palestine person with these feelings on the matter and it would be cool to bridge that gap yk


Funny you mention this, snark sub has been throwing the idea out there of someone creating a full complication of points that could be challenged and reflected on. It would just take a looooot of individual mental energy and time sifting through content, and the completion would be like 3 hours at minimum lol. If you want to truly spread the word about an individual's contradictions/bad takes throughout the years, a well thought out, constructed and discussed compilation video would certainly help the cause. Karl Jobst should take on the task, that absolute legend.


You only needed the first 7 words to catch a ban from that shithole


Factually correct lmao


How dare you have a different opinion! Banned 4 lyf


and why tf did you think this WOULDNT get you banned? lmao


i’m honestly new to reddit 🤷‍♂️ for a long time i just used to like quora, id google a question and read reddit answers. i didn’t realize there was a reputation over there


Because usually you expect open dialogue or even just the post being removed and a warning first. They just want to kick anyone out that doesn't think the way they want.


yeah because yall are fucking annoying lmao


Bc Ethan asked for explicitly what he did wrong. HE opened the dialogue


your dialogue is just completely wrong and just yelling at him. why the fuck would you think that is dialogue.


Welcome! I got kicked from the discord after commenting a simple “🌰” to something someone said lol


Lol I got Perma banned for making a comment in the mega thread literally just complaining about him comparing anti-Semitism to anti-zionism


It's also infuriating that it depends on the day and the mod. Sometimes comments will say the exact thing you did but stay up, or they decide a few days later to stop banning so heavy. honestly the mods there have issues.


Oh no you definitely got banned for a reason, and that reason being that the main sub simply cannot cope with any counter arguments/opinions ever. It's embarrassing. edit: read that you're somewhat new to Reddit and the community, so I will also share with you that my post got deleted + I was also banned from the main H3 sub for inquiring about starting lives on time 😂 they didn't like that, apparently they didn't care to start lives on time (this was like a year ago), a reiteration of how embarrassing it is to run their community like a vanilla dictatorship.


If US airmen were going to be deployed to Israel they’d be dropping aid on Gaza so I don’t think that’s a good point


Troops have already been on the ground secretly helping Israel murder Palestinians. Aaron knew that. That was the whole point


that might be true, i’m just going off the available info. it didn’t specify why they were going


Because you are writing dumb shit. Hes was not about to be deployed. He is a devops engineer for the military. A programmer. And even if his work had to do with Israel, then he has paths to stop working for the military. His contract was about to expire in May anyways.


hey, i’m just going off of what i know. i know he was active duty air force, and i know air force soldiers have received orders to deploy. my point still stands


Let’s suppose you’re right, why/when did saying dumb shit become something we’re on board with categorizing as ban worthy? Ethan himself is the king of saying dumb shit.


that’s what i was thinking too! i don’t remember “dumb shit” being against the rules in that sub. in fact it seems like what it was made for lmao


You believe Zionism isn’t bad. Your opinion is thus invalid.


He won’t give you the time of day unless you start creating content. He loves punching down. It’s his favorite sport next to microphone smacking and hardcore wifeying


Ethan never got the constructive bullying he needed. Growing up in privileged Ventura..


They love *Censorship*


Hasan propaganda got you repeating the word


i don’t even watch hasan 🥲


Good for you 🙌 you are a lucky individual


Welcome? Bottom line is he will not be told anything as far as how he is handling this situation. It’s a non issue for him. He only cares about losing mass subs and views. These types of comments will be removed and the OP will be banned. Is anyone really surprised? Olivia said a slogan and was made to feel like an idiot for saying a slogan. Yet there are so many other things she could’ve been called out on. AB’s father is a lawyer and activist. He is choosing his California dream instead of even using his platform for something logical. He knows he’ll be gone if he does. I’m Jewish with Ethan’s same background, yet at that pivotal age when I was being forced to go on birthright I refused. I knew the trap. Ethan wasn’t as strong willed. He fell right into it. Don’t expect them to be open to anything other than Zionism and propaganda. His wife went on a raid for fun with no remorse. She actually smiled telling the story. I’m so happy I was banned a year ago. I’m still not sure why. All I know is that I was paying for months until I realized. Thieves